Exercise XII. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Рассказав нам историю своей жизни, старик вздохнул.


2. Человек, рассказывающий детям историю своей жизни, - мой отец.


3. Человек, рассказавший нам историю своей жизни, - мой отец.


4. Слышали, как он рассказывал детям историю своей жизни.


5. Я слышал, как он рассказывал детям историю своей жизни.


6. Военный эпизод, рассказанный им пионерам, опубликован в нашей газете.


7. Если эта история будет рассказана во всех подробностях, она не оставит никого равнодушным.


8. Так как эта история была рассказана давно, мы уже забыли ее.


9. Рассказывая свою историю, она плакала.


10. Его рассказ привлек внимание всех, как будто его слышали в первый раз.


11. Бабушка вязала, а внучка рассказывала ей сказки.


12. Хотя сказка рассказывалась уже не в первый раз, детиl слушали её с большим вниманием.


13. Сказать правду, я не люблю рассказы о войне.


14. Я нахожу, что ты не изменился. Только я думаю, тебе надо завить волосы и сделать прическу.


15. Она пыталась успокоить плачущего ребенка. Он, наконец, замолчал, хотя и был подавлен.


16. Конференция, проходившая в Париже, была посвящена проблемам физики. Когда конференция была окончена, все решили остаться еще на один день, так как достопримечательности Парижа великолепны.



17. С минуту он стоял под деревом, слушая, как дождь стучит по листьям.


18. Оставленный один в темноте, ребенок заплакал.


19. Комната была полна людей, ожидавших доктора.


20. Она посмотрела на меня удивленно, как будто не поверив мне.


21. Прожив в Англии много лет, он говорил по-английски без акцента.


22. Услышав звонок, она пошла открыть дверь.


23. Ей не хотелось, чтобы ее повели к зубному врачу.


24. Внучка играла, а бабушка рассказывала ей сказки.


25. В вагоне был только один старик, который читал газету.


26. Пётр выглядел отрешенным, погруженный в свои мысли.


27. Было ясно, что она вернется к этой теме, если ей дать возможность.


28. Два стражника прислушались, их лица были повернуты к окнам.


29. Я слышал, как в связи с этим упоминалось его имя.


30. Все эти годы я хранил письма под замком.

Exercise XIII. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Женщина вышла из магазина и пошла к машине, оставленной на стоянке чуть ниже по улице.


2. Было тяжело видеть его побежденным.


3. Зимние Олимпийские игры, проходившие в прошлом году, широко комментировались в печати.


4.Мы сидели на пляже, наблюдая, как солнце поднимается над морем.


5. Я поинтересовался, где ему шили костюм.


6. Прожив долгое время за границей, он был рад вернуться на родину.


7.За докладом последовало обсуждение, причем в нем также приняли участие иностранные гости.


8. Если погода позволит, мы завтра поедем на рыбную ловлю.


9. Если рассказ был прочитан вами вчера, сегодня вы должны помнить его. ___________________________________________________________________________

10. За несколько дней она добил ась того, что ребенок стал вести себя хорошо. ___________________________________________________________________________



Exercise I. Translate from Russian into English.

Как известно, люди, проживающие в странах с влажным климатом, предпочитают носить водонепроницаемую (waterproof) или прорезиненную(rubberized) одежду., Возможно, вы не слышали, как она традиционно называется – макинтош(a mackintosh). Это фамилия её создателя.

В далеком 1823 году в Шотландии жил человек по имени Чарльз Маки нтош. Так как климат Шотландии дождливый, Чарльз, бывало, промокал насквозь (to get drenched to the skin) и очень не любил такую погоду. Однажды, имея в своем распоряжении каучук(rubber), он решил гуммировать свою одежду. Теперь он мог выходить на улицу в любую погоду, его водонепроницаемое пальто защищало его от дождя. Большинство его друзей были в восхищении от водонепроницаемого пальто и хотели заказать или купить такое же. Вскоре торговцы «подхватили “ (to take up) его изобретение. В одонепроницаемая одежда вошла в моду и стала самым продаваемым товаром по имени изобретателя, хотя сам изобретатель не получил мировой известности (world-wide popularity).

(Borrowed from Effective English, P.2.p. 256. Translated and adapted by Sheveleva A.)




Exercise I.

1. have been studying; am reading 2. suffers 3. are they leaving; see 4. have not had 5. do not go;gets; does 6. is he doing; is writing 7. have been cooking, cleaning and digging 8. have not read 9. have been living 10. Get

Exercise III.

1. has been 2. were returning 3. is; will have to; will be able 4. is washing 5. have been writing; have written; have not finished 6. did you fall 7. have you seen; saw; have not 8. had been wearing 9. will come; returns; will get

Exercise VI.

1. do you think; is behaving 2. is always trying 3. get 4. go 5. has nor worked 6. have been living 7. speak/are speaking 8. have you seen 9. have not been reading 10. have written 11. am starting; are looking; will join 12. leaves 13. are leaving; see 14. am trying 15. are we doing; is

Exercise IX.

1. had been whitewashing; saw; was going; has been; is. Offered; shook; said; had been doing; got 2. was; came. Was talking; did not see. Had; had done. Had diminished; transformed

Exercise XII.

1. writes; has been writing; has written 2. got; had been waiting 3. wake up; eat; leave; got; skipped; left; had forgotten 4. will study; will be 5. is reading; is making; were doing; was cooking; was reading; will be dong; will be preparing; will be reading 6. has been raining 7. is sleeping 8. will become; took; was; have changed 9. arrived; had prepared 10. wake, wil be shining

Exercise XIII.

1. was heading; was thinking; was; made; opened; took 2. got; went; sat; picked; flicked; drank; flicked; leaned 3. stepped; heard; said; was clicked; pressed; played; dialed; were talking; decided


Exercise I.

1. is 2. do you wear 3. do you see; is having; leaves; will occupy 4. are you hurrying; am afraid; is coming 5. have not heard; did you see; met; has changed 6. gets; says; does not mean 7. call; am; will not 8. told; had been travelling 9. look; are wearing; did you buy 10. entered; was speaking; had been speaking; had begun

The Future Tense Forms

Exercise I.

1. is; will have to; will be able 2. knows; will happen; gets 3. will turn; arises 4. wants; will be; are; will watch 5. will you be wearing 6. dropped; was painted 7. did you buy 8. am buying

Sequence of tenses

Exercise I.

1. had been; 2. had taken, went; 3. would have finished; 4. was not; 5. had criticized; 6. had been stolen; 7. had; 8. had said, grew up, would become; 9. had not gone, kept, would have visited, delivered; 10. would be able, were going, would screw up their courage; 11. did not like, added, preferred, boasted, had written, were constantly being performed; 12. had learnt; 13. were going, were not sure, would like, was designed; 14. was waiting, spent, thought, had dreamt; 15. is, are, added, had thought, would never leave.

Exercise 2.

1. She asked indignantly why she should go there alone.

2. The student’s parents asked perplexedly how many times he had arranged a party in their house.

3. The aunt wanted to know if Tom had been sleeping when she had come back home.

4. My friend wondered how long I had been wearing those shoes.

5. A teenager asked her parents provocatively when they would agree that she had a right to present her own opinion.

6. The campers wanted to know where they could fix a camp.

7. The director wondered who had told me that they had not met.

8. A young couple inquired how much money they should pay to the bank.

9. A young singer asked the star what mistakes she recommended her to avoid in future.

10.. The journalist asked PM a loaded question if he had ever wanted to return to his native town.

11. The police officer interrogated the suspect what coins he had stolen from the collection and who he had sold them to.

12. An employee asked the manager timidly why she had not introduced him to the head of the department.

13. A young lady asked a gipsy hesitatingly if she could predict the future.

14. A Chinese customer wanted to know why they did not serve anything to the foreign guests.

15. The boss was curious if I had broken to the secretary a piece of news which he had told me.

Exercise III. Transform the dialogues into indirect speech

1. A shop assistant asked if he could help a customer.

The customer informed that he would like to buy some clothes for winter.

The shop assistant wanted to know what exactly the customer would like to buy.

The customer needed a pair of winter trainers, an anorak, and a sweater.

The shop assistant wondered what his sizes were.

The customer answered that his footwear size was 42, a clothing size – 48, growth – 180 cm.

The shop assistant agreed to help the customer.

The customer asked to tell him what was fashionable in that season.

The shop assistant offered him an anorak that matched a sweater. He explained that they were the latest trend in clothes. Then he assured the customer that those clothes suited him.

The customer asked how much the clothes cost.

The shop assistant wondered if he was going to pay in cash or by card because there was a discount for Visa Gold card holders.

The customer chose payment by card.

The shop assistant calculated that the purchase was 12,000 roubles and thanked the customer for that.

2. The teacher and his class greeted each other and the teacher informed that he was going to tell the students about biology that day. Then he asked if they had ever heard about that subject.

Jane confirmed that her mother had told her a lot of times that she would be as poor as a teacher of biology if she did not study hard.

The teacher reassured her that he was not so poor and his teachers had assessed his progress giving him only good grades.

Johnny added that his father had said to him that it is better to do real work than study insects as all biologists do.

The teacher asked in astonishment if the students all agreed that biology is the study of insects.

The students answered that they did not know.

The teacher told them that biology is the study of particular types of animals.

The class asked if it is the study of all animals.

The teacher answered that it is the study of all living creatures that are not people or plants.

The students wondered if they would go to the Zoo.

The teacher promised that from time to time their classes would not be given in the classroom. He said that he was going to take them to the Zoo, to the City Park, and to the Oceanarium.

Johnny said when he came home, he would tell his father that biology is an interesting subject.

The teacher replied that the boy might invite his father to their classes. He added that he would be glad if the students’ parents assisted him to keep an eye on them.

The children thanked Mr. Brown.

3. Helen asked Alec where he was from.

Alec replied that he was from Australia and asked Helen where she was from.

Helen answered that she was from Paris and explained that it is the capital of France.

Alec said that he had read a lot about French cheeses and wines. He heard that Helen had been singing a song from the movie Les Parapluies de Cherbourg at the concert. He wondered if she was fond of her native country.

Helen confirmed that she adored it. She had always been dreaming about going back to her native lands as she was home-sick very often.

Alec asked when she had visited her family last.

Helen said it was a year ago. Then she added that she kept up a regular correspondence with them. She was sorry that her mother and sisters were terribly missing each other.

Alec asked Helen to tell him something about Paris. When he went to Paris, he would like to visit some quiet and calm places, not the common places of interest.

Helen promised him to tell something but not at that moment. Then she apologized that she was in a hurry because she was going to the theatre that night.

Alec wished Helen to have a good time. He hoped to see her next day.

Helen said good bye to Alec. She intended to drop in next evening if Alec had time.


4. Brad asked Emmy if she was fond of music.

Emmy gave an affirmative response and said that she was not very good at signing but she tried to listen to jazz and to read interesting books about cinematography.

Brad asked Emmy’s opinion about Louis Armstrong and Pat Britt. He wondered if she thought that they had very much in common.

Emmy asked againPat Britt’s name.

Brad could not believe that Emmy did not know about him.

Emmy guessed Brad was speaking about jazz saxophonist and flutist.

Brad said that he meant the same and added that Pat Britt was also a producer. He had shot the film Louis Armstrong: 100th Anniversary. Brad thought that their talents matched. He asked if Emmy agreed with him.

Emmy confessed that she had never thought about that. She was sure that Louis Armstrong had been really a very gifted person. She thought it was a pity that he had lived and performed in the previous century. Emmy asked Brad if he had ever heard his music.

Brad said that he had heard all his songs. They gave him much food for thought.

Emmy believed that each of his songs could be heard a lot of times.

Brad agreed with her. He was sure the more you hear such music the better you understand it. Then he informed that Pat Britt had included into the film both well-known and rare fragments of interviews with a star. He asked Emmy if she knew that.

Emmy could not believe that.

Brad was happy to inform Emmy that he had a CD with that film.

5. Martin greeted Barbara saying that she looked great, as usual. Then he asked her how the party was?

Barbara answered that the party was really good and she had been really enjoying it.

Martin wondered if she had had a talk with Catherine. He informed that Catherine had been going to invite Barbara to the Museum of Modern Art.

Barbara answered that she had agreed to go with her. She explained that she had already been there, but she had not had enough time to see it all.

Martininterested if he could join them.

Barbara agreed and added that after that they were going to her favorite coffee shop. Last time they had had a nice time there and they had laughed a lot. The only problem had been that Catherine had been very talkative. She had been talking all the time and Barbara had just been listened.

Martin said that Catherine had told him that her grandmother had a phobia of dogs.

Barbara said that Catherine had always wanted to take a little puppy but she could not until their granny lived with them.

Martin asked if Catherine’s grandmother was still living with them.

Barbaraexplained that her grandmother had got married two years before and moved to Australia. She lived on a ranch and she had lost her phobia. She had had a special treatment for it.

Martinjokedthat Catherine would not tell them about the treatment.

Barbaraguessed that next time they would be speaking about her new job because she did not like it.

Martinanswered that he was really looking forward to their meeting.


Translate into Russian

1. The teacher asked a student why his exercises in Russian were always much better than in English.

2. He said that the previous week he had spent in Paris and next week he was flying to New York.

3. The watchman informed us that nobody of the tenants knew a person who was going to occupy Room 17.

4. The coach asked the player what team he had played in before he had taken a decision to change for another club.

5. The dean asked if we remembered what we had said about the student’s mistakes. Then he supposed that the student would pass the exam with good grades as he had been studying hard.

6. She forgot that she had left her umbrella at home and she could not leave the office until the thunderstorm stopped.

7. The doctor informed the patient that the medicine he had been taking for the last two months had produced positive effect and the results of the latest tests were much better.

8. The editor asked the visitor if his name was Semenov and informed him that they had read his story and decided to publish it.

9. The boy did not notice that the dog had run to the forest and kept calling it.

10. He was sure that by the time he returned home his wife would have already finished doing the house, made dinner, and she would be ready to go to the cinema.

11. My friend asked if I would be able to give her a lift to the airport the next day.

12. My neighbor complained that the children were taking the lemons from my trees. I responded that they could come round and get them.

13. The rescuers warned the villagers that a heavy snowfall was being expected and advised them to take enough food for a week.

14. Jack’s wife asked him not to get annoyed with her as she had lost the car keys.

15. The mayor said that the new road would cut the journey time between two towns significantly



1. One spring sunny day I was reading a newspaper in the park when a young man came up, sat on the bench near me and asked if I could speak English.

2. The man was definitely a stranger and I wondered if he needed any help.

3. The young man explained that he was on a business trip there and his briefcase, his wallet, and all his credit cards had been stolen.

4. I said that I had been in the same situation in Spain, and my problem was that nobody could speak English and I had to look for the interpreter for quite a long time.

5. The man wanted to borrow 500 rubles to get to his hotel and make some telephone calls. He took my address and promised to send me money back as soon as he got to his office.

6. The man did not look suspicious and I was sure that he would keep his word as everybody can get into trouble.

7. I was pleasantly surprised when got a telephone call and the man’s secretary asked me where and when we could arrange our meeting. We agreed to meet at the same park.

8. I was very glad to see a young lady who was smartly dressed and looked very respectable. She was not very busy and I treated her to ice-cream. Then we went to the cinema, and then we began dating.

9. Julia (it was my fiancée’s name) used to ask what would have happened if her boss had send another secretary to give the money back.

10. Once we decided to meet at the restaurant as we had already been dating for a year.

11. We were eating lunch when a young lady came to our table and asked if any of us could speak English!

12. She was ready to cry and explained that her purse disappeared when she had left it off hand.

13. We eagerly agreed to help her and she promised to return money as soon as she got home. I gave the girl a business card with e-mail and telephone number.

14. But nobody either called me or e-mailed. I had been waiting for some days and forgot about the incident.

15. On the wedding day I got a telephone call and the girl drove up to the time of the ceremony with money and a bunch of flowers. Now two bills are cased in glass reminding that people should help each other.

The Passive Voice


Ex. 1: 1) will be served; 2)was given; 3) was spoken; 4) was taught; 5) has been kept; 6) was being followed; 7) had been packed; 8) mustn’t be disturbed; 9) are taken; 10) was asked; 11) was told; 12) will be given; 13) have been lost; 14) was being interrogated; 15) had been sold.

Ex. 2: 1) You should open; 2) Previous climbers had cut; 3) My mother had cleaned… and had brushed; 4) We use; 5) You mustn’t hammer; 6) They use; 7) I switched on… and opened the door; 8) Somebody had slashed; 9) They are pulling down; 10) Why didn’t they mend the roof…?

Ex3: 1) How was she greeted? 2) By whom is this television program watched? 3) Where is French spoken? 4) Why will my colleague be sent to London? 5)Why will the tea not be served (Why won’t the tea be served?); 6) How many students were admitted…? 7) Who has been woken up? 8) What was he given? 9) Why (when)were two men arrested? 10) Whose paper is being looked through?

Ex.4: 1)must be fought for; 2) were taken good care of (about); 3) The house hasn’t been re-built for ten years. 4) was stolen and found; 5) have already been announced; 6) had been lost sight of; 7) was knocked down by a car and then was taken to hospital; 8) can/may be postponed; 9) You needn’t take care of the hotel, the rooms have been booked already. 10) she was asked; 11) will be shown; 12) I would be informed; 13) are published; 14) which were built; 15) is laid; is made/cooked; is being baked; 16)has been taken/made. Nothing can be changed. 17) You will be served; 18)is being performed/played; 19) until a Christmas tree had been decorated; 20) It is written in pencil.

Ex. 5: 1) has been caused; 2) swept; 3) burst; 4) were rescued; 5) received; 6) reached; 7) were blocked; 8) were brought; 9) is being done; 10) said.

Ex.6: 1) may be banned; 2) was offered; 3) need to be corrected; 4) It was reported; 5) is being tested; 6) hasn’t been used; 7) is paid; 8) has been aired; 9) have been planted; 10) was bought.

Ex.7: 1) It was explained to us; 2) They has described him so well…; 3) The letter was dictated; 4) Have they ever explained to you…/Has the meaning of these words ever been explained to you? 5) This problem was pointed to you the other day.) 6)Students are taught Latin; 7) The child is always (being) found fault with! He is (being) looked for everywhere but he can’t be found. 8) must be paid attention to; 9) is always referred to; 10) was dressed; it was seen; hadn’t been lived in; hadn’t been slept on; 11) is being built; 12) is accounted for; it must be put up with; 13) will have been sold out; 14) The report was followed by a heated discussion. 15) was being listened to.

Ex. 8: 1) to; 2) for; 3) to; 4) at; 5) with; 6) with; 7)with; 8) to’; 9) for; 10 of.

Ex. 9: 1) were destroyed; 2) arrived; 3) was prevented; 4) have happened; 5) has developed; 6) receded; 7) are/were worn; 8) is needed.

Ex. 10: 1) is being performed; 2) had been decorated; 3) will be invited when your question is being discussed; 4) is made; 5) was taught; 6) had been sold out; 7) will be broadcast; 8) would have been built; 9) was being repaired; 10) are usually taken care of/about; 11) have never been spoken to; 12) had been sent for; said; must be operated on; 13) cannot/can’t be relied on; 14) are badly needed; 15) were joined.

Ex. 11: 1) must be vacated; 2) will be prosecuted; 3) is best served at room temperature; 4) must not be re moved from the library; 5) can be exchanged without a receipt; 6) should be addressed to the office; 7) must not be left unattended; 8) is protected by guard dogs; 9) has already been sent for; 10) was bought for my little sister.

Ex.12: 1) In what shops is such equipment sold? 2) When must these files be returned? 3) How was this picture gallery destroyed? 4) In how many days can this work be done? 5) What will the money be spent on? 6) By whom are such questions asked? 7) When will the post be delivered? 8) What has been planted?/ What flowers have been planted? 9) Who was the telephone invented by? 10) Where is rice grown? 11) What is being built on Elm Street? 12) Whom must this report be signed by? 13) By what time will these data have been collected? 14) By whom were the flowers in the living room watered? 15) What has already been sold out?/ What books have already been sold out?

Ex. 13: 1) is much spoken about; 2) Is the boy taken good care of? 3) is sent for; 4) are always laughed at; 5) are selling well; 6) have been made; 7) can’t be used; 8) could not be used; was/were being installed; 9) will have been completed; 10) They are (being)repaired. 11) was projected/designed; it was built; 12) have not been published yet; 13) is counted; 14) Have you sent for flowers? 15) will be operated on; 16) it must be put up with; 17)she was presented with a nice doll/ a nice doll was presented to her; 18) was enjoyed by…; 19)they were threatened with…; 20) This dress washes very easily.


Ex.1: 1) We/they are to introduce…; 2) We have altered…; 3) I will wear…; 4) We/they will have to find…; 5) Why didn’t you lock the car or put it into the garage?

Ex. 2: 1)How long have the flowers been kept without water? 2) What are the walls being covered with? 3)Where are the children not taken good care of? 4) When will this proposal be thought over? 5) About what has she been told? / What has she been told about?

Ex. 3: 1) He didn’t waste time…; he did as he had been told. 2)she came…the door opened; 3) has been planned/ was planned; 4) has not been announced yet. It won’t be announced…; 5) Tanya was dictating; the message was being typed.

Ex. 4: 1)He can be relied on; 2)This film is much spoken about; 3) It has just been announced to us…; 4) Hardly had the plane taken off when it was lost sight of. 5) The report was followed by a heated discussion. 6) These mistakes can’t be either explained or understood. 7) The books will have been sold out…; 8) The doctor has just been sent for. 9) This book reads very fast. 10) Children don’t like when they are disturbed. They like when they are played with or when they are taken either to the cinema or to the Zoo.

Modal Verbs

Ex.1.Keys: 1) could, can, will be able to; 2) can’t; 3) won’t be able to; 4) could, can’t; 5) can’t have seen; 6) Can’t, can, can’t; 7) Could, can’t; 8) was able to, could; 9) will be able; 10) could not have done; 11) couldn’t have failed; 12) could, could not; 13) could not; 14) Could; 15) could not.

Ex. 2. Keys: 1)She can’t have taken all her relatives with her while moving abroad. It would cost her a lot of money. 2) Andy can’t have got up at seven and done his morning exercises. He is too lazy for that. 3) She can’t have gone to Spain alone. She has nobody to watch for her small daughter. 4) Ann can’t have been given an excellent mark for her history test. She is not good at history. 5) Nick can’t have been playing the computer for three hours already. He helped me clean the window an hour ago. 6) The teacher can’t have let you take the CD-recorder home. It is forbidden to take the school property home. 7) This car can’t have been bought several years ago. It looks like a new one. 8) This castle can’t have been built in the 11th century. This castle is one century older. 9) This film can’t have been made by Oliver Stone. Oliver Stone is not interested in this sphere. 10) You can’t have seen Meggy at the cinema yesterday. She’s got a cold. 11) Mary can’t have been in five minutes ago. She left the house ten minutes ago. 12) It can’t have been Nick who broke the window. He is a shy boy. 13) She can’t have bought that expensive dress. She is pressed for money. 14) Michel can’t have failed his exam in English he knows it perfectly well. 15) She can’t have forgotten you address, she has visited you several times.

Ex. 3.Keys: 1)When she visited the capital of the United States of America she was able to manage without the interpreter. 2) These data can be found in any reference book. 3) He can’t have been late. He is so punctual. 4) This work cannot be done in such a short period of time. 5) Why did not you come yesterday as you were called? You could have spoken with the head of our University. 6) It can’t be raining there now. As far as I know the rain season in Thailand is in April. 7) He can’t have forgotten about his promise, he is a very reliable person. 8) Can you have failed to recognize me? We had studied at the same University and were fellow students. 9) I can’t have misunderstood you. 10) She won’t be able to get to the railway station in time because of the traffic jams. 11) Yesterday I couldn’t meet with the CEO as he was at the meeting, but today at five p.m. I will be able to do it. 12) I could not drive a car a year ago, but now I have been driving a car for a year and I can give you a lift to your place of work. 13) I am afraid he won’t be able to help me move to the new apartment next week. 14) You can’t have read this book. This is a bestseller everyone is talking about. 15) Could he have failed to notice you?

Ex. 4. Keys: 1) might take; 2) may have lost; 3) will be allowed to; 4) may/might; 5) will be allowed; 6) may arrive; 7) may/might; 8) might have left; 9) may not have noticed; 10) were allowed to watch; 11) might; 12) might have left; 13) was allowed to leave; 14) may; 15) might have reminded.

Ex. 5. Keys: 1) You may have left your car keys in the garage. 2) My mother may have gone to work already. 3) She may have had a very good math teacher at school. 4) He may have gone to the cinema to watch a film. 5) Nick may have moved to a new flat. 6) They may have seen the new film of Oliver Stone. 7) It may have been Olivia who woke you up in the morning. 8) They may have reached that place by bus. 9) He may have taken all the things at once. 10) The test may have been too difficult for the children. 11) They may not have seen each other in the crowd. 12) The teacher may have misunderstood you. 13) Andy may have been waited for us outside. 14) They may have flown to Italy. 15) I may have left my note book at home.

Ex. 6. Keys: 1) You might have called me beforehand. I am sorry, but I’m busy now. 2) We may go to the country at the weekends. 3) He may have left a message for us. 4) They may have talked and discussed everything already. 5) Why hasn’t he called yet? He may have lost your telephone number. 6) They might have worked abroad. 7) They may/might fly to the Netherland. 8) May I use your phone? 9) I may buy a book by this author abroad. As far as I know, he is from Germany originally and I’m flying there. 10) I think, he might get into the Olympic team in 2014. 11) Where is Nick? He is absent, he may have caught a cold. You might have visited him, but you haven’t. 12) He may have been at work. 13) They may not want to see you. 14) You are not allowed to use any dictionary at the test. 15) You may have left your wallet on the table at the restaurant. May be, I’ll go and ask the waiter about my wallet. You might have been more attentive.

Ex. 7. Keys: 1) supposition: Она, должно быть, поняла важность этого дела. 2) obligation, necessity: Я думаю, мы должны полагаться только на самих себя. 3) supposition: Платье такое эффектное! Оно, должно быть, стоит целое состояние. 4) obligation, necessity: Боюсь, ты должен поговорить с обоими. 5) lack of obligation, necessity: Я думаю, нам не стоит беспокоиться по поводу организации этой встречи. В конце концов, у нас есть начальник. 6) supposition: Он, должно быть, дома. В окнах горит свет. 7) supposition: С вершины этого холма открывается, должно быть, прекрасный вид. Давай, поднимемся наверх. 8) supposition: Должно быть, адвокат нашел ключ к разгадке преступления. 9) supposition: Он, должно быть, внес какие-то изменения. Я вижу кое-что новое в дизайне. 10) obligation, necessity: Ты должен действовать как тебе было сказано. 11) obligation, necessity: Должен ли я это сделать прямо сейчас? Нет, прямо сейчас нет необходимости, но постарайтесь решить эту проблему как можно раньше. 12) obligation, necessity: Знания должны приобретаться самостоятельно. 13) supposition: Она, должно быть, забыла твой телефонный номер. Насколько я понимаю это, это единственная причина, почему она тебе не позвонила. 14) obligation, necessity: Задачу необходимо решить, прежде чем мы приступим к выполнению чего-либо. 15) supposition: Ты, должно быть, шутишь. Этого не может быть

Ex. 8. Keys: 1) The parents must be quite conscious of their child. 2) Mr. Mason must have escaped from the prison. 3) Excuse me, I am so late. The point is I had to take my little sister from the kindergarten. 4) This rule must be learnt by heart if you want to understand it. 5) He must have expected me to invite him to the party in honour of my anniversary. 6) Oh, my dear, you must not talk to him at all. 7) They must have seen the movie. Let’s go to a Chinese restaurant instead. 8) If it rains tomorrow we must stay at home with our parents. 9) He must be very experienced in climbing. 10) I am going to take part in that contest. Everybody expects that I must win. 11) She is very young. I think she must be fifteen years old. 12) You must have read books by Leo Tolstoy before. 13) Linda must have worked very hard to finish her research paper. 14) My parents must be preparing a surprise for us. 15) Where is Nick? He is playing tennis; he must be having a very good time there.

Ex. 9. Keys: 1) must have suffered; 2) must have won; 3) must have been working; 4) must have known, must; 5) must have misunderstood; 6) not interfere, arrive; 7) must be sleeping; 8) be; 9) must have lost; 10) do; 11) must have been; 12) must have had; 13) must be singing; 14) must have touched; 15) must have prepared.

Ex. 10. Keys: 1) Why hasn’t she come? She must have just forgotten. 2) He must know several foreign languages. 3) What time is it now? It must be midnight. 4) He must be totally unaware that our plans have changed. 5) Suddenly he understood that he must have told something he hadn’t to pronounce at all. 6) They must finish their work by the weekends. Do not disturb them. 7) He must have gone the other way since he is not here yet. 8) The news must have shocked him since he got pale when he heard it. 9) I asked Samantha to have dinner with me, but she said she had to go. 10) Let’s wait for a while. They must arrive soon. 11) She must not have known that they have moved the other district last year. 12) She must know several foreign languages, if she can communicate with different people from different countries. 13) She must have passed all the exams and went home. 14) They must be laughing at us. 15) I must have left my keys in the restaurant when I took my wallet to pay the bill.

Ex. 11. Keys: 1) will have to; 2) have to; 3) have to; 4) have to; 5) don’t have to; 6) Do I have to; 7) do you have to do; 8) has to; 9) had to; 10) will have to; 11) had to; 12) do you have to, have to; 13) has to; 14) had to; 15) will have to.

Ex. 12. Keys: 1) He does not have to read a lot this term. Do you have to read a lot this term? 2) We did not have to wake up early this morning. Did we have to wake up early this morning? 3) They will not have to call her back in a week. Will they have to call her back in a week? 4) You do not have to buy an extra phone. Do you have to buy an extra phone? 5) Dr. Samon does not have to arrange one more check-up. Does Dr. Samon have to arrange one more check-up? 6) He did not have to go there on foot. Did he have to go there on foot? 7) She does not have to help her brother with his homework. Does she have to help her brother with his homework? 8) You will not have to get up very early tomorrow. Will you have to get up very early tomorrow? 9) She does not have to wear glasses as her eyesight is very weak. Does she have to wear glasses as her eyesight is very weak? 10) He will not actually have to report. 11) He did not have to raise his voice to be heard through the rising gale. Did he have to raise his voice to be heard through the rising gale? 12) He did not have to submit to his fate. Did he have to submit his fate? 13) Linda will not have to create a story to leave the house for the whole evening. Will Linda have to create a story to leave the house for the whole evening? 14) She does not have to support her elderly parents. Does she have to support her elderly parents? 15) She did not have to study hard last semester. Did she have to study hard last semester?

Ex. 13. Keys: 1) I have the negotiations with my foreign partners, so I will have to go to the headquarter. 2) I won’t be able to go to the party with you as I have to help my parents about the house. 3) She has bought a car, so she does not have to go to work on foot. 4) She is ill again. She has to stay in bed for the whole day. 5) I had to take that invitation though I did not want very much to visit that exhibition. 6) He lives far from his work, so he has to get up early. 7) I’m afraid I will have to explain to you all the details in our new subsidiary. 8) Doctors have to help people, don’t they? 9) Will you have to take a loan? 10) Yesterday we were going to visit his parents, but we had to refuse because our child got ill. 11) If you want to be in a good shape, you have to do morning exercises every day. 12) We had to call a doctor because our grandmother was ill. 13) She had to listen to him very attentively in order to grasp everything he was speaking about. 14) Yesterday she got up at 9 a.m, it was a day off and she did not have to go to work. 15) Нis parents are very rich, so he does not have to work.

Ex. 14. Keys: 1) I am to congratulate her with her birthday. 2) After the party we were to visit our grandmother to help her about the house. 3) The meeting is to take place at the conference hall of our University. 4) They were to wait for her at the bus stop in such bad weather conditions. 5) What am I to tell you in that case? 6) He was to make a report last Friday but the meeting was delayed. 7) What am I to do if they arrive too late? 8) The conference is to take place in May. 9) I was to meet her at the station at 5 p.m., but the train was late. 10) I was to go to Moscow last month but suddenly fell ill. 11) The documents are to be returned as soon as possible. 12) What are we to do with that? 13) They agreed that she was to inform him about it as soon as possible. 14) I was to water the plants every day. 15) I am to learn this poem by Friday.

Ex. 15. Keys: 1) What am I to do? May be I should leave? 2) We were to flight an hour ago, but the weather got bad and they had to cancel the flight. 3) She was born in the artistic family, so she was to become an actress.4) They went to the room where the lecture was to take place. 5) We were to meet near the theatre but she did not appear. 6) They are to go on a business trip in a week. 7) We are to meet with this outstanding scientist this week. He is to deliver us a lecture about the modern tendencies that take place in the English Language. 8) She was to write an essay but she forgot. 9) The documents are to be here at 2 p.m. 10) When are they to come? 11) We were to meet before the conference. 12) When are you to be at home tomorrow? 13) I was to write my research paper yesterday but I could not compile the bibliography list. 14) I am to meet my parents at the airport and to take them home. 15) I am to bring my sister her books.

Ex. 16. Keys: 1)You need not water the flowers, because it is going to rain. 2) You need not hurry up. The next bus will be at 4 p.m. 3) You need not buy the book; I have it and can lend you to read. 4) Need you answer at the exam instead of your twin sister? 5) You need not worry about her health, I saw her yesterday at the University. 6) Need you reproach yourself? 7) I need not call my boss. I am sure I can cope with the problem myself. 8) You need not check up my essay for mistakes. 9) The water need not have been boiled. 10) You need to take care of your old parents. 11) Need you press the skirt? You need not press the skirt 12) You need not learn the poem. 13) You need not worry. 14) You need not have given to us so many details. 15) Need I help you?

Ex. 17. Keys: 1) We need not have written down everything. We were given printed copies. 2) You need not have waited for me. 3) Need I come to your place earlier? 4) Need I help you unpack the suitcase? No, thank you need not help me, I will cope with it myself. 5) You need not by this issue. I will give you mine, I have already read it. 6) We need not hurry as we have a lot of time. 7) You need nor watch this film, it is not your cup of tea. 8) He need not hurry to the airport his flight has been cancelled. 9) You need not take the umbrella. According to the weather forecast it will not be raining. 10) Need I cook lunch for you? No, you need not. I have already had lunch at the café. 11) You need not call him right now. You may do it later. 12) You need not have learnt that poem by heart. It will no be checked. 13) You need not have called a taxi for us, we could have walked. 14) You need not go yourself. You can send somebody from your office and I will give him/her the necessary documents. 15) Need I come to your place?)

Ex. 18. Keys: 1) ought to visit; 2) should not; 3) ought to; 4) should not have talked; 5) Should; 6) ought to have been; 7) should not have bought, should have consulted; 8) should; 9) should not; 10) Should; 11) ought not to be laughing; 12) should have done; 13) should be; 14) ought not to have escaped; 15) should.

Ex. 19.Keys: 1) modal meaning 2) modal meaning 3) future meaning 4) modal meaning 5) future meaning 6) future meaning 7) modal verb 8) modal meaning 9) future meaning 10) future meaning 11) future meaning 12) modal meaning 13) modal meaning 14) future meaning 15) modal meaning.

Subjunctive Mood


I. Refer the following sentences of unreal condition to the present/future and to the past by changing the form of the verb in the parentheses:

1. did not make, would be ruined; had not made, would have been ruined

2. would not follow, did not feed; would not have followed, had not fed

3. ruled, would have to look; had ruled, would have had to look

4. brought, would be able to feed; had brought, would have been able to feed

5. would not buy, did not have; would not have bought, had not had

6. missed, would be forced; had missed, would have been forced

7. would be, took; would have been, had taken or had been taking

8. would do, discovered, were, would fly; would have done, had discovered, had been, would have flown

9. would be, were not willing to load; would have been, had not been willing to load

10. would cause, visited; would have caused, had visited

II. Finish the sentences. Use the phrases in the parentheses:

1. … he would be able to earn money gambling.

2. If the circumstances had been different …

3. … the young woman were not or had not been so simple-hearted.

4. … he would have graduated from the University two years ago.

5. … he would have told me about it.

6. … somebody – hopefully me –invited you to a boat show next Sunday?

7. … she will refuse point-blank.

8. … the watchman would have driven the thieves off Mr. Smith’s garden last night.

9. … the cook will save him a beefsteak and some roast potatoes as she usually does.

10. … she had ironed it last evening.

III. Choose the correct variant to fill in the blanks:

1. d

2. b

3. d

4. a

5. b

6. c

7. d

8. b

9. a

10. d

IV Open the parentheses using the necessary subjunctive mood forms:

1. were not, would leave

2. would not see, had, would locate, hid or were hiding

3. would not have bitten, had had

4. would go

5. would not be, did, would not be able to clean, helped

6. would not have done or would not have been doing, disliked

7. disagreed, would lead

8. would not have burnt, had not been reading, would throw

9. would happen, learned, should happen, would apologize

10. would not have gone, had not put

V. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. would not have got offended, could have congratulated, had come, would not be crying

2. were free, would go, would not be in a hurry

3. would not have ruined, had not been made or were not made of wood

4. would come, had not come down with flu, could have caught, would assume, had appeared

5. would have been late, had gone, could have spoiled, had planned, would have been

6. will appear, gets, will take place, should get stuck, would not be disappointed

7. ought to respect, would have remembered, had not failed

8. lived, would not get up, rented, would do, were not expensive

9. would surmise, were staying, were not, can believe, would want

10. would not have over turned, had not put, would glue, can do, would not be gathering, fed or had fed

VI. Translate the sentences from Russian into English paying attention to the use of modal verbs:

1. might have agreed, could have studied, would not have accused, had paid

2. might not have, had, would answer

3. could have died

4. could not have answered, had not been studied

5. could or would help, asked, might help, were not busy

6. could learn, would take off

7. knew, might (not) worry

8. could look after, left, would take care, were not

9. could have got frozen, (could have) caught

10. might be easier, had attended

VII. Translate the sentences from Russian into English paying attention to the problematic condition:

1. should be cancelled, inform

2. should not want, must inform

3. should run late, put, should be late, will melt

4. should not be given, shall or will resign

5. would be glad, should come

6. should meet, remind

7. should fail to come, would be surprised

8. should see, will take

9. should not want, do not know, should name, knows, would be amazed

10. would not work, should order

MODELS “I wish …”, “If only …”, “I’d rather …”

I. Choose the correct variant to fill in the blanks:

1. d

2. b

3. d

4. c

5. a

6. b

7. d

8. c

9. b

10. d

II. Find and correct the mistakes:

1. knew

2. didn’t treat or wouldn’t treat

3. could be

4. weren’t raining

5. had eaten

6. were

7. had invited

8. didn’t show up or wouldn’t show up

9. could get

10. had finished

III. Open the parentheses using the necessary subjunctive mood forms:

1. had happened

2. disappeared

3. had taken, had put on

4. could have been

5. were taken

6. didn’t shine or weren’t shining

7. would boil

8. had been taken

9. would study or studied

10. would chose

IV. Translate the sentences from Russian into English:

1. would take

2. had not taken

3. would learn or learned, paid

4. could speak

5. hadn’t had to leave

6. lived or would live

7. had returned

8. had been

9. didn’t have to wait, had

10. wish, had learned

V. Paraphrase the sentences where necessary so as to make an unreal wish:

1. wish, didn’t disturb

2. wish, had come

3. wish, didn’t miss or were not to miss

4. wished, hadn’t shouted, hadn’t agitated

5. wishes, hadn’t broken

6. wished, didn’t have to leave

7. wishes, could offer

8. wish, could have come

9. wish, had

10. wish, were, could be overcome


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