The Future Perfect Progressive Tense

Задание 15.12. Переведите на русский язык и объясните употребление Future Perfect Continuous (Progressive)

1. They will have been working for five hours already when we come and join them.

2. By the first of June he’ll have been working here for 14 years.

3. They will have been trying to solve this problem for two years by 2010.

4. She’ll have been writing an essay for an hour when her friends come.

5. The students will have been answering for a whole hour already by twelve o’clock.

6. She’ ll have been talking for two hours already by four. I want to use the phone, too.

7. Someone will have been playing the piano for

three hours by twenty- three. They started at eight. When are they going to stop?

Задание 15.13. Pacкройте скобки употребив The Future Perfect Progressive или The Present Simple Tense.

1. He (to write) a letter for three hours when you (to come).

2. He (to learn) French for six years already when he (to enter) this college.

3. She (to watch) this film for an hour already when you (to ring) her up.

4. We (to have) dinner for half an hour tomorrow when he (to call) us.

5. By July 1 she (to live) here for five months.

6. When you (to enter) the University you (to study) languages for more then ten years.

7. The painter (to work) on this landscape for almost a year by Christmas.

8. They (to quarrel) for more than an hour when the police finally (to come)!

9. The students (to read) up for their exam for more than three hours already by the time we (to come) to the library and (to join) them.

10. They (to travel) for almost a year by Christmas, but they (not to want) to return.

11. They (to ask) me silly questions for two hours by twelve. Why they(not to stop)?

Задание 15.14. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в требующемся времени.

Ann: Hello, Kate. I am so glad you (to come) at

last. Where you (to spend) the morning? Kate: I (to be) in the bookstore choosing new books

in English.

Ann: It (to rain) still? It (to be) rather dark in the room.

Kate: No, the rain (to stop), but the wind (to blow). On my way to your place I (to meet) Mary. You (to know) her?

Ann: Of course I.... I (to know) her since child­hood. When we (to be) children, we often (to play) together. Where you (to meet) her? I (not to see) her for a long time. What she (to look) like?

Kate: She (not to change) a bit. She (to go) to the library when I (to meet) her.

Ann: What she (to tell) you Kate: She (to tell) me she recently (to return) from a very interesting trip and that she (to tra­vel) a lot and (to see) many interesting things. She (to want) to see all her friends soon.

Ann: Oh, then she (to come) to see me, too, I (to think).

Kate: Yes, that (to be) a pleasant meeting, I (to be)

sure. But what (to be) the time? My watch (to

stop) and I (not to know) the exact time. Ann: It (to be) ten minutes to three.

Kate: Oh, then let's begin working at once. At four o'clock I must go. My mother (to wait) for me at the metro station at a quarter past four.

Задание 15.15. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя гла­голы в требующемся времени.


А 1. Он был счастлив: он написал отличное сочи­нение. 2. Я ищу тебя весь вечер. З. Я вдруг вспом­нил, что ничего не ел с утра. 4. К счастью, Дождь уже перестал, когда мы вышли. 5. Сколько лет вы работаете в этой школе? 6. B одиннадцать часов мы еще работали. 7. B одиннадцать часов мы уже работали три часа. 8. Я уже три раза говорил те­бе, что надо переписать упражнение. 9. Я уже целый час читал после обеда, когда пришел папа. 10. Я не приду. Я буду писать сочинение весь ве­чер. 11. Где ты был c прошлой пятницы? 12. Я уже две недели живу y друзей. 13. Я уже две недели жил y друзей, когда получил письмо. 14.Сколько дней вы уже читаете эту книгу? 15.Только когда она была в поезде, она вспомни­ла, что оставила книгу дома. 16. Они живут в этом доме уже пять лет. 17. Моя сестра была больна уже несколько дней, когда я узнала об этом. 18. Ты знал, что он не написал сочинение? 19. Мы не получаем от нее писем уже несколько месяцев. 20.Сколько лет вы уже работаете на этом заводе? 21.Он уже ушел, когда Лена включила радио. 22.Я работаю над этой проблемой уже три месяца. 23. Вы должны отдохнуть.


В 1. Что делает твой брат? — Он работает в Ин­ституте. — A что он сейчас делает? — Он читает газету. Я всегда приношу ему газеты, когда он приходит c работы. 2. Было уже темно, кода мы подошли к дому; дул сильный ветер, и становилось все холоднее и холоднее. 3. Что вы будете делать завтра в восемь часов вечера? —Завтра к восьми часам я уже закончу все свои уроки, и в восемь часов буду играть на рояле. 4. Они читали Диккенса по-английски, и знают многие его про­изведения. 5. Наступила зима, и теперь мы опять будем часто ходить на каток. 6. Когда Том вышел из дома, все ребята играли в футбол, a Билл и Джон считали круглые камешки, которые они принесли c реки. 7. Она была удивлена: она еще никогда не видела столько цветов. 8. Когда я про­снулся, мама уже встала и готовила чай. 9. Я уже полчаса стараюсь вспомнить ее имя, но до сих пор ещё не вспомнил. 10. Когда он пришел домой, мы уже ушли в кино. 11. Она сказала, что идет дождь и нам лучше сидеть дома, 12. Она жила в этом доме уже пять лет, когда приехал ее брат. 13. Она думала, что будет хорошая погода. 14. Разве ты не понимаешь, что весной будет уже три года, как я ношу эту шляпку? 15. Неужели они играют в шахматы c самого утра? 16. Они шли по дороге уже два или три часа, когда вдруг пошел дождь. 17. Я знаю, что она работает над этой статьей уже три недели. 18. Когда я повторила свой вопрос, он сказал, что не слышaл меня в первый раза, но я ясно видела, что он хорошо слышал меня оба раза. 19. Ну, уложила ты свои вещи, наконец? Такси уже десять минут ожидает y дверей. 20. Мы си­дим здесь уже два часа, а я все еще не рассказал тебе o своей поездке. 21. Где Мэри? — Она в биб­лиотеке, она готовится к докладу. Она уже рабо­тает три часа. 22. Он думал, что его друзья рабо­тают вместе.



  1. Не (to be) here five minutes ago, but you (to be) out. Не (to ask) me to tell you that he (to come) again tonight. 2. You (to read) "The Murder of Rog­er Ackroyd" by Agatha Christie? — No, I (not yet to read) it. But I (to hear) that it (to be) a very in­teresting book. I (to read) it as soon as I (to get) it. 3. When we (to come) to the station, the train al­ready (to arrive). The passengers (to hurry) to occu­py their seats in the carriages. 4. The concert (to be) a greater success than we (to expect). We were very glad. 5. Нe (to tell) me that if no one (to come) to meet me at the station, I (can) leave the suitcases in the cloakroom and go to the hotel where he (to re­serve) a room for me. 6. Lanny (to return) home af­ter seven years of absence. During these seven years he (to study) in Cape Town where his people (to send) him. Lanny was glad at the thought that he (to do) what they (to hope) he (to do) and that soon he (to be) among his people again.

Задание 15.16. Переведите предложения на русский язык. Определите времена выделенных глаголов.


1. He runs a large travel agency.

2. The theif enters the room and opens the safe.

3. Skill comes with practice.

4. She’ s been practising that song for hours.

5. He ’s working hard these days.

6. He’ s gained a lot of weight recently.

7. Tom’ s picking me up at 7 o’clock tonight.

8. She’ s staying with a friend in London at present.

9. The ferry arrives at 10:00 am.

10. They’ ve been talking on the phone since 9 o’clock this morning

11. Oh no! Someone’ s been reading my diary again.

12. You feel dizzy because you’ ve been lying in the sun for too long!

13. He has just cleared out the garage.

14. He’s such a boring man, who’ s always making a fuss about nothing.

15. With the help of a good teacher, Gary’ s becoming a very good pianist.

16. We’ ve been out four times this week.


1. They have sold their house and gone on a tour of the world.

2. Here comes the train!

3. She opened the cupboard, took out a dress and put it on.

4. They received the telegram at 10 o’clock that evening.

5. She was upset because she had been waiting to hear from her son for day.

6. They were still discussing the plan at midnight.

7. They were flying over the Andes when the plan crashed

8. James Dean made one film with Natalie Wood.

9. Tom was reading out the data while Sara was writing it down.

10. She had finished mostof the work by he time her boss arrived.

11.She missed the end of the film because she had fallen asleep.

12.He always went to work by train.

13.She was pleased because she had been given the job

14.We had been living in the same house for twelve years before we decided to move.

15.He left his job because he had been feeling dissatisfied for months.


1. I think I’ ll go home now.

2. The bus for Brighton departs in an hour.

3. We’ ll be salling around the islands this time next month.

4. By May he will have been living abroad for six years.

5. The men are delivering the furniture tomorrow.

6. Look at the baby! He s going to eat that worm!

7.Perhaps we’ ll see Nicky at school today.

8. He’ s going to take a few days off next week.

9.I’m sure you’ ll have a wonderful holiday.

10. Will Jo be staying with you this Easter?

11.I’ ll be having lunch with Sam tomorrow as usual.

12.They will have made a decision by Friday.

Задание 15.17. Употребите необходимое время.


A: What 1) … (do) tonight?

B: 2) … (try) to finish my homework because I 3) … (go) to my cousin’s wedding on Saturday and I 4)… (not/be able) to do it then.

A: What time 5)… the wedding…(start) on Saturday?

B: The ceremony 6)… (begin) at 2 o’clock, then I 7)… (go) to the party in the evening.

A: 8)… any of your friends… (be) there?

B: Well, my cousin says I can bring a friend. 9)… (you/do) anything on Saturday night?

A: No, but I 10)… (feel) shy if I don’t know anyone.

B: Never mind. It 11)… (be) a big party and I’m sure you 12)… (have) a great time.

A: OK, then. Thanks very much.


Dear Debbie,

Since you want to know what I 1)…’m doing… (do) next week, I thought I’d write and let you know. It 2)… (be) a very busy week. On Monday I 3)… (go) to York. I 4)… (probably/be) there for three days, and by Wednesday I 5)… (meet) every important artist in the town. If everything goes well, I 6)… (go) to Newcastle on Thursday morning. There I 7)… (meet) the chairman of the Arts Council. Then on Friday and Saturday I 8)… (visit) several small towns in the area to see what their galleries are like. By Sunday I 9)… (travel) for days and I imagine I 10)… (be) very tired, so it looks like I 11)… (not/come) to your party on Sunday night. Sorry! I hope you 12)… (invite) me to the next one. Give my love to Mike.




Sue Thomas is a fashion designer. She 1)… (make) clothes ever since she 2)… (be) a young girl. She 3)… (get) her first job in a clothes factory when she was sixteen. She 4)… (sew) buttons onto a shirt one day when she 5)… (have) a brilliant idea for a design. After she 6)… (speak) to her bank manager, she got a loan and she 7)… (open) her own little workshop. Now she 8)… (make) lots of money. Next year she 9)… (open) a shop which will sell all her own designs. She 10)… (sell) clothes to a lot of famous people, including film stars and singers, and she 11)…(think) she will be vety rich soon.


Kevin Adams 1)…loves… trains. He first 2)… (see) one when he was four years old and he 3)… (think) it was great. He 4)… (go) to a different railway station every week and 5)… (writedown) the engine number of every train he sees. He 6)… (do) this since he was eight. By the time he was fifteen he 7)… (collect) over ten thousand different engine numbers in various counties. Once, while he 8)… (stand) in a station in Chesfire he saw something very unusual. He 9)… (wait) for over an hour for a train to go by when suddenly he 10)… (see) a very old steam train coming down the track. It 11)… (not/stop) at the station and, as it passed, Kevin noticed that all the passengers 12)… (wear) old – fashioned clothes. When he told the station guard about this, the poor man turned pale. He said that no steam train 13)… (pass) thought that station for years, and that the last one 14)… (crash), killing everyone on board.



1. Martha usually…..(visit) her grandfather every weekend.

2. His eyes are hurting because he…..(forget) to put on his sunglasses.

3. I’m exhausted; I think I…..(go) to bed.

4. It was kind of you….(invite) me to dinner.

5. She’s really looking forward to…..(meet) you.

6. I’ve been looking for Sue for hours, but I…..(not/be able to) find her yet.

7. When I was in Africa, I…..(bite) by a poisonous spider.

8. If you….(remember) to bring your cheque book, you would have been able to pay for your meal.

9. She….(play) that computer game since 7 o’clock this morning.

10. I…..(talk) to my mother on the phone when I heard the scream.

11. Do you think you……(finish) that book by tomorrow?

12. Tom suggested…..(go) for a picnic, but I didn’t feel like it.

13. He allowed me……(borrow) his motorbike.

14. She had to cycle to work while her car……(repair).

15. Your father will be disappointed with you if you……(not/pass) the test.

16) Пассивный залог (The Passive Voice)

The Simple Tenses


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