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Nevsky Prospect is the main and most famous street of St. Petersburg. The unique architectural ensemble of Nevsky Prospect was formed during the 18th – early 20th centuries. It starts from the bank of the Neva River, runs through the centre of the city and ends at the Neva River. The whole history of St. Petersburg can be seen in the history of the avenue. The length of Nevsky Prospect is 4.5 km, the width is 25-60 m. The narrowest section is located from the Admiralty to the Moika River, A__________. After the construction of the Admiralty in 1704 and the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in 1710, it was decided to build a road B__________each other and with the Novgorod Path, which was used by Russian merchants. The construction began on both sides at the same time, the roads were laid through the wood, and in 1760s they were connected into one road, C__________, but with a turn at the Vosstaniya Square. Nevsky Prospect got its name only in 1783. The road was paved with cobble stones, D__________. It was the first street in St. Petersburg with gas lighting. By the early 20th century Nevsky Prospect had become the financial centre of Russia E__________ had their offices there. Nowadays, Nevsky Prospect is the centre of cultural and social life of St. Petersburg. There are museums, theatres, exhibition halls, cinemas, restaurants, cafés, shops F__________.


1. and hotels there or nearby the avenue
2. showing the original width of the avenue
3. which was not as straight as it was planned
4. which were built by famous architects and
5. connecting these two important structures with
6. and a few rows of trees were planted along the street
7. as the 40 largest banks of Russia, Europe and America

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1. The beginning of animation
2. Language differences
3. Fewer than in real life
4. Important rules
5. Keep it simple
6. Different parts in one
7. Drawn secretly
8. The best drawn character
A. While all of the characters and places in Disney’s animation film “Hercules” have Greek names, there’s one character that doesn’t: Hercules! Like “Mars” is for “Ares” and “Neptune” is for “Poseidon”, “Hercules” is actually the Roman name for the Greek figure “Heracles”. If the movie was consistent, the movie’s main character and title would be “Heracles”. However, Disney executives chose the Roman “Hercules” because they said it was more familiar to the general public.
B. In 1888, French scientist Charles-Emile Reynaud invented a device called the Theatre Optique. It could project a strip of pictures onto a screen. Reynaud painted individual images onto flexible strips of gel to run through the projection system. He made three animated short films to demonstrate his invention. The first was a 12-15 minute film called “Poor Pierrot”, which was shown in 1892. Some consider this to be the first animated movie.
C. The most common mistake which beginner animators make when they think of a story idea is that their plot is too detailed and long. It’s great to have an imagination and visualization of an epic storyline that involves lots of characters and several plot lines. But it’s important to keep in mind that the time frame and the available resources are usually limited. For a beginner, it’s more sensible to work on a story that is not too complicated and easy to follow.
D. One of the most difficult tasks in making “Beauty and the Beast” film was the animation of the beast. In the end, the character’s face and body represented a combination of several animals. Glen Keane, an experienced Disney animator, included the mane of a lion, the beard and head shape of a buffalo, the tusks and nose bridge of a wild boar, the strongly-muscled brows of a gorilla, the legs and tail of a wolf, and the big and bulky body of a bear.
E. A lot of cartoon characters have four fingers on their hands instead of five. The reason is simple – hands with four fingers are easier to draw and animate. Cartoon characters are always simplified versions of their real life equivalents. Four-fingered hand saves a lot of time in animating and it really does not make any difference to us while watching. It all started with the very first Mickey Mouse cartoon. Walt Disney said that this was both an artistic and financial decision.
F. Animators have hidden representations of Mickey Mouse in most of the Disney films and all of the parks. It started as a joke between Walt Disney and other animators and became a tradition carried out for decades. “Hidden Mickeys” usually consist of three circles drawn to represent Mickey’s head and ears, but sometimes they draw Mickey in a crowd scene. Nowadays people have made a game out of searching for Hidden Mickeys in Disney movies.
G. Disney’s Twelve Basic Principles of Animation is a set of principles of animation introduced by the Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas in their 1981 book “The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation”. Johnston and Thomas based their book on the work of the leading Disney animators, and their effort to produce more realistic animations. The book and some of its principles have been adopted by some traditional studios. Many people call it the “Bible of animation”.

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State Hermitage Museum The Hermitage is St. Petersburg’s most popular visitor attraction, and one of the world’s largest and most prestigious museums. It is a must-see for all first-time travellers to the city. With over 3 million items in its collection, it also rewards repeat visits, A__________ of the riches on offer here, from Impressionist masterpieces to fascinating Oriental treasures. It was estimated B__________ on display for just one minute. So many visitors prefer a guided tour to ensure C__________ highlights. Art-lovers, however, may find it more rewarding to seek out for themselves the works D__________. The bulk of the Hermitage collection is housed in the Winter Palace, E__________. However, there are a number of other sites that constitute part of the Hermitage, including the recently opened Storage Facility in the north of St. Petersburg. It offers guided tours through some of the museum’s vast stocks. The magnificent General Staff Building opposite the Winter Palace is most famous for its central triumphal arch, F__________ Nevsky Prospekt. The General Staff Building contains a number of unique exhibitions. It includes the Modern European Art, probably the most visited section of the Hermitage with well-known collections of Picasso and Matisse, as well as a wealth of popular Impressionist paintings.


1. that they are particularly interested in
2. that they have time to catch all the collection’s
3. and new-comers can only hope to get a brief taste
4. which brings pedestrians out on to Palace Squarefrom
5. that one would need eleven years to view each exhibit
6. which was the official residence of the Russian emperors
7. and the exhibition was often visited by military historians

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Letniy S Letniy Sad (The Summer Garden) is a park ensemble, a monument of landscape art of the 18th century. Letniy Sad is the oldest park in St. Petersburg. The park was founded by Peter I in 1704. The Tsar dreamed of his own Versailles and drew its original plan himself. He planned to create a regular, architectural park with accurate layout and straight paths. Prominent architects and gardeners took part in its creation. The park was supposed to become a place of relaxation, A__________. Letniy Sad is surrounded by water. Natural boundary of the park from the north and east are the Neva and Fontanka Rivers, B__________. Peter I brought sculptures from Italy for the park and was very proud of them. In the 18th century there were more than two hundred sculptures, C__________, or moved to suburban royal residences and the Hermitage. Now Letniy Sad is decorated with 90 sculptures – copies made of artificial marble. In May, 2012 Letniy Sad was opened after reconstruction. The reconstruction work had been going on for about three years, D__________ Letniy Sad as it was in the 18th century. Among the new items in Letniy Sad, there is the Archaeological Museum, E__________ during the restoration of the park. Visitors can take a tour of the park F__________on Sundays.


1. and restorers have done everything possible to keep
2. combining the features of urban and suburban estates
3. which are planned to be the centre of scientific research
4. which contains interesting objects found by archaeologists
5. but later many of them were either destroyed in the flood
6. and enjoy the exhibitions and performances of a brass band
7. and from the south and west – the Moika River and the Lebyazhiy Canal

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Tourism in Kamchatka The range of tourist activities in Kamchatka is really wide. The most wide-spread type of tourism is ecotourism, A__________ and resources of Kamchatka. Fishing, medicinal, cultural and ethnographical tourism are popular as well. Kamchatka offers almost unlimited possibilities for those B__________, and gives the chance to climb not only mountains, but volcanoes as well. Moreover, many rivers in Kamchatka are good for rafting. In winter one should be prepared for heli-skiing and skiing. In summer trekking, diving, photo safari and bird watching are at one’s service. Besides, this region has a good recreational potential, C__________ take some rest and improve health, thanks to the presence of almost every kind of mineral curative water. Visitors should not forget to try famous Kamchatka dishes, D__________ and other seafood, for example of salmon, which Kamchatka is really famous for. Many tourist camps were built in Kamchatka in the past few years. Tourist infrastructure is getting better and better nowadays. As for natural wonders, tourists should not miss the famous rock “three brothers” protecting the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. The city is located on the bank of the bay,E__________ baysin the world. There is only one way to get there by plane from the European part of Russia – from Moscow. The ticket price is quite high, F__________ as possible.


1. who are fond of extreme tourism
2. and tourists may just go there to
3. which are often made of local fish
4. who wants to enjoy the nature as long
5. so one should plan for the journey as early
6. and it is clearly explained by the unique nature
7. which is considered to be one of the most beautiful

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1. Female bobsleighing
2. What you need for bobsleighing
3. Safety rules
4. Bobsleighing techniques
5. Participating countries
6. The dangers of bobsleighing
7. The newest rules
8. From the history of bobsleighing
A. Bobsleighing was originated in Switzerland. In the late 19th century, the Swiss first started doing it by attaching two skeleton sleighs together with a steering mechanism added to the front sleigh in order to control the direction. The first bobsleigh races took place in normal snow covered roads whereas the first bobsleighing club was founded in St. Moritz, Switzerland in 1897 and the first specially designed race track was developed outside of St. Moritz in 1902.
B. Bobsleighing is mostly played in Europe along with North America and Russia because of the proper climate for the icy track. The UnitedStates of America, Germany and Switzerland have long been the most successful bobsleighing nations based on their incredibly successful track record in all formats of competitive sports including World Cups and Olympic Championship. Presently, more than fifty countries take part in various international bobsleighing events all over the world.  
C. Bobsleighing is considered the most expensive winter sport as the equipment used in it, including the safety equipment as well as bobsleigh parts, are quite costly. The most important equipment in bobsleighing is the sleigh. Besides this other protective guards are also used. The length of the sleigh must be a maximum of 3.80 metres (12.5 feet) for four-man sports and 2.70 metres (8.9 feet) in case of two-man sports. Bobsleigh crews are supposed to weigh heavy to ensure high speed
D. In fact, two-man and four-man types of bobsleigh are very much similar. As weight plays a vital role for the speed of the sleigh, four-man sleighs are much faster than two-man types. However, even a simple mistake at the initial push-off or, say, during the steering, on decisions of the driver during the turns may largely affect the final race. The thing is, air passing through the sleigh slows the sleigh down. In order to avoid these drags, wind tunnels are usually added to the sleigh.
E. One may think bobsleighing is a risky sport but actually not only men are fond of it. Women do it too. In case of women bobsleighing, the sleighs for women were originally very much similar to those of men. But with time so many problems came out as women are shorter than men and many players injured their hips as well as back. These traumas prompted the organizers to change the interior sleigh designs for women bobsleighing. Now women can do it safely and successfully enough
F. Bobsleighing competitions gather crowds of people who want to watch their favourite sportsmen compete with one another. However, even though bobsleighing is quite an interesting sport, the risks attached to it certainly cannot be avoided. Till now more than ninety three players have died in crashes or accidents during the game. In order to reduce the chances of accidents and to prevent the risks, officials have made certain rules and regulations about the uses of sleighs and the structure of the track.
G. There are a lot of risks connected with bobsleighing. Bobsleighers need to wear high tech plastic made helmets in order to prevent head injuries as well as goggles for eyes. Racers wear tight uniforms to increase aero-dynamicity and spiked shoes to gain traction on the ice. The brakeman wears a Kevlar vest in order to avoid third degree burns during the sleigh’s friction with ice. The next bobsleigh doesn’t start until the previous team has left the track because of security reasons.

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1. Named after a politician
2. Too lengthy to stay
3. In hope for a good future
4. Named after a tsar
5. Modern pronunciation
6. Named after the river
7. Named after a wrong person
8. Bringing back the first name
A. One local legend claims that the city of Orlando is named after the character in Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”, but the more commonly accepted version is that a man named Orlando Reeves owned a plantation and a sugar mill a bit north of what later became the city. Early settlers found where Reeves had carved his name in a tree and thought that it was a grave marker to a soldier, a hero who died in the Seminole War and mistakenly named their settlement after him.
B. When Arizona city began expanding in the late 1860s, settlers realized that their little town needed a name. The founder of the city Jack Swilling, a Confederate veteran, wanted to name the town Stonewall in honour of Stonewall Jackson, but Darrell Duppa found out that their site had been a Native American settlement centuries earlier. He offered the name Phoenix. He believed that their new city would rise from the ruins of the former civilization like the legendary bird.
C. In 1788, Captain Arthur Phillip discovered a supply of fresh water for his thirsty armada in a cave near Port Jackson, today’s Sydney Harbor. Later he started a settlement there. The place needed a name. Though originally he had planned to name his new freshwater-filled settlement Albion – a poetic name for England – instead he decided to call the bay Sydney Cove after the Secretary of State, Lord Sydney. The fact that the guy had never even set foot in Australia didn’t stop him.
D. The Russian capital sits on the Moscva River, which is obviously where the city’s name comes from. However, there are a couple of theories as to where the name Moscva comes from. The first states that it is a derivative of a Finno-Ugric name meaning river of either cows, or bears, or darkness. Nobody is really sure which of the three exactly, but all of them seem quite possible. The other, more popular theory, says that the name comes from a Slavic word meaning dank, swampy river
E. It’s widely known that the City of Angels got its name from Spanish settlers. The beauty of the place impressed them so much that they considered it heaven on Earth. The original name, however, was a lot longer: El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porcincula, or “The Town of Our Lady the Queen of Angels of the Little Portion”. They realized there would be a lot of letters to fit on a hat they wore, so they just shortened it to Los Angeles.
F. Have you ever wondered why in a restaurant we never order Beijing duck, but instead call it Peking like our grandmas did? Well, since Chinese characters don’t much lend themselves to transliteration, English interpretations of how the name is pronounced have changed over the years. The name was given to the city during the Ming Dynasty by Zhu Di, who moved his capital there. “Beijing” is about as close as we can get now to saying it like the Chinese.
G. St. Petersburg was founded on May 16, 1703, when the foundation of the Peter and Paul Fortress was laid. Since its foundation, the city’s name has changed several times. Originally, it was named after the Apostle Peter as tsar Peter, the Apostle’s namesake, relied on this saint’s patronage. For a decade in the 1900’s it was called Petrograd. This was from 1914–1924. After Lenin died, Petrograd was renamed Leningrad. St. Petersburg resumed its original name in 1992.

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Veliky Novgorod Veliky Novgorod, one of the most ancient cities of Russia, was founded in the 9-10th centuries. Veliky Novgorod was a political centre of vast territories stretching up from Baltic lands to the Urals. For a long time the city had been the largest centre of culture in Russia, A__________. Many outstanding monuments of medieval architecture and painting have been preserved in the city. The Kremlin is one of the most popular sights. It was built in 1044 by order of Prince Jaroslav the Wise. It is surrounded by a wall 1487 metres long. It once had 12 towers, B__________. The particular characteristic of the Kremlin is a large number of churches on the area. The architecture represents the style of the 15th century. The area around the Kremlin is very well-kept C__________. From the bastions one will have a wonderful view over the whole city. The outdoor Vitoslavlitsy Museum of Folk Wooden Architecture is a haven to the people D__________ with massive skyscrapers, business centres and shopping malls. The museum presents some excellent examples of wooden structures from different parts and suburbs of Veliky Novgorod. The scenery here is so quiet E__________ and will just enjoy the stunning view of the Russian village. The visit to the city helps to get acquainted with the history and the way of life of common country folk F__________ in different times.


1. and has a lot of green places
2. but now only 9 of them still exist
3. that they are protected by the state
4. where chronicles and books were created
5. who are tired of modern urban architecture
6. that one will easily forget about all the troubles
7. who lived on the territory of Novgorod principality

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1. Pluses and minuses
2. Difficult to prove
3. Strategy for success
4. Choosing one’s lifestyle
5. Why they win
6. Useful signs
7. Genre differences
8. Fresh start
A. What sets a musical and an opera apart is that in opera, music is the driving force; in musical theatre, words come first. While listening to an opera, it usually doesn’t matter what language it’s sung in if you know the basic plot – but in musical theatre, the details come from the lyrics. This explanation clarifies why opera stars often sing in a different style than Broadway performers do, why operas and musicals are typically about different subjects, and why musical composition and orchestration vary between the two disciplines.
B. When the Internet was invented, nobody really thought about security. The main aim was to connect computer networks over great distances. Although a lot of money have been spent on making the Internet safer, security has actually become worse. Experts say that the whole net has become so unsafe that it would be best to start all over again. Nobody knows what a new Internet would look like but users would have to give up their anonymity for a bit more safety. Today’s Internet might end up as a bad neighbourhood you just wouldn’t pass through.
C. In the past decadesAfrican runners have dominatedmarathons all over the world. The Ethiopian Abebe Bikila ran barefootto his first gold medal in the 1960 Olympic Games. He repeatedhis victoryfour years later. Experts think that African runners are better because they train in higher places in their home countries. Their legs may also be stronger than ours and they may have the abilityto collect and storemore oxygen. All of these help them become very good runners.
D. Watching TV shows is a great way to learn spoken English, slang words, understand culture reference and humour. However, people on TV shows sometimes speak with grammar mistakes, which is often a part of character development. Characters talk with an accent, using non-standard English and pronouncing words in a way that is difficult to understand. While it is a great way to practice listening and talking in everyday life, it is probably not a good source for “proper English”.
E. When you are running a marathon it is very important to drink a lot so that your body does not dehydrate. You should run at a steady pace. Don’t start too fast or you will become tired very quickly and won’t be able to continue. This is called “hitting the wall”. In most cases runners then give up completely. On the other hand, you shouldn’t start too slowly or else you won’t reach the time limit you want to achieve. After a marathon most runners feel painin their muscles. This is normal and it may take a few days before your body becomes normal again.
F. In ancient times, people could only use the power of observation to tell what the weather would bring. They could observe the changing patterns of the seasons. This taught them when to plant and when the crops would grow. People also observed animals and the growing cycles of plants to predict changes in the weather. They could tell when a rainy season was coming and when it would get cold. People used their senses to see and smell changes in the weather. The migration of animals was also a good indication of change.
G. It is not clear who was the first to reach the North Pole. A US explorer called Frederick Cook insisted on having walked there in 1908, but nobody could support his claim. Another American called Robert Peary announced that he had reached the Pole in 1909, but because his men were not trained navigators, none of them could be sure. Because the Arctic is made of ice that floats on the sea, rather than snow and ice on rock like the Antarctic, any evidence of visiting the North Pole will quickly be swallowed up by water.

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1. From the history of the game
2. The first tennis competitions
3. The rules of table tennis
4. Similar yet different
5. Countries good at table tennis
6. Table tennis equipment
7. Why watch tennis
8. Both for men and women
A. Table tennis is a ball game similar in principle to lawn tennis. It’s played on a flat table divided into two equal courts by a net fixed across its width at the middle. The task is to hit the ball so that it goes over the net and bounces on the opponent’s half of the table in such a way that the opponent cannot reach it or return it correctly. The lightweight hollow ball is propelled back and forth across the net by small rackets. The game is popular all over the world, among people of different age.
B. Table tennis is a relatively young sport. In fact, it was invented in England in the early days of the 20th century and was originally called Ping-Pong. The name “table tennis” was adopted in 1921 or 1922 when the old Ping-Pong Association formed in 1902 was revived. Led by representatives of Germany, Hungary, and England, the International Table Tennis Federation was founded in 1926. By the mid-1990s more than 165 national associations were the members of this association.
C. Table tennis is really a sport for everyone. You don’t need to spend much money or buy many things to play table tennis. The table is rectangular, 9 feet by 5 feet, its upper surface a level plane 30 inches above the floor. The net is 6 feet long, and its upper edge along the whole length is 6 inches above the playing surface. The ball, which is spherical and hollow, was once made of white celluloid. Since 1969 aplastic similar to celluloid has been used. The racket may be any size, weight, or shape.
D. It’s easy to understand how tennis is played. A tennis match consists of the best of any odd numbers of games, each game being won by the player who first reaches 11 points or who, after 10 points each, wins two clear points ahead. A point is scored when the server fails to make a good service, when either player fails to make a good return, or when either player commits a specified infraction. Service changes hands after every two points until 10-all is reached, when it changes after every subsequent point.
E. Table tennis may be played with one player at each end of the table or with two players at each end who may be both men or both women or one of each. Worldwide, the women’s game is comparable in organization to the men’s, and women take part in world championships and all other organized events. The first female tournament took place in 1909, but women are known to have been playing tennis since 1874, which is obvious from old pictures and photos which survived the test of time.
F. The first world championships were held in London in 1927, and from then until 1939 the game was dominated by players from central Europe, the men’s team event being won nine times by Hungary and twice by Czechoslovakia. In the mid-1950s Asia emerged as a breeding ground of champions, and from that time the men’s team event has been won by either Japan or China, as has the women’s event, though to a lesser extent; North Korea also became an international force.
G. People eagerly come to the stadiums to see a game of tennis live or switch on their TVs when an exciting match is on. The interest to the spectator lies in observing the ability of one player to defeat another by some well-thought-out strategy. Increasing the speed of the game, slowing it down, varying the direction of or imparting different spin or pace to the ball are just some of the tactics that may be used to support the strategy planned by a sportsman. Thus, a game of tennis can be a real show.

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