Application disk Clearing

Service of disks

Purpose of work

To learn to carry out service of disks by means of office applications of OS Windows.


Problems of work

To master work with various applications on service of disks of the personal computer.


Maintenance of work

3.1 to Carry out check of disks C:, D:

3.2 to Execute a defragmentation of disk C:

3.3 to Study work of the application disk Clearing.

3.4 to Issue the report.


Requirements to the report

The report on the done work should contain:

- The name, the purpose and work problems;

- Sequence of its performance;

- Conclusion to work;


General provisions

Office Windows applications

Office applications of OS Windows are intended for service of computer disks and the operating system. They allow to find and eliminate defects of file system, to optimise options of program and hardware maintenance, and as to automate some routine operations connected with service of the computer.

In the Main menu office Windows applications are in section

Ïóñê/Ïðîãðàììû/Ñòàíäàðòíûå/Ñëóæåáíûå. They are established together with an operating system (completely or âûáîðà÷íî).

Application disk Check

Disk check - the all-important program which should be used regularly enough.

She allows to reveal logic errors in file structure (Standard check), and also the physical errors connected with defects of a surface of a hard disk (Full check). Standard check is recommended to be spent after each failure in computer work. After incorrect end of work with an operating system the disk check program is started automatically. It is enough to spend full check two times a year or in case of doubts as a hard disk.

Application a disk Defragmentation

Disk defragmentation - the office application intended for increase of overall performance of a hard disk by elimination ôðàãìåíòèðîâàííîñòè of file structure. The least unit of data storage on a disk is the cluster. If on a disk it is enough empty seat, files register so that clusters in which there is a record, settle down consistently. References to a file occur quickly enough.

If the disk is jam-packed, record on it is possible only after clearing of a quantity of clusters by removal of files. Thus free areas on a disk do not form one big continuous area. At attempt to write down a long file on a disk having faltering structure of free areas, a file shares on fragments which register there where for them there was a place.

Long work with the filled hard disk leads to gradual increase ôðàãìåíòèðîâàííîñòè files and to considerable delay of work.

The application the disk Defragmentation carries out reconfiguration of files in such a manner that long files gather from short fragments. As a result access to files considerably becomes simpler also overall performance of the computer increases.

Application disk Clearing

At work with the computer sometimes there is the exclusive situation connected by overflow of a hard disk. In this case the user has possibility to suspend current process, to execute necessary operations of clearing of a disk and to continue work. But also the operating system can automatically carry out clearing of a hard disk - for this purpose it includes the application disk Clearing. After an application launch it is necessary to fill out a disk name for which adjustment is carried out.

Automatic work of the program is set by tag installation Automatically to make disk clearing at an empty seat lack on it on the tab Adjustment.

Not all hard disk folders are subject to clearing in an automatic mode. Such folders in which the irreplaceable data, only four should not be stored. A choice of the necessary carry out installation of corresponding tags:

- Temporary Internet Files (a folder, in which êýøèðóþòñÿ the data accepted from the Internet at work with service WWW);

- Downloaded Program Files (a folder in which the active objects containing a program code, accepted of the Internet are stored);

- Basket (a folder for time storage of remote files);

- Time files (folder C:\Windows\Temp in which it is not accepted to store the valuable data).




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