Основные грамматические конструкции и единицы, используемые телевизионных сообщениях


Грамматические особенности англоязычной звучащей медиаречи подразделяются на стандартизирующие и экспрессивные.

К первой группе относятся следующие грамматические средства.

1) Конструкции с вводящим It (It is alleged/ believed/ /estimated/ said/ known/ thought/understood/reported/revealed/ be likely to do something и др.).’s understood the 45 year old suffered severe abdominal pains after a party at his house. He was reportedly taken by ambulance from his home on a stretcher.’s estimated 240,000 people in Britain are suitable for surgery under those guidelines (Sky News).has been revealed that a team of detectives will lead the investigation in Jill Dando`s killing (BBC World News).

) Сочетания There is/ are This is.is Hall Farm in Hingham, Norfolk (Sky News).

These are the kind of images that would alarm the EU as the sovereign debt crisis rages across the Continent (Sky News).

This is resistance to played out on the streets to a series of new austerity measures (Sky News).is the seventh general strike this year (Sky News).'s been praise and support for the teacher who earned more than the Prime Minister last year (Sky News).

) Грамматические средства выражения прогнозируемого действия или события (инфинитивные обороты to be (about) to do something/ to look set to do something/ to be bound to do something/ to be due to do something.presence in Kosovo is to scale down (EuroNews).26 year old was to set off from Teleri this morning on her 100-day trip (Sky News).government looks set to carry on raising prices (Sky News).Territorial Army is likely to be trimmed from 56,000 force to 40,000 (Sky News).ministers are due to meet in Brussels today to try to get to grips with the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (BBC World News).

) Cложное подлежащее (Complex Subject).birds appeared to have been left to decompose among the flock (Sky News).vote is expected to pick up a bit (Channel Five).would appear to have found a key to take a peace out of danger (BBC World News).

5) Модальный глагол could, выражающий действие, реализация которого отдалена или проблематична.

But there are concerns it could bring huge financial problems for the state (Sky News).huge trade deal could kick-start the US economy (Sky News).

This alarming survey could put crime high on the agenda on the next election, revealing that England and Wales are at or near the top of the crime league table among developed countries (Sky News).

6) Использование глаголов to see/ to witness в активном залоге с неодушевленным подлежащим в значении «стать очевидцем события».

Throughout Europe almost 13 cities witnessed spontaneous protests (BBC World News).'s smallest electoral subdivision saw the National Front of Marine Le Pen win around 15% (EuroNews).

Указанные средства призваны обезличить, сделать нейтральным передаваемый текст, дистанцировать его от создателя, повысить степень достоверности сообщаемой новости. К этой же группе сочетаний относятся фразы

The BBC/ Sky News understands (that)…

Sky sources say (that) …

) Сложное дополнение (Complex Object) и его разновидность - каузативная конструкция to have something done.

Now Sky News has secretly filmed ducks being deliberately killed and injured at a farm which supplied the birds to a supermarket as a high welfare free-range product (Sky News).

His party lost a whopping 7000 votes and that leaves him facing some rather tricky questions, not least from his own backbenchers about the Tory strategy (Sky News).for once the UK's Independent Party wants Britain to follow the European lead (Sky News).last Queen of Scots had her head chopped off (Channel Five).’s trying to put on more weight so he can qualify for an operation to have a gastric band fitted (Sky News).research has found two thirds of people in Britain also want the burka banned here (Sky News).

8) Инфинитив в функции дополнения, определения и обстоятельства цели.

At one stage the mobs surrounded a police Landrover repeatedly trying to smash the windows to attack the officers inside (Sky News).

It's a nation to do business with (Sky News).survey was commissioned following a decision by France's lower house to ban the full veil early this week (Sky News).those which were removed instead of being bagged up to avoid biohazards were left to rot in a skip (Sky News).a fifth of people alive in the UK today are likely to live to be 100 (Sky News).duck are processed by premier brand to be sold on the shelves of Waitrose (Sky News).

9) Особенностью звучащей медиаречи является широкое использование в ней продолженных времен как для обозначения действия, происходящего в настоящий момент, так и планируемого события.

Одной из наиболее частотных глагольных форм являются сочетания с глаголом being, выступающим как в качестве компонента пассивного залога (to be being done), так и в роли составной части причастия.

And passengers say they are already being charged over the odds (Sky News).are being warned it may backfire on them (EuroNews).is former Conservative minister Kostis Hatzidakis being badly beaten (Sky News).

Среди других глагольных форм, используемых в продолженном времени, выделяются следующие:

видо-временная форма будущего продолженного времени will/ shall be doing something для обозначения будущего действия.

And the economic leader America will be nervously contemplating the prediction that within a decade the number two will have pulled level (Sky News).

When we return we’ll be bringing you the very latest on the situation in south Omagh where they fear the worst on the foot and mouth (Sky News).we’ll be starting to collect physical evidence from the scene (Sky News).will surely be dominating many of the newspapers too. So, will be seeing how they are reporting this story at 10.30 (Sky News).

- статальные глаголы для обозначения действия, происходящего в момент речи.

The company will be hoping no more than that ask for a full refund (Sky News).

But he'll be hoping for a warmer reception on his tour of Asia (Sky News).

It's not being the best of weeks for president Obama (Sky News)., will be seeing how they are reporting this story at 10.30 (Sky News);

- модальная конструкция to have to.

The global order is shifting and leaders are having to adjust to the rejuggling of the pack (Sky News).

- конструкция to be going to.main battle ground are going to be tax, education and the health service (Sky News);is going to send a free rubber case to everyone who has bought one of its new iPhones in an attempt to fix problems with the handset reception (Sky News).

- продолженное перфектное времени для обозначения действия, происходившего в течение определенного промежутка времени в прошлом.

On the continent they’ve been slaughtering livestock that might have come into contact with animals imported from Britain (ITN).

She's been wearing a burka for ten years (Sky News).

Наличие столь значительного количества продолженных форм в звучащих медиатекстах диктуется спецификой новостей. Она состоит в том, чтобы освещать события, которые только что имели место, продолжают происходить либо произойдут в ближайшем будущем.

) Притяжательный падеж с названиями стран, городов, районов, предприятий, фирм, времени суток и др. вместо использования соответствующих прилагательных либо сочетания указанных лексических единиц с предлогом of.

Damian Green says such legislation would be at odds with the UK's tolerant and mutually respectful society (Sky News).meeting at the UN's Biodiversity Conference in Tokyo have released their latest red list of endangered species (Sky News).in Northern Ireland have released video of last night's rioting in Belfast after 48 hours of unrest, which has left more than 80 officers injured (Sky News).

Today’s fugures show the UK economy grew by 0.8 per cent from July to September (Sky News).

Притяжательный падеж получил настолько широкое распространение в звучащей медиаречи, что для него характерно так называемое вклинивание.

That’s going to be a so-called crime plan unveiled by Jack Straw in a week or so’s time (Sky News).

Ко второй группе - экспрессивных морфологических особенностей звучащей медиаречи (приближающих ее к разговорному варианту языка) - относятся грамматические конструкции, характерные для разговорного стиля языка:

использование глагола was вместо глагола were в условном наклонении.

If hunting with dogs was stopped with foxes involved that would actually cause more cruelty (Sky News).would be a tragedy if peace Treaty was abandoned (Channel 5);

- упрощенное использование грамматических форм (пропуск вспомогательного глагола should в условном наклонении после глаголов, выражающих долженствование, просьбу, приказание и т.п.

NATO demanded that the withdrawal begin in 24 hours (EuroNews).they are not buying «the sorry, Sophie», instead insisting that the Press Complaints Commission investigate this whole matter (Sky News);

- употребление инфинитива без частицы to после глагола to help и его производных).

In his hay day he was a national hero, helping Manchester United _become the first England club to win the European Cup in 1968 (Sky News).

- употребление глагола to get вместо глагола to be в качестве вспомогательного в страдательном залоге и в сочетаниях to get something done и to have + infinitive.

So, to get nominated with that kind of competition is very special, anyway (Sky News).`t that the job for government, though, the NATO got the this campaign going? (EuroNews);

использование глагола to get вместо глагола to become.

It’s getting a bit lonely in our virtual shopping centre (Sky News).the politicians can get talks moving in the next 24 hours, it could be still some time before NATO tanks rumble into Kosovo (Sky News).country is so divided that they`ve got to sort out their international affairs first (Channel 5);

- грамматическая редукция - пропуск как служебных слов в предложениях (относительных местоимений, вспомогательных глаголов в вопросительных предложениях, глаголов в составном именном сказуемом, предлогов, артиклей, союзов), так и знаменательных слов (эллипсис, если речь идет о синтаксических особенностях медиаречи).

The Prime Minister has been to the north east but could offer little more than sympathy to a group of workers [who are] about to lose their jobs (Sky News).

[Do you] Fancy a cup of tea? (Sky News).next morning some of the Serbs [are] dead. There were no prisoners (Sky News).year he celebrated his half [of the] century in the industry (Channel Five).

More [news] in half [an] hour (Sky News).French President Jacque Chirac urged Miloshevich to stand aside saying the coun-try would be in real danger if he did not [do it] (EuroNews).


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