VII. Which input device would you use for these tasks?

1. toplay computer games

2. to copy images from paper into computer

3. to read price labels in a shop

4. to select test and click on links on web pages

5. to enter drawings and sketches into a computer

6. to input voice commands and dictate test

7. to draw pictures on select menu options directly on the screen

8. to take and store pictures and then download them to a computer


VIII. Complete each sentence by choosing from the following devices:

touch screen trackball touchpad webcam


1. A _______ is a stationary device that works like a mouse turned upside down. You roll the ball with your hand to move the pointer on the screen.

2. Interactive ________ are used in museums, information centres and internet kiosks. You use your finger to point directly to objects on the screen.

3. A ______ is used to send live video images via the internet.

4. A ______ is found on notebook PCs. You use it by pressing the sensitive pad.


IX. Identify the keys described below:

1. It produces upper-case letters, but it does not affect numbers and symbols.

2. it removes the character to the left of the cursor or any selected text.

3. It works in combination with other keys, e.g. you press this key and copy the selected text.

4. It is used to confirm commands; in a word processor, it creates a new paragraph.


X. Decide if these sentences are True or false. If they are false, correct them.

1. The details detected by a scanner are not determined by its resolution.

2. A barcode scanner is a computer peripheral for reading barcode labels printed on products.

3. Scanners cannot handle optical character recognition.

4. A digital camera uses a light sensitive film istead of a memory card for storing the images.

5. A digital video, DVD camera is used to take still photographs.

6. Video editing software allows you to manipulate video clips on the computer.

Unit 9.

I. Learn the following words and expressions:

arrange – приводить в порядок, расставлять

attach - прикреплять

bit-code – двоичныйкод

buffer - буфер

cathode-raytube (CRT) – электронно–лучевая трубка

circuitry – график, диаграмма, схема

circular – круглый, округлый

communicatewith – общатьсяс

convert - преобразовывать

decimal - десятичный

demodulator – демодулятор (устройство, выделяющее полезный сигнал из модулированной несущей волны)

detachable – съемный, разъемный

detect – замечать, открывать, обнаруживать

display – показ, демонстрация

enclose – окружать, огораживать

enter – вводить, вносить

include – включать в себя

interface – интерфейс (программа или часть программы, взаимодействующая с пользователем)

matrix - матрица

modulator– модулятор (устройство, накладывающее передаваемый сигнал на несущую частоту)

oxide - окись

peripheralequipment – внешнее, периферийноеоборудование

randomaccess – случайныйдоступ

reliability - надежность

sealed - запечатанный

serialaccess– последовательный доступ

transmit - передавать

visual display units (VDU) -монитор


II. II.Read the text:


Peripheral equipment


The microcomputer has to communicate with the outside world, so that programs and data can be entered into its memory and processed information can be displayed or transmitted in some form to the microcomputer user.

There are various types of peripheral equipment that may be attached to microcomputers including keyboards and paper tape readers for input, and visual display units (VDUs) and printers for output. Information may be output from the microcomputer on to magnetic tape or disk for storage and re-entered when required.

Different sensors and actuators may be linked (interfaced) to the microcomputer for controlling instruments and machines; their use is discussed in later chapters.

A keyboard consists of a number of switches which are activated by pressure or simply by touching them. The keys are arranged as a matrix, so that the depression of any key can be detected by scanning the rows and columns of the matrix. Hardware may be used to sense which key has been pressed or this may be carried out by a software routine.

The layout of the keyboard may be similar to that of the con­ventional typewriter or may be designed for particular users. For example, if a large amount of the data to be entered is generally numeric, then a numeric key pad containing keys for decimal 0 through 9, full stop, and some special characters, is an essential feature.

Teletypewriters may be used for a number of different purposes in computer systems. For example, they may be used as terminals to transmit and receive information over telephone lines or as input/output devices directly connected to a computer.

Teletypewriters transmit and receive information in serial form, that is, each character is converted to a bit-code, and then sent as a stream of serial data bits with start and stop control bits for each character. The characters have to be decoded when they reach the computer end.

Teletypewriters and other terminals using telephone lines require modems(modulators - demodulators) at each end, to convert the data to a form suitable for voice transmission and vice versa.

As well as having a keyboard, teletypewriters are fitted with a printing device, so that a hard copy of the information sent and received is available. Characters are printed one at a time by moving the block containing the characters across the paper from left to right. The selected character is pressed against a typewriter ribbon to give a solid shape. Speeds vary from about 10—30 characters/second.

Teletypewriters may have paper tape stations for producing output on to punched paper tape.

These units have a cathode-ray tube (CRT) for displaying information and often a keyboard which may be attached or is detachable. The VDU may be part of a self-contained micro­computer, with all the necessary circuitry contained in the case holding the CRT.

The output from the keyboard is decoded into a form suitable for the computer being used. This function is usually carried out within the VDU which may also have its own buffer, so that. information keyed in is not transmitted immediately giving the operator a chance to correct it.

Other more sophisticated features may be available on more expensive VDUs such as graphics facilities and screen-editing. With the latter facility, changes may be made to information displayed on the screen by moving a special character (cursor) to the position on the screen which requires alteration. Often these facilities will be under the control of programs stored in ROMs on the VDU board. Additionally, a light pen may be used as an input device by pointing it to the required position on the screen.

There are basically two types of devices, serial access, e. g. magnetic tape, and random access, e. g. magnetic disk.

Information is recorded magnetically on both these media, which generally consist of a substrate made from a plastics material coated with magnetic oxide. A 1 bit is represented by a portion of magnetized material (magnetic spot) and a 0 bit by the absence of a magnetic spot. Patterns of Is and Os are used to represent character codes.

Ordinary portable cassette recorders and standard audio cassettes can be used with some microcomputers. Standard cassette interfaces are used to allow binary information in the microcomputer memory to be transmitted as a serial bit stream for recording on tape. The 1 and 0 bits are generated as two different tones.

Magnetic disks have data recorded on them in a series of circular tracks. Each track is divided into sectors and is uniquely identified. Data is transferred in sectors or groups of these. Read/write heads are moved to the appropriate track for recording or accessing data under hardware/software control, so that random access of data can be achieved. Indexes may be used to enable the required data to be located or data may be retrieved randomly by using relative addressing, in which data is recorded in known positions. Data may also be recorded serially as on magnetic tape.

Two types of disk are commonly used, floppy (flexible) disks and hard disks. Floppy disks are available in two sizes, standard 8 inches and mini 5 inches. Hard or soft sectoring may be em­ployed.

Hard disk drives, available for use with microcomputers, are usually based on Winchester technology. The units consist of a hard disk totally enclosed and sealed in a chamber. This ensures that extraneous particles of dust or dirt cannot get into the very small gap between the fast spinning disk and the floating read/ write head, as this would cause a head-crash which would ruin the head and disk resulting in the loss of all the information held on the disk. The disks are the same size (8 inches diameter) as standard floppy disks, but can hold much more data and have greater reliability.

Data under hardware/software control, so that random access of data can be achieved. Indexes may be used to enable the required data to be located or data may be retrieved randomly by using relative addressing, in which data is recorded in known positions. Data may also be recorded serially as on magnetic tape.

Two types of disk are commonly used, floppy (flexible) disks and hard disks. Floppy disks are available in two sizes, standard 8 inches and mini 5-. inches. Hard or soft sectoring may be em­ployed.

Hard disk drives, available for use with microcomputers, are usually based on Winchester technology. The units consist of a hard disk totally enclosed and sealed in a chamber. This ensures that extraneous particles of dust or dirt cannot get into the very small gap between the fast spinning disk and the floating read/ write head, as this would cause a head-crash which would ruin the head and disk resulting in the loss of all the information held on the disk. The disks are the same size (8 inches diameter) as standard floppy disks, but can hold much more data and have greater reliability.


III. AIII. nswer the questions::

1. What did you learn about peripheral equipment?

2. What peripherals can you name?

3. What are teletypewriters designed for?

4. Where are scanners used?

5. What types of disks can you name?


IV. Match the words with their meanings:

1. character 2. consist of 3. conventional 4. depression 5. detachable 6. matrix 7. particular 8. pressure 9. randomly 10. receive 11. vary a) съемный, разъемный b) состоять из c) давление d) подавление, ослабление e) матрица f) обычный g) получить h) особенный, специфический i) символ j) изменять, менять k) случайно, наугад



V. Match the expressions with their meanings:

1. appropriate track 2. hard copy 3. outside world 4. printing device 5. selected character 6. serial form 7. spinning disk 8. voice transmission a) соответствующая дорожка b) вращающийся диск c) выбранный символ, знак d) бумажный документ e) внешний мир f) последовательная форма g) передача голоса h) печатающее устройство



VI. Work with the partner. Take it in turns to dictate abbreviations and write them down. Can you decode all of them?




VII. Here are some structuring your view expressions. Write each of them in sentences from the text “Peripheral equipment” where they logically fit.


a. Atanyrate – во всяком случае

b. Consequently – следовательно

c. hence, therefore – поэтому

d. however – однако

e. in fact, actually – фактически

f. nevertheless – тем не менее

g. moreover – более того

h. that is why - вотпочему



VIIIVVIII. Give definitions of the following terms:


Hard disk, modulator, demodulator, scanner, floppy disk, hardware, software.


IX. Read and translate the dialogue

A: The time is 1.05 and here is the business news with Alan Wilson.

B: Good afternoon. Share prices on the London stock market have fallen sharply today, following sharp losses on Wall Street. Shares of leading computer companies have been the worst hit. Lucy Lambert, Chief Analyst with Hancock and Benson, believes we are seeing the start of a sell-off in high technology shares.

C: Technology stocks have made enormous increases for some time. Now they are coming down to their correct level. That is just a short term correction. It’s not a repeat of the stock market crash of 1987.

B: The FT-SE 100 index closed 50.2 points down. British gas has reported a 4% drop in profits for the first half of the year. The company blames warm winters, a fall in gas prices and rising competition from rival suppliers. The Safeway supermarket chain has removed fifty-five thousand bottles of tonic water from their shelves after poison was discovered in four bottles. The police haven’t yet discovered where the poison was put there deliberately.

And finally, the human brain may be connected to computers within 50 years. Professor Peter Cochrane, the head of British Telcom’s Martlesham heath laboratories, has predicted connections between silicon chips and the human brain. By the year 2020 it may be possible for someone to carry a complete encyclopedia around in their head.

And that’s all from the business news studio today. We’ll be back tomorrow at five past one.


X. Read the dialogue again to pick out specific information. Complete the sentences.


Item 1

(a)_________________________________ have fallen in London.

They also fell on (b)___________________________________.

The worst hit companies are (c)___________________________.

It’s not a repeat of the stock market crash of (d)____________________.

The FT-SE index closed (e)______________________points down.


Item 2

The company:


The percentage fall in profits:


Reasons for the fall:

(h) _____________________________________________.


Item 3

The company: (i)_________________________________________________

Its problem:

(j) __________________________________________________.

How it happened:

(k) ______________________________________________


Item 4

Who is professor Peter Cochrane? (l)__________________________________

What has he predicted?

(m) _________________________________________

When will it happen?




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