· the stages which wool goes through from the sheep to the end-user
· the functions of a market
V. Занесите в Exercise book таблицу № 1 и заполните ее по образцу, указав к какому циклу производства (первичному, второму или третьему) относятся следующие понятия.
Таблица № 1
Primary | Secondary | Tertiary | |
People cashier, fisherman, market gardener, industrial chemist, joiner, maintenance engineer, mechanic, postman, reporter, secretary, shop assistant, tailor, teacher, train driver, travel agent | fisherman | industrial chemist | shop-assistant |
Activities advertising, book-keeping, brick-laying, coal-mining, nursing, oil-drilling, pig-farming, road building, smelting, wine-growing | coal-mining | brick-laying | nursing |
Places of work airport, bakery, coal-mine, police station, post office, restaurant, shipyard, steelworks, weaving mill | coal-mine | bakery | supermarket |
VI. Вспомните правила образования Страдательного залога (Passive Voice). Познакомьтесь с таблицей № 2, перепишите ее в Exercise book, она поможет вам сделать следующее упражнение.
Таблица № 2
REMINDER: All passive verbs are formed with BE + PAST PARTICIPLE | |
ACTIVE Market provides people with goods. Market isproviding people with goods. Market has provided people with goods. Market provided people with goods. Market was providing people with goods. Market had provided people with goods. Market willprovide people with goods. Market canprovide people with goods. Market must provide people with goods. Market has to provide people with goods. Market may provide people with goods | PASSIVE Goods are provided by market. Goods are being provided by market. Goods have been provided by market. Goods were provided by market. Goods were being provided by market. Goods had been provided by market. Goods will be provided by market. Goods can be provided by market. Goods must be provided by market. Goods has to be provided by market. Goods may be provided by market. |
VII. Перепишите таблицу № 3 в Exercise book и продолжите ее заполнение по образцу. Кратко опишите стадии производства хлеба и рыбных палочек, используя данные слова:
· bread from wheat
(corn – to harvest – to thresh – to grind – flour – water – salt – yeast – dough – oven)
· fish fingers from fish
(trawler – fisherman – to catch – cod – to cut off – fins – bones – to shape – breadcrumbs – to fry)
Таблица № 3
When? | Who? Which? What? | action | Who? Which? What? | How? | Where? | When? |
Corn | is harvested | in autumn. | ||||
Then | it | is threshed and ground | to get flour. | |||
VIII. Cоставьте предложения, используя приведенные в таблице № 4 глаголы в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice), соотнося первичные стадии производства продуктов со странами, и запишите предложения в Exercise book по образцу.
E.g. Grape is grown in Spain.
Таблица № 4
Глаголы | Продукты | Страны |
grow, extract, mine, harvest, produce | cereals - coal – coffee – cotton – milk – fish – gold and diamonds – meat – natural gas – oil – ores – fruits – soybeans – timber – uranium – grape - wool | Brazil – Canada – Denmark – Great Britain – Greece – Iceland – Ireland – Italy – Russia – South Africa – South Korea – Spain – United States of America |
IX. Закончите предложения, используя слова из текста. Перепишите их в Exercise book.
1. ____________________starts with raw materials or components to include various activities designed to process them into final products. 2. ______________ is impossible without considerable human and physical resources as well as the _______________________. 3. According to economists the purpose of production is the satisfaction of ___________. 4. Of course, human demands are not restricted to the acquisition and use of ________, but also extend to the acquisition and use of certain services. 5. ___________have to be made through bigger sales. 6. _____________ is aimed at making the consumer happy.
X. Вспомните правила построения условных предложений I и II типа (IF-sentences). Познакомьтесь с таблицей № 5, перепишите ее в Exercise book, она поможет вам сделать следующее упражнение.
Таблица № 5
![]() ![]() ![]() | In (a): Perhaps you need some money. If that is true, I will (or can) lend you some. Reminder: Do not use will in an “if-clause”. In (b): In truth, you don’t need any money. But if the opposite were true, I would (or could) lend you some. | ||||||||
TRUE IN THE PRESENT/FUTURE | simple present | ![]() | If I have enough money, I will (can) buy a ticket. |
CONTRARY-TO-FACT IN THE PRESENT/FUTURE | simple past | ![]() | If I had enough money, I would (could)buy a ticket. |