Unit 2. The Russian Federation

Unit 1. Novosibirsk


  1. equipment – оборудование
  2. branch – отделение, филиал
  3. puppet theatre – кукольный театр
  4. bank – берег реки, банк
  5. Siberian – сибирский
  6. industry – промышленность
  7. machinery – машинное оборудование
  8. scientific – научный
  9. icon – икона
  10. produce – производить
  11. man-made – искусственный, рукотворный
  12. contain - содержать
  13. be associated with – ассоциироваться с
  14. call after – называть в честь
  15. electronic equipment – электронное оборудование
  16. philharmonic society - филармония
  17. choreographic - хореографический
  18. railway – железная дорога, железнодорожный
  19. be proud (of) - гордиться
  20. contemporary – современный
  21. railway station – железнодорожная станция, вокзал
  22. the Trans-Siberian railway – Транссибирская магистраль
  23. machine tool – станок
  24. junction – узел

25. symphony orchestra – симфонический оркестр


Упр. 1. Найдите слова с одинаковым значением

branch a part of a river

produce not natural

man-made modern

bank part

contain make

contemporary include

Упр. 2. Вставьте в пропуски нужный предлог

1. Trafalgar Square was called … the Battle of Trafalgar.

2. The foundation of Novosibirsk is associated … the name of N. Garin-Mikhailovsky.

3. She is proud … her children.

Упр. 3. Вставьте в пропуски слово, подходящее по смыслу

produce contemporary junction machine tool contain

  1. We want to see the exhibition of ………………………………………. artists.
  2. Our factories ………………………………………… different equipment.
  3. People use …………………………………….. for work with metal and wood.
  4. Villages and cities often appeared at the places of big railway …………………………
  5. This book …………………………………… all necessary information.

Упр. 4. Совместите колонки, чтобы получилось словосочетание

puppet made

symphony tool

railway theatre

man orchestra

electronic station

machine equipment

Упр. 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык

  1. Город гордится многими достопримечательностями: Театром оперы и балета, кукольным театром, зданием вокзала, картинной галереей, цирком, несколькими церквями.
  2. Наша промышленность производит станки и оборудование.
  3. Новосибирск находится на берегу Оби.
  4. Люди создали искусственное Обское море длиной 200 км в 1957 – 1959 годах.

Упр. 6. Прочитайте и переведите текст


Novosibirsk is situated on the great Siberian River Ob. Its foundation is associated with the name of the well-known Russian writer and engineer Nikolai Garin-Mikhailovsky. In 1893 he began to build Trans-Siberian Railway Bridge across the Ob. Today the railway square of the city is called after Garin-Mikhailovsky.

Novosibirsk today is a giant city, one of the largest in Russia. More than 1.5 million people live in its ten districts. Novosibirsk is an important industrial centre. Our plants and factories produce different machine tools, generators, farm machinery, electronic equipment and so on.

Our city is the largest railway junction in the eastern part of Russia; it has an international airport, a river port, and a bus station. It is the first city in this part of the country which has the underground, opened in 1986.

Today Novosibirsk is a big scientific, cultural and educational centre. At the beginning of the 20th century there were no schools here. Today the former settlement has become a city of students. There are more than 20 higher schools (state and non-state), about 60 special technical schools and colleges, more than 200 secondary schools in Novosibirsk now. It has 6 theatres including the Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Operetta House and the Puppet Theatre, a philharmonic society, a symphony orchestra, the Art Gallery with a fine collection of icons, paintings and sculptures. It contains works of Ivan Shishkin, Vasily Tropinin, Nikolai Rerickh, Arkhip Kuindzhi, Ilya Repin, Vasily Surikov, as well as contemporary artists. There is also a choreographic and theatrical school, music schools, more than 800 libraries, the largest of which is the State Scientific and Technical Public Library, opened in 1966. It has more than five million volumes on its shelves.

Our city is famous for its Akademgorodok, situated on the coast of the man-made Ob Sea. It is the centre of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of sciences, famous throughout the world. Its scientists work at 20 research institutes.

The city is quite young, especially if compared to some cities of the European part of Russia. But it is still growing and becoming more beautiful with every passing day. Many new houses and shops are being built in this city. There are some parks, where people can relax and walk after their working day.

Упр. 7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

  1. How is Novosibirsk connected with the name of N. Garin-Mikhailovsky?
  2. The city is a large one, isn’t it?
  3. Why do we say, that Novosibirsk is an industrial centre?
  4. When was the first underground line opened? How many stations does it have today?
  5. Is the city an educational centre?
  6. What can you say of Novosibirsk as a cultural city?

7. Where is the centre of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of sciences?

Упр. 8. Выберите верный вариант

1. The 100th anniversary of Novosibirsk was celebrated in (1987, 1995, 1993).

2. Garin-Mikhailovsky was a well-known Russian (sculpture, engineer, scientist).

3. The city’s birth was connected with (natural resources, Trans-Siberian Railway Bridge).

4. The population of the city is (2 mln, 1.5 mln, 3 mln).

5. There are (10, 15, 8) districts.

Упр. 9. Прочитайте и переведите текст про Академгородок. Составьте 5 вопросов по тексту.


About 30 km from Novosibirsk, in a pine forest on the shore of the man-made Ob Sea there are buildings of a small modern town known as Akademgorodok. This is the headquarters of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, one of the largest scientific centres of the world. They began to build it in 1957. Its organizer was academician M. A. Lavrentyev, the first President of the Siberian Branch. Famous scientists from different cities of our country arrived here to develop science in Siberia. Among them were Sobolev, Marchuk, Trofimuk, Budker, Meshalkin.

The scientists of Akademgorodok work at 22 research institutes. They conduct research on all major problems of science. The Siberian branch incorporates the institutes of hydrodynamics, mathematics, nuclear physics, geology and geophysics, history, philosophy and so on.

This “town of science” boasts of the University and a special school of physics and mathematics training future research workers. Akademgorodok has become a meeting place for scientists of various countries.

Today Novosibirsk is called a city of 2 Academies: the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Sciences.



headquarters – штаб-квартира

branch – отделение

academician – академик

conduct research – проводить исследования, научную работу

incorporate – включать, объединять

hydrodynamics – гидродинамика

nuclear physics – ядерная физика

geophysics – геофизика

boast of – гордиться чем-либо


Unit 2. The Russian Federation

  1. vast – обширный
  2. cover – покрывать, занимать
  3. wash – омывать
  4. mountain chain – горная цепь
  5. extreme north – крайний север
  6. natural resources – полезные ископаемые
  7. oil – нефть
  8. iron ore – железная руда
  9. copper – медь
  10. deposit - месторождение
  11. coal – уголь
  12. permafrost – вечная мерзлота
  13. precipitation – осадки
  14. extend – простираться, протягиваться
  15. lowlands – низменности
  16. separate (from) – отделять (от)
  17. desert – пустыня
  18. semidesert – полупустыня



Упр. 1. Составьте словосочетания из слов

natural chain

coal ore

mountain north

extreme resources

iron deposit

Упр. 2. Вставьте следующие слова в предложения

permafrost desert oil lowlands wash

  1. This ocean ……………. our country.
  2. …………. is formed in the extreme north.
  3. The Sahara is one of the biggest ……….. in the world.
  4. There are no mountains in the country, only …………..
  5. People use ………… to produce fuel.

Упр. 3. Найдите слова с одинаковыми значениями

vast rain and snow

cover occupy

precipitation stretch

extend big, large

Упр. 4. Переведите на английский язык

  1. Нефть, железная руда, медь и уголь – это полезные ископаемые.
  2. Тундра и арктическая пустыня простираются на крайнем севере.
  3. Горные цепи покрывают обширную часть страны.
  4. Море отделяет остров от страны.
  5. Осадки не выпадают в пустыне.


  1. population – население
  2. divide (into) – разделять (на)
  3. urban – городской
  4. rural – сельский
  5. government – правительство
  6. chamber – палата парламента
  7. elect – избирать, выбирать
  8. term – срок
  9. temperate – умеренный
  10. harsh – суровый
  11. border (on) – граничить (с)
  12. surface – поверхность
  13. judicial branch – судебная власть
  14. legislative branch – законодательная власть
  15. executive branch – исполнительная власть
  16. Arctic Circle – полярный круг
  17. tributary – приток (реки)

Упр. 5. Найдите близкие по значению слова

elect people

term living in a city

population a smaller river which is a part of another river

urban period of time

rural living in a village

tributary choose

Упр. 6. Образуйте словосочетания с данными словами

rural branch

harsh Circle

executive chamber

Arctic population

lower climate

Упр. 7. Вставьте нужный предлог в предложения

  1. Our country borders … many other countries.
  2. The country is divided … several regions.
  3. Mountains separate the country … the ocean.
  4. Urban population lives … cities.
  5. Some waves are seen … the surface of the sea.

Упр. 8. Вставьте следующие слова в предложения

elect temperate judicial branch term government

  1. Our …………… sits in Moscow.
  2. The climate of the country is ……………
  3. People ………….. the president for a 4-year …………..
  4. Courts are the ……………….. of power.

Упр. 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык

  1. Приток реки разделяет низменность на две части.
  2. Страна граничит с Францией.
  3. Президент и правительство – это части исполнительной власти.
  4. Срок его работы – 5 лет.
  5. Климат за полярным кругом очень суровый.

Упр. 10. Прочитайте и переведите текст

The Russian Federation

Russia, or the Russian Federation, is a vast country. It covers 17 million square kilometers. Russia covers 11 time zones from the East to the West. It is situated in the Northern Hemisphere and covers much of eastern and northeastern Europe and northern Asia. The country extends for 7,700 kilometers along the Arctic Circle.

Russia is washed by three oceans (the Arctic, the Atlantic and the Pacific) and 12 seas (the Baltic Sea, the Barents Sea, the White Sea, the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea, the East-Siberian Sea, the Chukchi Sea, the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan, the Black Sea, the Sea of Azov). There are over 120 thousand rivers and two million lakes in Russia.

There are several mountain chains in Russia: the Urals, the Caucasus, the Altai, the Sayan Mountains, the Stanovoi Range, the Verkhoyansk Range, the Central Range and others. The Urals separate Europe from Asia, but they are low.

In the southern part along the coast of the Black Sea the climate is subtropical. The extreme north has Arctic climate. In the central part the climate is temperate and continental. The temperatures are different in winter and summer. There is much precipitation in the western part. In the North and the Far East frost and snow form permafrost.

There are some latitudinal zones in Russia. Arctic deserts lie in the extreme north, southward is the tundra and then the forest zones. In the South there is the steppe, then the semidesert along the northern shore of the Caspian Sea.

Russia is rich in natural resources such as oil, coal, natural gas, iron ore, copper, gold, platinum, nickel. Russia has large deposits of coal. Besides Russia has one-sixth of the world’s forests.

The Russian Federation is a presidential republic. Power in the country is divided into legislative branch (the Federal Assembly), executive branch (the President), and judicial branch (the system of courts). The capital of the Russian Federation is Moscow. It is the largest city in the country; its population is more than 10 million people.

Russia is divided into 22 republics, 9 territories and 46 administrative regions, 4 autonomous areas and 1 autonomous region. With the population of about 146 million people Russia stands on the ninth place in the world in population after China, India, the United States, Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Nigeria and Bangladesh. The main nationality is the Russians, but there are also 180 smaller national groups. Urban population is 74 %, rural population is 26 %.

The Russian Federation borders on 18 countries: Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Byelorussia, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia, North Korea, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. It has sea borders on Japan and the USA.

Russia is an industrial and agricultural country. The factories and plants produce iron and steel goods, machinery, electronics, chemicals, textile, aircraft, navigation equipment, cars, food, building materials, and other products.


territory – край

administrative region – область

autonomous area – автономный округ

autonomous region – автономная область

latitudinal zone – широтная зона

Federal Assembly – Федеральное Собрание (парламент Российской Федерации)

Упр. 11. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. What is the official name of Russia?
  2. Where is Russia situated?
  3. What city is the capital of Russia?
  4. What is the population of Russia?
  5. Describe the surface of the country.
  6. What are the main rivers and lakes of Russia?
  7. Describe the climate of Russia.
  8. What main cities of Russia do you know?
  9. What can you tell about the political system of Russia?
  10. What oceans and seas wash Russia?
  11. What natural resources are there in Russia?
  12. What goods does the Russian industry produce?

Упр. 12. Скажите, верны ли данные утверждения

  1. Russia is divided into ten republics, twenty-one territories and six administrative regions.
  2. More people live in cities than in villages in Russia.
  3. Russia lies in twelve time zones.
  4. There are about seventeen national groups in Russia.
  5. The Urals are in the Far East.
  6. Russia is washed by twenty seas.
  7. Russia is a very vast country.
  8. Russia is situated in the Southern Hemisphere.
  9. Russia covers western and southern Europe and southern Asia.
  10. Russia is washed by the Indian Ocean.
  11. The Urals separate Asia from Europe.
  12. There are many mountain chains in Russia.
  13. Russian climate is mostly continental.
  14. There are 5 latitudinal zones in Russia.
  15. Russia has a half of the world’s forests.
  16. There are four branches of power in Russia.

Упр. 13. Закончите следующие предложения

1. Russia covers …

2. The main rivers of Russia are …

3. The Urals separate …

4. In the Extreme North the climate is …

5. Permafrost is formed by …

6. There are some latitudinal zones in Russia …

7. Russia has large deposits of …

8. The form of government in Russia is …

9. Power is divided into …

10. Russia is divided into…

11. Russia borders on…

12. Russian plants and factories produce…

Упр. 14. Переведите предложения на английский язык

1. Россия – это огромная страна, которая имеет самую большую территорию в мире.

2. В средней части страны находится обширная равнина.

3. На Дальнем Востоке расположены горы.

4. Россия богата такими полезными ископаемыми, как уголь, нефть, железная руда, медь, золото.

5. Россия граничит с Польшей на западе, с Японией на востоке, с Китаем на юге.

6. Северный Ледовитый, Атлантический и Тихий океаны омывают нашу страну.

7. В России есть такие цепи гор, как Урал, Кавказ, Алтай.

8. Климат России континентальный.

9. Городское население составляет 74 %.

10. Россия занимает зоны арктических пустынь, тундры, лесов, степей и полупустынь.

Unit 3. Moscow


  1. capital – столица
  2. found – основывать
  3. bank – берег
  4. famous – известный, знаменитый
  5. monument – памятник
  6. outstanding – выдающийся
  7. square – площадь
  8. cathedral – собор
  9. masterpiece – шедевр
  10. heart – сердце
  11. palace – дворец
  12. fortress – крепость
  13. tower – башня
  14. dome – купол
  15. make impression – производить впечатление
  16. skyscraper – небоскреб
  17. scientific – научный
  18. be proud of – гордиться
  19. admire – восхищаться
  20. swimming pool – бассейн
  21. plant – завод
  22. produce – производить

Упр. 1. Продолжите предложения

  1. The most important city of a country is called…………
  2. A structure which people build to remember about something is called……..
  3. A very beautiful picture, literature work or architectural monument is called ……..
  4. A place where people can swim during winter is called ………….
  5. A place where people produce something, e.g. cars, is called………..
  6. An organ that pumps blood is called…………

Упр. 2. Вычеркните лишнее слово

  1. palace, cathedral, proud, tower, fortress
  2. admire, produce, found, dome
  3. square, capital, city, village, town
  4. outstanding, skyscraper, famous, scientific

Упр. 3. Вставьте слова в предложения

square famous admire skyscrapers plants palace

  1. The king lives in this ………..
  2. Conan Doyle is a ………. English writer.
  3. The central ………. is a place where meetings and demonstrations take place.
  4. Some of the highest ……….. are located in New York.
  5. Visitors ……….. this masterpiece.
  6. ………… of this city produce cars, refrigerators, etc.

Упр. 4. Переведите предложения на английский язык

  1. Я хожу в бассейн каждую неделю.
  2. Много научных институтов находится в Москве.
  3. Лев Толстой – это выдающийся русский писатель.
  4. Этот памятник производит впечатление на туристов.
  5. Он основал город в 12 веке.

Упр. 5. Прочитайте и переведите текст


Moscow, the capital of Russia, is one of the largest cities in the world. It was founded in 1147 by the prince Yuri Dolgoruky. It stands on the banks of the Moskva river. About 8 million people live in the city.

Moscow is famous for its historical and architectural monuments that were built by outstanding architects. The Red Square is the central and the most beautiful square in Moscow. It is the place of parades, meetings and demonstrations. There is Cathedral of St. Basil built in 1561. It is a masterpiece of Russian architecture

The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin. There is a wonderful architectural ensemble with 3 cathedrals, palaces, fortress walls and 20 towers. The most famous of the towers is the Spasskaya Tower with a big clock. The Kremlin with golden domes and towers makes a strong impression on tourists.

Several skyscrapers decorate Moscow, including Moscow University. Moscow is a scientific and cultural center with a lot of institutes, universities, libraries and museums. There are a lot of cinemas, clubs, concert halls, drama and musical theaters.

Moscovites are proud of their museums: the Tretyakov Gallery, Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and many other museums. Many people visit Tretyakov Gallery admiring beautiful pictures of Russian painters. There are a lot of stadiums, swimming pools, courts and sport grounds in Moscow.

There are a lot of big plants and factories in Moscow. They produce cars, lorries, home electrical appliances and so on.

Упр. 6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

  1. Who founded Moscow?
  2. What is the population of Moscow?
  3. What are the places of interest in Moscow?
  4. What are the most famous museums in Moscow?
  5. What is located in the Kremlin?
  6. What river does Moscow stand on?
  7. When was Moscow founded?

Упр. 7. Скажите, верны ли данные утверждения

  1. St. Basil’s Cathedral was built in 1553.
  2. Moscow was founded in 1257.
  3. The Kremlin has 20 palaces.
  4. Tretyakov Gallery contains pictures of Russian painters.
  5. Moscow was always the capital of Russia.
  6. Moscow University is located in a skyscraper.

Упр. 8. Продолжите предложения, используя текст

  1. Moscow’s plants produce …………..
  2. There are some museums in Moscow:…………
  3. Parades, meetings and demonstrations take place on…………
  4. The population of Moscow is about …………..
  5. The heart of Moscow is ………….
  6. The most famous tower of the Kremlin is ………………..

7. Moscow was founded by ………….. in ……………

Упр. 9. Перескажите текст «Moscow»


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