Задание №1
Заполните пропуски:
We had really thick ________________ this morning.
· fog
· wind
· heat
Задание №2
Заполните пропуски:
People often breathe quickly after _________.
· biting your nails
· running
· sleeping
Задание №3
Заполните пропуски:
He told me he met a ___________ girl in the disco last night.
· attractive
· beautiful
· handsome
Задание №4
Заполните пропуски:
He looks like his mother but definitely takes ________ his father in character.
· care
· over
· after
· sleep
· cook
· work
Задание №5
Заполните пропуски:
She decided to wear a _________________ instead of a dress.
· collar and a pocket
· top and a jeans
· button and earrings
Задание №6
Заполните пропуски:
My soup is too ________! I don’t want it!
· fresh
· health
· salty
· stressful
Задание №7
Заполните пропуски:
It was quite a serious ____________; both drivers were taken to hospital.
· accident
· tailback
· injury
Задание №8
Заполните пропуски:
I’m responsible one of the departments. I’m _____________ of it.
· deal
· in charge
· involve
Задание №9
Заполните пропуски:
I sent her an __________ yesterday but she hasn’t replied.
· appointment
· computer
Задание №10
Заполните пропуски:
I’m leaving in a few minutes. Could I pay my ________.
· room
· wine list
· bill
Задание №11
Заполните пропуски:
Most places are absolutely ___________ with tourists! So I decided to stay at home today.
· packed
· booked
· allowed
Задание №12
Заполните пропуски:
A ____________ represents people with legal problems.
· surgeon
· bricklayer
· lower
Задание №13
Заполните пропуски:
My car ____________ on the motorway and I had to phone a garage to come and fix it.
· broke down
· went along
· overtook
Задание №14
Заполните пропуски:
They said she died of a heart ___________.
· ache
· attack
· pain
Ситуативно-бытовое общение
Знакомство и поддержание разговора.
При формальном знакомстве мужчина должен быть предтавлен женщине, за исключением тех случаев когда мужчина старше, либо занимает высокое положение в обществе. Как правило мужчина более младшего возраста представлянтся мужчине более старшего, это же правило соблюдается женщинами.
- Wendy I’d like to meet my brother, Sam.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- What do you think of life of England?
- I’m still feeling homesick.
- It’s bound to be strange at first.
- Mrs Hughes, this is Peter Brown.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- How do you find things over here?
- If it wasn’t for the climate, I’d like very much.
- It won’t take you long settle down.
- Mother, this is Joe’s brother David
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- How do you like London?
- It’s quite different from what I expected.
- Don’t worry; you’ll soon get used to it.
- Mrs Stacey, I’d like to introduce my Greec friend, Milos.
- How do you do?
- How do you do?
- What are your first impreessions of England?
- Of course it’s much colder here than it is at home.
- Never mind; you’ll be all right in a week or two.
Ситуация №2.
Поговорим о погоде.
Иностранцы часто удивляются тому, что англичане уделяют много времени, обсуждая погоду, тем не менее эта тема является ненавязчивым способом начать и поддержать разговор даже с незнакомыми людьми.
- Fairly mild the time of year.
- Yes. Quite different from the forecast.
- They say we’re in for snow.
- Let’s hope it keeps fine for the weekend.
- It seems to be clearing up.
- It makes a change, doesn’t it?
- Apparently it’s going to turn colder.
- Still, another month should see us through the worst of it.
- Nice and bright this morning.
- Yes much better than yesterday.
- The wind’ll probably get up latwer.
- As long as it doesn’t rain.
- It’s good to see the sun again.
- A big inprovement on what we’ve been having.
- It’s supposed to cloud over this afternoon.
- I didn’t think it would last.
Ситуация №3.
Вежливый разговор о здоровье.
В том случае, когда к вам обращаются с вопросами о вашем здоровье, или о здоровье ваших близких, необходимо поддержать разговор, не вдаваясь в медицнские подробности, это всего лишь проявление воспитанности.
- How’s your father keeping?
- He’s been off for day or two.
- What’s wrong with him?
- He’s gone down with cold.
- Tell him I hope he soon feels better.
- That’s very kind of you.
- Where’s Tony this evening?
- He’s not feeling very well.
- Really? What’ the trouble?
- I think he must have eating something.
- Give him my regards and tell him to take things easy.
- Thank you very much. I’ll tell him what you said.
- How’s your brother these days?
- He hasn’t been too well just recently.
- I’m sorry to hear tht. What’s the matter?
- I think he’s been overworking.
- I hope he soon gets over it.
- Thank you. He’ll be pleased to hear you askeed after him.
- I haven’t seen Bob lately. How is he?
- As a matter of fact, he’s laid up.
- We don’t know, but we’re having the doctor in tomorrow.
- Let me know if there’s anything I can do.
- Thanks very much. I’ll tell him you inquired about him.
Ситуация №4
Несмотря на то, что большая часть английских семей еду в дневное время называют «обедом», более популярно слово «ланч»
- You must have some more chicken.
- No thanks. I’m supposed to be slimming
- Can’t I tempt you?
- Well, maybe I could manage a very small piece.
- Wouldn’t nyou like to finish up the omelete?
- No, really, thank you. I just couldn’t eat any more.
- Come on now. Surely you can manage it.
- No, thank you, really. I must have put on pounds as it is.
- Another piece of meat pie?
- No, thanks, really. I’m on a diet.
- Please do. You’ve hardly eaten anything.
- It’s delisious, but I don’t think I ought to.
- Do have the rest of the mashed potato.
- No, thank you. I’ve had too much already.
- Just take it to please me
- OK, but only a small piece or I shan’t have room for any pudding.
Ситуация №5.
Не желаете ли вы чашечку чаю?
Чай – это напиток №1 в Великобритании, в среднем здесь потребляют более четырех чашек чая в день. Чашечка чая – лучший способ осмыслить неожиданно свалившиеся неприятности.
- Would you care for a cup of tea?
- Only if you having one.
- Do you take milk and sugar?
- A dash of milk and two lumps, please.
- I expect you could do with a cup of tea, couldn’t you?
- I’d rather have a cup of coffe, if you don’t mind.
- Milk and sugar?
- A milky one without sugar, please.
- How about a nice cup of tea before you go?
- Yes, I’d love one.
- How do you like it?
- A strong one with three spoons for me, please
- Would you like a cup of tea?
- Only if it’s not too much trouble.
- Do you like it with milk and sugar?
- Not too much milk ad just half a spoonful please.
Ситауция №6.
Что вы делаете сегодня вечером?
Если вас приглашают провести вечер в компании, необходимо помнить о том, что как правило гости приносят с собой свое спиртное (бутылочка вина или несколько бутылок пива будут вполне уместны). Очень сложно часто отличить приглашение от простого проявления вежливости. Если вам говорят: «Неплохо было бы увидится на днях», вы отвечаете «Большое спасибо, мне нравится встречаться с интересными людьми» и далее ожидаете, когда вам предложат конкретное время встречи.
- How about coming out for drink with me this evening?
- I’d like that very much. Thank you.
- Shall we say round about eight?
- Fine see you then.
- Why don’t we go for a drive in the country?
- That would be very nice. Thank you.
- I’ll pick you up about 7.30.
- Right. See you later.
- Do you feel like we going to the cinema?
- That’s sounds like a good idea.
- Let’s make it 6.30 at you place.
- That’ll be OK by me.
- Would you like to come to a party with me tonight?
- I’d love to. Thank you very much.
- I’ll call round for you after supper.
- OK. I’ll be ready
В том случае, если у вас нет желания проводить вечер с друзьями вне дома, то следует обратить внимание на следующий диалог:
- How would you like to come bowling?
- I’m not overkeen, actually.
- What about Chinese meal, then?
- No, I thought I’d have an evening at home for a change.
Ситуация №7.
Благодарность за гостеприимство.
Как правило за рубежом приветствуется преподношение цветов в знак признательности хозяйке за гостеприимство.
- It’s time we were off.
- So soon? Can’t you stay a liittle longer?
- I wish I could, but I’m late already.
- What a shame!
- Thank you for a wonderful meal.
- I’m glad you enjoyed it.
- I really must be going now.
- But you only just come. Wouldn’t you like to stay for a snack?
- That’s very kind of you, but I mustn’t be too late.
- What a pity1
- Thanks very much for the party.
- It was pleasure to have you.
- I thik it’s about time we made a move.
- What already? Won’t you have another coffee?
- I’d love to, but I have to be up early tomorrow.
- Oh dear! What a shame!
- Thank you for a most enjoyable evening.
- Not at all. Hope you can come again.
- If you’ll excuse me, I reall should be off now.
- Not yet surely. Have another drink at least.
- No thank you all the same.
- Oh dear! What a pity!
- Thank you very much indeed for the delisious meal.
- Thank you for coming.
Ситуация №8.
В ресторане.
В Европе и в Великобритании, в частности огромный выбор ресторанов, в которых представлена кухня разных народов мира, кроме того вы можете заказать различные блюда с доставкой на дом.
- Can I take your order, sir?
- Yes. I’d like to try the steak, please.
- And to follow?
- Ice-cream please.
- Have you decided on something, sir?
- Yes. Haddock and chips for me, please.
- How about the sweet?
- No sweet thanks. Just coffee.
- Have you choosen something, sir?
- Yes, I think I’’l have the curry, please.
- What would you like afterwards?
- I’d like some fruit if you have any.
- May I take your order, sir?
- I’ll just take a small salad, please.
- Do you want any sweet?
- Apple pie and custard would be nice.
Ситуация №9.
Снимаем номер в отеле.
Маленький совет для туристов. В английских гостиницах, как правило, предлагают номера с включенным в стоимомть завтраком, не стоит отказываться. Выбирая плотный завтрак в гостинице, вы можете вполне обойтись без ланча в обеденное время.\
- I wonder whether you have any vacancies for tonight.
- Yes I can offer you room 24 on the first floor.
- How much is it?
- ₤27.50 a night excluding service.
- Can I see it please?
- Certainly. Would you take a set for a moment?
- Have you a single room for tonights?
- Yes, but only on the top floor.
- What price is it?
- ₤34 with service and TV.
- Fair enough. Can you show me the room, please?
- Of course. Would you like to follow me?
- Can I book a double room from now until Friday?
- You can have room 33, overlooking the sea.
- What’s the price?
- ₤28.75 not counting the service.
- Can I have look at it, please.
- Yes of course. Come tjis way.
- Have you got a twinebedded room for one night?
- I can let you have a room at the back.
- What does it cost?
- With a private bath, ₤31, service included.
- Can you show me something a little cheaper?
- Yes, of course. I won’t keep you a moment.
Ситуация №10.
Не сходить ли нам за покупками?
В некоторых случаях туристы в Великобритании могут потребовать возмещение налога на добавленную стоимость, для этого необходимо заполнить соответствующую форму в магазине.
- Are you being served?
- No. what have you got in the way of brown suede jackets, size 42?
- Sorry, but we’re sold right out.
- Are you likely to be gettihg any more in?
- I should think so, yes. If you leave your phone number, I’ll ring you.
- Is anybody looking after you?
- No. I’m after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey.
- The best I can do is a 36.
- Could you order me one?
- I should imagine so, yes. If you leave your address, I’ll contact you.
- Are you being attended to?
- No I’trying to find a navy blue raincoat, size 42.
- I can do the size, but not the colour.
- Do you think you could get one for me?
- Yes, of course. Look in again Monday week.
- Are you being seen to?
- No. I’m looking for a pin-striped suit with a 34 waist.
- I’m afraid I can’t help you at the moment.
- Will you be having any more in?
- I doubt it, but you might be lucky at our High Street braqnch.