Зaдание 15.6. Переведите на русский язык и обьясните употребление Past Perfect Continuos (Progressive)

1. They had been living in this city for almost thee years when their son came back to the USA.

2. We felt very tired when we came home because we had been walking in whe eain for a long time.

3. It had been raining for two hours already when we left home.

4. Mark tried to stop Dinny, who had been talking for the last ten minutes.

5. Angela rose from the arm-chair in which she had been sitting.

6. David saw that Margie had been weeping, but didn’t say anything.

  1. I thought that he had come to talk aboutthe problem which we had been already discussing for hours.
  2. She had deen learning French for five years before she could speak fluently.
  3. How long had you been waiting before he came?


Задание 15.7. Составьте предложения с Past Perfect Continuous(Progressive) используя слова в скобках.

Pattern: I looked out of the window. The sun was shining.

But the ground was wet.

It had been raining.


1. Mary woke up suddenly. She was frightened. (She / to dream)

2. Jim came home. He was tired. His hands were dirty. (He / to work /in the garden)

3. She was tired and angry when I came home. The first things she told me was that she hated music. (Our neighbour / to practise / the piano)

4.When I entered the room no one was smoking. But there was a smell of cigarettes. (Some one / to smoke / in the room)

5. Ben felt frustrated. He was staring hopelessly at the lock. (He / to try / to open his own door / an hour)

6. When Mother came home, Jake and Larry were in different rooms. They didn’t want to talk and Larry had a black eye. (They / to fight)

7. When the test was over, the students looked really tired. (They / to write / two hours)

8. Betty came from the beach. Her eyes were red. (She / to lie / in the sun / too much)

9. When the children came home, dinner was ready, but Carol was tired and couldn’t eat at all. (She / to cook / morning)

10. When he got up from the table, his eyes hurt and his head was going to burst. (He / to read up / for the exam)

11. When Jane opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was deep snow lying everywhere. She ran up to the window. There had been no snow the day before. (It / to snow / all night)


Задание 15.8. Объедините предложения, употребляя Past Perfect Progressive. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


Pattern: They began watching TV. After half an hour their parents came. –

They had been watching TV for half an hour when their parents came.


  1. We had arranged to meet in the café. I came and began waiting. After fifteen minutes I realized that I had come to the wrong café.
  2. Mr and Mrs Thompson went to live to Sussex. Six months later their son joined them.
  3. We started to play football at about three. Somewhere about half past three it began to rain.
  4. Bernard couldn’t calm the baby down. It was crying. After fifteen minutes his wife came.
  5. The teacher left the room. The boys began to fight. After ten minutes the teacher came back and they were still fighting.
  6. Jane came home. She realized that she had left her keys somewhere. She tried to find them in her handbag. After ten minutes her husband came with the keys.
  7. Mother started cooking dinner. After ten minutes Hazel came to help her.
  8. Brian was trying to fix his car. After three hours he gave up the idea.


  1. Faith sat down and began to write her report. After half an hour her sister called her.

10.She worked for this company. After 25 years she retired.

11. My sister studied French. Then, after five years, she went to France.

12. Pete began to play chess when he was six. He took part in his first tournament when he was ten.

13. The orchestra began playing. After ten minutes a man ran into the hall.

14. The family began watching an interesting film. After half an hour the TV broke down.

15. We settled down in London. After a fortnight our two cousins joined us.

16. We sat down to dinner. After five minutes the door-bell rang.

17. Margaret went to the park. After ten minutes she realized she had forgotten to close the door.


Задание 15.9. Раскройте скобки употребив Past Simple или Past

Perfect Progressive.


1.He (to look) at her.He (to know) she (to cry).

2.She (to tell) him about her plan which she (to think about) all morning.

3.Molly (to close) the book which she (to read) and (to look up)

at her mother.

4.Through the window he (to see)the room wrere they (to sit) previous night.

5.Paul (to think) for some time before he (to dare) to answer.

6.They (to sit down)to dinner which Mother (to cook)all morning.

7.How long Tony (to read) when this terrible accident (to happen)?

8.When I (to come)everyone (to stop) talking.They (to talk) about my birthday and the presents and (not to want) to tell my anything beforehand.

9.When the lesson (to be) over, the teacher (to ask) the student to turn in the tests they (to write) since its beginning.

10.How long this man (to stand) theere and (to watch) you before you (to notice) him?

11.How long they (to wait) for a taxi before it (to come)?


Задание 15.10. Раскройте скобки употребляя Past Simple,Past Perfect или Past Perfect Progressive.


1.When he (to come) home, he (to see) that something (to happen). His wife (to cry). Someone (to smoke) in the room, though no one (to smoke) on his family.

2.Tony (to return) to the book (to read) before his mother (to enter). He (to try) to concentrate, but he could not. Her last words still (to ring) in his ears.

3.The town (not to be) large, but he (no to be) sorry that he (to come) there. His parents (to live) in thei very street for 30 years before they all (to leave) for London!

4.Who (to sit) her before I (to come)?

5.He (to go) back to the drawing room.His wife (to stand) near the window. She still (to look) at the garden.The leaves (to fall) down all night, and the trees (to stand) bare and (to whisper) something…When William (to come) back he (to see) that his wife (to try) to keep back tears…

6.When he (to dress),he (to go) downstairs and (to write) a long letter to his sister who (to stay) at her friends.

7.She (to phone) and (to call) a taxi. She (to sit) and (o wait) only five minutes whe a car (to come).She (to rush) to the station where Mike (to wait) already.

8.I (not to be) here ten minutes before your brother (to com in).

9.Dave (to enter) the room.Margie (to read).She (to look up) at him and (to smile).Their two sons (to sit) and (to watch) TV. They (not to talk) to each other.Dave (to see) they (to quarrel).

10.I (to try) to remember what I (to do) yesturday before he (to call).”What you (to do) in the last ten minutes before his call?”the inspector (to keep) asking.But I (not to remember) anything at all.

11.he (to wait) for half an hour already. Mrs Lamb was late. She (to look throught) the newspaper she (to buy) and thought she (to come) in vain or..she (to get) her message wrong?But Mrs Lamb (to write)clearly:”In the park”

12.What are you thinking about?”he (to ask) after he (to look at) her a few seconds.But she (not to answer).She (to try) to gather her thoughts.

13.Presently he (to run) to greet his workmate,who (to wait) for the bus,too.He (to stand) at the bus-stop already when John (to come) there.


Задание 15.11.Употребите Past Perfect или Perfect Continious.


When I entered the house something smelt awful. Someone 1)…had been cooking…(cook) and 2)…(burn) the meal. I 3) … (visit) the house once before and 4)…(meet) the family but I didn’t know what 5)… (happen) since then. The house was a mess.The children 6)… (play) in the living-room and 7)…(leave) their toys all over the floor. Someone 8)…(leave) all the windows open. It 9) … (rain) for hours and all the curtains 10) … (get) wet and dirty. I asked the children where their perents were. They told me that their mother 11) … (be) in hospital for the past two weeks. Their father 12) … (look after) them since then. Obviously he 13) … (do) his best, but he couldn’t do any better since he worked all morning and had to leave them alone most of the day. I had to do something to help them.



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