Laura Reddington wrote romantic fiction.


More and more students at school and university are using the internet to cheat* in their coursework. In Britain, about 25 % of students copy material from the internet when they write their homework. In the USA there is a similar problem. One report showed that about 54 % of students copy from the internet when they prepare for the lessons.

Of course, students rightly use the internet to help them research a topic when they are doing coursework or writing an essay. But some of them also copy and include material from the internet into their own essays without indicating that they are using someone else's work. For example, a student who has to write an essay on Shakespeare can find lots of different essays on particular plays and themes in Shakespeare and copy one of them. So they no longer have to read books in libraries, take notes and plan their own essay.

The internet has certainly helped students to avoid the hard work of writing an original essay, but it is not the only reason why cheating is increasing. In recent years, students' attitudes to school and university have changed. In the past, students had a more idealistic attitude towards a university education. University broadened their minds. Nowadays, a lot of students are more practical in their attitude. They are only interested in passing the exams. They want a degree only to help them get a good job.

Teachers and examiners want to stop cheating in school and university, but they do not agree about how to solve the problem. Some teachers think a student's final grade shouldn't depend on his/her coursework. They think that it is better to have traditional (time-limited) written exams that are held in an examination room. Another way to stop cheating is to have an oral exam at the end of the course. If students cannot answer questions about their coursework, this could indicate that they have cheated. At the same time, the oral exam would give the examiner a better idea of students' real knowledge of the subject.

2. Is cheating becoming a problem in the USA and Britain? Read aloud the extract which says about it.

3. How do students cheat using the internet?

4. Why do students cheat?

Можно остановить обман?

Все больше и больше студентов Университета используют интернет, чтобы остановить списывание. В Британии около 25% студентов переписывают материал из интернета, когда делают домашнее задание. В США существует такая же проблема. В одном докладе говорится, что около 54% студента списывают из Интернета, когда готовятся к урокам.

Конечно, студенты по праву используют интернет, чтобы помочь себе исследовать тему. Но некоторые из них также списывают и включают материал из интернета в свои собственные сочинения. Поэтому им больше не надо читать книги в библиотеках, делать пометки, и план своего собственного сочинения.

Интернет, конечно, помог студентам избежать трудной работы по написанию оригинального сочинения, но это не единственная причина почему так растет списывание. За последние годы отношение студентов к школе или университету изменилось. В прошлом у студентов было более идеалистическое отношение к университетскому образованию. Университет расширял их мышление. В наши дни у большинства студентов более практичное отношение. Они только интересуются, как сдать экзамены. Они хотят получить степень только для того, чтоб получить хорошую работу.

Учителя экзаменаторы хотят прекратить списывания в школе и университете. Но они не могут прийти к соглашению, как решить эту проблему. Некоторые учителя считают, что конечная оценка студента не должна зависеть от его курсовой работы. Они считают, что лучше, чтоб были традиционные (ограниченные во времени) письменные экзамены.

1) More and more students at school and University are using the internet to cheat in their coursework. They copy material from the internet without indicating that they are using someone else’s work. Now days, a lot of students are more practical in their attitude to school and University. They don’t care of knowledge. Teachers want to stop cheating in school and University, but they don’t know how to solve the problem.

2) 1 абзац. More and more students at school and university are using the internet to cheat* in their coursework. In Britain, about 25 % of students copy material from the internet when they write their homework. In the USA there is a similar problem. One report showed that about 54 % of students copy from the internet when they prepare for the lessons.

3) Students copy material from the internet without indicating that they are using someone else’s work.

4) The internet helps students to avoid the hard work of writing an original work.


Билет № 1(6)

PR: My guest today is the novelist Laura Reddington, whose novel The Lost Dream was an international best – seller. Laura, did you always want to write?

L.: I’ve always been interested in books. I always thought it would be wonderful to be a writer and this was an ambition.

PR: How did you start writing?

L.: Well, my first thought was that I needed to make a living, so I tried romantic fiction – without success, though. I thought it would be easy money.

PR: How did you get the idea for your book?

L.: I was looking through my books one day when I found the story of a man who thought he’d found a new planet. I realized this was going on at about the same time as a famous murder case in London. So I thought I could mix the two stories together to make a sort of a detective novel.

PR: How long did it take you to write a book?

L.: Well, that book took two years to write. I know some people can sit down and just write, and until they’ve finished they don’t know how it will end. But for me, it’s all about planning, when I worked out all the details, I concentrate on the actual writing.

Laura Reddington wrote romantic fiction.


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