Further/Higher Education

Note: Further education (FE)/ Adult education/continuing education - courses of study or training that some people do after they have left school when they do not go to university and are trained for a particular job usually by means of classes that are held in the evening. Higher education (HE) - education at a university or college where subjects are studied in great detail and at advanced level.

Ex.14 Here’s a list of different educational establishments. Find out if they refer to further education or to higher education.

1. Moscow State University

2. The Harvard School of Public Health

3. Boston University

4. The Faculty of Arts

5. The London College of Fashion

6. Oxford University

7. Trinity College

8. Moscow Peoples’ Friendship University

9. An Evening Drama Course

10. The University of Princeton

11. A Teacher Training Course

12. Eton

13. The London School of Economics (- one of the colleges of London University, which is famous for teaching politics and economics)

14. Evening Classes of Design

15. The Californian Institute of Technology

16. The School of Medicine

17. The Faculty of Engineering

18. The School of Humanities

19. An Evening Secretarial Course

20. A local training college (provides training for young people in a variety of professions).


Note: In British English we say the University of Moscow but Moscow University; Schools or faculties often is a group of related departments in a University.

Ex.15 Complete the text with articles if necessary.

Oxford is situated in 1)_ ___south of 2) ___England, about fifty miles north-west of 3) ___London. The oldest university in 4) ___United Kingdom is situated in 5) ___Oxford on 6) ___Thames. It was founded in 7)____ thirteenth century. 8)____ oldest university in Europe is 9)____ University of Bologna in Italy, founded in 10)___ eleventh century. 11)____ second oldest is 12)____ University of Salamanca in 13)___ Spain, founded in 1218, 14)____ third oldest in 15)_____ world is 16)____ Oxford University. Trinity College, 17) ___ college of 18)____ University of Dublin, was founded by 19) ____ Queen Elizabeth I in 1562. It is 20)_____ oldest university in Ireland and one of 21)____ oldest universities of 22)_____ Western Europe.

Ex.16 Choose an appropriate part of speech. Open the brackets.


Universities and colleges

Most big towns in Britain have both a university and a college of higher 1)________________ (to educate). There are 91 universities in Britain and 47 colleges of higher education. Universities offer three - and four-year degree courses; colleges of higher education offer both two - year HND (Higher National Diploma) courses, as well as degree courses.

A degree is the 2)____________________ (to qualify) you get from university when you pass your final exams. You are then awarded a BA (Bachelor of Arts), BSc (Bachelor of Science) or BEd (Bachelor of Education).

Undergraduates, students who are studying for degrees, go to large formal lectures, but most of the work takes place in tutorials: lessons in groups of ten or more when the students 3) ___________________ (discussion) their work with the lecturer.


Getting into University


Only 25 per cent of the student population goes on to higher education. 4) _____________________ (to compete) to get into one of Britain's universities is fierce and not everyone who gets A levels can go. Students usually need three A levels to go to university and grades at A level go from A, the highest grade, to E.

Students 5)____________________ (application) to universities months before they take their А-levels. The students are given a personal interview and the universities then 6) _________________________(decision) which students they want. They offer them a place which depends on А-level results. The more popular the university the higher the grades it will ask for.

Living at university


Most British students 7) ________________ (choice) to go to university a long way from their home town: university is seen as a time to be 8) __________________ (independence), to live away from home and develop new interests.

British 9) __________________ (to study) do not have to pay to go to university but do need money to live away from home while they are studying. Some students whose parents do not 10) _____________ (earning) a lot of money are given a grant (money) from the 11) ________________ (to locate) education authority. If students do not get a grant, parents are expected to pay for their children. Some students borrow money from the bank which must be 12) ________________ (payment) back after they leave university. In theory, the grant pays for rent, food, books, transport and socializing. In fact, the grant is not a lot of money. Students used to work during the holidays to earn more money, but it is now 13)__________________ (difficulty) to find such jobs. The 14) _________________ (to result) is that more students are dropping out, failing to finish their courses.




Not all students study full-time at university or college. Many people 15) ___________________ (combination) their studies with work. Some companies release their staff for 16) ________________ (to train) one or two days a week or for two months a year. Large companies often have their own in-house training schemes.

The British 17) ____________________ (to govern) is very enthusiastic about such training schemes, in particular because so few people go to university.

If you are unemployed, there are two forms of training schemes: 18) __________________ (to employ) training for people who have been out of work for a long time and Youth Training Schemes for school 19) _________________ (to leave) who cannot find a job.


Some schools give pupils tests every week or month to see if they are making progress. The school-leaving 20) __________________ (to examine) are held in May/June. In some schools/colleges and universities instead of tests and exams there is a continuous assessment with marks, e.g. 65%. Or grade e.g. A. B +. for essays and projects during the term. If you pass your university exam, you graduate (= get a degree), then you’re a graduate.


Ex.17 Translate from Russian into English.

1. Университеты предлагают трех и четырехгодичные курсы.

2. По окончании вам присваивают звание бакалавра искусств, гуманитарных наук.

3. Студент старшего курса университета или колледжа

4. Практические занятия с руководителем проводятся еженедельно.

5. Конкурс очень высокий.

6. Это зависит от результатов выпускных экзаменов.

7. Многим студентам не удается закончить университетский курс, они бросают учебу.

8. Не все студенты могут себе позволить учиться на дневном отделении, многие вынуждены сочетать работу с учебой.

9. Во время семестра необходимо усердно трудиться

10. Если вы успешно сдаете выпускной экзамен, вы получаете диплом

11. Многим выпускникам университетов не удается найти работу.

12. Они подали документы в МГУ.

13. Поступление зависит от результатов экзамена.

14. Некоторые студенты получают денежную субсидию от местных властных образовательных структур.

15. Некоторые берут ссуду на учебу в банке.

16. Когда-то студенты подрабатывали, чтобы заработать на жизнь, но сейчас трудно найти подходящую работу.

17. Далеко не все студенты учатся на дневном отделении, многие вынуждены сочетать работу с учебой.

18. Немногие могут учиться в университете.

19. Школьные выпускные экзамены проводятся в мае или июне.

20. Немногие выпускники школ становятся абитуриентами.

21. Выпускникам все сложнее найти работу.

22. Два старейших уважаемых университета

23. Обычные, простые учебные заведения

24. Не может быть, чтобы они получили диплом по экономике. Они не посещали занятий.

25. Сначала он хотел изучать политологию и стать политологом, но потом передумал.

26. Если вы успешно пройдете испытание, вы получите аттестат о среднем образовании

27. Должно быть, она читает лекции по социологии.

28. Расписание занятий состоит из широко ряда различных предметов.

29. Особо одаренные дети посещают специальные школы.

30. После начальной школы дети переходят в среднюю школу.

31. Она собирается специализироваться в гуманитарных науках.

32. Конкурс был двадцать человек на место.

33. Требования к абитуриентам очень высокие.

34. Жаль, что он прогуливал лекции.

35. Повторение – мать учения.



Ex. 18 Complete the text with the proper prepositions.

Oxford and Cambridge

Oxford and Cambridge are the two oldest and most respected universities 1)_____ the UK. They are considered to give a very high standard of education, and students need very good results if they want to study 2)__________ these universities. Oxbridge graduates often become powerful and successful members of British society, and many 3)____________ the leading people 4)_______________ professions such as the law, politics, and the Civil Service have traditionally been ‘’Oxbridge-educated’’, though this is beginning to change. Oxbridge is often criticized 5)___________ the fact that about half its students come from public schools (= expensive private schools). Some people also think 6)_____________ Oxbridge colleges as too old-fashioned, traditional, and elitist (=considering themselves as very special and as more important than ordinary universities). They believe that these institutions do not really understand how ordinary people think and live.

Ex.19 Complete the text with the words given:

choose considered offer earned went become proud respected

Ivy League

Ivy League is a group of old and very 1)_____________ universities in the eastern part of the US, consisting of Brown University, Columbia University, Cornell, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, the University of Pennsylvania, and Dartmouth. All of them are generally 2)_____________ to be some of the most impressive places to study in the US. They claim to 3)_____________ a very high standard of education, and they tend to 4)_____________ their students very carefully. Most of the students who are accepted at these colleges have 5)____________ very high grades in high school, have very impressive skills and talents in sports, music etc. have a parent or a relative who 6)______________ to the same college or come from a rich or successful family. Graduates from the Ivy League tend to 7)___________ successful, powerful people in US society, especially in professions such as law, politics, and business. Because of all this they are sometimes considered to be too 8)_____________of their high social position.

Ex.20 Use the verbs from the box to complete the text below;

study involve select take achieve

At the age of 16, students in England and Wales 1) _____________GCSE examinations 2) (по предметам, которые они изучали в течение двух лет). The GCSE examinations 3) ______________ a final examination as well as continuous assessment, way of judging a student’s level of achievement by looking at their coursework 4) (= работа, которую они делают в течение курса). 5) (Оценки, которые студенты получают на экзамене) help them decide which subject 4) _______________for A-level, if they are not planning to leave school. Students who take A-levels study for two years and take A/S level exams after the first year and A-2 level exams 5) (в конце второго курса). Universities 6) _______________ their students on the basis of the A-level results. 7) (Для того, чтобы поступить в хороший университет) and study a popular subject such as medicine or English, students usually need to get grade A or B in all their levels. For less popular subjects they do not need to 8) _____________ such high grades.

Note: Don’t confuse pass an exam with sit/take an exam. Pass means to be successful in an exam or test.


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