Pipeline transport is the transportation of goods through a pipe. Most commonly, liquids and gases are sent, but pneumatic tubes that transport solid capsules using compressed air are also used. As for gases and liquids, any chemically stable substance can be sent through a pipeline. Therefore sewage, slurry, water, or even beer pipelines exist; but arguably the most valuable are those transporting fuels: oil, natural gas, and biofuels. Dmitri Mendeleev first suggested using a pipe for transporting petroleum in 1863. Pipelines are generally the most economical way to transport large quantities of oil, refined oil products or natural gas over land. Compared to shipping by railroad, they have lower cost per unit and higher capacity. Although pipelines can be built under the sea, that process is economically and technically demanding, so the majority of oil at sea is transported by tanker ships.
Oil pipelines are made from steel or plastic tubes. Multi-product pipelines are used to transport two or more different products in sequence in the same pipeline. Usually in multi-product pipelines there is no physical separation between the different products. Some mixing of adjacent products occurs, producing interface. At the receiving facilities this interface is usually absorbed in one of the product based on pre-calculated absorption rates.
Crude oil contains varying amounts of wax, or paraffin, and in colder climates wax buildup may occur within a pipeline. Often these pipelines are inspected and cleaned using pipeline inspection gauges, pigs, also known as scrapers or Go-devils. Smart pigs (also known as intelligent or intelligence pigs) are used to detect anomalies in the pipe such as dents, metal loss caused by corrosion, cracking or other mechanical damage. These devices are launched from pig-launcher stations and travel through the pipeline to be received at any other station down-stream, either cleaning wax deposits and material that may have accumulated inside the line or inspecting and recording the condition of the line. For natural gas, pipelines are constructed of carbon steel. The gas is pressurized by compressor stations and is odorless unless mixed with a mercaptan odorant where required by a regulating authority.
In general, pipelines can be classified in three categories depending on purpose: gathering pipelines, transportation pipelines, distribution pipelines. Gathering pipelines are the group of smaller interconnected pipelines forming complex networks with the purpose of bringing crude oil or natural gas from several nearby wells to a treatment plant or processing facility. In this group, pipelines are usually short (a couple of hundred metres) and with small diameters. Also sub-sea pipelines for collecting product from deep water production platforms are considered gathering systems. Transportation pipelines are mainly long pipes with large diameters, moving products (oil, gas, refined products) between cities, countries and even continents. These transportation networks include several compressor stations in gas lines or pump stations for crude and multi-products pipelines. Distribution pipelines are composed of several interconnected pipelines with small diameters, used to take the products to the final consumer. Feeder lines to distribute gas to homes and businesses downstream and pipelines at terminals for distributing products to tanks and storage facilities are included in this group.
Слова к тексту.
pneumatic tubes – пневматическая труба
sewage – сточные воды
slurry – грязь, шлам, жидкий цементный раствор
arguably – бесспорно
wrought iron – сварочное железо, кованный
steel – сталь
pump station – насосная станция
flow – течь, вливаться, литься
speed – скорость
sequence – последовательность, порядок (следования)
adjacent – смежный, примыкающий, соседний
interface – поверхность раздела (двух фаз или слоёв жидкости)
absorb – поглощать, абсорбировать
absorption rate – скорость поглощения
buildup – нарастание, накопление, образование
scraper - скребок, ёрш
go-devil – скребок для чистки нефтяных трубопроводов
smart – резкий, сильный, быстрый
detect – обнаруживать, открывать
dents – вмятины, царапины
loss – ущерб, убыток, потеря
launch – начинать, пускать в ход
pressurized – герметический, под давлением
odorless – без запаха, лишенный запаха
odorant – добавка, придающая запах; одорант
interconnected – взаимосвязанный
treatment – обработка, очистка
feeder line – соединительный трубопровод
inner- внутренний
pig – скребок для очистки труб
downstream station – станция, следующая по направлению потока
gathering pipelines – межпромысловые трубопроводы
distribution pipelines – распределительные трубопроводы
intelligent pig – исследовательский поршень, диагностическое и очистное устройство
pig launcher station – площадка запуска поршня
wax deposit – парафиновые отложения
line – трубопровод
Упр. 1. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:
пневматическая труба, трубопроводный транспорт, ценный, сырая нефть, нефтяное месторождение, природный газ, стальные трубы, глубина, поглощать, вмятины, механические повреждения, приборы, условие, компрессорные станции, цель, сеть, скважина, потребитель, товары, строить, железная дорога, очищенный нефтяной продукт,
скребок, соединительный трубопровод, лишенный запаха, средства хранения, скорость поглощения.
Упр. 2. Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык следующие группы слов:
transportation of goods through a pipe
chemically stable substance
large quantities of oil
shipping by railroad
can be sent through a pipeline
some mixing of adjacent products
pipeline inspection gauges
detect anomalies in the pipe
forming complex networks
long pipes with large diameters
Упр. 3. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний из левой колонки.
1. pipeline
2. liquid
3. solid capsule
4. refined oil products
5. pump station
6. speed
7. scraper
8. corrosion
9. carbon steel
10. interconnected
1. насосная станция
2. сообщающийся
3. скребок
4. скорость
5. углеродная сталь
6. твёрдая капсула
7. жидкость
8. трубопровод
9. коррозия
10. очищенные нефтепродукты
Упр. 4. Найдите в правой колонке английские эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний из левой колонки.
1. металлические повреждения
2. пластиковые трубы
3. парафиновые наросты
4. тип трубопровода
5. сточные воды
6. сжатый воздух
7. скорость поглощения
8. разные продукты
9. экономичный способ
10. физическое разделение
1. compressed air
2. sewage
3. economical way
4. plastic tubes
5. different products
6. physical separation
7. absorption rate
8. wax buildup
9. metal loss
10. type of pipeline
Упр. 5. Прочитайте следующие предложения. Найдите в каждом из них группу «подлежащие – сказуемое», определите время и залог сказуемого. Составьте все типы вопросов к предложениям.
1. As for gases and liquids, any chemically stable substance can be sent through a pipeline.
2. Mendeleev first suggested using a pipe for transporting petroleum.
3. Oil pipelines are made from steel or plastic tubes.
4. Crude oil contains varying amounts of wax.
5. There is some argument as to when the first crude oil pipeline was built.
6. Pipeline transport is the transportation of goods through a pipe.
7. Preparation of the pipeline route was started on April 10, 1946 near the Subkhankulovo village.
8. The history of pipeline transport of Russia has gone through main changes.
Упр. 6. Выразите согласие или несогласие со следующими высказываниями. Подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из текста, используя следующие разговорные формулы: I don’t think so; it’s true; it’s not right; I can’t agree with you; you are wrong; on the one hand; on the other hand; according to the text.
1. By new economic conditions there is a need for structural reorganization of pipeline enterprises.
2. Some pipelines were built in densely populated and industrial areas.
3. Compared to shipping by railroad, they have lower cost per unit and higher capacity.
4. The development programme pays particular attention to diagnostics of pipelines, tanks, equipment of pump station.
5. In general, pipelines can be classified in three categories depending on purpose.
6. Feeder lines to distribute gas to homes and businesses downstream.
7. Oil pipelines are made from steel or plastic tubes with inner diameter typically from 100 to 1,200 mm.
8. Transportation pipelines are mainly short pipes with small diameters.
Упр. 7. Переведите предложения на английский язык:
1. Трубопроводный транспорт - нефтепровод, продуктопровод, газопровод, по которому производится перекачка от одного пункта до другого.
2. В 1863 году русский ученый Дмитрий Иванович Менделеев первым предложил идею использования трубопровода при перекачке нефти и нефтепродуктов.
3. Нефтепроводы изготовляют из стальных или пластиковых труб.
4. Трубопроводы могут быть классифицированы на три категории в зависимости от цели.
5. Промысловые нефтепроводы соединяют скважины с различными объектами и установками подготовки нефти на промыслах.
6. Магистральные трубопроводыпредназначены для транспортировки товарной нефти и нефтепродуктов из районов их добычи, производства или хранения до мест потребления.
7. Распределительные трубопроводы, состоящие из нескольких взаимосвязанных трубопроводов с небольшими диаметрами, используются, чтобы доставить продукты к конечному потребителю.
8. Подводный трубопровод - трубопровод, который служат для транспортировки нефти и газа с морских нефтяных месторождений и месторождений, отделенных от потребителя морем.
9. Технологические трубопроводы предназначены для транспортировки в пределах промышленного предприятия или группы этих предприятий различных веществ, необходимых для ведения технологического процесса или эксплуатации оборудования.
10. В России преобладают трубопроводы большого диаметра, проложенные на огромные расстояния.
Упр. 8. Пользуясь словарем, письменно переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:
1. One of the important parts of the Russian oil and gas industry is the network of pipelines.
2. The system of pipelines is unique as for the length, pipes’ diameter, and volume of transported hydrogensulphidous products in Russia, as well as abroad.
3. This intelligent pig will be used in the large-diameter pipelines to define metal loss and lateral and transverse fractures.
4. It is considering to use for pipeline monitoring new systems based on computer networks including satellite systems.
5. The pipelines during their service life are under different stress factors which close to the strength properties of metal.
6. Failures of crude trunk pipelines resulting serious ecological damage is a very important problem for environment.
7. The public opinion in Russia and abroad connects failures of crude trunk pipelines with their age.
8. Future development of Russian oil and gas industry will depend on some crucial factors and among them, sufficient foreign investments to oil and gas industry and also in pipeline construction and rehabilitation.
9. The main pipeline transport is major and integral component of fuel and energy complex of Russia.
10. The ramified network main gas, and oil products of wires which pass on territory practically all subjects of Federation is created in the country.
Упр. 9. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. What is pipeline transport?
2. What can be sent through a pipeline?
3. Who first suggested using a pipe for transporting petroleum?
4. What types of pipelines do you know?
5. Can pipelines be built under the sea?
6. What are oil pipelines made from?
7. How is oil at sea transported?
8. Where are multi-product pipelines used?
9. What is used to detect anomalies in the pipe?
10. Are pipelines generally the most economical way to transport oil, refined oil products or natural gas over the land?
Упр. 10. Обсудите содержание текста, используя разговорные формулы:
I’d like to say some words about; according to the text; the subject of the text is; the text deals with;it should be noted; as a matter of fact; it’s important to say; I can add; I’d like to say that; broadly speaking; as far as I know; to my mind; in my opinion.
Урок 7.
Тема: Природный газ: образование и состав.
Задание. Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание, пользуясь списком новых слов и словосочетаний. Выполните следующие за ним упражнения.