XI. Закончите следующие предложения и перепишите их в Exercise book.

1. If you wish to sell you goods, you (have) to advertise them.

2. If there were not an exchange of goods and services, mankind (not survive).

3. What would happen to our company if we (not invest).

4. Trade between some countries (be) virtually impossible if there weren’t bartering arrangements.

5. If the demand for natural fibres (continue) to increase at the present rate, the demand for wool will increase as well.

6. If money (not exist), we would have to invent it.

7. If money (be needed) for investment purposes, your bank will usually be prepared to help.

8. If I were you, I (buy) the necessary tools and (do) the job myself.

9. If you can pay the full amount at once, you (have to) ask for a loan.

10. If, by any chance, the economic situation were better next year, we (be) in the black at last.

11. If precious stones (be not) so expensive, we’d be able to afford them.

12. If you want to produce more goods, your factory (have to) be expanded.



Критерии оценивания работы над пособием:


Лексико-грамматические упражнения пособия №1,6,10 – максимально оцениваются в 2 балла каждое. Упражнения №2,3,5,7,8,9,11 – в 4 балла каждое. Упражнение №4 – в 6 баллов.

Общая сумма баллов составляет максимум 40 баллов, минимальное количество составляет 35 баллов.


Ключи к упражнениям:

Exercise III.

1. The basic material had to be extracted, a product had to be manufactured and then taken to the end-user.

2. Sheep were important in early societies because people bartered the unprocessed wool in exchange for a garment.

3. The difference between the primary and the secondary sectors is the process of extracting and the process of manufacturing.

4. Manufacturing and the end-using is the difference between secondary and tertiary industries.

5. As all these three sectors required different skills people began to specialize in certain activities and the division of labour soon spread.

6. To be able to obtain the goods required, the producers therefore displayed them at a market so that interested parties could come together to exchange their own products for goods they themselves needed most urgently.

7. In order to make the exchange of goods less unpredictable, money was introduced as a means of payment.

8. If the traders didn’t have the necessary funds, they would have to borrow money from people who had capital available to invest in other activities. They would try to make a profit out of their readiness to risk their money.


Exercise IV.

1. Sheep were caught and bred to obtain wool. The sheep had to be shorn, and the wool had to be spun, woven and stitched together before it could be used as a garment and taken to the end-user.

2. The functions of a market are to sell and to buy.


Exercise V.

Primary: fisherman, market gardener, coal-mining, oil-drilling, pig-farming, wine-growing, coal mine

Secondary: industrial chemist, joiner, maintenance engineer, mechanic, teacher, brick-laying, road-building, smelting, shipyard, steelworks, weaving mill

Tertiary: cashier, postman, reporter, secretary, shop assistant, tailor, teacher, train driver, travel agent, advertising, bookkeeping, nursing, airport, bakery, police station, post office, restaurant.


Exercise VII.

· Water, salt and yeast is mixed to make dough.

Then dough is put into the oven.

· Cod is caught by a fisherman on a trawler board.

Fins and bones are cut off.

Minced fish is shaped, rolled in breadcrumbs and fried.


Exercise VIII.

Cereals are grown in Brazil. Coal is mined in Russia. Coffee is grown in Brazil and South Africa. Cotton is harvested in Spain. Milk is produced in Denmark. Fish is extracted in South Korea and Iceland. Gold and diamonds are extracted in South Africa. Meat is produced in Ireland. Natural gas, oil and ores are extracted in Russia. Fruits are grown in Greece and Italy. Soybeans are grown and harvested in the United States of America. Timber is produced in Canada. Uranium is mined in South Africa. Wool is produced in Great Britain.


Exercise IX.

1. Production 2. Manufacturing, financial resources 3. demands 4. goods 5. Profits

6. Market

Exercise XI.

1. you’ll 2. would not 3. did not 4. would be 5. continues 6. did not 7. is needed 8. would buy and do 9. you’ll have to 10. would be 11. were not 12. will have to


Контрольная работа № 1

I. Ознакомьтесь с теорией по аннотированию текста. Прочитайте текст еще раз и напишите к нему справочную аннотацию, используя речевые стандарты, приведенные ниже.

Сущность аннотации в том, что она дает предельно сжатую характеристику первоисточника, имеющую чисто информационное справочно-библиографическое назначение. Аннотирование представляет собой переработку документа и создание вторичного документа, дающего предельно краткую характеристику публикации с точки зрения ее содержания, назначения и основных особенностей.

Справочная аннотация должна дать читателю предварительное представление о незнакомой публикации, но не раскрывает содержание материала, а лишь сообщает о наличии материала на определенную тему. Она также указывает источник и дает самые общие представления о его содержании.

Текст описания справочной аннотации может включать следующие сведения:

- тему аннотируемого документа;

- характеристику его проблематики и основного содержания;

- вид аннотируемого документа (статья, книга, диссертация и т.д.);

- теоретическую и практическую ценность аннотируемой работы.

Справочные аннотации предназначены для быстрого и беглого просмотра.



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