Приложение 3. Образец выполнения пересказа.


The text I’m going to comment on is a fragment from the book Deborah Swiss and Judith Walker “Women and the Work”. I know little about the authors but I would suppose that they are interested in psychology because they try to solve some psychological problems which women face in their lives.

So the subject matter of the book is to describe women’s problems and to find workable solutions to the balancing act between career, marriage and children.

The information sums up many burning problems concerning career and children, part-time careers, full-time parents and so on. On the one hand this book is mainly devoted to mothers. But on the other hand it will be also important for husbands and employers.

So let me tell you some words about the plot of the information. First of all the author underlines that all the material described in the book is based on the analysis of 902 surveys and 52 personal interviews. Then the authors point out that nowadays many women have to choose between a profession and a family.

The authors mention that there exists such a paradox: the term working father is not even in our vocabulary, because society usually does not demand fathers to be both good parents and professionals. As for the term working mother it seems clear to everyone.

The next chapters are devoted to separate women and their life choices. In chapter one, we learn about Laura Tosi and her ability to combine career and family successfully. Today she is one of a few female orthopedic surgeons in the country and a mother of two children. But not all examples are so optimistic. Sometimes women are penalized for their choice to have children. It is a myth that it is possible to have everything and at once. Sometimes it is necessary to sacrifice something otherwise you will get nothing.

In conclusion the authors give some advice for women who want to coincide their careers and families.

In my conclusion it is necessary to say that the problems discussed in the book are very up-to-date. I think that in our country women have the same problems with families and careers as in the United States. I think that this book will be interesting first of all for women. While reading they will be able to learn how to make individual decisions, how not to become angry and frustrated while coming along different problems. This book may also help them understand that they are not alone, that it is possible to go public with their personal dilemma. I believe that psychologist would also find it interesting because some strategies proposed in the book can be rather useful in their work. What is more this book may also be helpful for student who study psychology as it can teach them how to conduct a survey and what questions to include in it.

As for me I am glad that I read at least one chapter of this book, because I think it may help me in my future work.

Приложение 4. Образец выполнения грамматического задания.

Modal Verbs

1. You must develop your language skills if you want to become a god interpreter. Если ты хочешь стать хорошим переводчиком, ты должен развивать свои языковые умения.
2. The dean is to cope with a great deal of administrative work. Декан должен справляться с большим количеством административной работы.
3. You should hire high qualified personal if you want your company to develop. Если ты хочешь, чтобы твоя компания развивалась, тебе следует нанять хорошо квалифицированный персонал.
4. You cannot have solved this puzzle yourself. Не может быть, чтобы ты решил эту задачу самостоятельно.
5. He would regret he had not accepted their proposal. Он, бывало, сожалел, что не принял их предложение.
6. You ought to include this topic in your report. Тебе следует включить эту тему в свой доклад.
7. You needn’t make a secret of this information, it’s available to everyone. Тебе не нужно делать секрета из этой информации, она доступна всем.
8. He may not have graduated from the University, he is so stupid. Он не мог окончить университет, он такой глупый.
9. We’ll have to increase the number of problems under consideration. Нам придется увеличить число рассматриваемых проблем.
10. How dare you appear here again? Как ты посмел здесь снова появиться?

Приложение 4. Образец выполнения грамматического задания.


1. If he had not supported us we would have failed. Если бы он нас не поддержал, мы бы провали дело.
2. If I were you I would demand salary increase. На вашем месте, я бы требовал повышения зарплаты.
3. If he had really suffered he wouldn’t have spent so much money. Если бы он действительно страдал, он бы не тратил столько денег.
4. If my expectations come true, we will be able to go to Spain this summer. Если мои ожидания оправдаются, мы сможем поехать в Италию этим летом.
5. If there were a breadwinner in their family the children wouldn’t have to work. Если бы в их семье был кормилец, детям не пришлось бы работать.
6. Had there not been serious obstacles he would have fulfilled the task. Не будь серьезных преград, он бы выполнил задачу.
7. If he had more free time his research would evolve into a book. Если бы у него было больше свободного времени, его исследование переросло бы в книгу.
8. If the employer had paid more money the workers would not have gone on a strike. Если бы работодатель платил больше денег, рабочие не вышли бы на забастовку.
9. Were there no gap between generations parents and children would understand each other better. Не будь разрыва между поколениями, родители и дети понимали бы друг друга лучше.
10. If her children didn’t help her she would not manage the household. Если бы дети не помогали ей, она бы не смогла управлять домашним хозяйством.


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