Criteria and rules of an estimation of knowledge


• objectivity,

• a transparency

• flexibility

• high differentiation


Rules of an estimation of all kinds of works

Current control of progress of the trained is spent by following kinds of works: performance of laboratory works, SIWT and SIW.


Performance of laboratory works

The teacher plans carrying out of laboratory works so that each student could seize methodology of carrying out full pharmacopeia the analysis of medical products.

The carrying out form: individual performance, work in steam, work in small groups.


Criteria of an estimation of laboratory work

points Criteria of an estimation
  Excellent А (4,0; 95-100%); А-(3,67; 90-94%);   - Shows readiness for performance of laboratory work according to workplace; - Owns techniques of performance of operations (a hinge plate capture, dissolution, filtering, drying, titration, etc.; - Owns skills of work with measured ware and measuring devices; - Carries out operations accurately, accurately; - Contains a workplace in cleanliness; - Observes safety precautions on a workplace; - Correctly estimates results of the executed operations; - Is able to make correctly calculations under the maintenance of impurity, a moisture, the quantitative maintenance etc; - Is able to work with standard documents on medical products and other reference books; - Is able to work with the State Pharmacopoeia of the RK, knows communication of general articles with private articles; - Correctly fills the report of the analysis and draws the correct conclusion; - Answers control tests on a laboratory research theme (86-100 % of the right answers).
  good В+(3,33; 85-89%); В (3,0;80-84%); В-(2,67; 75-79%) Corresponds to the above-stated criteria of estimation, but commits not basic errors on registration of the report and in answers to control tests (75-85 % of the right answers).
  Satisfactory С+(2,33; 70-74%); С (2,0; 65-69%); С(1,67;60-64%)   Corresponds to the above-stated criteria of an estimation, but supposes: - Not essential errors on the technician of performance of operations under the analysis of medical products; - On separate stages of performance of work needs the help of the teacher; - Errors on registration of the report and in answers to control tests (50-74 % of the right answers)
  Satisfactory D+(1,33; 55-63%); D (1,0;50-54%)     Corresponds to the above-stated criteria of an estimation, but supposes: - Essential errors on the technician of performance of operations under the analysis of medical products, needs the help of the teacher; - Basic errors on registration of the report and in answers to control tests (50-74 % of the right answers)
  Bad F (0; 0-49%) - It is not ready and isn't admitted to performance of laboratory work


Criteria of an estimation of individual work of students.

In the beginning of the academic period, as a rule, themes of SIW are fixed to each student from calculation one theme from one credit. The carrying out technique is in detail described in methodical recommendations about performance of SIW

points Criteria of an estimation
  Excellent А(4,0; 95-100%); А-(3,67; 90-94%);   Preparation and abstract protection - The abstract completely corresponds to the requirements, the abstracts shown to a writing stated in methodical recommendations on SIW; - At abstract protection shows free possession of a material, states accurately, clearly, logically, competently, convincingly, owns professional speech; - Confidently and unmistakably answers questions. - It is presented in time under the schedule. The review of the abstract - In the review are to the full reflected: a theme urgency, novelty and the practical importance, conclusions, recommendations, degree of a solution of a problem and work end, correctness of its formulation, acquaintance of the author to the scientific literature, depth of discussion, literacy of a statement; - Remarks and offers efficient, basic; - Confidently and unmistakably answers questions; - It is handed over in time under the schedule Presentation 1. The general requirements: - Registration of slides and information representation completely corresponds to the requirements, shown to performance of the presentation, stated in methodical recommendations on СРС; - At protection shows free possession of a material, states accurately, clearly, logically, competently, convincingly, owns professional speech; - Confidently and unmistakably answers questions. - It is presented in time under the schedule. 2. Requirements to presentation «Additions to lecture». Additions to lecture should reflect: - The rational name, synonyms of medical products; - The functional analysis with a chemical-ism of reactions; - A choice substantiation pharmacopeia and non-pharmacopeia methods of the quantitative analysis with a chemicalism of reactions and necessary calculations of quantitative measurements; - A substantiation recommended standard cleanliness parameters; - The description of new medical products (the chemical formula, Latin, rational names, physical and chemical properties, analysis methods, application, etc.) The review of presentation - In the review are to the full reflected: conformity to the requirement to presentation performance on style of registration, information representation, the maintenance, the text stated in methodical recommendations on SIW; - Remarks and offers efficient, essential; - Confidently and unmistakably answers questions. - It is presented in time under the schedule. Crossword puzzle drawing up: - Crossword puzzle cells accurate, clear, symmetric; - Number of crossings of words not less than 8; - Uniform style of tasks is sustained, the answer is logic end of the put question; - Tasks are made lexically and стилистически is competent; - Quantity of tasks in a crossword puzzle not less than 30, covering all basic questions of a theme.
  Good В+(3,33; 85-89%); В (3,0;80-84%); В-(2,67; 75-79%)   Corresponds to the above-stated criteria of an estimation, but supposes: Preparation and abstract protection - Insignificant remarks on registration; - Not basic errors at the answer to questions. The review of the abstract - Typing errors, not correct expressions; - Not basic errors, discrepancies at the answer to questions. Presentation - Insignificant remarks on registration; - Not basic errors at the answer to questions. The review of presentation - Typing errors, not correct expressions; - Not basic errors, discrepancies at the answer to questions. Crossword puzzle drawing up: - Corresponds to all above-stated criteria, but Uniform style of registration isn't sustained.
  Satisfactory С+(2,33; 70-74%); С (2,0; 65-69%); С(1,67;60-64%)   Corresponds to the above-stated criteria of an estimation, but supposes: Preparation and abstract protection - Essential remarks on registration; - Basic errors at the answer to questions. The review of the abstract -Not sufficient disclosing of points of the abstract (no more than 2 points); - Basic errors, discrepancies at the answer to questions; remarks and offers demand correction. Presentation - Essential remarks on registration; - Basic errors at the answer to questions The review of presentation - Basic errors, discrepancies at the answer to remark and offer questions not the basic. Crossword puzzle drawing up: - Corresponds to all above-stated criteria, but Quantity of tasks in a crossword puzzle less than 30.
  Satisfacrory D+ (1,33; 55-63%); D (1,0;50-54%)     Corresponds to the above-stated criteria of an estimation, but supposes: Preparation and abstract protection - Essential remarks on registration; - Basic errors at the answer to questions. The review of the abstract - Not sufficient disclosing of points of the abstract (no more than 2 points); - Basic errors, discrepancies at the answer to questions; remarks and offers demand correction. Presentation - Essential remarks on registration; - Basic errors at the answer to questions The review of presentation - Basic errors, discrepancies at the answer to remark and offer questions not the basic. Crossword puzzle drawing up: - Corresponds to all above-stated criteria, but Quantity of tasks in a crossword puzzle less than 30.
  Bad F (0; 0-49%)   Preparation and abstract protection - Doesn't correspond to requirements on registration; - Doesn't own a material; - It is not presented in time. The review of the abstract - Doesn't correspond to the requirements, all points of the abstract are opened not enough; - It is not presented in time. Presentation - Doesn't correspond to requirements on registration; - Doesn't own a material; - It is not presented in time.   The review of presentation - Doesn't correspond to the requirements, all points of presentation are opened not enough; - It is not presented in time. Crossword puzzle drawing up: - Doesn't correspond to requirements; - It is not presented in time.


2.13 For check of the educational achievements which are trained the following types and forms of control of the knowledge which are trained are provided:

* The current control is a systematic check of the educational achievements which are trained carried out by the teacher on the current occupations in compliance a syllabus. Educational achievements are estimated on the 100th mark scale pays for each occupation and final result the average sum of all estimates.

*Colloquium is carried out on occupations of SIW on the 7th and 15th weeks and includes questions of all passable subjects of a practical training and independent works.

*Grand control is carried out by form exam (testing).

For exam take students are made program and having a rating.

Rating is made by next form:

GRA = (MM+ MMSIW/2) (1)

For example, GRA – general rating admission, MM –middle mark, MMSIW-middle mark of student individual work.


Percent general rating admission estimate next way:

% = GRA X 60% /4 (2)

For example, % = 3,67x60%/4=55.1%

Percent rating of admission must be: min – 60% and max -15%.


Grand mark (GM)

Percent of grand mark is defined next way:

55,1+40%=95,1 or

GM –GRA x 0,6 MGC x0,4 (3)

where GM- grand mark; GRA –general rating admission; MGC- mark grand control (exam by discipline).



1. percentage of total - 95%

2. a digital equivalent of points - 4

3. an alphabetic equivalent of points - A

4. an assessment on traditional system - it is excellent


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