Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, регенерация

КО Increase: +1

Cost: 22,750 зм


Merging the arts of Превращение and Некромантия, powerful spellcasters work living organs into a golem, imbuing it with properties Без чертыly associated with beings that are alive. These organs are placed in canopic jars of specially prepared Скрытности fluids that are then sealed into the golem’s body, though not necessarily in anatomically correct locations. Specific organs produce specific effects. Each organ is counted as a separate upgrade, and the costs of multiple bioконструкций organs are cumulative.

Bioконструкций upgrades only work with golems, and cannot be placed into animated objects.

All bioконструкций upgrades have the same weakness—they are susceptible to critical hits. An attacker that confirms a critical hit against a golem with a bioконструкций upgrade deals damage to the конструкций and also destroys one upgrade. The damaged upgrade ceases to function and the конструкций loses abilities associated with the upgrade.

If a конструкций has more than one bioконструкций upgrade, only one is damaged. The GM randomly determines the damaged organ.

Heart: This upgrade permits a golem to receive half the Преимуществаs of Магииal healing and provides a hit point bonus as if the golem had a Выносливость score of 12, but the конструкций does not gain a Выносливость score in this process. Negative energy spells cast upon the golem can affect the heart, causing it to cease functioning for the duration of the effect (or 1 round for instantaneous effects). If the spell has a save, the heart uses the golem’s испытания.

Brain: This upgrade doesn’t permit the golem to think independently, but instead, the brain works as a stoярость devЛьда, permitting the golem to acquire skills and черты as if it had an Интеллект score of 10.

Очарование spells or spells with разум effects that are cast upon the golem can affect the brain, causing the brain to cease functioning for the duration of the spell. While the brain is suppressed in this fПрахаion, the конструкций temporarily loses access to its skills and черты. If the spell has a save, the brain uses the golem’s испытания.



Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, Создание Волшебного Оружия И Доспехов, оживить предметы, the конструкций modified must be the same size as the creator

КО Increase: +1

Cost: 35,000 зм

This modification allows the конструкций to be worn like armor by its creator. So long as the creator wears it, the конструкций выступлениеs no independent actions, remaining under the control of the creator, and any attacks directed at the wearer damage the конструкций. When a конструкций is destroyed while serving as armor, the wearer loses all the Преимуществаs, but retains all the hindrances until the armor is removed, which takes the same amount of time that removing breastplate armor does. If the конструкций is still active, the creator can Закона

the removal of the armor with a быстрое действие, at which point the конструкций leaves the creator’s space and enters a space adjacent to the creator. Donning конструкций armor takes a full- round action if the конструкций is still active. The creator cannot don a конструкций with this modification if the конструкций has been destroyed.

The конструкций’s wearer retains his base attacks and saves. Конструкций armor counts as breastplate armor for purposes of determining КБ, weight, Ловкость modifiers to КБ, and chance of мистическое заклинание failure.



Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, тайновидение

КО Increase: none

Cost: 8,000 зм

The ремеслоer gives her конструкций crystalline eyes that permit her to use a тайновидение or greater тайновидение spell to see from the perspective of her creation. This modification requires the ремеслоer also to prepare a special crystalline orb Магииally

bonded to the eyes, which serves as her focus for the тайновидение or greater тайновидение spell. The cost of creating that focus is included in the cost of modifying the конструкций.

Unlike Без черты тайновидение or greater тайновидение, there is no chance of failure for viewing creatures though the sensor; the creator simply sees what the конструкций sees for the duration of the spell. Spells cast through the sensor still have the Без черты chance of operating through the конструкций’s eyes.



Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, Создание Волшебного Оружия И Доспехов,

оживить предметы, Small or Tiny конструкций

КО Increase: none

Cost: 27,000 зм

This modification can be выступлениеed on a Small or Tiny конструкций, such as an iron cobra or a homunculus. The creator modifies the конструкций such that she can slip it over her arm and control its actions as part of her own. The конструкций limb retains any melee attacks that the конструкций has, and the creator can use special attacks as if she were the конструкций (using the конструкций’s attack statistics and effects), but treat the creator as the creature making attacks for the purpose of determining внеочередные атаки and other actions that could be triggered by an attack made by the creator.

The limb also provides the wearer with limited защита in combat, roughly equivalent to that of a heavy steel щит. The wearer is considered proficient in this щит. The wearer retains the remainder of her abilities.

A конструкций limb counts as a heavy steel щит for purposes of determining КБ, weight, Ловкость modifiers to КБ, and chance of мистическое заклинание failure.



Requirements: Ремесло Конструкций, variable (see below).

КО Increase: none

Cost: variable (see below)

This subcategory of complex modification allows a конструкций’s creator to carve a Бегунic spell trigger into her creation. Choose one of the following Бегунes. The cost of the Бегунe and any Требования are detailed in the Бегунe’s description. Once в день, the first time the Бегунe is triggered, its effect occurs. As an прерывающее действие, the creator can attempt to delay the effect until the next time it is triggered. Doing so requires that the конструкций be within line of sight of the creator (or for the creator to be using тайновидение or greater тайновидение through the ремеслоer’s eyes конструкций modification) and that the caster make a Колдовство check equal to 10 + the caster level of the Бегунe’s effect.

A конструкций can have more than one Бегунe-carved modification, and even multiple Бегунes of the same type. If it has multiple applications of the same Бегунe, the first one goes off when it is first triggered, the second one goes off when the trigger happens next, and so on. Multiple Бегунes of different types go off when first triggered, even if the different Бегунes share similar triggers.

It is rumored that there are many more Бегунes than these, but the following are some of the best known and most common Бегунes used by конструкций ремеслоers.



Aura Moderate Некромантия; CL 9th


This modification is triggered the first time the modified конструкций takes damage. Creatures within a 20-foot-radius spread must succeed on a СЛ 17 Стойкость save or suffer from wracking pains that impose a –4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for 1 minute. On a successful испытания, the creature takes the penalties imposed by the Бегунe for 1 round.


Requirements символ боли; Cost 18,000 зм



Aura Strong Воплощение; CL 18th


This Бегунe is triggered the first time the конструкций is hit with a touch or ranged touch attack spell. The caster of the triggering spells must succeed at a СЛ 22 Воля save or be captured, both body and soul, within a gem embedded in the modified конструкций’s body. The gem holds the caster until either the gem or the конструкций is destroyed. A gem can only hold one creature at a time; once it captures a creature, the Бегунe does not trigger again until the gem is replaced.

While a creature is trapped within the gem, the gem is vulnerable to critical hits; if an attacker confirms a critical hit, the конструкций takes damage and the gem is destroyed, releasing the entrapped creature into a space adjacent to the конструкций. The сломан gem must then be replaced before the Бегунe of заключение can function again.


Requirements ловушка для души, gem worth 20,000 зм to serve as the Бегунe’s focus; Cost 57,600 зм



Aura faint Разрушение; CL 5th


This Бегунe is triggered when the modified конструкций is hit by a melee attack. The Бегунe releases a 5-foot-radius burst of электричество dealing 3d8 points of electrical damage to all creatures within the burst. A successful СЛ 12 Реакция испытания halves the damage.


Requirements шоковое прикосновение; Cost 2,000 зм



Aura faint Преграждение; CL 3rd


This Бегунe is triggered the first time the modified конструкций is attacked with a melee attack, ranged attack, or волшебная стрела. The конструкций gains a +4 щит bonus to its Armor Class for 3 minutes. This is a force effect and applies against бестелесность touch attacks.


Requirements щит; Cost 1,200 зм



Aura moderate Некромантия; CL 7th


This Бегунe is triggered the first time a creature moves adjacent to the modified конструкций. The Бегунe creates 20-foot-radius spread of necromantic energy. Creatures in the area must succeed on a СЛ 20 Воля испытания or become паникует for 1d4 rounds. If the Воля save succeeds, the creature is потрясение for 1 round.


Requirements ужас; Cost 11,200 зм



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