The following tables list minor and высшая порча. When called to randomly determine a порча, roll on the appropriate table.
d10 | Result |
Caster Blank | |
Caster Croak | |
Confounded Casting | |
Disassociation | |
Ebon Eyes | |
Eldritch Ague | |
Hemoculysis | |
Lassitude | |
Ritualistic Obsession | |
Spell Addiction |
d10 | Result |
Eldritch Cataracts | |
Nameless Dread | |
Negated | |
Obsessive Fixation | |
Phase Увядание | |
Spell Burn | |
Spell Sap | |
Transference Block | |
Vertigo | |
Roll дважды on the minor порча chart. The spellcaster is afflicted with both порча. |
The following section details порча, split up based on their severity and чертаuring descriptions of effects and special methods to end those effects. Note that some of the effects of порча can be somewhat beneficial. Ремеслоy spellcasters can make the best of even the worst situations, and the beneficial effects of any порча represent this. If a порча calls for a concentration check based on the level of the effect, and the caster is using a псевдозаклинание that doesn’t have an effective level, use half the caster level of the spell- like ability instead.
Minor Порча
The following is a list and descriptions of many of the most common minor порча.
Caster Blank: A spellcaster with caster blank has a hard time focusing her spells or Псевдозаклинания on the same creature more than once. After targeting a creature with a spell, the caster cannot target that creature again with a spell until caster blank is removed or suppressed.
To suppress caster blank, the afflicted spell caster must spend a основное действие concentrating, which shakes off all effects of the caster blank until she casts a targeted spell again. Caster blank only affects spells that target creatures, and a spellcaster can still affect the creature with area spells.
Caster blank can be cured by any effect that removes замешательство or безумие. Creatures that are immune to разум effects are immune to this порча.
Caster Croak: The afflicted spellcaster’s throat or mouth is Магииally сжатиеed. The spellcaster can barely make her words heard, and then only with great effort. A creature under this affect can only make itself heard by others by spending a быстрое действие to focus its воля on speech. Casting spells with a verbal component has a 20% chance of spell failure, and the save DCs of any spells she casts with the язык descriptor are reduced by 4. Псевдозаклинания are not affected by this порча because they lack verbal components. Вопльing and screaming is impossible while the creature is affected by this порча.
A лечение spell or similar effect cures this порча, as does casting the вопль spell, though doing so is still affected by the порча’s effects.
Confounded Casting: A spellcaster with confounded casting has a mental disconnect between the spells she intends to cast and the spells she actually casts. The first time on her turn that she casts a spell or uses a псевдозаклинание, she makes a concentration check with a СЛ of 15 + дважды the level of the spell being cast. If the concentration check fails, the caster must pick another spell or spell- like ability of the same level or lower to cast with the same casting time. If the spellcaster has no other spell or псевдозаклинание, the action is lost. The spell or spell- like ability she originally picked is not spent and she can attempt to cast that spell again later.
Confounded casting is cured by any effect that removes замешательство or безумие. Creatures that are immune to разум effects are immune to this порча.
Disassociation: A spellcaster with disassociation lapses into a mild безумие in which she dissociates her identity and starts to perceive herself as someone else. While subject to disassociation, a spellcaster is incapable of using spells or effects with a range of personal or of targeting herself with a spell effect. A spell with an area that includes her but does not need targeted individual creatures functions Без чертыly.
Disassociation can by cured by any effect that removes замешательство or безумие.
Ebon Eyes: A spellcaster with ebon eyes develops a jet- black f ilm over her eyes, which inverts her capacity to perceive Света and тьма. The creature treats тьма as bright Света, dim Света as Без черты Света, Без черты Света as dim Света, and bright Света as тьма. The ebon eyes protect against blinding, dazzling, patterns, or other visual effects, granting a +2 bonus on all испытания against those effects.
Ebon eyes can be removed with an effect that removes blindness.
Eldritch Ague: Eldritch ague manifests itself as a sickness that is debilitating to spellcasters. A spellcaster with this порча is дезориентация until the Проклятий is removed. When the subject of the Проклятий casts a spell, she is overcome with shaking for 1 round, requiring any spellcasting or the use of a псевдозаклинание during that time to succeed at a concentration check (СЛ 15 + дважды the круг заклинания of the spell being cast). If she fails the save, the spell and the action to cast it is lost.
While a Проклятий, eldritch ague acts much like a disease, and creatures with immunity to disease are also immune to eldritch ague. Исцеление от болезней cures eldritch ague; unlike with most порча, using this spell to remove the порча does not impose a –5 caster level check penalty.
Hemoculysis: A spellcaster with hemoculysis кровотечениеs from her eyes whenever she casts a spell. The volume and duration of this f low depends on the level of the spell, lasting 1 round per level of the spell. While кровотечениеfrom the eyes, the spellcaster is considered растерянность and takes 1 point of кровотечение damage. Casting additional spells while the eyes are already кровотечениеresets the duration of existing hemoculysis by the круг заклинания, provided it’s greater than the current duration. The sight of the spellcaster’s eyes кровотечениеis horrifying, and she gains a +2 ситуативный бонус on Запугивание checks and a –4 penalty on Блеф and Дипломатия checks for the duration of the кровотечениеing.
Hemoculysis can be cured by лечение or регенерация.
Lassitude: Whenever a spellcaster with this порча casts a spell, she must make a concentration check (СЛ 15 + дважды the круг заклинания of the spell being cast). If she fails the check, the spellcaster takes 1 point of nonlethal damage per круг заклинания (or 1 point of nonlethal damage when casting a 0-level spell or 1 point per 2 caster levels if using a псевдозаклинание). This nonlethal damage cannot be reduced in any way so long as the spellcaster suffers from lassitude.
Lassitude can be cured by lesser восстановление, восстановление, or any effect that completely removes exhaustion. Simply resting has no effect. Creatures immune to nonlethal damage are immune to this порча.
Ritualistic Obsession: A spellcaster afflicted with ritualistic obsession adds unnecessary gestures to her spellcasting activities. Any spell without a жестовый компонент (even a spell cast with the Безжестовое Заклинание черта) now requires one, and any spell that already has a жестовый компонент requires two free hands rather than one.
Псевдозаклинания now require a жестовый компонент. The extra complexity increases быстрое действие casting times to a основное действие, основное действие casting times to 1 round, and 1 round casting times to 2 rounds. Other casting times are not increased. The extra focus does serve to increase the efficacy of the caster’s spells. All save DCs for spells and Псевдозаклинания that have their casting time increased with ritualistic obsession are increased by 1.
Ritualistic obsession is cured by any effect that removes безумие. Creatures that are immune to разум effects are immune to ritualistic obsession.
Spell Addiction: A spell addict feeds off the elation of wielding Магии, but suffers rapid withdrawal once spellcasting ends. After successfully casting a spell, the addict gains a +2 бонус боевого духа on attack rolls, skill checks, and испытания until her next turn. On any round the spell addict does not cast a spell on her turn, however, she goes into withdrawal, and is дезориентация until her next turn.
Spell addiction is cured by any effect that removes замешательство, безумие, or disease. Creatures that are immune to разум effects are immune to spell addiction.
Высшая порча
The following list details some of the most common высшая порча.
Eldritch Cataracts: Each time a spellcaster with this порча casts a spell, her видение becomes fuzzier and fuzzier until eventually she is слепота. Each time the spellcaster casts a spell, she must succeed at a Стойкость save with a СЛ equal to 15 + the spell’s level. If she fails, she takes a –1 penalty on видение-based Внимание checks until the порча is removed. Further failed испытания increase the penalty by 1 until the character reaches a –4 penalty, at which point she becomes слепота instead.
Eldritch cataracts is a difficult порча to cure. Any effect that cures blindness reduces the penalty by 1. If the penalty is reduced to –3 or lower, any blindness is relieved until the caster fails the Стойкость испытания enough times to bring the penalty back to –4. Reducing the penalty to 0 cures the порча.
Blind creatures and creatures that don’t use sight are immune to eldritch cataracts.
Nameless Dread: A caster with nameless dread believes strange beings from far dimensions or the blackness between the stars are hounding her and sapping her sanity. Every time the caster uses a spell or a псевдозаклинание, she sees a glimpse of her nameless pursuers. She must succeed at a concentration check (СЛ 15 + дважды the spell’s level), or become потрясение for 1 round per level of the spell. If already потрясение, the spellcaster becomes испуг for the duration of the original effect or the duration of the new effect, whichever is greater. If she is already испуг, she becomes паникует (and cannot cast) for the duration of the current effect or the duration of the new effect, whichever is greater. Each time a spellcaster becomes паникует, there is a 5% chance she воля become permanently insane (as the безумие spell, or the GM may choose a form of безумие listed on pages 250–251 of the GameMastery Guide).
A spellcaster suffering from nameless dread is particularly адепт at wielding spells with the ужас or Хаоса descriptor. When she casts a spell with that descriptor, the save СЛ for that spell is increased by 1, and she gains a +1 бонус мастерства on all caster level checks made to bypass устойчивость к магии.
Spells that suppress ужас work on nameless dread. Those that умиротворение effects suppress the effects of nameless dread (and its Преимуществаs to spellcasting) for 1 hour.
Negated: A negated spellcaster has his ability to manipulate Магииal energies disrupted. He gains устойчивость к магии equal to 10 plus дважды the highest круг заклинания he can cast. This устойчивость к магии cannot be voluntarily lowered. In addition, anytime he casts a spell, he must make a caster level check (1d20 + caster level) against this устойчивость к магии. On a successful check, the spell is completed and the spellcaster’s устойчивость к магии is removed until the start of his next turn. Failure indicates he failed to muster up enough Магииal energy to cast the spell, but the spell is not lost and may be attempted again. Any черты or abilities that помощь in bypassing устойчивость к магии help with this check.
Восстановление suppresses the negated порча for one Дня.
Obsessive Fixation: A spellcaster with an obsessive fixation develops a tendency toward repetition. This manifests itself differently depending on whether the spellcaster prepares spells, is a spontaneous caster, or uses Псевдозаклинания. When preparing spells, an afflicted spellcaster must attempt to prepare as many duplicate spells as she can, meaning she prepares two copies of each spell she picks, but cannot exceed her Без черты number of spell slots to do so. This need to prepare multiples (thus limiting her versatility) is the only effect. If the spellcaster is a spontaneous caster or uses Псевдозаклинания, when that spellcaster casts a spell or uses a псевдозаклинание, she must cast that spell again on her next turn, or becomes ступорd for 1 round at the end of her turn. Once she casts two copies of the same spell in a row or becomes ступорd, the obsessive fixation resets, and she can cast any spell she knows, starting the cycle again.
Obsessive fixation can be suppressed for 1 Дня with an effect that removes замешательство or безумие.
Phase Увядание: A spellcaster afflicted with порча fades in and out of existence. Each time she casts a spell, she phases in and out of reality for 1 round per level of the spell cast. While phasing, any physical attacks made against the spellcaster have a 50% miss chance, any individually targeted spell has a 50% chance to fail to affect the caster, and the spellcaster takes only half damage from area attacks. In addition, while actively phasing, all of a spellcaster’s physical attacks have a 50% miss chance, all of the caster’s spells that target creatures have a 50% chance of affecting the target, and all of the caster’s area attacks do 50% of their Без черты damage. Unlike when casting the мерцание spell, the spellcaster does not become ethereal; she мерцаниеs in and out of reality altogether.
Effects that block planar Путешествий, like пространственный якорь, первая помощь a phasing creature for the duration of the effect.
Spell Burn: Each time a spellcaster afflicted with this порча casts a spell or uses a псевдозаклинание, her skin feels like it burns, as if she were on Огня. With a successful concentration check (СЛ 15 + дважды the круг заклинания cast), the spellcaster can ignore the pain of the effect, but if she fails, she is ошеломление for a round. While the caster is ошеломление by this порча, any spell with the Огня descriptor that she casts has its испытания СЛ increased by 1.
The burning sensation is a f igment of the caster’s imagination. Spellcasters that are immune to разум effects are immune to this порча, and don’t gain the beneficial effect when casting spells with the Огня descriptor.
Spell Sap: A spellcaster with spell sap is subject to blackouts when casting spells. She may become mentally locked, distant, or catatonic, or may even slip into без сознанияness. Each time the afflicted spellcaster casts a spell or uses a псевдозаклинание, she must succeed at a Стойкость save (СЛ 14 + caster level) or become ступорd until the end of her next turn. If she fails the save by 10 or more, she instead falls распластан and lapses into без сознанияness for 1d4 rounds.
Spell sap can be suppressed for 1 Дня with an effect that removes замешательство or безумие.
Transference Block: A spellcaster with transference block has difficulty targeting allies with spell effects. Anytime she casts a spell on an ally, she must make a concentration check (СЛ 15 + дважды the spell’s level) or the spell is lost.
Transference block can be cured by spending 1 hour in an поле антимагии.
Vertigo: A spellcaster with vertigo becomes dizzy and Светаheaded when she casts a spell. Each time she casts a spell or uses a псевдозаклинание, the world spins and shifts around her. She must succeed at a concentration check (with a СЛ equal to the 15 + дважды the level of the spell being cast). If the spellcaster fails the check, she falls распластан, and for 1d4 rounds takes a penalty on Акробатика, Лазание, Верховая езда, Скрытность, and Плавание checks equal to 1 + the level of the spell. While the afflicted spellcaster takes those penalties, she must also succeed at a СЛ 10 Акробатика check in Закона to stand up from распластан.
A восстановление cast on the afflicted spellcaster suppresses this порча for 1 Дня.
Optional: Преимуществаs of Вредныйl Conditions
A resourceful spellcaster draws upon experience to lend power to her Магии. In the same way many of the порча conditions above offer advantages under the right conditions, at the GM’s discretion, the standard conditions described in Appendix 2 of the Core Rulebook can provide Преимуществаs as well. If the following material gives a spell failure chance, this is in addition to other rolls to succeed at casting (such as caster level checks and мистическое заклинание failure from armor) and is Resolved after those rolls.
Кровотечение: While a spellcaster is affected by this condition, her inflict wounds spells inflict an extra point of damage per die. This only applies when using an inflict wounds spell, not when using those spells to лечение нежить.
Слепота: A слепота spellcaster can use some of the energy of a spell with the Света descriptor to try to counteract the слепота condition. Also, when a слепота spellcaster casts a spell with the Света descriptor, she can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure with that spell. If the caster successfully casts the spell, the spell also ends the слепота condition.
Замешательство: While замешательство (either temporarily, or permanently by way of an безумие spell or effect), a spellcaster can tap into that замешательство during periods of lucidity. When a замешательство spellcaster can act Без чертыly, the DCs of her spells that give замешательство or безумие effects are increased by 1. The caster also gains a +2 бонус мастерства on caster level checks made to bypass устойчивость к магии with those spells.
Опутываниеd: A spellcaster who is опутываниеd and casts a spell with the force descriptor can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure on that spell. If she successfully casts the spell, she ends the опутываниеd condition, or if she is anchored, her movement is no longer prevented, but she is still опутываниеd.
Растерянность: A растерянность spellcaster can use some of the energy of a spell with the тьма descriptor to try to counteract the растерянность condition. When a растерянность spellcaster casts a spell with the тьма descriptor, she can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure with that spell. If the caster successfully casts the spell, the spell also ends the растерянность condition.
Глухота: A глухота spellcaster can use some of the energy of a spell with the sonic descriptor to try to counteract the глухота condition. When a глухота spellcaster casts a spell with the sonic descriptor, she can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure with that spell. If the caster successfully casts the spell, the spell also ends the глухота condition.
Едва жив: A едва жив spellcaster can tap into her ужасs of impending Смерти to empower her Воплощение (healing) spells. Once в день, while едва жив due to damage taken, a spellcaster can choose to treat a single Воплощение (healing) spell she casts on herself as having a caster level two levels higher than her actual caster level. She must actually cast the spell; this ability cannot raise the caster level of a spell cast from a Магии item.
Захват: While being захват, a spellcaster can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure when casting a touch attack spell. If the spell is successfully cast, the caster gains a +2 bonus on the attack roll against the creature grappling her.
Тошнота: A тошнота spellcaster can use some of the energy of a Воплощение (healing) spell to try to counteract the тошнота condition. When a тошнота spellcaster casts a Воплощение (healing) spell, she can choose to take a 20% chance of spell failure with that spell. If the caster successfully casts the spell, the spell also ends the тошнота condition.
Ядed or Дезориентация: Once в день, while a spellcaster is ядed or дезориентация, she can take a 20% chance of spell failure when casting a single spell that causes a яд or дезориентация effect. If the spell is successful, the СЛ of any яд or дезориентация effect granted by that spell increases by 2.
Потрясение: While a spellcaster is потрясение, once в день she can channel her ужас to increase the power of a single spell with the ужас descriptor that she casts. When she does so, the spell СЛ of that spell is increased by 1. She must actually cast the spell; this ability cannot raise the caster level of a spell cast from a Магии item.
Ошеломление: Once в день, while a spellcaster is ошеломление, she can take a 20% chance of spell failure when casting a single spell that takes a swift or основное действие to cast. If the spell is successfully cast, she can take a move action directly after casting the spell.
Spellcasters are no stследопытs to battle, but there’s a difference between the Хаоса of a huge melee, with dozens of feral monsters ищущее to tear the caster limb from limb, and a more civilized duel between rivals ищущее to settle a dispute. Make no mistake, these duels can be just as мертвly, but the rules surrounding them make for a different style of combat—one in which both combatants can attack and defend with ease, allowing the true skill and power of each to determine the victor.
Starting a Duel
A spell duel is a form of combat, but unlike ordinary combat, the participants must all agree to willingly enter the duel and abide by its rules. If either side сломать s the rules, it is considered the loser of the duel, regardless of any other outcome, and if its members continue aggressive action, the fight returns to the standard rules for combat.
The rules for a duel between spellcasters are usually very simple, but can be changed and altered by the participants, so long as both sides agree. Such discussions typically happen before the duel, allowing both sides to properly prepare, but as with all elements of a duel, this is not always the case. Most duels utilize the following simple rules.
Each participant must fight alone and can receive no help from outside sources, with the exception of фамильяры or other bonded creatures.
Each participant must fight with Магии. The use of melee or ranged weapons is forbidden, with the exception of bonded objects and weapons that can cast spells, such as staves.
The use of summoned or otherwise conjured creatures is forbidden, unless the duel expects such creatures to combat one another at the behest of the participants (rather than directly attacking the дуэльное opponent). This sort of creature duel is common among друидs, призывательs, and conjurers.
The duel lasts until one of the casters has been knocked без сознания or otherwise prevented from continuing. Spells such as паралич (гуманоид) do not end duels, but превращение камня в плоть certainly does, assuming the target fails her испытания. Some duels go to the Смерти and are only ended when one дуэлянт or team is a smoking pile of Праха.
Duel Combat
A duel functions much like ordinary combat, with a few notable exceptions that make for a more exciting and challenging encounter.
At the start of the duel, each participant makes an initiative check, just like in standard combat. Because duels are always planned and expected, there is never a surprise round. Alternatively, some duels start off with each side facing off, waiting for the other to f linch or сломать Решимости. In such cases, substitute a Блеф, Запугивание, or Проницательность check in place of the standard initiative check. The skill used is decided by the individual participants and is reflective of their approach to the duel.
At the beginning of each round, the participants check the состояние of the duel (the GM may want to mark the beginning of each round in some way during initiative tracking as a reminder to check this состояние). So long as all participants agree to continue дуэльное, the duel goes on. If any one of the participants withdraws from the duel, the duel immediately ends for all participants, even those who want to see it continue. The participant or side that ended the duel is considered the loser of the duel. The duel’s remaining participants can, among themselves, agree to resume the duel, but this is considered a separate duel from the previous one and does not involve those who withdrew from the duel.
Each participant in a duel can act Без чертыly on her turn, but if she casts a spell, that spell must affect or target either herself or one of the other duel participants (whether this participant is an ally or an opponent). For example, a дуэльное mage could not cast ускорение on her allies and exclude herself, but she could cast it on herself and her allies. The same goes for offensive spells, such as огненный шар —the дуэльное caster must include one of her opponents in the duel among the targets of the spell, and could not affect some nearby creatures to the exclusion of her opponent.
In addition to the Без черты set of actions a дуэльное caster can выступление each round, each participant in a duel may take a special counterspell action called a дуэльное counter, as noted below.
Дуэльное Counter
Each participant in a duel can take a special action once per round called a дуэльное counter. A дуэльное counter is similar to a counterspell, but is easier to use.
When a дуэльное opponent tries to cast a spell, the targeted spellcaster can make a Колдовство check (СЛ 15 + the spell’s level) as a свободное действие. If the check succeeds, she identifies her opponent’s spell and can attempt a дуэльное counter. If it fails, she cannot attempt a дуэльное counter against that spell.
A дуэльное counter is an прерывающее действие that does not provoke внеочередные атаки. To attempt a дуэльное counter, the countering дуэлянт must расход a spell or a spell slot of a level equal to or higher than that of the spell being cast. Note that characters who cast spells spontaneously (such as бардs and чародейs) must choose what exact spell they are using to counterspell in addition to the slot being used. The countering дуэлянт must then make a caster level check against a СЛ of 15 + the spell’s caster level. Unlike when using a true counterspell action (which requires a readied action), even expending an exact copy of the spell being cast does not guarantee success. The caster attempting the counterspell receives a bonus or penalty on her check depending upon the level of the spell slot expended and the exact spell used, as noted in Table 2–3. If the check is successful, the spell is countered—it is negated and the spell is lost. If not, the spell happens as Без черты and the дуэлянт attempting to counter the spell takes a –2 penalty on any испытания made against the spell’s effect.
Alternatively, a spellcaster can use рассеивание магии or greater рассеивание магии as a дуэльное counter. When a дуэльное spellcaster does so, she does not need to опознание the spell being cast, can counter a spell of any level, and must succeed at a caster level check against a СЛ of 11 + the spell’s caster level. When рассеивание магии is used as a дуэльное counter, it is not modified by any of the circumstances in Table 2–3.
Because reaпри смерти to counterspell is its own action, a participant can choose to ready to counterspell and make a дуэльное counter in the same round. This is only useful if the participant is facing multiple opponents or someone with access to Quickened Spell or other abilities that allow casting two spells in the same round.
Circumstance | Check Modifier |
Spell is of a different school | |
Spell is of the same school, but not the same spell | +2 |
Spell is of a higher level than the spell being countered | +1 per level higher |
Spell is the same as the spell being countered | +10 |