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Adams, Don. 1993. “Defining Educational Quality.” Educational Planning 9 (3): 3–18.

Ainscow, Mel, Alan Dyson, and Tony Booth. 2006. Improving Schools, Developing Inclusion. London: Routledge. Crossref.

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Artiles, Alfredo J., Elizabeth B. Kozleski, and Federico Waitoller. 2011. Inclusive Education: Examining Equity on Five Continents. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.

Bartlett, Lesley, and Frances Vavrus. 2017. Rethinking Case Study Research: A Comparative Approach. New York: Routledge.

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Carrington, Suzanne, Hitendra Pillay, Megan Tones, Julie Nickerson, Jennifer Duke, Benedict Esibaea, Ambrose Malefoasi, and Casper Joseph Fa’asala. 2017. “A Case Study of Culturally Informed Disability-Inclusive Education Policy Development in the Solomon Islands.” International Journal of Inclusive Education 21 (5): 495–506. doi: Crossref

Dalkilic, Maryam, and Jennifer A. Vadeboncoeur. 2016. “Re-Framing Inclusive Education Through the Capability Approach: An Elaboration of the Model of Relational Inclusion.” Global Education Review 3 (3): 122–137.

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Knight, Tony. 2000. “Inclusive Education and Educational Theory: Inclusive for What?” Melbourne Studies in Education 41: 17–43. doi: Crossref

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Kozol, Jonathan. 2005. The Shame of the Nation. New York: Penguin Random House.

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Sprunt, Beth, Joann Deppeler, Kitione Ravulo, Savairo Tinaivunivalu, and Umesh Sharma. 2017. “Entering the SDG era: What do Fijians Prioritise as Indicators of Disability-Inclusive Education?” Disability and the Global South 4 (1): 1065–1087.

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