Final results of studying


Department of organization and management of pharmaceutical business


Discipline Medical and pharmaceutical


Discipline code MPhM 3216

Specialty: 5В110300 - «Pharmacy»

Volume of educational hours (credits) 135 /3

Course: 3


Semester of learning: 6


Compilers: Shertayeva K.Zh. –, professor

Blinova O.V. –, associated professor

Urazbayeva S.A. –elder teacher

Beiseyeva Sh.N – department`s teacher


Syllabus has been developed according to the meeting of department of OMPhB.


Report № ___ dated «___»_______________ 20___у.

The Head of department, professor K.Zh. Shertayeva



Data on teachers

1. Shertayeva Klara Zholbarisovna – department’s professor, doctor of pharmaceutical science. Has school of science.

Priority scientific interests, achievements: the author more than 150 scientific works, the head of the scientific and technical project on chair is engaged in market researches of the pharmaceutical market.


2. Blinova Ol`ga Viktorovna – candidate of pharmaceutical science, associated professor.

Priority scientific interests, achievements: the author more than 80 scientific works, the performer of the scientific and technical project on chair is engaged in market researches of the pharmaceutical market.


Urazbayeva Svetlana Abdrashovna – a senior teacher.

Priority scientific interests, achievements: the author of 5 scientific works is engaged in market researches of the pharmaceutical market.


Contact information

South Kazakhstan State Pharmaceutical Academy, the Chair of organization and pharmaceutical of pharmaceutical business. Al-Farabi square, building #1. Phone 8(7252) 408 222, internal 327


Politics of discipline:

It is necessary:

- not to skip class without good reason;

- to have tidy appearance

- to adhere to the standard special form in higher education institution

- on a practical training to show activity

- to come to occupations by the prepared

- in due time to carry out and be able to protect tasks on SIW

- not to be late for occupations

- during occupation to support the benevolent atmosphere

- to make thrifty use of property of chair

Penal measures:

At the admission of one lecture occupation without good reason the penal point makes 066% and is subtracted from an admission rating.

For delay, incorrect behavior during occupation, damage property of department, use of the cell phone on occupation 05 points are removed.

Incentive measures:

For active participation in educational process (participation in the Olympic Games, scientific research works, conferences) it is added the 05th point to an admission rating.




One of functions of the pharmaceutical organizations is realization of medicines, products of medical appointment and other pharmaceutical goods which extensive nomenclature constantly extends. The range of the existing medical products is updated and there are samples based on new technologies.

Prompt development of the market of medical and pharmaceutical goods and competitive fight in the conditions of market economy impose new requirements to training of specialists of the pharmacists working in the sphere of wholesale and retail trade in products of medical appointment and medical equipment.

The program of discipline "Medical and pharmaceutical merchandizing" is directed on studying of the main requirements, merchandising characteristics of the medical and pharmaceutical goods realized through pharmacy chain and widely applied in treat and preventive organizations.

Objects of studying of discipline are medical and pharmaceutical commodities, their properties and indicators of quality.

2.2 Aim of discipline: formation of knowledge and abilities to the merchandising analysis of medical and pharmaceutical commodities.

2.3 Objectives of studying:

-to create understanding of fundamentals of merchandizing at students;

-to create merchandising thinking;

-to teach to define consumer properties, qualities and systematization of goods on the basis of application of methods of classification and coding;

- to give concepts forming and keeping properties and quality of medical and pharmaceutical commodities;

- to teach ability of use of rational ways of ensuring safety of medical and pharmaceutical commodities in the course of their transportation, storage and operation;

- to teach carrying out information support of the movement of goods from the manufacturer to the consumer;

-to teach carrying out the merchandising analysis of the medical and pharmaceutical commodities realized through pharmacy chain and applied in the treatment and prophylactic organizations.


Final results of studying


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