Raw natural gas comes primarily from any one of three types of wells: crude oil wells, gas wells, and condensate wells. Natural gas that comes from crude oil wells is typically termed associated gas. This gas can have existed as a gas cap above the crude oil in the underground formation, or could have been dissolved in the crude oil. Natural gas from gas wells and from condensate wells, in which there is little or no crude oil, is termed non-associated gas. Gas wells typically produce only raw natural gas, while condensate wells produce raw natural gas along with other low molecular weight hydrocarbons. Those that are liquid at ambient conditions (i.e., pentane and heavier) are called natural gas condensate (sometimes also called natural gasoline or simply condensate). Natural gas is termed sweet gas when relatively free of hydrogen sulfide; however, some produced gas does contain this substance and thus is called sour gas. Raw natural gas can also come from methane deposits in the pores of coal seams, and especially in a more concentrated state of adsorption onto the surface of the coal itself. Such gas is referred to as coalbed gas or coalbed methane. Coalbed gas is a form of natural gas that is has being extracted from coalbed. This coalbed gas has become an important source of energy in recent decades.
Natural-gas processing is a complex industrial process designed to clean raw natural gas by separating impurities and various non-methane hydrocarbons and fluids to produce what is known as pipeline quality dry natural gas. Natural-gas processing begins at the well head. The composition of the raw natural gas extracted from producing wells depends on the type, depth, and location of the underground deposit and the geology of the area. Oil and natural gas are often found together in the same reservoir. The natural gas produced from oil wells is generally classified as associated-dissolved, meaning that the natural gas is associated with or dissolved in crude oil. Natural gas production absent any association with crude oil is classified as “non-associated.”
Most natural-gas production contains, to varying degrees, small (two to eight carbons) hydrocarbon (any class of compound containing only hydrogen and carbon; examples are methane gas, benzene) molecules in addition to methane. Although they exist in a liquid state at underground pressures, these molecules will become gaseous at normal atmospheric pressure. Collectively, they are called condensates or natural gas liquids (NGLs). The natural gas extracted from coal reservoirs and mines (coalbed methane) is the primary exception, being essentially a mix of mostly methane and carbon dioxide (about 10 percent).
Natural-gas processing plants, (or whatever apparatus capable of separating liquid substance into component parts) are used to purify the raw natural gas produced from underground gas fields or extracted at the surface from the fluids produced from oil wells. A fully operational plant will deliver pipeline-quality natural gas that can be used as fuel by residential, commercial and industrial consumers. Contaminants have been removed and heavier hydrocarbons have been captured for other commercial uses. For economic reasons, however, some plants may be designed to yield an intermediate product typically containing over 90% pure methane and smaller amounts of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and sometimes ethane. This can be further processed in downstream plants or used as feedstock for chemicals manufacturing.
Слова к тексту.
raw – сырой
exist – существовать, находиться, быть
gas cap – газовая шапка
ambient conditions – окружающие условия, состояние
sour gas – высокосернистый нефтяной газ
sweet gas – нейтральный (дезодорированный) газ
hydrogen sulfide – сероводород
contain – содержать
pores – поры
coal slams – угольный слой
coalbed gas – газ угольного пласта
extract – извлекать, откачивать (газ)
impurities – примеси
associated – связанный, ассоциированный
dissolved gas – растворенный (в нефти) газ
exception – исключение
purify – очищать
deliver – доставлять, поставлять, снабжать
residential – связанный с местом жительства
commercial – торговый, технический
contaminant – загрязняющее вещество, примесь
capture – улавливать, захватывать, добыть
compound – соединение
manufacturing – производство; промышленный
yield – производить, выдавать
intermediate product – промежуточный продукт
carbon dioxide – углекислый газ
coal reservoir – угольный пласт, резервуар
consumer – потребитель
Упр. 1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
сырой природный газ, газовая скважина, попутный газ, образование, окружающие условия, вещество, сероводород, переработка природного газа, сухой газ, состав газа, газоносный пласт, добыча, газообразный, углекислый газ, потребитель, промежуточный продукт, азот, сырьё, поры, извлекать, источник энергии, пластовое давление.
Упр. 2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие словосочетания:
gas wells typically produce
low molecular weight hydrocarbons
relatively free of hydrogen sulfide
complex industrial process
pipeline quality dry natural gas
composition of the raw natural gas
in a liquid state at underground pressure
natural gas processing plants
residential, commercial consumer
smaller amounts of nitrogen
Упр. 3. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний из левой колонки.
1. oil well
2. gas cap
3. deliver
4. molecular weight
5. sour gas
6. gas processing
7. depth
8. contaminant
9. hydrogen
10. underground pressure
1. пластовое давление
2. газопереработка
3. глубина
4. водород
5. нефтяная скважина
6. молекулярный вес
7. газовая шапка
8. загрязняющее вещество
9. доставлять
10. высокосернистый нефтяной газ
Упр. 4. Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний из левой колонки.
1. экономическая причина
2. чистый метан
3. нейтральный газ
4. жидкое состояние
5. угольный пласт
6. очищать
7. углеводороды
8. газоконденсатная скважина
9. извлекать
10. исключение
1. sweet gas
2. gas condensate well
3. coal reservoir
4. hydrocarbons
5. extract
6. liquid state
7. exception
8. purify
9. economic reason
10. pure methane
Упр. 5. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Найдите в каждом из них группу «подлежащие – сказуемое», определите время и залог сказуемого. Составьте все типы вопросов к предложениям.
1. Natural-gas processing is a complex industrial process.
2. Natural-gas processing begins at the well head.
3. Oil and natural gas are often found together in the same reservoir.
4. A fully operational plant will deliver pipeline-quality natural gas.
5. Natural gas can be used as a fuel.
6. Contaminants have been removed and heavier hydrocarbons have been captured for other commercial uses.
7. This coalbed gas has become an important source of energy in recent decades.
8. Raw natural gas can also come from methane deposits in the pores of coal seams.
Упр. 6. Выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими высказываниями. Подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из текста, используя следующие разговорные формулы: I don’t think so; it’s true; it’s not right; I can’t agree with you; you are wrong; on the one hand; on the other hand; according to the text.
1. Natural gas that comes from crude oil wells is typically termed associated gas.
2. Methane resources discovered in coal seems at existing mines are the most accessible for commercial recovery.
3. Due to gas shortage, many coal-producing regions of Russia remain beyond the common gas service coverage.
4. Natural gas production absent any association with crude oil is classified as “non-associated”.
5. This can be further processed in downstream plants or used as feedstock for chemicals manufacturing.
6. Propane-based refrigeration cycle and ethane/propane-based cycle are common by used for initial gas cooling.
7. Natural gas from a major gasline is used as a regeneration gas.
8. Collectively, they are called condensates or natural gas liquids.
Упр. 7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:
1. Сырой природный газ появляется обычно из любой из трёх типов скважин: нефтяных скважин, газовых скважин и конденсатных скважин.
2. Природный газ, который появляется из нефтяной скважины, обычно относят к попутному газу.
3. Природный газ, относительно свободный от сероводорода называется нейтральным газом.
4. Переработка природного газа – совокупность технологических процессов физического, физико-химического и химического преобразования природного газа в продукты переработки.
5. Первичная переработка природного газа направлена на удаление из него примесей и придания ему качества, необходимого для последующего безопасного хранения, транспортирования и использования, и выделение компонентов и фракций.
6. Некоторые заводы предназначены для того, чтобы производить промежуточный продукт, обычно содержащий более 90% чистого метана и небольшое количество азота, углекислого газа и иногда этана.
7. Переработка природного газа начинается у главной скважины.
8. Состав сырого природного газа, откачанного из добывающих скважин, зависит от типа, глубины и расположения подземного месторождения и геологии поверхности.
9. Если в газе есть соединения серы, то его нужно как можно полнее освободить от них, так как сероводород и меркаптаны вызывают интенсивную коррозию трубопроводов.
10. Для очистки природного газа от сероводорода наиболее широко применяют процесс Клауса, который позволяет не только избавиться от сероводорода, но и получить серу – сырье для производства серной кислоты.
Упр. 8. Пользуясь словарем, письменно переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
1. Produced hydrocarbon liquids usually contain sulphur in the form of hydrogen sulphide and organo-sulphuric components.
2. The chemical industry consumes sulphur mostly for sulphuric acid production, as well as carbon disulphide, sulphuros anhydride, pulping sulphites, sulphur dichliride and tetrachloride, and other chemicals used in colorants, high explosives and luminescent materials production.
3. Elementary sulphur as well as sulphur-based preparations and solutions are widely used as fitocides, e.g. in gapes and cotton growing.
4. Hydrogen sulphide is a highly toxic and corrosive medium, which couldharm living organisms and cause damage to underwater gas pipelines, anchors, sunk ships, etc..
5. Reservoir fluids produced in gas condensate and oil fields typically comprise multi-phase and multi-component mixtures.
6. These natural gas and condensate flows contain a number of components which hamper their subsequent transportation.
7. Natural gas from a major gasline is used as a regeneration gas.
8. Stagnation of the elementary sulphur market calls for finding new applications of elementary sulphur produced from hydrogen-sulphide and organo-sulphuric components obtained from natural gas and hydrocarbon liquids.
9. Natural gas processing and cycling plants recover salable liquids from gaseous streams produced directly from gas wells or from normal oil and gas separation equipment on oil well.
10. Such plants vary greatly in size and capacity, from several million to several hundred million cubic feet of gas per day.
Упр. 9. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. Where does raw natural gas come from?
2. What is termed sweet gas?
3. What is natural-gas processing?
4. Where does natural-gas processing begin at?
5. Are oil and natural gas often found together in the same reservoir?
6. Natural-gas processing plants are used to purify the raw natural gas, are not they?
7. What does the composition of the raw natural gas depend on?
8. What gas is classified as “associated-dissolved” and “non-associated”?
9. When must natural gas undergo processing?
10. The processing of natural gas is very important for petroleum industry, isn’t it?
Упр. 10. Перескажите содержание текста, используя следующие разговорные формулы:
I’d like to say some words about; the text is about; the text deals with; it should be noted that;
it’s important to say that; it should be pointed; as is known; according to the text; the subject of the text is; as a matter of fact; I can add; I’d like to say that; broadly speaking; as far as I know; to my mind; in my opinion.
Урок 9.
Тема: Использование природного газа.
Задание. Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание, пользуясь списком новых слов и словосочетаний. Выполните следующие за ним упражнения.
Text “Uses of natural gas”
Natural gas is a major source of electricity generation through the use of gas turbines and steam turbines. Most grid peaking power plants and some off-grid engine-generators use natural gas. Particularly high efficiencies can be achieved through combining gas turbines with a steam turbine in combined cycle mode. Natural gas burns more cleanly than other hydrocarbon fuels, such as oil and coal, and produces less carbon dioxide per unit of energy released. For an equivalent amount of heat, burning natural gas produces about 30% less carbon dioxide than burning petroleum and about 45% less than burning coal. Combined cycle power generation using natural gas is thus the cleanest source of power available using hydrocarbon fuels, and this technology is widely used wherever gas can be obtained at a reasonable cost. Fuel cell technology may eventually provide cleaner options for converting natural gas into electricity, but as yet it is not price-competitive.
Natural gas dispensed from a simple stovetop can generate heat in excess of 1093°C making it a powerful domestic cooking and heating fuel. In much of the developed world it is supplied to homes via pipes where it is used for many purposes including natural gas-powered ranges and ovens, natural gas-heated clothes dryers, heating/cooling and central heating. Home or other building heating may include boilers, furnaces, and water heaters. Compressed natural gas (CNG) is used in rural homes without connections to piped-in public utility services, or with portable grills. However, due to CNG being less economical than LPG, LPG (propane) is the dominant source of rural gas.
CNG is a cleaner alternative to other automobile fuels such as gasoline (petrol) and diesel. The energy efficiency is generally equal to that of gasoline engines, but lower compared with modern diesel engines. Gasoline/petrol vehicles converted to run on natural gas suffer because of the low compression ratio of their engines, resulting in a cropping of delivered power while running on natural gas. CNG-specific engines, however, use a higher compression ratio due to this fuel's higher octane number of 120–130.
Natural gas is a major feedstock for the production of ammonia for use in fertilizer production.
The advantages of liquid methane as a jet engine fuel are that it has more specific energy than the standard kerosene mixes do and that its low temperature can help cool the air which the engine compresses for greater volumetric efficiency, in effect replacing an intercooler. Alternatively, it can be used to lower the temperature of the exhaust.
Natural gas can be used to produce hydrogen, with one common method – the hydrogen reforming. Hydrogen has many applications: it is a primary feedstock for the chemical industry, a hydrogenating agent, an important commodity for oil refineries, and a fuel source in hydrogen vehicles.
Natural gas is also used in the manufacture of fabrics, glass, steel, plastics, paint, and other products.
Слова к тексту.
generation – образование
gas turbine – газовая турбина
steam turbine – паровая турбина
grid – сеть, сетка
power plant – силовая установка, центральная электростанция
peaking – дифференцирование, обострение, достижение максимума
engine – двигатель, машина
generator – генератор
achieve – достигать
cycle – цикл, период
mode – способ, метод, форма, вид
combined – связанный, составной, сложный
fuel cell – тепловой элемент
price-competitive – конкурентоспособная цена
domestic fuel – топливо коммунального назначения
heating fuel – горючее для отопительных целей
furnace – печка
heat – тепло, нагрев
compressed – сжатый, сдавленный
ammonia – аммиак
fertilizer – удобрение
carbon monoxide – окись углерода
nitrogen oxide – окись азота
intercooler – промежуточный охладитель, холодильник компрессора,
exhaust – выхлопная труба, выхлоп
hydrogen reforming – реформинг водорода
hydrogenating agent – гидрирующий агент
commodity – предмет потребления, товар
fabric – ткань
paint – краска, краситель
rural – сельский
Упр. 1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
газовая турбина, достигать, углеводородное топливо, углекислый газ, тепло, торговый природный газ, источник, тепловой элемент, горючее для отопительных целей, печь, сжатый природный газ, бензин, аммиак, водород, предмет потребления, применение, спрос, вещество, углеводородные соединения, центральное отопление, источник топлива.
Упр. 2. Переведите следующие словосочетания:
major source of electricity generation
high efficiencies can be achieved
independent natural gas suppliers
major feedstock for the production of ammonia
important commodity for oil refineries
powerful domestic cooking and heating fuel
advantages of liquid methane
primary feedstock for the chemical industry
dominant source of rural gas
converting natural gas into electricity
Упр. 3. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний из левой колонки.
1. stream turbines
2. fuel cell
3. provide
4. pipes
5. water heater
6. carbon monoxide
7. low temperature
8. manufacture
9. mixture
10. commercial butane
1. водонагреватель
2. окись углерода
3. технический бутан
4. низкая температура
5. обеспечивать
6. паровая турбина
7. тепловой элемент
8. смесь
9. производство
10. трубы
Упр. 4. Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний из левой колонки.
1. сжатый природный газ
2. печь
3. нефтяной продукт
4. жидкий метан
5. химический состав
6. гидрирующий агент
7. реформинг водорода
8. может быть получен
9. гореть
10. окись азота
1. burn
2. can be obtained
3. oven
4. compressed natural gas
5. hydrogen reforming
6. nitrogen oxide
7. hydrogenating agent
8. liquid methane
9. chemical content
10. petroleum product
Упр. 5. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Найдите в каждом из них группу «подлежащие – сказуемое», определите время и залог сказуемого. Составьте все типы вопросов к предложениям.
1. Natural gas is a major source of electricity generation.
2. Hydrogen has many applications.
3. Compressed natural gas is used in rural homes.
4. Natural gas can be used to produce hydrogen.
5. Natural gas burns more cleanly than other hydrocarbon fuel.
6. Years ago, the gas was just vented to the atmosphere.
7. For hundreds of years, natural gas has been known as a very useful substance.
8. And no doubt, new uses of natural gas are being discovered all the time.
Упр. 6. Выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими высказываниями. Подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из текста, используя следующие разговорные формулы: I don’t think so; it’s true; it’s not right; I can’t agree with you; you are wrong; on the one hand; on the other hand; according to the text.
1. Natural gas processing is an important part of the production process.
2. Hydrogen is a primary feedstock for the chemical industry.
3. Most grid peaking power plants and some off-grid engine-generators use natural gas.
4. A separator is a piece of equipment used to separate wellstream gas from free liquids.
5. Natural gas burns more cleanly than other hydrocarbon fuels.
6. Natural gas, liquid hydrocarbons, and hydrocarbons are separated by various field processing methods.
7. Natural gas can’t be used to produce hydrogen.
8. The food industry will often employ natural gas for larger-scale cooking operations, such as baking.
Упр. 7. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык:
1. Природный газ (метан) используется как сырье для производства аммиака, ацетилена, метанола, цианистого водорода и других важнейших полупродуктов для органического синтеза.
2. Сжиженный нефтяной газ это смесь технического пропана и технического бутана.
3. В промышленности водород получают главным образом из природного газа.
4. Водород является важным продуктом для нефтеперерабатывающих заводов.
5. Именно с использованием природного газа стало возможно создавать многие химические вещества, которые не существуют в природе, например – полиэтилен.
6. Природный газ широко применяется в качестве горючего в жилых, частных и многоквартирных домах для отопления, подогрева воды и приготовления пищи; как топливо для машин, котельных и др.
7. Путем нескольких химических превращений из природного газа получают также минеральные удобрения.
8. Природный газ используется в производстве тканей, стекла, пластмасс, красок и других продуктов.
9. Природный газ является более экономичным средством отопления и охлаждения больших офисных зданий.
10. Природный газ используется для производства метанола.
Упр. 8. Пользуясь словарем, письменно переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.
1. There are several ways in which the liquefiable components may be removed from natural gas.
2. Absorption is a process in which rich gas in contracted with a heavier hydrocarbon oil that has been fractionated to specification.
3. The amount of liquefiable gas components absorbed by the oil depends on the pressure and temperature of the absorber, the relative flow rates of the gas and oil, and the inlet composition of the gas and oil, as well as the amount of contact achieved.
4. Recovery of butanes and heavier hydrocarbons depends on the amounts present initially and their molecular weight.
5. The cost of transporting raw sulfur for use in chemical operations is likely to be prohibitive unless the consumer is close to the gas processing plant or inexpensive transportation is available.
6. Residue gas is any gas suitable for sale as commercial natural gas that comes from a processing plant.
7. Sweet gas means that the content of hydrogen sulfide, other sulfur compounds and carbon dioxide is low enough that the gas may be sold commercially without further effort to remove these compounds.
8. An increasing number of gas and gas condensate reservoirs are being discovered that contain hydrogen sulfide of carbon dioxide treatment is required.
9. Natural gas can also be used for on-site energy production through the use of turbines and even fuel-cell technology, reducing the dependence on more expensive off-site electricity production and reducing the energy lost during the transmission of electricity.
10. Natural gas performs numerous industrial functions, including incineration of waste, boiler fuel, drying and as a feedstock for a variety of products.
Упр. 9. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What does natural gas contain?
2. Is natural gas a major source of electricity generation?
3. What burns more cleanly then other hydrocarbon fuels?
4. Can natural gas generate heat?
5. Where is compressed natural gas used?
6. Natural gas can be used to produce hydrogen, can’t it?
7. What applications has hydrogen?
8. In manufacture of what other products is natural gas used?
9. What are the advantages of liquid methane as a jet engine fuel?
10. Where is ammonia used?
Упр. 10. Обсудите содержание текста, используя следующие разговорные формулы:
The text is about; the text deals with; the content of the text; I’d like to say some words about; it should be noted that; it’s important to say that; it should be pointed; as is known; according to the text; the subject of the text is; as a matter of fact; I can add; I’d like to say that; broadly speaking; as far as I know; to my mind; in my opinion.
Урок 10.
Тема: Хранение и транспортировка природного газа.
Задание. Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание, пользуясь списком новых слов и словосочетаний. Выполните следующие за ним упражнения.