Ex. 162. Match these notions with their definitions. Example: 3 – c.


1. Control Zone (CTR)

2. Control Area (CTA)


3. Airway


4.Terminal Control Area (TMA)


5. Danger area


6. Restricted area 7. Prohibited area


8. Controlled airspace



9. Advisory route



10. Flight plan

a. Control Area established at the confluence of controlled air-space routes in the vicinity of one or more major aerodromes.

b. A portion of airspace in which Air Traffic Control is provided, and which extends upwards from a specified base altitude or flight level to an upper limit expressed as a flight level.

c. Control Area in the form of a corridor and is marked by radio navigation aids.

d. airspace around certain aerodromes extending from ground level to a specified altitude or flight level in which Air Traffic Control (ATC) is provided to all flights.

e. Defined airspace in which flight is restricted according to cer-tain conditions.

f. Defined airspace in which flight is prohibited.

g. Defined airspace in which activities dangerous to flight may occur.

h. Published route served by Advisory service, but not necessari-ly by ATC or separation monitoring and usually without radar surveillance.

i. An ATC message compiled by, or on behalf of aircraft com-mander and then transmitted by the appropriate ATS authority to organizations concerned with the flight.

j. Airspace of defined dimensions within which ATC service is provided.



Bits of Grammar


Ex. 163. Complete the sentences with who, that, which or where. If no word is needed, leave a space (-).


1. The world is divided into FIRs …, above a certain Flight Level varying between states, become UIRs.

2. The pilot … intends to make a flight must in any case contact ATC at the aerodrome of departure.

3. Advisory routes may be established instead of an airway in some less developed parts of the world … traffic is relatively light.

4. For this reason, flight and navigation instru-ments have been developed … allow a properly trained pilot to operate in cloud and other condi-tions not suitable for visual flight.

5. …it is decided … an aerodrome should handle IFR traffic, it becomes necessary to protect such traffic by extending control to IFR flights and by placing additional restrictions on VFR flights.



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Aviation English Fundamentals | 114



6. Each class of airspace available to VFR op-erations has specific Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) criteria, … are expressed in terms of minimum flight visibility and dis-tance from cloud.

7. An aircraft under IFR … flies in or intends to enter controlled airspace must report its time, position and level at such reporting points or at such intervals of time as may be notified or directed by ATC.

8. … it is applicable, one supplementary letter is added as a prefix to the basic designator in accor-dance with the purpose of indication.

9. … an aerodrome is notified as Prior Permis-sion Required (PPR) the filing of a flight plan does not constitute prior permission.

10. Airspace classification begins with Class A, the highest status, … is allocated to the busiest controlled airspace.



Ex. 164. Find the English equivalents to the following.


1) отображать ограничения об опасности воздушного пространства,

2) система классификации воздушного пространства гражданской авиации,

3) для дальнейшего развития,

4) простираться от уровня земли до определенной высоты или эшелона полета,

5) иметь опознавательный код,

6) до верхнего предела, обозначаемого как эшелон полета,

7) чтобы обеспечить защиту контролируемого воздушного пространства для набирающих высоту или снижающихся воздушных судов,

8) выражаться в терминах минимальной видимости и расстояния от облачности,

9) иметь международную классификацию ИКАО,

10) следовать географической границе между странами,

11) управлять воздушными судами, выполняющими полет по ППП,

12) упрощать структуру воздушного пространства,

13) в порядке важности,

14) часть воздушного пространства, внутри которого обеспечивается УВД,

15) устанавливаться вместо воздушных трасс в некоторых менее развитых частях мира.




Ex. 165**. A: Make up a short presentation on one of the topics below: B: Use aviation terms and abbreviations from Exercises 155, 162.


1. FIR;


2. UIR;


3. Controlled airspace;


4. Uncontrolled airspace;


5. Airspace classification;


6. VFR;


7. IFR;


8. Flight plan;


9. Russian Federation airspace.



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Aviation English Fundamentals | 115



  Vocabulary ……………   …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… ……………   Plan ……………………   …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… …………………… ……………………   Notes: ……………………………………………………………   …………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



Ex. 166**. Think of the best translation.



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