IV. Прочитайте текст еще раз. Закончите таблицу и перепишите ее в Exercise book.

Type/Place Description
  the most common form of teleworking – using home as an office
  moving around and keeping in contact with central office
  business premises shared by several firms  
satellite centres  

V. Найдите в тексте описания преимуществ и недостатков дистанционной работы, перепишите их в Exercise book и переведите на русский язык.

· benefits of teleworking

· potential drawbacks of teleworking

VI. Прочитайте текст еще раз и определите Ваше отношение к дистанционной работе, заполнив следующую таблицу:

+ − Reasons


VII. Прочитайте тексты A и B и занесите незнакомые слова с транскрипцией в Vocabulary notebook. Переведите их.

A. The changing shape of work

Fifty years ago, employees envisaged their working life differently from their counterparts today. Having left school, they would expect to stay in the firm where they had been given their first job, advancing up the promotion ladder until their retirement. They would work long hours and give the company their unconditional loyalty and in return they would have security and a job for life.

Today, in the early years of the twenty-first century, both attitudes and the economic climate have changed the way people feel about their jobs. Work has taken on a different role, representing an important element in our personal identity. The very nature of our daily work has become the means of affirming our position in society as well as bringing us personal fulfillment.

In employment practices is the ever increasing trend towards homeworking. With the development of technology, it is now possible to work from home on several days a week. At first this system was mostly taken up by working mothers, but later senior executives also saw the benefits of having the chance to work from their homes. Today, it is believed that 5.5% of the nation’s working population stays at home one day a week. But initially it is thought that, as these members of staff were not under the eye of their superiors on a daily basis, they would not be considered for promotion when vacancies arose. Yet this has not been the case and career advancements have been achieved whilst working away from the parent office.

Flexibility will be the key to success and security of tenure will come from the ability to move with the times.



B. Office of the future.

The idea of an office of the future, or an electronic office, is based on the idea of electronic communication. Within the last few years, technology has been moving so quickly that the traditional office, with its paper and card records, kept manually in writing message notes and memos, may disappear for long. There are not many offices in the UK where modern electronics has not begun to have an impact. Whether at home or at work, the office of the future will probably contain most modern electronic facilities. It should be possible to have access to all the information that is needed to do the job without leaving the work station. The same applies to facilities for passing information in almost any form.

The office worker of the future will need to develop different skills with those used at present. There will be very little writing in the electronic office. Most work will involve much more direct contact with view phone or extended video conferencing facilities.

In future, you could also be talking to your computer. Quite what effects this new environment will have on office workers is not yet known!

However, much of the monotony of paper filing, collecting and copying information will go forever. And, who knows, one day office workers may never ‘go to work’ but conduct their jobs by their electronic workstation at home.


VIII. Прочитайте тексты еще раз и закончите предложения, используя слова и выражения из текстов. Перепишите их в Exercise book.

1. Formerly employees expected advancing up the ____________until their _____________.

2. In return they gave the company their ____________.

3. Today work makes employees show their _____________and affirm their ____________as well as bringing them _________________.

4. Now ___________saw the ___________of homeworking.

5. Initially the homeworking members of the __________would not be considered for _______________.

6. At present career _____________have been achieved whilst working away from office.

7. Technology has been moving so quickly that the traditional office with its __________________may disappear.

8. Whether at home or at work, the office of the future will probably contain most modern ______________.

9. Most work will involve much more direct contact with _________or extended ______________facilities.

10. And one day office workers may never ‘go to work’ but _______their jobs by their electronic workstation at home.



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