Unit 6. The United States of America (the USA)

  1. establish – учреждать, устанавливать
  2. own – владеть, обладать, собственный
  3. coast – побережье
  4. lead – свинец
  5. humid – влажный
  6. at present – в настоящее время
  7. Supreme Court – Верховный суд
  8. district – округ, район
  9. in the East (West, South, North) – на востоке (западе, юге, севере)
  10. be in power – быть у власти
  11. main – главный, основной
  12. state – штат, государство
  13. each – каждый
  14. area – область, территория
  15. type – тип
  16. especially – особенно
  17. border on – граничить с, граница
  18. divide into – разделять на

Упр. 1. Найдите слова, одинаковые по значению, переведите их

own bank

coast stretch

humid chief

extend kind

type have

at present wet

main now

Упр. 2. Вставьте предлоги, переведите предложения

  1. Russia borders … Ukraine … the West.
  2. He is the head of the company … present.
  3. This party is … power.
  4. The state was established … 1787.
  5. The Atlantic Ocean washes the country … the East.
  6. Russia is divided … 83 regions.
  7. England consists … 82 counties (графства).

Упр. 3. Вставьте следующие слова в предложения, переведите их

coast lead humid cover temperate establish

  1. The climate of the country is ……… and ………..
  2. Australia ………. the territory of 7.7 million square kilometers.
  3. They …………. this company in 1880.
  4. There are a lot of natural resources here, e.g. …………..

5. A place along the ocean is called ……………

Упр. 4. Переведите предложения

  1. Город протянулся вдоль побережья океана.
  2. Пентагон имеет собственную полицию, кинотеатр, больницу, почту и др.
  3. Люди населяли эту область много веков назад.
  4. Кто находится у власти в этом государстве в настоящее время?
  5. Главные города Канады находятся на юге, где климат умеренный.

Упр. 5. Прочитайте и переведите текст о США

The United States of America

The United States of America (the USA) is a highly developed country. The USA is a federation of states which was established by the Constitution in 1787. Now there are 50 states. Each state has its own government and its own capital city.

The federal government in the USA is divided into three branches: legislative (the US Congress), executive (the President and his Administration), and judicial (the US Supreme Court). The President is the head of state and government. He is elected for a four-year term. The US Congress consists of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. Each state sends two senators to the Senate.

There are two main political parties in the USA: the Democratic and the Republican.

The USA is situated in the central part of North America. It covers an area of almost 9.4 million square kilometers. The USA borders on Canada in the North and Mexico in the South. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the East, by the Arctic Ocean in the North and by the Pacific Ocean in the West, by the Caribbean Sea, the Bering Sea, the Chukchi Sea and the Beaufort Sea.

The north-eastern part of the USA includes 5 lakes, which are called Great Lakes. The Mississippi with its tributary (the Missouri) is one of the longest river systems in the world. The chief rivers of the USA are the Rio Grande, the Yukon, the Arkansas, the Colorado and some others.

The USA is divided into three areas: Eastern area – the Appalachian highlands; Central area – where a vast plain extends; and Western area which is mountainous and includes such chains of mountains as the Rocky Mountains, the Cascade Range, the Sierra Nevada and the Pacific borderland which are situated along the Pacific coast.

The most important natural resources are copper, lead, coal, uranium, gold, iron, zinc, etc.

The population of the USA is about 308 million people. It is the third country in the world in population. Most people live in cities, so the population of the USA is mostly urban. The northern parts of the country are inhabited mostly by natives: Indians and Eskimos. There are many immigrants who came from different countries of the world: Italy, Russia, Poland, Hungary, China, etc.

The capital is the City of Washington D. C. (District of Columbia). There are many industrial and cultural centers, such as New York, Chicago, San-Francisco, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Boston, etc.

The climate of the USA is much colder than in Europe. You can find every type of climate in the USA – from arctic in Alaska to subtropical in Florida. The climate is not temperate especially in the central regions. Most of the country has a humid continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. But in the South (in Florida and Texas) the weather is warm and rainy.


the Beaufort Sea – море Бофорта

the Appalachian highlands – Аппалачи

the Rocky Mountains – Скалистые горы

the Pacific Borderland – Береговые хребты

the Cascade Range – Каскадные горы

the Sierra Nevada – горы Сьерра-Невада

Упр. 6. Ответьте на вопросы

  1. What can you tell about the political set-up of the USA?
  2. How many states does it consist of?
  3. Who is the head of the state?
  4. What are the main political parties in the USA?
  5. Which is the ruling party nowadays?
  6. Where is the USA situated?
  7. What oceans and seas wash the USA?
  8. What areas is the country divided into?
  9. What is the capital of the USA?
  10. Where are the Great Lakes situated?
  11. Who is the President of the USA today?

Упр. 7. Закончите предложения

1. The USA consists of ……………

2. The US Congress has …………..

3. The President is elected for a ……….. term.

4. The country is washed by ……………

5. The USA borders on ……………

6. Great Lakes are situated in …………..

7. The Pacific ocean washes ……………

8. Each state sends ……………

Упр. 8. Скажите, верны ли данные утверждения. Исправьте неверные утверждения

  1. The capital of the USA is New York.
  2. The longest river of the USA is the Mississippi with its tributary the Missouri.
  3. The ruling party in the USA nowadays is the Republican Party.
  4. Great lakes are situated in the West of the USA.
  5. The Senate consists of Congress and the House of Representatives.
  6. Each state sends its representatives to the Senate.
  7. The president of the USA is elected for a three-year term.

Упр. 9. Переведите на английский язык

Вот карта США. Государство находится на североамериканском континенте. США – федеративное государство, которое состоит из 50 штатов. Столица США – Вашингтон (автономный округ Колумбия). В центре города вы увидите самое высокое здание в столице – Капитолий (the Capitol). Там заседает Конгресс США. В городе был принят закон, который запрещает строить здания выше Капитолия. Между Капитолием и Белым Домом (резиденцией президента) находится много правительственных зданий. Вашингтон был основан в 1791 году, и первый президент США – Джордж Вашингтон – принимал активное участие в этом.



Время Past Continuous

Образование утверждения: was / were + гл.+ ing I was watching a film.

Отрицание: was / were not + гл.+ ing We were not playing football.

Общий вопрос: was / were подлежащее гл.+ ing …? Was he playing football?

Специальный вопрос:

вопросительное слово was / were подлежащее гл.+ ing …? Why were you talking with him?



  1. Действие длилось в прошлом в определенное время

We were watching a film at 9 o’clock yesterday. – Мы смотрели фильм вчера в 9.

  1. Несколько действий длились параллельно друг другу в прошлом

When we were walking in the park, it was snowing. – Когда мы гуляли по парку, шел снег.

  1. Действие длилось в прошлом (Past Continuous) и было прервано другим одиночным действием (Past Simple)

We were watching a film when our friend came. – Мы смотрели фильм, когда пришел наш друг.


Упр. 1. Раскройте скобки в Past Continuous

Yesterday I went for a walk in the park. While I was there, I saw a lot of children who ……… (play). There was a man who ……… (walk) with dogs. He ……….. (throw) sticks and the dogs ………….. (run) to catch them. A gardener …………. (plant) some flowers. Some old ladies ………. (sit) on a bench enjoying the warm sunshine. It was lovely.


Упр. 2. Опишите, что происходило вчера во время ожидания судна, употребляя время Past Continuous



Задайте вопросы и ответьте на них, используя картинку.

  1. the girls / play / tennis?
  2. the young man / listen / to music?
  3. the older man / read / a book?
  4. the woman / knit?
  5. the Japanese tourists / take / photoes?

Упр. 3. Скажите, что Вы делали в указанное время в прошлом, используя глагол в Past Continuous

  1. ……… at six o’clock yesterday evening.
  2. ……… at two o’clock this morning.
  3. ……… at midnight yesterday.
  4. ……… at noon last Saturday.

Упр. 4. Выберите верный вариант

  1. He slept / was sleeping at 10 o’clock last morning.
  2. We all went / were going out last night.
  3. I ate / was eating breakfast when the phone rang / was ringing.
  4. I met / was meeting Mary yesterday.
  5. She had / was having lunch with John when he told / was telling her about their trip to France.

Упр. 5. Поставьте глагол в скобках во время Past Simple или Past Continuous

  1. As we ……… (search) in the Internet, we ………… (find) a website about horoscopes.
  2. Ed ……… (leave) the house when he ……….. (hear) the phone ring.
  3. They ……… (see) a little boy run into a building as they ………. (drive) down the street.
  4. It ……… (start) to rain when we ………. (wait) at the bus stop.
  5. Sarah ………. (write) a letter when suddenly the lights ……….. (go out).
  6. My brother ………. (tidy) his room when he ……….. (find) his old toys.
  7. Ted ……….. (sleep) when his father ……… (leave) for work.
  8. As Kelly ……….. (leave) for school, her mother ……….. (give) her a lunch box.
  9. They ……… (practice) for their concert when their mother ………. (call) them for lunch.
  10. They ……… (write) on the board when the teacher ……. (come) in.

Упр. 6. Составьте предложения, используя Past Continuous или Past Simple

  1. The library / catch fire. – I / read / a book / on the first floor.
  2. The car / crash. – I / walk / down the street.
  3. The film star / arrive. – I / wait / in the queue.
  4. The earthquake / hit. – I / sleep / in my bed.

Упр. 7. Раскройте скобки в Past Simple или Past Continuous

  1. We ………….. (go) swimming every week, when we were young.
  2. Simon …………. (dance) when he ………. (fall) and ………. (hurt) his leg.
  3. Why …………. (you / laugh) all through your history lesson yesterday?
  4. I ………… (drink) a glass of milk every day when I was a child.
  5. Todd often ………. (ride) a horse when he was a boy.
  6. Bill …………. (write) a letter when his mother ………… (come in).
  7. Debbie ……….. (sing) in a school choir many years ago.
  8. I ……… (play) the guitar many years ago, but now I don’t.
  9. Liz …….. (clean) windows when I ……….. (see) her.



Упр. 8. Раскройте скобки в Past Simple или Past Continuous

  1. We ……….. (walk) in the woods when the storm ………… (begin).
  2. John ………… (repair) his motorbike when his mother ……….. (arrive).
  3. I ………… (eat) my lunch when the telephone ………… (ring).
  4. He ………. (ride) his bicycle to school when he ………. (drop) his bag.
  5. We …………. (see) a bad accident when we ………… (drive) to the airport.
  6. Tom ………… (watch) the match when the TV …………. (break down).
  7. We ………. (talk) when she ……….. (come) into the room.

Упр. 9. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Past Continuous или Past Simple

  1. Они встретились, когда они путешествовали по Африке.
  2. Когда я шел домой, я увидел Тома.
  3. Мы разговаривали по телефону, когда он рассказал мне об этой новости.
  4. Они играли в футбол вчера в 15:00.

Время Present Perfect

Время Present Perfect образуется с помощью вспомогательных глаголов has (для 3 лица единственного числа) или have (остальные случаи) и правильного глагола с окончанием –ed либо неправильного глагола в 3 форме. При построении вопросов глаголы have, has выносятся на место вспомогательного глагола. При построении отрицаний частица not ставится после вспомогательных глаголов have, has.

(he, she, it) has

глагол + ed / 3 форма

(I, you, they, we) have


Например: He has gone out. – Он вышел.

They have already return ed. – Они уже вернулись.

Время Present Perfect употребляется в следующих случаях.

1. Если говорится о действии, которое произошло в прошлом, но в предложении нет указаний на прошлое. В предложении могут быть слова already (уже), just (только что), never (никогда), ever (когда-либо), recently (недавно), yet (еще не). Слова already, just, never, ever ставятся после вспомогательных глаголов have, has.

Например: I have already finished the exercise. – Я уже закончил упражнение.

We have watched this film. – Мы смотрели этот фильм.

2. Если говорится о действии, которое началось в прошлом и продолжается по сей день. В предложении есть слова since (с), for (в течение).

Например: She has worked in this firm since 1999. – Она работает (проработала) в этой фирме с 1999

We have lived in Novosibirsk for 3 years. – Мы живем (прожили) в Новосибирске три


Сравните Past Simple и Present Perfect по употреблению:

Past Simple Present Perfect
Действие произошло в прошлом, и есть указатель на прошлое (yesterday, last year, ago, пр.) I watched this film yesterday. – Я смотрел этот фильм вчера. Действие произошло в прошлом, и нет указателя на прошлое.   I have watched this film. – Я смотрел этот фильм.

Упр. 1. Напишите предложения, используя Present Perfect

  1. I / buy / a new car.
  2. My father / start / a new job.
  3. I / give up / smoking.
  4. Charles and Sarah / go / to Brazil.

5. Susan / finish / school.

Упр. 2. Раскройте скобки в Present Perfect

  1. Have you ever given an interview? – No, I ……… (never / do) that.
  2. What time does the train leave? – It ………. (just / leave)!
  3. Is the new restaurant good? – I ………… (not / eat) there yet.
  4. Shall I do shopping now? – No, I ………. (already / do) it.
  5. Mary, are you ready? – No, I ………. (not / dry) my hair yet.
  6. Would you like to have lunch with me? – No, thanks. I ……… (already / eat).

Упр. 3. Задайте вопросы во времени Present Perfect и ответьте на них.

  1. (ever / ride / a horse?)
  2. (ever / be / to California?)
  3. (ever / run / marathon?)
  4. (ever / speak / with famous person?)
  5. (ever / eat / pizza?)

Упр. 4. Завершите предложения, используя глагол в Present Perfect и слова ‘today / this year / this term’, и прочие

  1. I saw Tom yesterday but I ………………………………………
  2. I read a newspaper yesterday but I ………………………………
  3. Last year the company made a big profit but ……………………….
  4. Tracy worked hard at school last term but ………………………
  5. It snowed a lot last winter but ……………………………………
  6. Our football team won a lot of games last season ………………

Упр. 5. Вставьте следующие глаголы в предложения во времени Present Perfect

arrive break grow improve lose

  1. Mike …………. his key.
  2. Margaret ………… her leg.
  3. Mary’s English was not very good but now it is better. It ……………
  4. Tim did not have a beard last month. Now he has a beard. He …………… it.
  5. This morning a letter ………….


Упр. 6. Поставьте глагол в скобках во время Present Perfect

1. – Why don’t you stay at home and finish your homework?

– I …………. (already / finish) it.

2. – How long …………. (they / know) each other?

– Since their childhood.

3. – Can I have a piece of cake?

– Sorry, Sue ………. (just / eat) the last piece.

Упр. 7. Раскройте скобки в Present Perfect

  1. I …………(already / read) this book.
  2. He …………(just / open) the window.
  3. They ………(already / come).
  4. We ……… (call) you recently.
  5. Susan and Tom …………(work) at this company since 2000.
  6. Margaret ………(wait) for you since 6 o’clock.
  7. Sam and his brother ………(fly) to Brazil.
  8. I ………….(study) German since September.
  9. I ………(know) Mary since our childhood.
  10. They ………(look) for a new flat lately.

Упр. 8. Постройте утвердительные или отрицательные предложения в Present Perfect

  1. I ………(speak) to the boss. +
  2. They ………….(eat) anything. –
  3. She ………(forget) my address. +
  4. I ……….(make) a mistake. +
  5. You ………(close) the door. –
  6. John ……….(learn) anything. –
  7. I ………(break) a cup. +
  8. We ………(remember) Ann’s birthday. +
  9. The rain …………(stop). +
  10. I ………(read) a newspaper today. –

Упр. 9. Постройте вопросы в Present Perfect

  1. John / leave?
  2. Why / Mary / go home?
  3. Where / you / put the keys?
  4. They / pay?
  5. Bill / phone?
  6. You / hear the news?
  7. Our friends / come back?
  8. What / Barbara / tell the police?
  9. What / you / find?

Упр. 10. Найдите ошибки в следующих предложениях, если они есть

  1. Sue has given up her job.
  2. The Chinese have invented printing many years ago.
  3. Have you read Shakespeare’s plays?
  4. Aristotle has been a Greek philosopher.
  5. Mary already went shopping.
  6. She played in this group since 2002.
  7. Albert has phoned me yesterday.
  8. We already met you.
  9. John and Mary has finished school this year.
  10. Jane has invited us last week.

Упр. 11. Завершите предложения, поставьте один из данных глаголов в Present Perfect

break buy decide finish forget tell go go invite see not/see take

  1. ‘Can I have this newspaper?’ ‘Yes, I …………… with it.’
  2. I ………… new shoes. Do you want to see them?
  3. ‘Where is Liz?’ ‘She …………out.’
  4. I am looking for Paula. …… you ……… her?
  5. Look! Somebody ………… the window.
  6. ‘Does Lisa know that you are going away?’ ‘Yes, I ………. her.’
  7. I can’t find my umbrella. Somebody ………. it.
  8. I am looking for Sarah. Where ……… she …............?
  9. I know that woman but I ……… her name.
  10. Sue is having a party tonight. She ……… a lot of people.
  11. What are you going to do? ……… you …………?

12. ‘Where are my glasses?’ ‘I don’t know. I ………… them.’

Упр. 12. Поставьте глагол в скобках во время Present Perfect или Past Simple

  1. ‘Where is your key?’ ‘I don’t know. I ………….(lose) it.’
  2. I was very tired, so I lay down on the bed and ……… (go) to sleep.
  3. Mary ………….(fly) to Australia last month.
  4. ‘Where is Ken?’ ‘He …………(just/go) out.
  5. I ………(learn) German at school but I …………(forget) most of it.
  6. I ………….(work) in this company since 1999.
  7. Look! There’s an ambulance! There ………….(just / be) an accident.
  8. They are building the new road now. They ……… (not / finish) it yet.
  9. ‘Is Helen still there?’ ‘No, she …………..(just / go) out.
  10. The police.............. (arrest) three people since yesterday.

Упр. 13. Вставьте глагол в предложении в Present Perfect или Past Simple

1. A: Have you been to Scotland?

B: Yes, ………… (I / go / there / last year)

2. A: Do you like London?

B: I don’t know. …................(I / never / be / there)

3. A: What time is Paul going out?

B: …………… (he / already / go)

4. A: Has Catherine gone home?

B: Yes, ………… (she / go / at 4 o’clock)

5. A: New York is my favorite city.

B: Is it? ………… (how many times / you / be / there?)

6. A: What are you doing this weekend?

B: I don’t know. …………. (I / not / decide / yet).

7. A: I can’t find my address book. Have you seen it?

B: ………… (it / be / on the table / last night)

8. A: Are you hungry?

B: No, ………… (I / just / eat)

9. A: Paula and Sue are here.

B: Are they? ………… (what time / they / arrive?)


Упр. 14. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Simple

1. My friend is a writer. He ………… (write) many books.

2. We ………. (not / have) a holiday last year.

3. I ………… (play) tennis yesterday afternoon.

4. What time ………….(you / go) to bed last night?

5. ………… (you / ever / meet) a famous person?

6. The weather ………… (not / be) very good yesterday.

7. My hair is wet. I ………… (just / wash) it.

8. I ………… (wash) my hair before breakfast this morning.

9. Kathy travels a lot. She ………… (visit) many countries.

10. ‘Is Sonia here?’ ‘No, she …………. (not / come) yet.’

Упр. 15. Составьте предложения в Present Perfect или Past Simple

  1. (it / not / rain / this week)
  2. (the weather / be / cold / recently)
  3. (it / be / cold / last week?)
  4. (I / not / read / a newspaper / yesterday)
  5. (I / not / read / a newspaper / today)
  6. (Ann / earn / a lot of money / this year)
  7. (she / not earn / so much / last year)
  8. (you / have / a holiday / recently?)
  9. (you / see / John / since last week?)
  10. (you / see / Mary / last week?)
  11. (we / already / do / this work)

Упр. 16. Постройте вопросы из данных слов, ответьте на них

  1. How long / Mark / look for the article?
  2. When / he / find / this article?
  3. When / the conference / take place?
  4. He / already / apply for the conference?
  5. He / have / a holiday at the moment?
  6. He / just / begin / to study the material on his topic?

Упр. 17. Раскройте скобки, используя глагол в Present Perfect или Past Simple

  1. I ……………………(buy) a beautiful dress. I ……………(find) it at Parker’s yesterday.
  2. Cathy and Sam ……………(sell) their house. They ………………..(get) a lot of money.
  3. Bill ………………(have) an accident. He ……………….(fall off) his bicycle yesterday.
  4. I ………………(hear) from Jane. She ………………..(send) us a postcard from Peru.
  5. John and Sue ………….(not / arrive) yet. They ……………….(take) the wrong train.
  6. Joe ……………………….(change) his job twice this year.
  7. ……………………………………(you / ever / write) a poem?
  8. I ………………………………..(go) to the mountains last summer.
  9. I ……………………………….(never / go) to the mountains.
  10. ……………………………………..(Charles / speak) to you today?

Упр. 18. Переведите предложения, используя Present Perfect или Past Simple

  1. Мы только что пришли.
  2. Они разговаривали по телефону час назад.
  3. Когда ты его встретил?
  4. Я встретил его только что.
  5. Я уже видел этот фильм.
  6. Мы ходили в кино вчера.
  7. Он зашел в комнату, включил компьютер и начал работать.
  8. Они знают друг друга с 2013 года.


Время Past Perfect

Образование утверждения: had + гл.ed / 3 форма We had finished the work.

Отрицание: had not + гл.ed / 3 форма We had not finished the work.

Общий вопрос: had подлежащее гл.ed / 3 форма …? Had they finished the work?

Специальный вопрос:

вопросительное слово had подлежащее гл.ed / 3 форма …? Why had they gone?



1. Для обозначения действий, которые закончились к определенному времени в прошлом. В предложении есть слова by (к), before (до) и прочие.

We had done the work by 6 o’clock yesterday. – Мы сделали работу к 6 часам вчера.

2. Для обозначения действий, которые закончились раньше других действий в прошлом, в предложении есть слова after (после того, как), before (до того, как), by the time (к тому времени как) и прочие.

We had discussed the details before we started the work. – Мы обсудили детали до того, как начали работу.

Глагол, обозначающий действие, произошедшее позже, ставится в Past Simple.


Упр. 1. Поставьте глагол в скобках во время Past Perfect, объясните, каким правилом употребления Вы руководствовались. Переведите предложения.

1) Jason ………………….(return) home before the storm broke out.

2) ………………………..(Lucy / pack) her suitcase by the time you called her?

3) The children ……………………(finish) doing their homework by nine o’clock.

4) ……………………….(Julie / type) the letters by the time her boss came to the office?

5) I ………………………….(not finish) my lunch when uncle Bill came.

6) After Sarah ………………….(do) the shopping, she had coffee with her friends at a cafe.

7) When I got to the garage, the mechanic ……………………….(not repair) my car.

8) The boys were frightened because they ……………………(not be) on a plane before.

Упр. 2. Совместите части предложений, глагол в одной части поставьте в Past Perfect, а в другой – в Past Simple. Используйте связующие слова after, before, by the time и др. Переведите предложения.

First Then
Sue / pack / her suitcase call / a taxi
Bob / eat / the meal pay / the bill
Mary / read / the contract sign / it
the boys / watch / the match turn off / the TV
Peter / borrow / some money buy / a car


Упр. 3. Объедините два предложения в одно, используя времена Past Perfect, Past Simple и слова в скобках. Переведите предложения.

2) She cleaned the house. Then, she watched TV. (after)

3) I found a solution to my problem. Then, I felt happier. (when)

4) The boys finished their homework. Then, they went out to play. (before)

5) He locked the door. Then, the phone rang. (after)

6) Sarah washed the dishes. Then, her husband arrived. (by the time)

7) The concert finished. Then, the fans left the stadium. (when)

8) The play started. Then, Henry arrived at the theatre. (already, when)

Упр. 4. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы во время Past Perfect или Past Simple. Переведите предложения.

  1. I ………………..(just / wake up) when someone ……………….(knock) on the front door.
  2. I ……………….(have) my bus pass in my pocket but I didn’t realize that it …………….(expire).
  3. By the time she ……………..(reach) the harbour, the ferry …………….(leave).
  4. Maria ……………..(never / see) the ocean before she ……………..(leave) her village.
  5. She ……………….(enjoy) her visit to Rome although she ……………….(already / go) there once before.
  6. He ……………….(apologize) because he ………………(miss) the meeting.
  7. Lorna …………….(look) wonderful after she ………………(lose) a few kilos.
  8. After they ……………….(finish) their picnic, they ……………(take) their rubbish home with them.
  9. When she ……………….(hang up) the phone she ………………..(realize) that she ……………….(forget) to write down the caller’s name and number.
  10. Although I ……………….(set) my alarm clock, I still ………………..(oversleep).
  11. He ………………..(already / pack) his suitcase before he ………………(go) to bed.

Упр. 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя Past Perfect и Past Simple.

  1. Мы приехали в город к 4 утра.
  2. Питер уже научился читать и писать к тому времени, как он пошел в школу.
  3. К тому времени, как ему было 18, он уже стал профессиональным атлетом.
  4. Они сыграли партию в шахматы до того, как ты пришел.
  5. К тому времени, как мы присоединились к ним, они уже пообедали.
  6. Я вернулся домой к 7 часам вчера.
  7. Они построили дом к январю прошлого года.



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