IV. Infinitive and Infinitive Constructions

a) Infinitive: predicate, adverbial modifier, attribute

The purpose of Thomson's experiments at that time was to investigate the nature of the then recently discovered cathode rays. (Predicate)   Цель экспериментов Томсона в то время заключалась в исследовании природы недавно открытых катодных лучей.   To reproduce the image of the object, the hologram is illuminated by coherent light, ideally the original reference beam. (Adverbial modifier)   Чтобы воспроизвести изображение объекта, голограмма освещается когерентным светом, в идеальном случае исходным опорным пучком. The surface to be imaged is illuminated by an argon laser beam in dark-field condition. (Attribute) Поверхность, изображение которой надо получить, освещается аргоновым лазерным лучом в условиях темного поля.


1. The technique used by supernova hunters is to repeatedly observe the patch of sky containing thousands of galaxies and then compare the images.

2. Sometimes the choice of variables to plot is not straightforward.

3. To make a measurement, we need to define the units to be used.

4. In order to rationalize the units being used worldwide, the international system of units (the SI system) was developed.

5. String theory was first proposed in the 1970s as an attempt to unify all the forces of nature into one coherent framework and, in particular, to bring the force of gravity into the domain of quantum physics.

6. The data need to be recorded accurately, precisely and in a way that is not ambiguous.

7. To narrow the range of theoretical possibilities, the Hubble space Telescope is continuing to gather supernova data that could pin down the details of the transition phase.

8. To get the right statistical results, Plank had to act as though the energy involved were divided up into elements ε=hf.

9. Ice thick enough to survive the melt season, termed multiyear ice, adds to the ice cover.

10. To calculate time needed for fabrication of a specific structure one can use a simple estimation.

11. The tsunami struck Hawaii about 7 hours after the earthquake—and the coast of California 3 hours later still—with enough force to damage harbors, marinas, and coastal resorts.

12. The photosphere is the outermost region dense enough to be opaque and thereby resembles a surface.

13. By convention, it is usual to plot the independent variable on the x-axis and the dependent variable on the y-axis.

14. You can then choose subsequent readings to cover the available range evenly between these two limits.

15. Our current theory of star formation is not a bad one, but its gaps leave us unable to explain many of the most important aspects of today’s universe.

16. The optically trapped probe and specimen to be scanned are viewed with the same objective used to produce the trap and with a CCD camera.

17. The ability to produce intense, coherent electromagnetic waves at nearly a single frequency has made possible much of modern communication.

18. Heike Kamerling Onnes was the first to liquefy helium in 1904 using the Linde process.


b) Infinitive Construction: for-phrase

  It may require months for a replacement satellite to be launched. Могут потребоваться месяцы для запуска замещающего спутника.     For the experiment to be a fair test, it needs to be designed so that we can vary only one variable at a time. Чтобы эксперимент оказался надежным, его необходимо организовать так, чтобы каждый раз можно было изменять только одну переменную.

1. For a radar satellite to attain the same spatial resolution as an optical one from the same altitude the aperture must be increased by a like factor.

2. The laser fields can be so intense as to make the accelerating field large enough for general relativistic effects to be examined in the laboratory.

3. Once the data have been recorded, the resulting information usually has to be processed in order for any conclusions to be drawn.

4. Spreadsheets on computers allow for a large number of calculations to be performed in a very short time.

5. There is a thermodynamic tendency for solutions separated by a semipermeable membrane to become equal in concentration, the water (or other-solvent) flowing from the weaker to the stronger solution.

6. The data you collect must be relevant to the problem, and sufficient for you to establish reliable conclusions.

7. For the star association to dissolve, it is essential cloud be relatively massive, so that the stars inside it are moving rapidly.

8. For the specimen to be scanned, the trapped probe is first brought close to the specimen while the back-scattered light level is monitored.

9. For this to occur high intensities are required, which can only be provided by a tightly focused laser beam.



c) Infinitive Construction: complex subject

In these experiments neutrinos are found to disappear.   В этих экспериментах обнаруживается, что нейтрино исчезает.   These elements are presumed to have been present in some relative abundances in the planet before core separation.   Предполагается, что эти элементы находились в веществе, из которого состояла планета, в относительно больших количествах еще до образования ядра.

1. The sources of X-ray bursts were known to be remarkable objects even before the bursts were discovered.

2. As the universe cools after the big bang there is thought to be a sequence of transitions to broken symmetry states

3. The neutrino was found to have an intimate connection with the electron and muon, and indeed never appeared without the simultaneous appearance of one or other of these particles.

4. Neutrinos have zero charge and were originally thought to have zero mass, but there has been some indirect evidence to the contrary.

5. One such collision with a smaller planetary embryo at the end of Earth’s accretion is thought to have created the Moon.

6. The energy needed in order to see the unification of particles and forces in this dramatic form is estimated to be about 10-15 GeV.

7. The stars of the globular clusters are known on independent grounds to be among the oldest in the galaxy.

8. In the near future, 3D displays are expected to influence a wide range of applications, such as medical imaging, education and virtual exhibitions.

9. Electrons were shown to obey a new type of statistical law, Fermi-Dirac statistics.

10. The principles of quantum physics were developed in the first few decades of the twentieth century after Newtonian theory was found to be inadequate for the description of nature on the atomic – or subatomic – level.



Nature seems (appears/ turns out) to take advantage of every possible way to make a star.   Кажется, что природа использует любую возможность создать звезду. Природа, по-видимому, использует любую возможность для создания звезды


1. The range of the electromagnetic force seems to be infinite, and so the rest mass of the photon is thought to be exactly zero.

2. However, beta decays posed a problem because they appeared not to conserve energy and momentum.

3. This additional information turns out to be sufficient, and, thus, the problem is solved.

4. Unfortunately, this work does not appear to have been appreciated at that time, and the final step of pulse retrieval from these sonograms was not taken.

5. This description introduced another serious problem: the exchange of the photon seems to violate the laws of nature that require energy and momentum to be conserved.

6. Our universe and its laws appear to have a design that both is tailor-made to support us and, if we are to exist, leaves little room for alteration.

7. This description introduced another serious problem: the exchange of the photon seems to violate the laws of nature that require energy and momentum to be conserved.

8. Three years later, Fermi included Pauli’s particle in a comprehensive theory of beta decay, which seemed to explain many experimentally observed results.

9. If energy appears to be lost (or gained) in any particular situation, then rather than abandon the law of conservation of energy we need to try and identify a different form of energy.



d) Infinitive Construction: complex object

This enables radio transmissions to be made round the curved surface of the earth as the ionized gas acts as a reflector for certain wavelengths.   Это позволяет осуществлять передачу радио сигнала вдоль искривленной поверхности земли, так как ионизированный газ отражает определенные длины волн.

1. These transverse coordinates were measured in neighbouring plane, enabling the three-dimensional spatial configuration to be deduced.

2. A second lens is used to recollimate the beam and allow transverse cross sections of the beam to be imagined.

3. The concentrated magnetic fields suppress the near-surface convection and cause the surface to be relatively cool and therefore dark.

4. The magnetic field causes temperatures in the solar atmosphere to rise to millions of degrees to form the x-ray-emitting corona.

5. The uncertainty principle does not invalidate the conservation laws of energy and momentum, but it allows a violation of the laws to go unnoticed if it is rectified quickly enough.

6. Because gravity shapes space and time, it allows space-time to be locally stable but globally unstable.



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