E Jasmine Weller, aged 49

I always felt a little odd, and assumed it was something about me. It was only in my 30s, when I was training to be a psychotherapist, that I found myself with a group of only children, describing our experiences. It was a revelation because it made me realise that other people felt many of the same things. Growing up in a small unit means we need time to ourselves, which can cause problems with partners and friends, who might misinterpret it as rejection. There are pluses too. Being on your own helps you to become resourceful, and develop your imagination and creativity.


For questions 1-15, choose from the people (A-E). The people may be chosen more than once.

Which person

8. realizes that the positive relationship they had with their parents is something that not all only children have?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

9. thinks people make a judgement about only children which is mistaken?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

10. thinks being an only child has determined a particular characteristic of their personality?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

11. says they accept their situation because they don’t know anything different?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

12. realizes that the company of other children is important for only children?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

13. finds their present circumstances a challenge?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

14. says that only children have needs which can be difficult for others to deal with?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

15. realized at a particular point that they were happy being an only child?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

16. was unaware that their reactions to being an only child were not unique?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

17. had problems as a child because they lacked a necessary skill?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

18. has the opinion that there are more disadvantages than advantages?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

19. enjoys having space that is their own?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

20. thinks they developed a better understanding of adults because of being an only child?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

21. mentions a positive benefit of spending a lot of time alone?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐

22. is aware that other people feel sorry for them?

A☐ B☐ C☐ D☐ E☐


Find in the text the words and phrases which mean the same.

1. somebody is/would be happier or more satisfied if they were in a particular position or did a particular thing (to better off)

2. without anyone else

3. the state of being alone and not watched or disturbed by other people

4. to have or use something at the same time as somebody else

5. rude and badly behaved because they are given everything they ask for and not enough discipline

6. to be greater or more important than something

7. a meeting of people for a particular purpose

8. total, complete

9. feeling happy and confident about yourself or a particular situation

10. to prevent or constrain

11. improving the quality of something, often by adding something to it

12. a state in which two people, companies, etc. are competing for the same thing

13. a completely different kind of situation

14. having the ability to find quick and clever ways to overcome difficulties

15. the use of the imagination or original ideas, esp. in the production of an artistic work

Exercise 6. You will hear five short extracts in which women are talking about their relationships with their brothers. For questions 1-5 choose from the list (A-H) what each speaker says. Use the letters only once. There are three extra letters which you do not need to use.

A Her brother had more freedom than she did.

B She never sees him because he’s studying away from home.

C Her parents preferred her to her brother.

D She became good friends with her brother in her teens.

E She doesn’t keep in touch with her brother because he lives abroad.

F She doesn’t make the effort to see her brother nowadays.

G She used to like her brother but doesn’t now.

H When she was younger, she was proud of having an older brother.


Exercise 7. Read the abstracts and explain and study the bolded words. Check them in the dictionary if necessary.

When my mother gave birth to twins, I don’t suppose she knew what she was getting herself in for. Although I am nothing like Elle, we were equally horrible. If she pulled my hair, Igot my own back by hiding her favourite doll; she always burst into tears when I did that. And then we grew intoeven more difficult teenagers. We stayed out late, and were always getting into trouble at school for smoking, wearing make-up, or just being lazy. Our poor mother tried to turn a blind eye tosome of our bevaviour, but it wasn’t easy. Then, by miracle, we grew up. We’re both quite nice now!




Explain the difference between stay out, stay in and stay up.


Using the collocations above put the words in the correct order and add one missing word.

Model: turned / it / she / eye /to / a She turned a blind eye to it.

1. she / why / tears / into / did /?

2. my / I’ll / back / get / her / own

3. birth / she / twins / to / has

4. school / trouble / at / I / got / often

5. watch / he / to / up / a / late / film

6. handsome / he’s / man / a / grown / young

7. she / brothers / is / nothing / her

8. yourself / what / in / you / let / have /?


Complete the questions and answer them.

1. Where did you grow …?

2. Did your parents let you stay … late to watch TV when you were young?

3. As a teenager, could you stay … late when you were with friends?

4. Do/Did your parents ever turn a … eye to things you do/did?

5. Do/Did you ever … into trouble at school? If so, what for?

6. Do you remember getting your own … on somebody for something horrible they did to you?

(from Idioms and Phrasal verbs)


Exercise 8. Read the paragraph. Then follow the directions.

Ideas about how to punish children have changed over time. Also, they differ from culture to culture and family to family. Some parents believe that spanking children is the best way to punish. Others think that parents should never hit their children. Most parents punish their children in the same way that they were punished by their parents. Although all parents agree that children must learn the difference between right and wrong, there is a lot of disagreement about the best way to teach them this lesson.


Ø Discuss these questions in a group

1. How did your parents punish you? How did you feel about the punishment then? How do you feel about it now? 2. Do you think it is a good idea for parents to punish their children by spanking or hitting them? Why or why not? 3. What other types of punishment could parents use?

Ø A ten-year-old boy did something wrong. How should his parents punish him? Read the four situations at the top of the chart, then read the possible things the boy’s parents could do to punish him. Put a check (ü) next to the punishment you think are best in each situation. (You can check more than one possible punishment). Then compare your answers with those of the other students and explain your choices.

How should parents punish a 10-year-old boy who … Broke a window while playing ball in the house? Hit another child? Stole money from a parent? Started a fire while playing with matches?
1.Yell at the child        
2.Send the child to bed without dinner        
3.Not let the child watch TV for a week        
4.Make the child do an unpleasant task, such as clean the bathroom        
5.Spank the child        
6.Hit the child with a belt or stick        
7.Other ____________________        

Ø Vocabulary for comprehension. The following letter was written to a newspaper advice column. Read the letter. Then match the boldfaced words and phrases with the definitions below. Write the numbers in the blanks.

Dear Gabby,

My husband and I disagree about how (1)to discipline our children. We have different ideas about how to punish them when they (2) misbehave, or do something bad. He thinks that it’s (3) acceptable to spank them, but I think it is not right to hit them. He says that we should do it (4) for their own good, so our children will learn right and wrong. He says our children must (5) respect us, so they will listen to us and do what we say.

I disagree. I believe that spanking, hitting, or any (6) corporal punishment is form of (7) child abuse and is very harmful to children. I think it is a form of (8) violence. It’s easy to (9) go too far and hurt them by mistake, even leaving a (10) bruise or other mark on their body. I think people who hit children should (11) be arrested by the police and put in jail. To tell the truth, I (12) admit that I sometimes feel like hitting my children when I am very angry, but I think that it’s wrong. What should my husband and I do?

Signed, Confused Mom

____ a. action that cause hurt or harm

____ b. obey

____ c. all right

____ d. go beyond the limit

____ e. treatment that hurts a child

____ f. do something wrong

____ g. in order to help them

____ h. punish

____ i. a dark mark on the body caused by being hit

____ j. tell the truth

____ k. punishment that physically hurts the body

____ l. be taken by the police for committing a crime


Exercise. You are going to listen to the report.In this report you will hear different people’s opinions about spanking. You will also hear many reasons for their opinions. Do the people being interviewed support spanking or oppose it? Listen to the report and check (ü) each person’s opinion. Then write at least one reason for each opinion.

speaker opinion reason(s)
support oppose
1. Rhoda Moore      
2. Taylor Robinson      
3. Dr. John Oparah      
4. Dr. Beverly Lau      

You have listened to the speakers’ opinions and have identified at least one reason for each opinion. Now listen for all the reasons. What does each speaker believe about spanking? Write Y for “yes” if the statement expresses the speaker’s beliefs. Write N for “no” if the statement does not express the speaker’s beliefs.

Rhoda Moore, parent:

____ 1. Pain helps children learn right and wrong.

____ 2. Spanking is done out of anger.

____ 3. Her children don’t understand why they are spanked.

Taylor Robinson, parent:

____4. Spanking teaches children to solve problems with violence.

____ 5. Spanking teaches children to talk about problems.

Dr. John Oparah, doctor:

____ 6. Many children don’t respect their parents.

____ 7. Parents who spank should be treated like criminals.

____ 8. Some parents are afraid their children will call the police.

Dr. Beverly Lau, doctor:

____ 9. Children who are spanked misbehave less often.


Expert Opinions

What are the effects of spanking as children get older and become adults? Listen to three people’s opinions about long-term effects of spanking. Check (✓) whetherthespeakersupportsoropposesspanking.

1. DonaldSterling ☐☐  
2. Dr. PhyllisJones ☐☐  
3. LoisGoldin ☐☐  


Exercise 9. For questions 1-10, read the text below. Use th word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines t form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Celebrity parents

For many people, having a (0) famous parent would be a dream come true. Imagine introducing Ronaldinho or Keira Knightley to your friends! Think about the glamorous lifestyle you’d lead, and all the wild, (1) … parties. You’d go to! But celebrity families aren’t (2) … fun. Foe a start, stars don’t make the most (3) … parents. For some, their career will always come first. Then, there’s all the (4) … from the press. Growing up is often hard: but think about how (5) … you’d feel if you had to read about your mistakes in the news! And last but not least, celebrity children come under huge pressure to be beautiful, (6) … and talented. After all, they know that people are (7) … comparing them to their mums or dads! When you read the latest gossip about Jack Osbourne or Paris Hilton (son of a heavy metal singer and daughter of a highly (8) … businessman, respectively), you got the (9) … that life as a celebrity’s child brings a lot of problems too. So, maybe the press is being (10) … when it mocks famous offspring. Maybe we should show them more sympathy! FAME EXCITE NECESSARY DEPEND ATTEND EMBARRASS FASCINATE CONTINUAL SUCCESS IMPRESS KIND


Exercise 10. Read the text about hypeparenting. Put the paragraphs into the logical order. How would you title each of the paragraph? Translate the text.


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