Упражнения по теме THE PASSIVE VOICE


I give (я даю) – I am given (мне дают)

I gave (я дал) – I was given (мне дали)


I shall give (я дам) – I shall be given (мне дадут)

Упражнение 19

Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в past indefinite active


или past indefinite passive.


Он посоветовал Ему посоветовали
Он забыл Его забыли
Он вспомнил Его вспомнили
Мы пригласили Нас пригласили
Мы поправили Нас поправили
Он вылечил Его вылечили
Он позвал Его позвали
Я рассказал Мне рассказали
Я показал Мне показали
Она привела Ее привели
Мы спросили Нас спросили
Мы ответили Нам ответили
Мы послали Нас послали
Они дали Им дали
Он помог Ему помогли


Упражнение 20


Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в present, past или future indefinite passive.


Мне рассказывают Мне рассказали Мне расскажут
Мне показывают Мне показали Мне покажут
Ее приводят Ее привели Ее приведут
Нас спрашивают Нас спросили Нас спросят
Нам отвечают Нам ответили Нам ответят
Нас посылают Нас послали Нас пошлют
Им дают Им дали Им дадут
Ему помогают Ему помогли Ему помогут
Ему советуют Ему посоветовали Ему посоветую
Его забывают Его забыли Его забудут
Его вспоминают Его вспомнили Его вспомнят
Нас приглашают Нас пригласили Нас пригласят
Нас поправляют Нас поправили Нас поправят
Его зовут Его позвали Его позовут


Упражнение 21


Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в present, past или future indefinite passive.


1. Bread (to eat) every day. 2. The letter (to re­ceive) yesterday. 3. Nick (to send) to Moscow next week. 4. I (to ask) at the lesson yesterday. 5. I (to give) a very interesting book at the library last Friday. 6. Many houses (to build) in our town every year. 7. This work (to do) tomorrow. 8. This text (to trans­late)


at the last lesson 9. These trees (to plant) last autumn. 10. St. Petersburg (to found) in 1703. 11. This bone (to give) to my dog to-morrow. 12. We (to invite) to a concert last Saturday. 13. My question (to answer) yesterday. 14. Hockey (to play) in winter. 15. Mushrooms (to gather) in autumn. 16. Many houses (to burn) during the Great Fire of London. l7. His new book (to finish) next year. 18. Flowers (to sell) in shops and in the streets.


Упражнение 22

Раскройте скобки, выбирая требу­ющуюся форму глагола.


1. The porter will (bring, be brought) your luggage to your room. 2. Your lug-gage will (bring, be brought) up in the lift. 3. You may (leave, be left) your hat and coat in the cloak-room downstairs. 4. They can (leave, be left) the key with the clerk downstairs. 5. From the station they will (take, be taken) straight to the hotel. 6. Tomorrow he will (take, be taken) them to the Rus­sian Museum.

7. At the station they will (meet, be met) by a man from the travel bureau.

8. She will (meet, be met) them in the hall upstairs.


The doctor was sent – Доктора послали

The doctor was sent for – За доктором послали

Упражнение 23


Передайте следующие предложения в passive voice, обращая внимание на место предлога­.

E.g. We often speak about her. – She is often spoken about.


1. We thought about our friend all the time. 2. The doctor will operate on him in a week. 3. They sent for Jim and told him to prepare a report on that sub-ject. 4. They looked for the newspaper everywhere. 5. Nobody slept in the bed. 6. The neighbour asked for the telegram. 7. Everybody listened to the lecturer with great attention. 8. They always laughed at his jokes. 9. The group spoke to the tutor yesterday. 10. The young mothers looked after their babies with great care. 11. Nobody lived in that old house.


Упражнение 24

Передайте следующие предложения в passive voice.


1. A marble pavilion protects the house. 2. The boys will paint the roof of the house. 3. The gardener white­washed the fence. 4. Her daughters gave her three beautiful­ dishes as a birthday present. 5. The doctor ordered me a month’s rest from studying. 6. Lydia will show you a new album with photographs. 7. A passer-by showed her the way. 8. They will send us a box of fruit. 9. A stranger followed them. 10. In summer the horse-breeder drives the horses to the fields. 11. Ivan Susanin led the Poles into the thickest part of the forest. 12. The waves carried the boat away. 13. They water the flowers regularly. 14. The explorers gave the newspaper reporters a long interview. 15. You promised me these books long


ago. 16. Bessie’s father gave her a complete set of Walter Scott’s works.


Это нужно сделать – It must be done Это можно сделать – It can be done

Упражнение 25

Передайте следующие предложения в passive voice.


1. You must do three of these exercises by Monday. 2. You can find the book you need in any library. 3. We must send these letters at once. 4. You must take the box to the station. 5. You can cross the river on a raft. 6. The workers can finish the building of the house very soon. 7. You must return the books the day after tomorrow­. 8. I can easily forgive this mistake. 9. You can find such berries everywhere. 10. You must do this work very carefully. 11. The doctor says they must take her to hospital. 12. You can do the work in three days. 13. The students must return all the library books before each summer vacation.


Упражнение 26

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в active или passive voice.


1. Peter the Great (to found) Saint-Petersburg in 1703. 2. The telegram (to receive) tomorrow. 3. He (to give) me this book next week. 4. The answer to this question can (to find) in the encyclopedia. 5. We (to show) the histori-cal monuments of the capital to the delegation. 6. You can (to find) interesting information about the life in the USA in this book. 7. Budapest (to divide) by the Danube­ into two parts: Buda and Pest. 8. Nobody (to see) him yesterday.


Упражнение 27

Передайте следующие предложения в passive voice.


1. They are repairing the clock now. 2 They sell milk in this shop. 3. We have translated the whole text. 4. I shall do the work in the evening. 5. He wrote this book in the 19th century. 6. They were playing tennis from four till five. 7. He stole a lot of money from the shop. 8. By six o’clock they had finished the work. 9. At twelve o’clock the workers were loading the trucks. 10. By three o’clock the workers had loaded the trucks. 11. They will show this film on TV. 12. They are building a new concert-hall in our street. 13. They have made a number of important experiments in this laboratory. 14. Livingstone explored Central Africa in the 19th century. 15. By the middle of autumn we had planted all the trees. 16. We must finish the work by tomorrow. 17. They asked for our address. 18. The doctor gave his patient some good advice. 19. The people looked at the exhibits with interest. 20. They examined the paper attentively.


Упражнение 28

Передайте следующие предложения в active voice. Введите подходящие подлежащие.


1. He was fined for crossing the street in the wrong place. 2. This man has


been much spoken of. 3. I am often told about it. 4. Invitations have been sent to all the veterans. 5. The boy has been saved from drowning by the quickness of the driver. 6. The child is taken care of. 7. When was it done? 8. What museums were visited last year? 9. Have your compositions been handed in? 10. What has been said is true. 11. After the facts had been thoroughly explained to her, she no longer felt worried. 12. This mountain has never been climbed before. 13. The Greeks were attacked by the Persians from the sea. 14. This book must be read by every student. 15. Spartan children were taught by their parents to endure all hardships. 16. They were being taught drawing at that lesson. 17. This name was seldom mentioned in his novels. 18. This man has been much spoken of.



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