Рекомендации к оформлению личного письма

1. Адрес пишущего указывается в правом

верхнем углу


2. Под адресом дата. Например:

Saturday, March 1st, 1999,

или менее официально: 9 September 1999;



3. Письмо начинается с обращения.

Например: Dear Sally,

Dear Aunt Jane,

После обращения ставится запятая.


4. В начале письма автор обычно:

А) благодарит адресата за ранее полученную

корреспонденцию, например:

Thanks for …, Many thanks for…,

How nice of you to…,

I was awfully glad to get your letter…

Б) извиняется, что не писал раньше, например:

I must apologize for not writing…

I really should have written sooner…


5. Основная часть письма. В ней

должны быть раскрыты все аспекты,

указанные в задании.


6. В конце письма автор обычно упоминает о дальнейших контактах, например:

I will write again soon.

Looking forward to seeing you.

Hope to hear from you soon.


7. Завершающая фраза письма зависит от степени близости автора и адресата, после нее всегда ставится запятая, ниже приводятся пять возможных вариантов от наименее формального (1) к более формальному (4).

1) I love you so much,

2) Lots of love/ Much love,

3) Love,

4) Best wishes/ All the best,


8. Подпись автора. Личные письма подписываются без указания фамилии: Sally, David. Точка не ставится.





Firstly, secondly, thirdly … lastly (finally) - во-первых…..

They are as follows(they are the following) - Они- следующие

To be more precise…- точнее говоря

On the one hand… On the other hand – С одной стороны… С другой стороны

For example - например

As a rule – как правило

In fact- as matter of fact - фактически

On the whole - в целом

In general - вообще

In particular - в частности

Not only … but – не только … но и

Besides – кроме того

In conclusion - в заключение

You are sure to make a good progress… - будь уверена, что ты добьешься успеха

To work by fits and starts – работать урывками.

(Hello, Hi…): Haven’t seen you for ages. – Привет! Не виделись сто лет.

Really? How very interesting! – Да? Как интересно!

I’d love to… - С удовольствием

Most willingly…. – Вполне охотно

It depends… - Когда как

I agree (I think so…) – Согласен

More or less… - Более или менее

You are welcome. - Пожалуйста

Exercise 1. Read the sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. As a rule I spend the whole day at the University, to be more precise, the most part of it.

2. In fact, English pronunciation is my weak point.

3. On the one hand I like English very much, on the other hand it is very difficult for me.

4. For example, on Monday we have 2 lectures, 1 seminar and 1 class.

5. – I am a first year student now.

- Really? How very interesting!

Exercise 2. Translate the Russian phrases in the sentences into English.

1. At the University we study (не только) special subjects, (но и) general education ones as well. (Кроме того) we have classes of Physical Training.

2. If you work hard every day, (будь уверен, что ты добьешься успеха).

3. If (будешь работать урывками), you may fail in a subject.

4. At the University we take many exams: (семестровые экзамены и государственные экзамены).

5. The students of our University learn 3 foreign languages. I (в частности) learn English.

6. I’m going to the cinema tonight? Would you like to join me? – (С удовольствием)

7. (Не видела тебя сто лет)! – I’ve been very busy lately. I am a student now.


(with nouns)

1. educational establishment - учебное заведение

2. faculty - факультет

3. subject, branch of science - предмет, дисциплина, область науки

4. compulsory subjects - обязательные предметы

5 optional subjects - факультативы

6. department - а) факультет б)отделение в) кафедра

7. full-time department - дневное отделение

8. part-time department - вечернее отделение

9. correspondence (extra- mural) department – заочное отделение

10. Chair; Head of the department (chief of the Chair) - кафедра, зав. кафедрой

11. course – курс, ход

12. training course - курс обучения

13. university course, a course of a subject - курс предмета

(psychology course – курс по психологии, course paper – курсовая работа)

14. year – курс (ступень)

15. a first-year student(a freshman) - первокурсник

16. examinations (exams) - экзамены

17. entrance exams - вступительные экзамены Unified /Russian National Exam - ЕГЭ

18. terminal exams - сессия, экзамен за семестр

19. final exams - гос. экзамены

20. tests (preliminary or credit tests) - зачеты, к/р, тесты

21. academic year- учебный год, academic work - учебная работа

22. term - семестр

23. research (scientific) work - научно-исследовательская работа

24. social (public) work (activities) - общественная деятельность

25. lecture (on) - лекция по..

26. seminar (on) - семинар по…

27. classes (practicals, tutorials) in - практические занятия по…

28. laboratory work (lab) - лабораторная работа

29. curriculum (curricula) – учебный план (планы)

30. text-book - учебник

31. attendance - посещение, (obligatory attendance- обязательное посещение

voluntary attendance- свободное посещение)

32. staff - пед. состав

(a teacher – ассистент, a senior teacher - старший преподаватель, assistant professor/associate professor - доцент

a professor- профессор)

33. governing bodies (administration) - управление

34. rector- ректор

35. deputy rector - проректор

36. dean – декан

37. a board – совет, комиссия, a scientific board (council) - научный совет

38. hostel, dormitory - общежитие

39. grants, scholarship – стипендия

40. study, studies – учеба, исследование(я)

41. diploma (work) – диплом (дипломная работа)

42. mark - оценка

43. a period of classes or lectures – пaра занятий

44. a time-table - расписание

45. pedagogical (teaching practice)- педагогическая практика

46. an applicant - абитуриент

47.a graduate - выпускник (университета)

33. undergraduate - старшекурсник

34. post- graduate - аспирант

35. a foreign language - иностранный язык

36. the faculty of Supplementary Pedagogical Professions - ФДПП

37. premise – помещение

38. gym (gymnasium) – спортзал

39. library (reading room) – читальный зал, библиотека

40. assembly hall - актовый зал

41. entrance hall – вестибюль

42. canteen – столовая

43. lecture-room (class-room) - аудитория

44. equipment – оборудование

45. a hobby club – кружок, клуб по интересам

46. a student team – студенческий отряд

47. Student Spring Festival – Студенческая весна

48. amateur dramatical (concert) –художественная самодеятельность

49. general education subjects – общеобразовательные предметы

50. specialized subjects – специальные дисциплины

(verbal word-combinations)

1. admit – принимать в учебное заведение

2. arrange – организовать, устроить

3. attend - посещать (лекции, занятия…)

4. be at the disposal of - быть в распоряжении кого-либо

5. be established (founded) – быть учрежденным (основанным)

6. be good at - иметь способности к…

7. be in the first (second, third, fourth, fifth) year- учиться на 1 (2, 3, 4, 5) курсе

8. carry out (work) – проводить работу

9. choose (chose, chosen) - выбирать

10. conduct classes (tutorials) - проводить занятия

11. deliver lectures (to lecture on) – читать лекции

12. do (have) pedagogical (teaching) practice - проходить пед. практику

13. do diploma work – писать дипломную работу

14. do labs – выполнять лабораторные работы

15. do well - хорошо учиться

16. educate - обучать, воспитывать

17. enter (join) the university (a faculty) - поступать в учебное заведение

18. fail in a subject - не сдать предмет, «провалиться»

19. get grants (education, a diploma, degree of a Bachelor…etc.) – получать стипендию (образование, диплом, степень бакалавра и т.д.)

20. graduate from – закончить университет (вуз) syn.: to leave school, a college- закончить школу, колледж

21. learn – учить (научиться) (to learn a foreign language)

22. make experiments – проводить эксперименты

23. make notes of - конспектировать

24. make progress in – делать успехи в…

25. miss a lecture - пропустить лекцию

26. pass exams, tests – сдать экзамены, зачеты

27. provide with – обеспечить чем-либо

28. read up for – готовиться к….

29. rent - арендовать, снимать в аренду

30. study - изучать

31. take a part in.. – принимать участие в…

32. take exams, tests – сдавать экзамены, зачеты

33. take subjects – проходить предметы,

34. teach (taught) - преподавать

35. train – готовить, тренировать


Exercise 1. Pronounce the words,observe the rules of pronunciation of the stressed vowels.

[ju:] student, institution, numerous,

[a:] classes, department, take part in, advanced, rather, part-time, pass, branch, for example, last, grant, hard, marks, answer

[i] Literature, particularly, Physics, curriculum, deliver (lectures), principle, institute, opinion, interesting, difficult

[i:] leave, school-leaver, complete, weak, easy

[æ] faculty, practical, practice, languages, a graduate, post-graduate, undergraduate, establishment, grammar

[ə:] first-year, third – year (student), term, research, university, learn, German, work

[):] course, according to, more, before, taught, court, law, quarter, foreign

[/\] studies, subject, judge

Exercise 2. Pronounce the words observing the rules of pronunciation of the combinations of consonants.

[t∫] teach, teacher, school children

[t∫ə] lecture, structure, lecturer, nature

[k] Chemistry, technical

[ŋ] young, training, morning, going


Exercise 1. Form nouns from the following verbs:

a) to establish, to depart, to develop, to move;

b) to educate, to graduate, to operate, to examine, to specialize, to administrate

c) to correspond, to attend

d) to build, to swim, to read.

What suffixes have you used?

Exercise 2. Use the plural form of the nouns:

a faculty, a life, a class, a curriculum, a datum, a phenomenon

Exercise 3. What part of speech is the attribute in the word-combinations?

the Philology faculty, the Chemistry faculty, the Primary Education faculty, the History faculty, the Psychology faculty

Exercise 4. Translate the following combinations with the verb: “to take”:

To take exams (tests), to take part in; to take place, to take subjects, It takes me 2 hours;

Exercise 5. Choose the word in a proper way:

“course” or “year”

1. He is only in the first…….

2. The university… lasts 5 years

3. They do pedagogical practice in the second……

4. We take pedagogics …… at this university.

5. I am a second ….. student

“form(grade)” or “class(es)”

1. We attend lectures and …. regularly.

2. He is in the tenth… at school.

3. His ….. consists of 15 boys and 12 girls.

4. They already learn English in the second …

Exercise 6. Give the antonyms to the following words and word combinations using the active vocabulary:

to enter an institute; to attend lectures; to start reading; to be present at; a full-time department, to pass an exam (a subject); at the end of the term; academic work; compulsory subject; obligatory attendance; early in July.

Exercise 7 Fill in the blanks with the prepositions:

1. The students … our group are very good…… English. They work hard … their grammar. 2. Pete makes many mistakes …. his work. 3. … the end of the term we’ll have 3 exams. 4. It’s time to start reading … your exams. 5. Don’t miss classes, otherwise you may fail… history. 6. This year I have entered … the History faculty. 7. I will graduate … the University in 5 years. 8. I didn’t fail … this subject at the exam. 9. I am good … Physics.

Exercise 8. Change the sentences into negative and interrogative:

1. He is a third-year student.

2. We take this subject in the second year.

3. They learn French.

4. Spanish is taught at this faculty.

5. My friend will live in the hostel.

6. She entered this university last year.

7. I can swim.

8. We have Physical Education lessons in the swimming pool.

9. She misses lectures on Philosophy very often.

10. The university trains engineers.

Text 1


Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.

I am a student of Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. This educational establishment was set up in 1948. The structure of the University is as follows. Firstly, there are 9 faculties, to be more precise, 7 faculties and 2 institutes. The faculties are the following: the Physics and the Mathematics faculty, the History faculty, the Philology faculty, the Primary Education faculty, the Practical Psychology faculty, the Foreign Languages faculty and the Engineering-Pedagogy faculty. The institutes are the Institute of Natural Sciences and the Institute of Social Relations. Secondly, there are departments of two types. On the one hand, all the faculties have a full-time department and some of them have a correspondence department. They are the departments according to the form of teaching. On the other hand, all the faculties are divided into two or more departments according to the specializations. For example, the Physics and Mathematics faculty has three departments training teachers of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science. The University course lasts five years. In order to enter the University young people take entrance or Unified National Exams. Twice a year the students take terminal exams, in winter and in summer. At the end of the course the undergraduates take final exams and defend their diploma works.

The academic year lasts ten months. It begins in September and is over in June or early in July. It is divided into two terms. As many as 5000 students attend lectures, seminars and classes or tutorials, do labs and course papers at all the departments during the year. All the terms are full of activity. Attendance is obligatory at the full-time departments. Besides, the students and postgraduates carry out research work under the supervision of the professors and assistant professors and the Heads of the Chairs. The staff also includes teachers and senior teachers who deliver lectures and conduct practicals and tutorials. There are four University buildings located in different parts of Kaluga. Their addresses are: 4 Voskresensky by-street; 83 Lenin street; 26 Stepan Rasin Street (housing some faculties, preparatory departments and the administration offices) and the building in the suburb of Turynino, Sovetskaya Street.

There are three hostels. In each university building there is a library, a canteen. There are two gyms (gymnasiums) where the students have lessons of Physical Education. But during the academic year the university rents a swimming pool, some sports grounds, club gyms and stadiums for this purpose. Besides, the students carry on all sorts of activities, some do research, others take part in the Student Spring Festival or other concerts; go in for sports, attend hobby clubs, get supplementary professions at the Supplementary Pedagogical Professions faculty and so on. The University trains teachers, psychologists, social workers, researchers, post-graduates, and other specialists who can be useful in different areas of life.

Exercise 2. Complete the sentences…

1.The university is old because it…

2. There are nine faculties, to be more precise, there are….

3. All the faculties are divided into 2 or more departments… (according to..)…

4. Young people take entrance exams or Unified State Exams…

5. We take terminal exams…

6. The Practical Psychology faculty doesn’t train teachers…

7. The curriculum includes teaching practice…

8. After-class activity includes …

Exercise 3. Read aloud using correct prepositions

I am a student of Kaluga State University named ….. K.E. Tsiolkovsky. I entered ….. the university last year. Now I am …… the second year. All the faculties are divided…. some departments according….. the form …. teaching (or specialization).

The lectures and classes start ….. 8 o’clock. … Monday we have four periods…. a day. We go …. schools for our practice….. the fourth year.

Attendance is obligatory….. full-time students. We carry….research work as well. I don’t live …. the hostel. I live … home.

Exercise 4. Agree or disagree with the statements, using:”You are right/You are wrong. I agree with you./I disagree…, I think so too/I don’t think so…etc. But try to give an argument to your answer:

1. You are a correspondence student of this university.

2. You are in the second year now.

3. The university trains engineers.

4. There are nine faculties at the university.

5. You live in the hostel

6. Besides your academic work you do research.

7. Your lecture-rooms and class-rooms are located in the building – 83 Lenin Street.

8. You have lessons (lectures) in the evening.

9. You take an active part in the Students Spring Festival.

10. You are always in time for your lectures.

11. The graduates of this university work in different fields.

12. All the terms are full of activity.

13. You do well at your exams.

Exercise 5. Prove that:

a) This university trains specialists who can work in different fields of life. If you are going to work as a teacher you will be able to teach some subjects…

b) The life of a student is interesting; may be, a bit difficult, but not dull…There is no time like students’ years.

Text 2

Exercise 1. Listen to the text (twice) and do the test.

Test. Choose the right variant:

1. The first University building was in….

a) 83 Lenin Street b) 4 Karakozov Street c)26 St. Rasin Street

2. The university course became five-year course in ….

a) 1948 b)1951 c) 1956

3. The building in St. Rasin Street was built in….

a) 1970 b) 1976 c) 1990

4. The Teacher Training Institute was named after K. Tsiolkovsky in…

a) 1976 b) 1973 c) 1998

5. The Institute was named in honor of the famous scientist to the…. anniversary of its foundation

a) 10th b) 25th c) 50th

6. This educational establishment has got the status of a university

a) in 1970 b) in 1997 c) in 1998

Text 3


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