Comprehension check. Answer the following questions on the text.

1. Why has the problem of industrial pollution become a universal problem? 2. What does air pollution involve? 3. Does air pollution always result from human activity? 4. What is the most important natural source of air pollution? 5. How may water pollution begin? 6. Does the use of chemical fertilizers on watershed lands contribute to water pollution? 7. When may water become deficient in oxygen? 8. What does the process of eutrophication mean? 9. What does land pollution involve? 10. Noise pollution is characteristic of industrial societies, isn’t it?

Decide if the following statements are true or false.

1. Pollution appeared with the development of modern technology and in­dustrialization. 2. Air pollution is always caused by human activity. 3. Air pol­lution is most noticeable in cities. 4. Volcano pours great amounts of ash and toxic fumes into the atmosphere. 5. Industries located along waterways down­stream don’t contribute to water pollution. 6. The rapid growth of algae in pol­luted waters results in the increase of the amount of oxygen. 7. Used cars, cans, bottles and plastic containers that cannot be broken down may cause land pollu­tion. 8. Ocean dumping creates water pollution and destroys marine habitats. 9. Permanent loss of hearing can be caused by steady exposure to noises in excess of 90 decibels. 10. Large cities never take measures to decrease the level of ur­ban noise.


12. Translate the following sentences into English using the target vo­cabulary (from Exercise 9).

1. С появлением передовых технологий и с быстрым распространением индустриализации, проблема промышленного загрязнения приобрела гло­бальный характер. 2. Природным источником загрязнения воздуха явля­ется вулканическая активность, в результате которой в атмосферу выбра­сывается огромное количество пепла и токсичных газов. 3. Загрязнение воды предполагает выброс в озера, реки, моря и океаны вредных веществ, которые со временем растворяются в воде. 4. Применение химических удобрений, пестицидов или других материалов на водосборных бассейнах является дополнительным источником загрязнения воды. 5. Промышлен­ные, сельскохозяйственные и городские отходы, которые сбрасываются в водоемы, превышают биологический потенциал водных систем и приводят к избытку органических веществ в воде. 6. Анаэробные организмы (те, ко­торые не требуют кислорода для своей жизнедеятельности) соединяются с органическими отходами и выделяют газы, такие как метан и сероводород, вредные для аэробных форм жизни. 7. Процесс, при котором поверхность водоема загрязняется водорослями, носит название эвтрофикации. 8. За­грязнение земли происходит в результате скапливания твердых отходов (старых автомобилей, консервных банок, бутылок, пластиковых контейне­ров и др.), которые не могут быть немедленно утилизированы. 9. Одной из форм загрязнения окружающей среды, характерной для индустриальных обществ, является шумовое загрязнение. 10. Во многих крупных городах были приняты меры по снижению уровня городского шума.


Speaking and Writing

Increase your knowledge on the problem of recycling. Summarize the advantages and disadvantages of recycling plants. What other methods of recycling are known to you? What materials can be recycled? Is it important in modern society and why? Work in pairs.

Recycling plants can be mobile or stationary. Normally a mobile plant con­sists of one crusher and some sorting devices. The removal of contaminants and steel is mainly conducted by hand-sorting and self-cleaning electromagnets. In some cases mobile plants can consist of two crushers. The main advantages of a mobile plant are as follows: 1) transport in the vicinity of the site is reduced, particularly if the rubble is produced, recycled and reused on the same site; 2) disposal costs are reduced because of less dumping; 3) the local supply of the aggregate is increased and therefore less aggregate needs to be imported into the area; 4) the recycling plant can be moved relatively easily to another site.

The disadvantages of a mobile recycling plant are as follows: 1) there are limited cleaning facilities in this type of installation and therefore the recycled product is normally of low quality; 2) the recycling plant can cause high levels of dust and noise which would be unacceptable close to residential areas; 3) this type of plant can only be used if there is a sufficient quantity of rubble on the site to justify the expense of setting up the recycling plant.

A stationary recycling plant usually incorporates a large primary crusher working in conjunction with a secondary crusher and also includes various cleaning and sorting devices to produce high quality aggregate. This type of plant combines two jaw crushers and is capable of yielding a range of graded products. The main advantages of a stationary recycling plant are as follows: 1) the recycling plant is capable of producing a high quality product; 2) the effi­ciency of the plant is better than of a mobile recycling plant because different recycled products of various gradings can be produced; 3) disposal costs are re­duced because of less dumping; 4) the local supply of aggregate is increased and therefore less aggregate needs to be imported into the area.

The disadvantages of a stationary recycling plant are as follows: 1) the initial investment of setting up such a plant can be very high; 2) there is an increase in transport in the vicinity of the recycling plant; 3) the recycling plant can cause an increase in noise levels; 4) the efficiency of production depends on the local supply of rubble and unfortunately demolition contractors are rarely to ensure a constant supply of demolition waste.


2. Work out a booklet which will invite citizens to take an active part in collecting used cans, bottles, plastic containers, paper, etc. for recycling. Try to induce people in the necessity of making our city clean. Give your reasons for recycling. Do you think that recycling can be a profitable busi­ness today? Give your reasons.



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