Тема урока: «My Beloved Motherland Ukraine»


Учитель: Good morning! Glad to see you! How are you? I do hope you are all right and ready for the discussion of a very important problem: Love of Motherland. So, the lesson is “He who loves not his country, can love nothing”. These wonderful words belong to the great Byron, don t they

Warming- up. Разминка. Введение в иноязычную атмосферу.

Game «Echoes»

У: We are going to play a rind of game, O.K?

When & ask a question, you can answer with the same words, answer me by repeating the key-word with falling intonation, like this:

T: We are going to play a game,О.К?

T: Are you ready? Ready.

T: How are feeling today? Fine?

T: How did you come to school? By bus? / On foot?

T: What’s the weather like today? Good? Bad? / Bad/

T: What’ s the weather like today? Warm? Cool?

T: What’ s the first lesson today? Warm? Cool? Mathematics? English?

T: Are you ready for your English lesson today? Beady? So let s stop.

Y: Bead Byron’s words and translate them into Russian. And what is our Motherland? Ukraine is our Motherland. And what is synonyms to the word «Motherland» do you know? Pupils: Native land? Fatherland, Homeland, native country.

T: Look at the blackboard! Repeat after me the poem:

Love your dear Motherland,

Love it with your whole heat

Love when the days are happy,

Love it when the days are dark

T: What’s the main idea of this poem? Right you are. It s love of Ukraine, our Motherland.

T: And & would like to ask you what love is.

P1: Love is the most beautiful feeling.

P2: Love is a wonderful feeling.

P3: Love is a sacred feeling.

P4: Love is a strong feeling.

P5: Love enriches our souls and hearts.

T: And what kind of love can it be?

P: Deep, passionate, boundless, tender, eternal, etc.

T: Form adverbs.

P: Deeply, passionately, boundlessly, tenderly, eternally, etc/

Раздать учащимся карточки с вопросами и предложениями

T: And can you give the examples of passionate love of Motherland?

P1: & d like to mention R. Burns, a loyal son of his native land. His love was deep and passionate. He couldn’t imagine his life without his Highlands. He was so devoted to his land. His famous words “ My Heart’s in the Highlands” became the motto of his life if a patriot. For him, there was nothing like his homeland.

P2: The great Byron also devoted his whole life to his motherland. He enriched it with wonderful poetry which is loved by people all over the world and his lines: “He who loves not his country can love nothing” are topical today.

T: Tell, me, please, who wrote these lines:

Можна все на світі вибирати, сину,

Вибрати не можна тільки Батьківщину.

P: Symonenko wrote these lines. He is our contemporary. This poet passionately loved Ukraine. He loved it so deeply as he loved his Mother. These lines prove his devotion to Ukraine.

T: What did Yaroslav the Wise tell his sons before his death?

P: Before his death he gathered his sons and said to them: “Remember, you must always love your motherland with your whole hearts”.

T: &’d like to read you A. Malyshko’s words about his love of the Motherland.

Україно моя, мені в світі нічого не треба,

Тільки б голос твій чути і ніжність твою берегти.

T: You see our people always loved their Motherland passionately. And we also love our Motherland. What does it mean to love Motherland?

P1: &t means to love our parents, to love our native village.

P2: &t means to love the beauty of the country’s nature/

P3: &t means to love the mother tongue.

P4: &t means to know the history of the country.

P5: &t means to love your people.

P6: &t means to prove your love of Motherland with the help of deeds but not beautiful words about it.

T: Now we shall have a short quiz (Questions about Ukraine)

T: And now, look at the key- words and speak about Ukraine, its cities, rivers and so on.

T: Speak about the political structure of Ukraine, using key-words.

T: You know that our country is rich in talented people. The game “Who is Who”

T: Are you interested in history? Whom do you see in this picture? What do you know about Zaporizhian Cossacks. What famous Zaporizhian hetmans do you know?

Раздать разрезанные предложения о Киеве

T: Now, we shall play a game.Лексическая игра.expand the sentence.(Расширь предложение)

& give you a sentence. Cossacks struggled.

Try to add a single element to expand it.

The courageous, freedom- loving Ukrainian Cossacks from Zaporizhian Such struggled bravely for the independence of free peasants of South Ukraine.

Ученики читают предложения по карточкам

T: Read the proverbs about love of the Motherland.

T: Tell me please what, problems does our country have today?

P: Ukraine is a young state it’s only 12.So it has to overcome some problems on its way of its economical development. We have such problems as unemployment, worsening conditions, of young families, growing housing problems, increasing crime rate among youth, crisis of cultural and moral values.

T: Do you believe that Ukraine will overcome these problems.

P: Yes, & do. We shall do everything to see our country powerful and our people happy.

T: Do you agree with Byron’s words? Yes, we love everything if we love our Motherland.

T: And now a game “10 questions”. & think of a geographical place, you must guess it.

Is it a river?

Is it a mountain?

Is it one of the largest cities in Ukraine?

Is it an old city?

Is in an industrial city?

Is it in the South of the country?

Is there a post in the city?

Is it Odessa?

T: A Game “The Snow Ball”. Whose word is the last?

Ukraine is my native country.

It is very beautiful

Ukraine is my native country

It is very beautiful. It is one of the largest countries in the world (etc).

Let’s read the poem, written on the blackboard again.

Love your dear Motherland,

Love it with your whole heart,

Love Ukraine when the days are happy,

Love it when the days are dark.

Образцы речи учителя английского языка при организации и проведении ролевой игры на уроке.

-We are going to have some fun today.

- Сегодня нам предстоит кое-что интересное.

- We are going to practice role play.

- Мы займемся ролевой игрой.

- You’ll take the part of different characters, for example a doctor, a patient, etc.

- Вы будете изображать различных людей, например, доктора, больного и т.д.

- The action takes place in/ at…

- Действие происходит в…

- The main characters in the role play are…

- Главными действующими персонажами в ролевой игре являются…

- You have to imagine that you are one the characters in the situation.

- Представьте, что вы один из персонажей, участвующих в происходящих событиях.

- Work in groups. One person takes the role of… The rest of the group are…

- Работайте группами. Один член группы будет играть роль…Остальные будут…

- Before we start the role play I’ll give you a few minutes for preparation.

- До начала ролевой игры я дам вам несколько минут на подготовку.



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