Exercise IV. Define the syntactic functions.

1. James grew more and more alarmed.


2. Weather permitting, we shall start tomorrow.


3. The three of them worked in silence, moving slowly up and down the porch with a piece of furniture on a carpet.


4. No one opposing command, he led the way from the room.


5. They were standing in one of the long French windows overlooking the river.


6. Approaching a window seat, he saw Jane sitting in it.


7. Being of 14 years old, John Reed was larger and stouter than I was.


8. In the center of the room, clamped to an upright easel stood the full-length portrait.


9. Looking back I saw them watching after us in the raised and drifting road dust.


10. At the moment the carriage was heard rolling up the gravel-walk.


11. By 12 o’clock, with the sun pouring into the room, the heat became quite oppressive.


12. … the sky which at the horizon was of an equal pallor, though changing at the zenith to a very pale vibrating blue.


13. With Berwick on my knee, I was than happy, happy at least in my way.


14. Tom came running in the room to prevent Maggie from snatching her line away.


15. Our lessons over, we went home.



Exercise V. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Не читай, лежа в кровати.


2. Оставленная одна в комнате, маленькая девочка заплакала.


3. Книга, которую сейчас обсуждают – последнее сочинение этого писателя.


4. Вот новые журналы, присланные для вашего офиса.


5. Взяв бумагу и ручку, ребенок начал писать.


6. Играя в теннис, мальчик поранил руку.


7. Это доклад, который обсуждали во время последнего собрания.


8. Пообедав, туристы продолжили свое путешествие.


9. Заплатив за билеты, мы поспешили в зал.


10. Переходя дорогу, будь осторожен.


11. Ему нравится статья, которую сейчас обсуждают?


12. Войдя в комнату, он быстро подошел к окну.


13. Девочка, играющая в саду, моя сестра.


14. Здание, которое строят в нашем районе, будет новым бассейном.


15. Мальчик, которого сейчас спрашивают, мой двоюродный брат.


16. Зная английский язык, ты можешь общаться с людьми разных стран.


17. Она сидела на скамейке, читая книгу.


18. Можно было видеть, как он следил за ней глазами. Он все не уходил, словно ожидая, что она вернется. Но, судя по их разговору, она ушла навсегда.


19. Хотя сказка рассказывалась уже не в первый раз, ее слушали с большим вниманием.


20. Когда ее спросили о цветах, она сказала, что уже убрала их.


Exercise VI. Read and translate the sentences. Comment on the function of Participle II.

1. The clipped, dark green hedges of the garden were covered with a light frosting of snow.


2. There was a collection of blue and white porcelain effectively arranged on an oak console table.


3. He was tired of sitting, and he felt cramped after the drive from Paris.

4. The mouse, frightened, darted off into a hole.


5. The girl sat silently as if transported into another world.


6. My dentist advises me to have my teeth cupped.


7. “Gone with the Wind” is a fascinating and unforgettable book.


8. “Money shared makes love grow stronger, money given kills it dead,” Celeste held it firm.


9. The clipped, dark green hedges of the garden were covered with a light frosting of snow.

10.You can get the book recommended by our teacher in the library.


Exercise VII. Rewrite the sentences using the Past Participle.

1. The painting was lost many years ago. It turned up at an auction.


2. Although the meat was cooked for several hours, it was still tough.


3. If the picture is seen from this angle, it looks rather good.


4. The vegetables which are sold in this shop are grown without chemicals.


5. When the poem is read aloud it is very effective. ___________________________________________________________________________

Exercise VIII.Find a mistake, correct it and put down the correct form.

1. Had a security man been on duty that night, there might be no robbery.


2. If automatic coffee-machines would be installed in our university, lots of students might use them.


3. I fear lest your company earnings will drop this financial year.


4. The secretary came back from lunch earlier than usual so that she may correct and re-type the report.


5. It is regrettable that the board of directors should fail to inform the share-holders of the risks they were taking by investing in South Africa.


6. I feel as if I am too old to continue the business.


7. But for your help I had not been a broker.


8. If should you have a long distance call from New York, leave me a message.


9. It is very important that the managers became more aware of how greatly the

atmosphere of the workplace can influence the effectiveness of their employees.


10. I suggest that you won’t continue to work on this contract and will start working on the new one.



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