Смешанный тип (mixed conditional)

Действие относится к прошлому и имеет эффект в настоящем времени или действие относится к настоящему и является последствием


Действие относится к прошлому Действие относится к настоящему

придаточное предложение главное предложение
PAST PERFECT would /should + инфинитив
  If you had not invited me Если бы вы не пригласили меня   I would not be here now. я бы сейчас здесь не был.


Действие относится к настоящему Действие относится к прошлому

придаточное предложение главное предложение
PAST SIMPLE would/should + перфектный инфинитив смыслового глагола
If he were not absent-minded   Если бы он не был таким невнимательным нe wouldn’t have mistaken you some your brother. Он бы не принят тебя за твоего брата.

Глаголы might u could могут быть использованы вместо глаголов should / would в малореальном, нереальном и мешанном типах условных предложений

we would go out.

If the weather were nicer

we could go out. (= we would be able to go out)

we might go out. (= perhaps we would go out)

we would have gone out.

If the weather had been nicer

we could have gone out.

we might have gone out.


1. Раскройте скобки и з акончите следующие предложения, используя нереальный тип условных предложений. Переведите предложения.

1.I would have got in touch with her if her telephone (not be disconnected).

2. Nobody would have paid attention to him if there (not be something funny about his behavior).

3. If the price (be considered) too low the government would have set a support price.

4. He (not go into details) if he had not been asked so many questions.

5. If the driver had slowed down at the right moment he (not have an accident).

6. If there (not be) a shortage of raw materials the company could have met the deadline.

7. If she had not changed so much I (not recognize) her.

8. They would have started producing another model if they (remunerate) all the expenses.

9. If the producers (ask) the government for help most probably they would have got it.

10. The party would have been dull if we (not show the film).

2. Перефразируйте предложения, используя малореальный или нереальный тип.

1. She didn't put the milk back in the fridge and it went off.

2. As he found the work unsatisfying he resigned.

3. The reason she's so irritable is because she's tired.

4. Pat missed the last flight, and therefore had to stay the night at the air­port.

5. The reason I walked out was because I was bored.

6. The car broke down and so we had to walk all the way home.

7. People dislike me because I'm handsome and successful.

8. MPs were indignant as the government had not consulted them about start­ing price reforms.

9. Sarah wasn't at school last week, with the result that she missed an impor­tant test.

10. The project failed and the company went bankrupt.


3.Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Если бы наши потребительские товары были более высокогокачест­ва, они бы были конкурентоспособны.

2.Я бы мог сохранять спокойствие, если бы ситуация не требована при­нятия срочных мер.

3.Было бы бестактно с его стороны затронуть этот вопрос.

4.Я бы послушался ее совета, если бы он был разумным.

5. Он был бы последним глупцом, если бы не вкладывал деньги в об­разование своих детей.

6.Полиция не была бы встревожена, если бы в обращении не было не­сколько тысяч фальшивых банкнот.

7.Если бы я был на вашем месте, я бы сократил расходы на одежду.

8.Если бы он привел более убедительные аргументы, ему бы удалось доказать свою правоту.

9.Если бы жизнь была менее напряженной (stressful), люди бы жили дольше.

10.Тираж газеты не упал бы, если бы цена на нее не была повышена на 45 пенсов.

4. Прочитайте историю и составьте условные предложения, используя данную ниже схему.

The Unsinkable Titanic

In 1912, the British luxury liner Titanic sank on its first voyage across the Atlantic after hitting an iceberg.

The captain, passengers, and crew firmly believed that the ship was unsink­able. Captain Smith gave no orders to reduce speed although he knew about iceberg danger. When the iceberg was spotted less than a quarter mile away, the Titanic was cruising at full speed and had no time to stop or swerve.

To make matters worse, there were not enough lifeboats for all the passen­gers, and over 1500 people died as a result of this disaster.

As it turned out, it was only by accident that the ship's radio was opera­tional. It had gone out and the Titanic's telegraph operator Harold Bride had managed to repair it just hours before the tragedy. The Carpathia, which picked up the Titanic's SOS signal, arrived at the scene and took on board as many survivors as it could. After the disaster, new laws were introduced concerning safety at sea.


1. Captain Smith/ be less sure of the invincibility of the ship

2. Captain Smith/ give orders to reduce the speed

3. the Titanic/ have time to stop or swerve

4. the Titanic/ not hit an iceberg

5. the Titanic/ not sink

6. over 1500 people/ not die

7. Harold Bride/ not repair the radio

8. the radio/ not be operational

9. the Titanic/ not give the SOS signal

10. the Carpathia/ not pick up the signal

11. the Carpathia/ not come to the Titanic's rescue

12. 700 more people die


5. Прочитайте историю и закончите данные ниже предложения.


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