The kitchen staff begin their work at 7 o'clock. We, student cooks had to come to the restaurant at 10 o'clock. Each of us was told to go to one of the shops. There we got a programme for the working day. Usually we prepared sandwiches, fruit salads and canapés for breakfast. We cut bread, ham, sausage and vegetables to put on canapés. We also decorated them with herbs and little figures made of carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc. Breakfast was served from 8 till 12. At II o'clock we began to help the cooks by preparing dishes for lunch. Student cooks were usually trusted to cut vegetables and make sauces for desserts: strudels, ice cream, tarts and puddings.
All day we had to carry out cooks' instructions. The kitchen staff are very experienced there. The chef is a very skilled cook too. He has worked many years as a cook in this and other restaurants. The main part of his job is to plan the menu for the day and manage the staff in the kitchen.
At the end of the practice time we had to take an examination. We had to prepare three courses: soup, a main course and dessert. 1 made Moscow borsch as soup, beef with sour cream and mushrooms as a main course and chocolate soufflé as dessert. Most of all I like to cook desserts. I made these in the shape of stars. Then I put three stars of different sizes and colors on the plate and added some kiwi sauce near them on the plate. It was very nice and tasty.
Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русским словам и выражениям.
выполнять инструкции, опытный, руководить, сделать правильный выбор, в форме звездочек, украшать зеленью, горячее (главное) блюдо, добавлять.
7. Письменно ответьте на вопросы.
1. What is your future profession?
2. Do you think you made the right choice of profession?
3. Where would you like to work after graduating from college?
4. Do you like your future profession? Why?
Переведите диалог на русский язык.
How to Lose Weight
Jane: Where are you going?
Lucy: I'm going to the Weight Losers club now.
Jane: What are you doing there?
Lucy: I'm trying to lose weight.
Jane: But you are not fat!
Lucy: I have already lost two kilos and I'm very pleased with myself.
Jane: How did you do it?
Lucy: I try to eat the right food.
Jane: What does it mean?
Lucy: I stopped eating cakes, pies and ice cream.
Jane: What are you allowed to eat?
Lucy: A lot of vegetables and fruit, a little boiled meat or fish, no fried potatoes, no chocolate and very little salt.
Подготовьте хорошее чтение диалога.
Заполните резюме на английском языке.
Surname (in BLOCK CAPITALS)_________________
First name ____________________________________
Address ______________________________________
Telephone number ______________________________
Age___________ Sex (tick as appropriate) M F
Date of birth ________
Nationality ____________Marital status (married/single)
Occupation (job) ________________________________
Interests (hobby) ________________________________
Signature ___________________ Date
Вариант 3
Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркните инфинитив.
1. Mother told him not to go out that day. 2. He went to London to learn English.
3. Our task is to fulfill our work in time.
Переведите предложения на русский язык, подчеркните герундий.
1. It started raining. 2. The soup was very hot and I was afraid of burning my tongue. 3. Не began translating the text yesterday.
Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод
Сложного дополнения.
1. I expect him to come in time. 2. He wants you to help us. 3. We heard him playing the piano in the living room.
Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод
Сложноподчиненного предложения, подчеркните главное предложение.
1. My friend works in a cafe that is next to my house. 2. She says that her mother cooks very well. 3. If I don’t feel well tomorrow, I will stay at home.
Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст на русский язык.
Working His Way Up
Nick Minelli has been a bus boy at Blake's Steak House for six months. Working as a bus boy was a good beginning for Nick. By doing his job well, he knew he could get a promotion. He has done his job well and has shown that he is dependable and trustworthy.
Recently Nick's supervisor suggested that he started training as a waiter. That was great news because Nick suddenly felt closer to his real goal — becoming head chef. Through a combination of hard work, patience and determination Nick, planned to work his way up the Ladder of success.
Waiting of tables gave Nick the opportunity to make more money. He made his best tips on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Making salads and baking bread will be Nick's responsibilities if he gets promoted to assistant chef.
Becoming head chef would be like a dream come true for Nick. He believes that hard work and determination will pay off.