Ex.3. Complete the sentences.



1. This contract (заключается) between ZAO Rosexport, Moscow, (здесь и далее) called “Sellers” and … (здесь и далее) called “Buyers”.

2. The date of (коносамента) to be considered as the date of (поставки).

3. Payment for the goods (проданные по настоящему контракту) is to be effected (с безотзывного подтвержденного аккредитива) to be opened by Buyers in US Dollars with … Bank, Moscow (на имя) of Sellers for the value of each lot of the goods to be shipped plus 10 per cent.

4. Expenses in connection with the opening, (изменением) and (использованием) of the Letter of Credit to be paid by Buyers.

5. The Letter of Credit to be opened (не позднее чем за 15 дней до) the agreed time of shipment of each lot of the goods.

6. (Если Покупатель не) open the Letter of Credit in time, they are to pay Sellers a (штраф) for each day of the delay.

7. In that case Sellers shall have the right not to load the tanker (до тех пор, пока не будет открыт аккредитив).

8. In all the above cases (демередж) and (плата за неиспользованный тоннаж) paid by Sellers in connection with the delay in the opening of the Letter of Credit are to be repaid by Buyers.

9. (Платеж с аккредитива) is to be made against presentation by Sellers to the Bank for Foreign Trade of Russia in Moscow of the following documents: …

10. The goods are considered (сданными) by Sellers and (принятыми) by Buyers in respect to quantity: as per weight indicated in the Bill of Lading in conformity with (замерами береговых резервуаров) at the port of loading.

11. The weight stated in the Bill of Lading is to be considered (окончательным и обязательным для) both parties.

12. These samples are (быть опечатаны) by Sellers as well as by the (капитаном) of the vessel.




13. Sellers are to inform Buyers not later than 5 days before the starting of loading of the name and (грузоподъемности) of the tanker, the date and port of shipment of the goods.

14. Sellers have the right (заменить) one tanker for another informing Buyers (об этом).

15. Furthermore, the (капитан) is to advise Buyers or their Agents of the (предстоящем) arrival of the tanker at the port of discharge 4 days before her arrival.

16. Neither party is entitled (передавать) its rights and obligations under the present contract to a third party without the other party’s previous written (согласия).

17. (Сталийное время) to commence 6 hours after such notice of readiness is handed in by the Master, (независимо от того, есть ли место у причала).

18. On arrival of the tanker at the port of discharge, the Master is to give Buyers’ representative at this port a (письменное уведомление о готовности) of the tanker for discharge.

19. In case of non-conformity of the quality of the goods actually delivered by Sellers with the contract specification, any (претензия в отношении качества) of the goods may be made within 2 months of the date of delivery.

20. Any (спор) which may (возникнуть из или в связи с) the present contract shall (быть урегулирован) without recourse to courts of law, by the Arbitration Court (при ТПП).

21. No claim presented for one lot of the goods shall (рассматриваться) by Buyers as a reason for rejecting any other lot or lots of the goods to be delivered under the present contract.

22. If the above circumstances last over and above 20 days, any delivery or deliveries which are to be made under the contract within that period may be cancelled (по заявлению одной из сторон).

23. The party for whom it became impossible to meet its obligations under the contract shall immediately advise the other party as regards the beginning and the (прекращение) of the circumstances preventing the fulfilment of its obligations.

24. Russia is regarded as the place of (заключения) and (исполнения) of the contract.

Ex.4. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.



1. _____ goods are considered to be delivered by _____ Sellers and accepted by _____ Buyers in _____ respect to _____ quantity: as per _____ weight indicated in _____ Bill of Lading in _____ conformity with _____ measurements of _____ shore tanks at _____ port of loading.

2. _____ payment for _____ goods sold under _____ present contract is to be effected out of _____ irrevocable confirmed Letter of Credit to be opened by _____ Buyers in _____ US Dollars with … Bank, Moscow, or with … Bank in ____ favour of _____ Sellers for _____ value of each lot of _____ goods to be shipped plus 10 per cent.

3. _____ date of _____ Bill of _____ Lading to be considered as _____ date of _____ delivery.

4. Should _____ Buyers fail to open _____ Letter of Credit in time, they are to pay _____ Sellers _____ fine for each day of _____ delay, but not more than for 20 days, at _____ rate of 0.1 per cent of _____ amount of _____ Letter of Credit.

5. In that case _____ Sellers shall have _____ right not to load _____ tanker until _____ Letter of Credit has been opened.

6. _____ Insurance Policy is to be made out in _____ name of _____ Buyers or another person according to their instructions and is to be sent together with _____ other shipping documents.

7. _____ parties shall keep _____ samples for 2 months from _____ date of _____ delivery.

8. _____ weight stated in _____ Bill of Lading is to be considered final and binding upon _____ parties.

9. _____ samples are to be sealed by _____ Sellers as well as by _____ Master of _____ vessel.

10. _____ goods sold under _____ present contract are to be delivered by _____ Sellers and accepted by _____ Buyers in conformity with _____ terms of _____ contract.

11. _____ Letter of Credit to be opened not later than 15 days before _____ agreed time of _____ shipment of each lot of _____ goods.

12. _____ expenses in _____ connection with _____ opening, _____ amendment and _____ utilization of _____ Letter of Credit to be paid by _____ Buyers.




13. _____ Master is to advise _____ Buyers of _____ forthcoming arrival of _____ tanker at _____ port of _____ discharge 4 days before her arrival.

14. _____ demurrage is to be paid at _____ rate stipulated in _____ Charter Party per _____ day and pro rata for any part of _____ running day but not more than: …

15. _____ time of _____ stormy weather preventing _____ discharging as well as _____ time during which _____ discharging operations could not be carried out owing to _____ technical and other conditions depending on _____ tanker are not to be included in _____ lay time.

16. No claim presented for one lot of _____ goods shall be regarded by _____ Buyers as _____ reason for _____ rejecting any other lot or lots of _____ goods to be delivered under _____ present contract.

17. _____ lay time to commence 6 hours after such _____ notice of _____ readiness is handed in by _____ Master, _____ berth or no berth.

18. In _____ case of _____ non-conformity of _____ quality of _____ goods actually delivered by _____ Sellers with _____ contract specification, any claim for _____ quality of _____ goods may be made within 2 months of _____ date of _____ delivery.

19. No claim shall be considered by _____ Sellers upon _____ expiration of _____ above period.

20. _____ Sellers have _____ right to substitute one tanker for another informing _____ Buyers thereof.

21. _____ Sellers are to inform _____ Buyers not later than 5 days before _____ starting of _____ loading of _____ name and _____ capacity of _____ tanker, _____ date and _____ port of shipment of _____ goods.

22. _____ Master is to give _____ Buyers’ representative at _____ port _____ written notice of _____ readiness of _____ tanker for _____ discharge.

23. Should any circumstances which prevent _____ complete or partial fulfilment by any of _____ parties of their respective obligations under _____ contract, _____ time stipulated for _____ fulfilment of _____ obligations shall be extended for _____ period equal to that during which such circumstances last.

24. If ____ above circumstances last over and above 20 days, any delivery or deliveries which are to be made under _____ contract within that period may be cancelled on _____ declaration of any of _____ parties.


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