Keyboard Layout and Data Entry

ENTER or RETURN - Moves the cursor down one line and to the left margin. Enter also process commands such as choosing an option in a dialog (message) boxes and submitting a form.

DEL or DELETE - Deletes the character at cursor and/or characters to the right of the cursor and all highlighted (or selected) text.

BKSP or BACKSPACE - Deletes the character to the left of cursor and all highlighted text.

SPACE BAR - Moves the cursor one space at a time to the right.

SHIFT KEY - Use the shift keys to type capital letters and to type the upper character on keys with two characters on them.

CAPS LOCK - Locks the keyboard so it types capital letters (a light goes on when caps lock is on)

TAB - Moves the cursor five spaces to the right (number of spaces are usually adjustable). Tab moves to the next field in a form or table (Shift-Tab for previous field).

ESC or ESCAPE - Cancels a menu or dialog box.

ARROW KEYS - Moves the cursor around document without changing text.

FUNCTION KEYS or F KEYS - Access commands by themselves or in combination with the three command keys; CTRL, SHIFT, and ALT.


III. chose the correct translation:

1) ordinary

a) независимый b) обычный c) краткий d) предыдущий

2) table

a) таблица b) строка c) распознавание d) описание

3) independent

a) независимый b) обычный c) краткий d) предыдущий

4) line

a) таблица b) строка c) распознавание d) описание

5) brief

a) независимый b) обычный c) краткий d) предыдущий

6) recognition

a) таблица b) строка c) распознавание d) описание

7) previous

a) независимый b) обычный c) краткий d) предыдущий



8) description

a) таблица b) строка c) распознавание d) описание

9) to follow

a) запирать b) производить c) следовать d) подписывать

10) to lock

a) запирать b) производить c) следовать d) подписывать

IV. Match the words with their meanings:

1) produce 2) combination 3) arrange 4) sign 5) arrow 6) confirmation 7) approximate 8) between 9) same 10) for example   a) организовать b) стрелка c) производить d) подтверждение e) между f) приблизительный g) знак h) например i) одинаковый j) сочетание

VI. Make up two-word expressions:

1) capital 2) brief 3) word 4) keyboard 5) to access 6) application 7) to cancel 8) to sign 9) alternative 10) blank processing a document data space layout letter character program an instruction description


VII. Match these descriptions with the names of the keys in the box:

Arrow Keys, Return/Enter, Backspace, Caps Lock, Shift, Tab, Escape, Space Bar, Delete, Alt

1) A long key at the bottom of the keyboard. Each time it is pressed, it produces a blank space (…).

2) It moves the cursor to the beginning of a new line. It is also used to confirm commands (…).

3) It stops the program without losing the information from the main memory. Sometimes its use depends on the application (…).

4) It works in combination with other keys to produce special characters or specific actions (…).

5) It removes the character on the right of the cursor or any selected text (…).

6) It produces UPPER-CASE characters or the upper-case character of the key (…).

7) It produces the upper-case letters but it does not affect numbers and symbols (…).

8) It moves the cursor horizontally to the right for a fixed number of spaces (in tabulations and data fields) (…).

9) They are used to move the cursor as an alternative to the mouse (…).

10) It removes the character on the left of the cursor (…).


VIII. Match these key abbreviations with their full names:

1 Esc 2 Alt 3 Ctrl 4 Pgdn 5 Pgup 6 Ins 7 Del a Alternate b Page Up c Delete d Insert e Escape f Page Down g Control

IX. Work in pairs. Choose a letter or key from the keyboard and describe where it is. Do not say which key you have chosen. Use next to, above, below, between, on the right/left/top/bottom.

X. Before reading the text try to answer the question: Do you know what QWERTY stands for?


What is QWERTY?


The first modern typewriter was developed by Christopher Sholes and two of his friends, Carlos Glidden and Sam Soule. They worked on a newspaper in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the 1860s.

Sholes put each letter on the end of a metal bar. A key was pushed down and the end of the bar hit the paper. The typewriter keys were put in alphabetical order, but the alphabetical order caused a problem. Fast typing made some of the letter bars get caught on one another. The bars were too close together.

Sholes solved the problem. He found out the most-used letters in English. Then he put these letters far apart on the typewriter keyboard. The letter bars did not hit each other easily. The first six letters on the top of the keyboard are QWERTY!

XI. Complete the sentences and word combinations using the text:

1. The first ­­_____ typewriter

2. Sholes put _____ letter

3. were put in _____ order

4. were too close _____

5. he put _____ letters far apart

6. The first ____ letters on the top

7. the alphabetical order _____ a problem

8. the end of the bar _____ the paper

9. He found out the _____ letters in English

10. A key was pushed _____


XII. Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences:

1. Sholes worked for____

a) the government b) a typewriter company c) a newspaper

2. Letters were put on the end of metal ____

a) bars b) keys c) alphabets

3. ____ caused the bars to get caught on one another.

a) The metal b) Fast typing c) The letters

4. Sholes needed to know ____ to solve the problem.

a) QWERTY b) the most-used letters Samuel Soule

5. Then he put these letters far ____ on the typewriter keyboard.

a) behind b) ahead c) apart


XIII. With the help of this table write a brief description of a keyboard. The first paragraph is done for you:

Section   Location Main keys   Main function  
Main keyboard centre each letter digits 0-9 punctuation common symbols input all kinds of data
Function keys top F1-F12 not fixed can program them
Editing keys right cursor keys insert, delete control cursor
Numeric keypad far right digits 0-9 mathematical operations input numerical data

Most keyboards have four sections. The main keyboard has keys for each letter and the digits 0 to 9. It also has keys for punctuation and other common symbols. It is used for inputting all kinds of data.



UNIT 11.

I. Learn the following words and expressions:


assembly language–языкассемблера

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) – электронныйцифровойинтеграторикалькулятор

flexibility - гибкость

general-purpose language – универсальныйязык

low/high level language – языкнизкого / высокогоуровня

machine language – машинныйязык

module - модуль

procedure – алгоритм, порядок

programming experience – опытпрограммирования

programminglanguage - языкпрограммирования

structured programming – структурноепрограммирование

switch – переключатель

tooffset - сместить

toreset – устанавливатьповторно

to solve problems–решатьзадачи


II. Read the article below:

Programming languages

Programming languages are communication systems that people can use to communicate with computers. The earliest computers were programmed to arranging various wires and switches within the computer components. Up to 6,000 switches could be set on the ENIAC to exclude one program. However, when a new program was to be run, all the switches had to be reset. This was inefficient. The EDSAC, the first stored-program computer, allowed instructions to be entered into primary storage without rewiring and resetting switches. Codes that corresponding to the required on/off electrical states were needed to enter these instructions. These codes were called machine language. Later, assembly language (which uses simple codes to represent, machine instructions) was developed to offset the tedium writing machine-language programs. There are two main categories of programming languages: low-level and high-level. The first are oriented toward the computer, whereas high-level languages are oriented more toward the programmer. Therefore, low-level languages are easier for the computer to execute, but high-level languages are easier for people to use and understand.

One of the oldest high-level programming language is FORTRAN (FORmula TRANslator). It originated in the mid-1950s, when most programs we written in either assembly language or machine language. Efforts were made to develop a programming language that resemble English but could be translated into, machine language by the computer. These efforts, backed by IBM, produced FORTRAN – the first commercially available high-level language. FORTRAN is a procedure-oriented language with extraordinary mathematical capabilities. It is especially applicable when numerous complex arithmetic calculations are necessary.


III. Translate into Russian:

The earliest computers were programmed to arranging various wires and switches; up to 6,000 switches could be set on the ENIAC to exclude one program; all the switches had to be reset; codes that corresponding to the required on/off electrical states; the first are oriented toward the computer; therefore, low-level languages are easier for the computer to execute; high-level languages are easier for people to use and understand; it originated in the mid-1950s; a programming language that resemble English; backed by IBM, produced FORTRAN – the first commercially available high-level language; it is especially applicable.


IV. Put the questions to the parts of the sentences in bold:

1. Programming languages are communication systems that people can use to communicate with computers. (2)

2. The earliest computers were programmed by arranging various wires and switches within the computer components. (2)

3. This was very inefficient. (1)

4. These codes were called machine language. (2)

5. Assembly language was developed to offset the tedium writing machine-language programs. (2)


V. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

Общаться с компьютером; когда нужно было запускать новую программу; это было очень неэффективно; первая вычислительная машина с запоминаемой программой; эти коды были названы машинным языком; написание программ на машинном языке; языки высокого уровня больше ориентируются на программиста; делались попытки разработать язык программирования; когда необходимы многочисленные сложные арифметические вычисления.


VI. Define the terms in English:

To reset, low-level, language, stored-program computer, to underline, to justify.


VII. Answer the following questions:

1. What are programming languages?

2. How were the earliest computers programmed?

3. What machine-language programs were used earlier?

4. What was develop to offset the tedium writing machine-language programs later?

5. What categories of programming languages do you know? What are they oriented toward?

6. What is FORTRAN? When was it originated and why? Where can the language be applied?



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