Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, разбивающий звук, and variable (see below)

КО Increase: none

Cost: variable (see below)

For this subcategory of complex modification, parts of the golem are made with hollowed sections carved from deliberately weaker materials, designed to разбивающий звук when struck by attackers. A confirmed critical deals critical damage to the конструкций and разбивающий звукs the hollowed section, releasing whatever substance the creator placed inside. Once the разбивающий звук stПраха is damaged, this modification is destroyed (it cannot be repВоздухаed). A конструкций can only have one разбивающий звук stПраха at a time. After the modification is destroyed, the конструкций can be modified with разбивающий звук stПраха again at the Без черты cost.

The following are some of the more common разбивающий звук stПрахаes, though others exist.



A 15-foot burst of коррозийное liquid sprays out of the modified конструкций’s stПраха. Creatures within the burst must succeed on a СЛ 15 Стойкость испытания or take 2d6 points of acid damage and be тошнота for 1d4 rounds. On a successful save, the afflicted creature takes no damage but is дезориентация for 1 round.


Requirements огненный шар; Cost 1,200 зм



A 15-foot burst of Огня explodes out of the modified конструкций’s stПраха. Creatures within the burst must succeed on a СЛ 12 Реакция испытания or take 2d6 points of Огня damage. A successful save halves the damage.


Requirements огненный шар; Cost 1,200 зм



A 15-foot burst of ледяноеy mist erupts out of the modified конструкций’s stПраха. Any creatures within the burst must succeed on a СЛ 14 Стойкость испытания or else take 1d6 points of damage and become опутываниеd for 1 round. A successful save halves the damage and the target does not become опутываниеd.


Requirements конус холода; Cost 1,000 зм



A 30-foot burst of электричество cracks out of the modified конструкций’s stПраха. Those within the burst must succeed on a СЛ 15 Реакция испытания or take 3d8 points of electrical damage. A successful save halves the damage.


Requirements удар молнии; Cost 1,200 зм



A 15-foot burst of toxic gas hisses out of this stПраха. Living creatures within this burst must succeed on a СЛ 13 Воля испытания or become замешательство for 1 round. This is a яд effect.


Requirements смрадное облако; Cost 2,000 зм


The following are statistics for several new Животныхs that can serve as фамильяры, in addition to a number of фамильяры first mentioned in the ведьма class entry in the Advanced Player’s Guide. You should use these statistics rather than those in the brief entry in the Bestiary. These фамильяры can be taken by anyone gaining a фамильяр, and utilize all the standard rules for фамильяры presented on pages 82–83 of the Core Rulebook. Tiny or smaller фамильяры in this section use Ловкость to modify Лазание and Плавание skill checks.


Фамильяр Special Ability

Blue-ringed octopus Master gains a +3 bonus on Плавание checks
Donkey rat Master gains a +2 bonus on Стойкость saves
Fox Master gains a +2 bonus on Реакция saves
Goat Master gains a +3 bonus on Выживание checks
Greensting scorpion Master gains a +4 bonus on initiative checks
Hedgehog Master gains a +2 bonus on Воля saves
House centipede Master gains a +3 bonus on Скрытность checks
King Crab Master gains a +2 bonus on МБМ checks to start and maintain a grapple
Pig Master gains a +3 bonus on Дипломатия checks
Scarlet spider Master gains a +3 bonus on Лазание checks
Thrush* Master gains a +3 bonus on Дипломатия checks
Turtle Master gains a +1 бонус естественной брони to КБ

* A thrush фамильяр can speak one Языка of its master’s choice as a supernatural ability.



XP 200

НН Tiny Животных (aquatic)

Init +5; Senses сумеречное зрение; Внимание +1


КБ 17, touch 17, застигнут врасплох 12 (+5 Лвк, +2 size)

hp 4 (1d8)

Fort +2, Ref +7, Воля +1

Defensive Abilities ink Облаков


Быстрое 20 ft., плавание 30 ft., jet 60 ft.

Melee bite +7 (1d2–1 plus яд), tentacles +5 (grab)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Сил 8, Лвк 21, Con 10, Инт 2, Мдр 13, Хар 3

Base Atk +0; МБМ +3 (+7 grapple); ЗБМ 12 (can t be tripped)

Черты МультиатакаB, Фехтование



Skills Изворотливость +15, Скрытность +25, Плавание +13; Racial Modifiers

+10 Изворотливость, +8 Скрытность

Special Attacks яд


Environment temperate or cold aquatic

Organization solitary

Treasure none


Ink Облаков (Экс) While within Воды, an octopus can emit a

foot-radius sphere of ink once per minute as a быстрое действие. This ink provides total concealment and persists for 1 minute.

Jet (Экс) The octopus can jet 60 feet in a straight line as a full- round action. This does not provoke внеочередные атаки.

Яд (Экс) Bite—injury; save Fort СЛ 10; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Сил; cure 1 save.


Blue-ringed octopuses are aquatic Животныхs capable of a surprising amount of хитрое. They cannot survive out of Воды.



XP 100

НН Small Животных

Init +3; Senses сумеречное зрение, scent; Внимание +4


КБ 14, touch 14, застигнут врасплох 11 (+3 Лвк, +1 size)

hp 5 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref +5, Воля +1


Быстрое 30 ft., плавание 20 ft.

Melee bite +0 (1d3–2)


Сил 6, Лвк 17, Con 13, Инт 2, Мдр 13, Хар 4

Base Atk +0; МБМ +1; ЗБМ 9 (13 vs. trip)

Черты Эксперт (Внимание)

Skills Внимание +4, Скрытность +15, Плавание +11


Environment temperate coast or forest Organization solitary, pВоздуха, or nest (3–12) Treasure none


Donkey rats are brown or snowy white rodents the size of small dogs, with long legs and short, Мехаry tails. These statistics can also be used for capybaras.



Some of these фамильяры сломать some of the rules and assumptions of the фамильяры presented in the Core Rulebook. Small-sized фамильяры threaten the areas around them like Small creatures, and can be used to flank enemies, though both фамильяры and their masters are often loath to use such Тактики, as the result is often a мертв фамильяр. Small-sized фамильяры are also harder to keep on a master’s person than Tiny or smaller фамильяры. Often they require some form of Магии item, like a bag of holding, for such a черта to work.

The process of making a vermin into a фамильяр grants it an Интеллект score and removes the mindless trait. Vermin фамильяры communicate with their masters and other vermin of their kind (greensting scorpions with other scorpions, house centipedes with other centipedes, and scarlet spiders with other spiders) by way of a strange combination of behaviors, sСвета changes in coloration, and even the excretion of scents, subtle and otherwise. As with other types of фамильяры, other creatures cannot understand this communication without Магииal помощь.



FOX КО 1/4

XP 100

НН Tiny Животных

Init +2; Senses сумеречное зрение, scent; Внимание +8


КБ 14, touch 14, застигнут врасплох 12 (+2 Лвк, +2 size)

hp 5 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref +4, Воля +1


Быстрое 40 ft.

Melee bite +1 (1d3–1)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Сил 9, Лвк 15, Con 13, Инт 2, Мдр 12, Хар 6

Base Atk +0; МБМ +0; ЗБМ 9 (13 vs. trip)

Черты Эксперт (Внимание)

Skills Акробатика +2 (+10 прыжокing), Внимание +8, Скрытность +10,

Выживание +1 (+5 scent tracking); Racial Modifiers +4 Акробатика when прыжокing, +4 Выживание when tracking by scent


Environment any

Organization solitary, pВоздуха, or skulk (3–12)

Treasure none


Foxes are small, doglike carnivores with narrow snouts and bushy tails.



XP 135

НН Small Животных

Init +1; Senses сумеречное зрение; Внимание +0


КБ 13, touch 12, застигнут врасплох 12 (+1 Лвк, +1 natural, +1 size)

hp 5 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref +3, Воля +0


Быстрое 30 ft.

Melee gore +2 (1d4+1)


Сил 12, Лвк 13, Con 12, Инт 2, Мдр 11, Хар 5

Base Atk +0; МБМ +0; ЗБМ 11 (15 vs. trip)

Черты Легкая Поступь

Skills Акробатика +1 (+5 when прыжокing), Лазание +5, Выживание +0 (+4 to find food); Racial Modifiers +4 Акробатика when прыжокing, +4 Выживание to find food


Environment any

Organization solitary, pВоздуха, or herd (3–12)

Treasure none


Goats eat almost anything that can be digested, and are determined in their pursuit of tempting foodstuffs such as leather armor and rope. They can provide milk and wool.



XP 100

НН Tiny vermin

Init +3; Senses ночное зрение 60 ft.; Внимание +4


КБ 18, touch 15, застигнут врасплох 15 (+3 Лвк, +3 natural, +2 size)

hp 4 (1d8)

Fort +2, Ref +3, Воля +0

Immune разум effects


Быстрое 30 ft.

Melee sting +5 (1d2–4 plus яд)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Special Attacks яд


Сил 3, Лвк 16, Con 10, Инт —, Мдр 10, Хар 2

Base Atk +0; МБМ +1; ЗБМ 7 (19 vs. trip)

Черты ФехтованиеB

Skills Лазание +7, Внимание +4, Скрытность +15; Racial Modifiers

+4 Лазание, +4 Внимание, +4 Скрытность


Environment Войныm or temperate deserts, forests, plains, or underground

Organization solitary or colony (3–6)

Treasure none


Яд (Экс) Sting—injury; save Fort СЛ 10; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect дезориентация for 1 round; cure 1 save.


Greensting scorpions Без чертыly live in forests, but can be found almost anywhere. Their pincers are too small to be dГневаous to anything but other insects, but they have a ядous sting that sickens even larger creatures.




XP 50

НН Diminutive Животных

Init +3; Senses сумеречное зрение; Внимание +1


КБ 18, touch 17, застигнут врасплох 15 (+3 Лвк, +1 natural, +4 size)

hp 2 (1d8–2)

Fort +0, Ref +5, Воля +1


Быстрое 20 ft.

Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Сил 1, Лвк 16, Con 6, Инт 2, Мдр 12, Хар 7

Base Atk +0; МБМ –1; ЗБМ 4 (8 vs. trip)

Черты Атлет

Skills Лазание +5, Скрытность +19, Плавание +5


Environment tropical or temperate forests

Organization solitary or pВоздуха

Treasure none


Spiny Обороны (Экс) As a move action, a hedgehog can roll itself up into a spiny ball. While rolled up, it gains a +1 бонус усиления to its existing natural armor, and any creature attempting to grapple the hedgehog takes 1d3 damage on making a grapple check. While rolled up, a hedgehog cannot take any action other than leaving this state. The hedgehog can leave this state as a move action.


Hedgehogs are spiny, insectivorous mammals. When threatened, a hedgehog rolls up into a spiny ball as a Обороны mechanism.



XP 50

НН Tiny vermin

Init +3; Senses ночное зрение 60 ft.; Внимание +4


КБ 17, touch 15, застигнут врасплох 14 (+3 Лвк, +2 natural, +2 size)

hp 4 (1d8)

Fort +2, Ref +3, Воля +0

Immune разум effects


Быстрое 40 ft., лазание 40 ft.

Melee bite +5 (1d3–5 plus яд)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Special Attacks яд


Сил 1, Лвк 17, Con 10, Инт —, Мдр 10, Хар 2 Base Atk +0; МБМ +1; ЗБМ 6 (can’t be tripped) Черты ФехтованиеB

Skills Лазание +11, Внимание +4, Скрытность +19; Racial Modifiers +4 Внимание, +8 Скрытность


Environment temperate or Войныm forest or underground

Organization solitary, pВоздуха, or colony (3–6)

Treasure none


Яд (Экс) Bite—injury; save Fort СЛ 10; frequency 1/round for 2 rounds; effect ступор 1 round; cure 1 save.


Multi-legged house centipedes can be found almost anywhere, and can have from 20 to more than 300 legs. Their bites are ядous, and can ступор the unВойныy.



XP 100

НН Tiny vermin (aquatic)

Init +2; Senses ночное зрение 60 ft.; Внимание +4


КБ 18, touch 14, застигнут врасплох 16 (+2 Лвк, +4 natural, +2 size)

hp 5 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref +2, Воля +0

Immune разум effects


Быстрое 30 ft., плавание 20 ft.

Melee 2 cПринципиальностиs +0 (1d2–2 plus grab)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Special Attacks сжатие (1d2–2)


Сил 7, Лвк 15, Con 12, Инт —, Мдр 10, Хар 2

Base Atk +0; МБМ +0 (+4 grapple); ЗБМ 8 (20 vs. trip)

Skills Внимание +4, Плавание +10; Racial Modifiers +4 Внимание

SQ Воды dependency


Environment any aquatic Organization solitary or cast (2–12) Treasure none


Воды Dependency (Экс) Crabs can survive out of the Воды for 1 hour per point of Выносливость. Beyond this limit, a crab Бегунs the risk of удушение, as if it were drowning.


King crabs are small crustaceans with eight legs and two pincers or cПринципиальностиs. Aquatic scavengers, crabs can also survive on land for some time, but must return to the Воды or suffocate.


PIG КО 1/3

XP 100

НН Small Животных

Init +1; Senses сумеречное зрение, scent; Внимание +5


КБ 13, touch 12, застигнут врасплох 12 (+1 Лвк, +1 natural, +1 size)

hp 6 (1d8+2)

Fort +6, Ref +3, Воля +1


Быстрое 30 ft.

Melee bite +1 (1d4)


Сил 11, Лвк 12, Con 15, Инт 2, Мдр 13, Хар 4

Base Atk +0; МБМ –1; ЗБМ 10 (14 vs. trip)

Черты Внушительная Стойкость

Skills Внимание +5


Environment any

Organization solitary, pВоздуха, or herd (3–12)

Treasure none


Smaller than wild boars, domestic pigs are omnivorous.



XP 100

НН Tiny vermin

Init +5; Senses ночное зрение 60 ft.; Внимание +4


КБ 18, touch 17, застигнут врасплох 13 (+5 Лвк, +1 natural, +2 size)

hp 4 (1d8)

Fort +2, Ref +5, Воля +0

Immune разум effects


Быстрое 30 ft., лазание 30 ft.

Melee bite +7 (1d3–4 plus яд)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.

Special Attacks яд


Сил 3, Лвк 21, Con 10, Инт —, Мдр 10, Хар 2

Base Atk +0; МБМ +3; ЗБМ 9 (21 vs. trip)

Черты ФехтованиеB

Skills Акробатика +13, Лазание +21, Внимание +4, Скрытность +17; Racial Modifiers +8 Акробатика, +8 Лазание, +4 Внимание, +4 Скрытность


Environment any

Organization solitary, pВоздуха, or colony (3–8)

Treasure none


Яд (Экс) Bite—injury; save Fort СЛ 10; frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Сил; cure 1 save.


Scarlet spiders are small arachnids with bright red bodies and black legs. Because they are hunting spiders, scarlet spiders don’t have a паутина attack.



XP 135

НН Diminutive Животных

Init +2; Senses сумеречное зрение; Внимание +5


КБ 16, touch 16, застигнут врасплох 14 (+2 Лвк, +4 size)

hp 2 (1d8–2)

Fort +0, Ref +4, Воля +2


Быстрое 10 ft., полет 40 ft. (AveЯрости)

Melee bite –1 (1d2–5)

Space 1 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Сил 1, Лвк 15, Con 6, Инт 2, Мдр 15, Хар 6

Base Atk +0; МБМ –2; ЗБМ 3

Черты Эксперт (Внимание)

Skills Полет +12, Внимание +5


Environment temperate forests Organization solitary, pВоздуха, or flock (3–12) Treasure none


Thrushes are small, plump birds that eat fruit and insects. All thrushes are known for their beautiful songs, but thrush фамильяры are also capable of actual speech.



XP 65

НН Tiny Животных

Init –2; Senses сумеречное зрение; Внимание +4


КБ 16, touch 10, застигнут врасплох 16 (–2 Лвк, +6 natural, +2 size)

hp 3 (1d8–1)

Fort +1, Ref +0, Воля +1


Быстрое 5 ft., плавание 20 ft. Melee bite –2 (1d3–4) Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.


Сил 3, Лвк 6, Con 8, Инт 2, Мдр 12, Хар 3

Base Atk +0; МБМ –4; ЗБМ 2 (6 vs. trip)

Черты Эксперт (Внимание)

Skills Внимание +4, Плавание +10


Environment temperate or tropical forests, Океанов, and rivers

Organization solitary

Treasure none


Shell Retreat (Экс) A turtle can retreat within its shell as a быстрое действие, gaining a +2 бонус усиления to its existing natural armor. While in its shell, a turtle cannot take any action except to end the retreat. The turtle can end its retreat with a свободное действие on its turn.


Turtles are замедление-moving reptiles with hard shells that they can retreat into when threatened. Many turtles have flippers and are better suited for плаваниеming than walking. These statistics can also be used for tortoises, which have feet instead of flippers and live in arid regions.



Each spellbook or formula book is a unique reflection of the personality and capabilities of its creator. Many of these tomes contain more than just spells, such as notes on the caster’s other research, personal diaries, натуралист sketches, or even political treatises. Some contain preparation rituals, each of which grants a boon—or sometimes a hindrance—to spellcasters who use the book to prepare their spells.

The sample книги заклинаний and formula books below each list a description of the book, information on the caster’s specialty school and oppositional schools (if any), the book’s spells, and its preparation ritual (if any). Some books also contain precautions against глаза-разведчики.

Descriptions, защитаs, preparation rituals, and spell content can be mixed and matched as desired from different books. Higher-level books can easily serve for lower-level casters—just drop the круг заклинанияs that aren’t applicable and remove lower-level spells as desired. Similarly, if you desire longer books, combine two together or add spells or formulae of your choice to the desired levels. These books also work as книги заклинаний and formula books for new characters. Just copy the list, hand it to the player, and go.

A standard spellbook includes all cantrips from the Core Rulebook except those in the волшебник’s oppositional schools. Books containing cantrips from additional sources are noted in the content description.

Each book чертаures a value, which represents what a character must pay for the book on the open market, though finding a seller may be difficult. The character may sell the book for half that value. Any book with a preparation ritual has two sets of costs, one for the book without the preparation ritual, and one for the book with the ritual.


Using Preparation Rituals

When a spellcaster who prepares spells uses a spellbook or formula book with a preparation ritual, as long as he prepares at least three spells (not including cantrips) or formulae from the книги заклинаний, he gains a temporary boon granted by the ritual. The boon lasts until its effect is spent (as specified by the boon description) or the spellcaster prepares spells again (at which time it can be reapplied by preparing at least three spells from the book). A spellcaster can only take the effect of one preparation ritual when she prepares spells, no matter how many книги заклинаний with preparation rituals she uses to prepare spells. Spells in this section that are marked with an asterisk (*) are detailed in Chapter 5 of this book, and those marked with two asterisks (**) are detailed in the Advanced Player’s Guide. A superscript “S” (S) indicates a spell from the caster’s specialty school, whereas a superscript “OP” (OP) indicates a spell from the spellbook creator’s opposition school.


Книги заклинаний



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