One day she found the story about a man who thought he had found a new planet.

Laura thinks about all the details before writing a book because she plans everything.

My Family

My name is Ivan Sidorov. I’m fifteen. I’d like to tell you about my family.

We are a family of three. I live with my parents. But I’ve got an elder brother. He is twenty. He is a worker at the plant.

In my opinion, family is an emotional centre of a man’s life. Our family is very united. My father’s name is Ivan Ivanovich. He is 45 years old. He is a fitter at a Motor plant. He is tall and strong in body and character, but rather stout. He’s generous and full of joy. He can make different things with his own hands.

My mother’s name is Irina. She is a medium size woman. She has got a thin oval attractive face and light grey eyes and a snub nose. My mother is a woman of character, well – bred, tactful and fair. She’s warm – hearted and at the same time practical, reserved and full of common sense. She is a housewife, she does all the homework. I try to help her about the house.

We have got a lot of relatives. We are all on friendly terms.




Билет № 2(1)


Librarians arc saddened by the fact that young people tend only to borrow reference books rather than reading fiction for pleasure. Perhaps it's unfashionable to read these days. However, a new trend is developing, with literary lovers leaving their books in public places, to be picked up and 'borrowed' by others.

The Belarusian National Technical University was the first to support the idea in our country. Several years ago, the Director of its scientific library, Alexey Skalaban, passed an internship in Sweden. At the airport, he saw a huge glass case of books, which he learnt were available for anyone to read. It was a great idea. The question was only where such books might be kept in Minsk.

"Initially, we created a shelf in the reading hall of the University's scientific library. Later, we installed a case in the main building. It's available to everyone," explains Mr. Skalaban. "We want to encourage young people to read. Book-crossing is an easy way to do this." Alexey is looking at a website devoted to book-crossing. "Look, we've set free almost 700 books," he admits with pride. On the day I visited, I saw only two books in the case. The inside cover has a plate stating that it is part of the book-crossing programme, alongside a registration number showing who donated the book and when.

Library staff, students and even residents of neighbouring houses bring books. Additionally, publishing houses have donated some editions. Every year, more such 'safe' places are found. Not long ago, a Minsk night club installed a shelf of books. While some people dance, others gather by the shelves of books, magazines and discs. "We've subscribed to several magazines, while books are brought in by our guests, staff and musicians. This is how our collection grows," says Yan Busel, who co-owns the club.

Book-crossing is gaining popularity, with safe shelves found in many libraries, as well as cafes and educational establishments. No doubt, it's a great way to attract visitors.

1. Read the article and say in 2-3 sentences what it is about.

2. The author says what makes librarians unhappy. Find this extract and read it aloud.

3. Who was the first to introduce book-crossing in our country?

4. Why is book-crossing becoming more and more popular in Belarus?

Книги никогда не умрут

Библиотекари опечалены тем фактом, что молодые люди стремятся только к тому, чтобы взять книгу на время, а не читать литературу ради удовольствия. Возможно, в наше время чтение книг стало немодным. Как бы то ни было, новый тренд развивается, так любители литературы оставляют свои книги в общественных местах, чтобы их "одалживали" другие люди. Белорусский национальный технический университет был первым, который поддержал эту идею в нашей стране. Несколько лет назад глава его научной библиотеки, Алексей Скалабан, проходил стажировку в Швеции. В аэропорту он увидел огромный стеклянный ящик с книгами, которые были доступны для прочтения каждому. Это была великолепная идея. Единственным вопросом стал поиск места, где такие книги могли бы храниться в Минске.

"Первоначально мы сделали полку в читальном зале в научной библиотеке университета. Позже мы установили ящик в главном корпусе. Это доступно каждому. "Мы хотели поспособствовать тому, чтобы молодежь читала. Бук-кроссинг - это лёгкий способ сделать это".. "Смотрите, мы выделили в свободный доступ почти 700 книг," - отмечает он с гордостью. В день моего посещения я увидел лишь две книги в ящике. Работники библиотеки, студенты и даже жители соседних домов приносят книги. К тому же издательские дома пожертвовали несколько книг.. Недавно минский ночной клуб установил полку с книгами. В то время как некоторые люди танцуют, другие собираются около таких полок с книгами, журналами и дисками. Бук-кроссинг получает все большую популярность, такие полки можно найти во многих библиотеках, а также кафе и образовательных учреждениях. Без сомнения, это прекрасная возможность привлечения посетителей.

1. Young people do not want to read. It's unfashionable to read these days. Librarians are saddened by thus fact.

2. Librarians arc saddened by the fact that young people tend only to borrow reference books rather than reading fiction for pleasure. Perhaps it's unfashionable to read these days. However, a new trend is developing, with literary lovers leaving their books in public places, to be picked up and 'borrowed' by others.

3. It was the Belarusian National Technical University. The director of its scientific library, Alexey Skalaban, passed an internship in Sweden and at the airport he saw a huge glass case of books, which he learnt were available for anyone to read. It was a great idea to keep such cases in Belarus.

4. Bookcrossing is an easy way to encourage young people to read. That's why it is gaining popularity.



Билет №2 (10)

Woman: Oh, yes, I remember my first day at school. I remember feeling very proud when my mother walked with me through the main gate. There was so much noise and so many children that I got quite scared! Anyway, my mum took me to see the teacher, Mrs Gossage was her name – very nice teacher – and I remember feeling very nervous watching my mother leaving but Mrs Gossage looked after me and she sat me down with the other pupils in a big circle. Soon we started playing games so I got very excited. I think it was after lunch that I met Emily, who later became my best friend. She was in another class, but all new students were brought together to meet each other and … I was so relieved to have a friend! Oh yes, and in the afternoon we went swimming, but I couldn’t swim so I became very upset and started to cry. In fact, I wouldn’t stop crying so Mrs Gossage phoned my mother and she came to collect me early. I remember feeling very confused when I saw my mum! So much had happened! We went and had an ice cream and then I felt calm again. But what a day! I’ll never forget it.

1. The speaker is talking about her first day at school.

2. She felt relieved when she met Emily who later became her best friend.

3. She started crying because she couldn’t swim.

Our family traditions

I’m sure every family has its own traditions. But every family show its respect and love to the oldest members of the family: grandfathers and grandmothers. In our family they are the most important people, their advices are very useful for every member of the family, both young and old.

In the weekend our family usually gathers together at my Granny’s. We usually have a nice time together discussing the latest events and books, watching different programmes or playing computer games. In summer we go to the country where we have a small house and a garden. All are fond of working there planting fruit and vegetables. In the evening we can play interesting games or read an interesting magazine.

On Sundays our family often go to the cinema, theatre or museum. Our father and grandfather like to go the stadium to watch football or hockey matches. They are sport fans.

Билет № 3(5)



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