1. Abdominal pain is the pain in the abdominal cavity. As well as the tummy pain, one might also have rambling and gurgling noises, belching, wind nausea or vomiting.

2. Chickenpox is a very contagious disease. It causes small itchy blisters on your skin. If there are no complication, chickenpox usually clear up within 3 – 7 days for adults, and 5–10 days for children.

3. Measles, or rubeola, is a viral infection of the respiratory system. Measles is a very contagious disease that can spread through contact with infection mucus and saliva.

4. A rash is an area of irritated or swollen skin. Many rashes are itchy, red painful, and irritated. Some rashes can also lead to blisters or patches of raw skin.

5. Rubella, also known as German measles or three–day measles, is infection caused by rubella virus.

6. A boil starts as a red lump or pimple with red skin around it.A boil can have white or yellow pus in the center. A boil usually starts around a hair follicle.

7. Gastroesophageal reflux disease or reflux is a chronic symptom of mucosal damage caused by stomach acid coming up from the stomach into the esophagus. GERD is usually caused by changes in the barrier between the stomach and theesophagus.

8. An allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Symptoms include red eyes, itchiness, and runny nose, eczema, hives, or an asthma attack.

9. Arthritis is a form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. There are over 100 different forms of arthritis. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis, a result of trauma to the joint, infection of the joint, or age.

10. Acute bronchitis, also known as a chest cold, is short term inflammation of the bronchi of the lungs. The most common symptom is a cough. Other symptoms include coughing up mucus, wheezing, shortness of breath, fever, and chest discomfort.



My first visit to Moscow was short – three days, just enough time to undergo all kinds of inoculations: for smallpox, plague, cholera, typhoid fever. At the Red Cross clinic l joined medical colleagues from all over Europe. Dr. Rosoff, the Russian chief doctor, reported the situation to us at the first meeting. Outbreaks of typhoid, plague and cholera having before, there were always some individuals who remained carriers and transferred diseases from person to person. This epidemic was only the famine fever although the symptoms were slightly atypical. The sanitary conditions were the real cause of epidemics.

We had already had a look at the daily procession of the sick into the city's only hospital. They came from settlements along the lower Volga from the Asiatic steppes across the river from the Caucasian mountains. Young, old, singly and in whole families, often whole communities, they came there to die, even eager to die. They had no hope and little faith in doctors and medicine.

But we were a team of 28 physicians, who had left our own homes and came here to help, and we had the backing of the Commissariat of Health. We plunged at once into a work. Our first task was to set up an organization and order. Dr.Garron from Brussels was voted chief of bacteriology. We did not lose a second but hurried to one of the barracks and brought back specimens. After one look into his microscope, he returned to the meeting, his hands waving in excitement.

"There is no doubt – it's plague!"

A shudder ran through the assembled volunteers. Our minds raced back to student days when we had learnt about the Pasteurella pestis. There were the bubonic and pneumonic types, and often both were present in the same individual. Some unconsciously touched the slightly raised scab on their thighs where the vaccination had been administered only a few days before promising protection.

We organized our forces for ward work, a dietary department, isolation barracks, serology, pathology. Wires flew to Pasteur Institute in Paris. Dr. Straussen organized a production of our own serum in cooperation with Dr. Garron. A new spirit of hope entered the clinic. The first portion of serum administered, the death toll began to fall.

From Woman Surgeon by Elsie La Roe


1. Чтобы пройти все виды прививок – to undergo all kinds of inoculations

2. Оспа – smallpox

3. Коллеги–медики – medical colleagues

4. Переносчик болезни – carriers

5. Переносили болезнь – transferred diseases

6. Голодная лихорадка – famine fever

7. Причина эпидемии – cause of epidemics

8. Дрожь – shudder

9. Бубонный и легочный тип чумы – bubonic and pneumonic types

10. Вспышки брюшного тифа – outbreaks of typhoid

11. Хотя симптомы были слегка атипичными – although the symptoms were slightly atypical

12. Санитарные условия – sanitary conditions

13. Мало веры в медицину и врачей – little faith in doctors and medicine

14. Слегка приподнятая корочка – slightly raised scab

15. Бедро – thigh, hip

16. Изолятор – isolation barracks

17. Первая порция сыворотки введена – the first portion of serum is administered

18. Эпидемия чумы и холеры – outbreaks of plague and cholera

19. Красный Крест – Red Cross

20. Похудел на два килограмма – lost 6 pounds

21. Были истинной причины эпидемии – were the real cause of epidemics

22. Его избрали главным бактериологом – chief bacteriologist

23. Уровень смертности начал падать – the death toll began to fall

24. Присоединилась к коллегам–врачам – joined medical colleagues

25. Назначать (лекарство) – administer (medicine)

26. Кровоточить/кровотечение – bleed/bleeding

27. Условия, состояние – conditions

28. Посев, культура – culture

29. Происходить, случаться, наблюдаться – occur

30. Патология – pathology

31. Защищать – protect

32. Повторяться (рецидивировать)/рецидив – recur/recurrence

33. Сыпной тиф, сыпняк – typhus

34. Вакцинация, вакцина – vaccination (inoculations), vaccine

35. Мертвый, мертвые – a dead, the dead

36. Смерть/смертность – death/death rate; death toll; mortality

37. Сыворотка/противостолбнячная сыворотка – serum/anti–tetanus serum

38. Брюшной тиф – typhoid, typhoid fever, enteric fever

39. Подвергаться (лечению, операции) – undergo treatment, to undergo an operation


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