Письмо было и до сих пор остается важным элементом ведения бизнеса в мире. Без переписки вести деловые отношения почти невозможно. Деловое письмо является визитной карточкой компании; по нему часто создается первое впечатление о компании. Постоянное развитие коммуникационных технологий привело к тому, что во многих случаях деловые письма заменяются факсовыми сообщениями и электронной почтой; внутри организаций используются служебные записки, или e-mail для скорости. Однако, какой бы способ ни был выбран для передачи сообщения, необходимо обеспечить высокий уровень оформления письма, соответствующий стандартам, принятым в мире. Прежде чем писать письмо, следует определить его цель и способы ее достижения. В деловом письме не должно быть личных отклонений. Не пишите общие фразы, каждая фраза должна работать на достижение поставленной цели, поэтому она должна быть короткой и легко читаться. Новую мысль, которую вы хотите выделить, начинайте с нового абзаца, располагая абзацы в логическом порядке. Деловые письма пишутся по установленной форме на фирменных бланках и состоит из следующих частей:
1. заголовок письма;
2. ссылка;
3. дата письма;
4. внутренний адрес (имя, должность, компания, полный адрес, почтовый индекс);
5. приветствие;
6. заглавие (в котором излагается основная идея письма);
7. основная часть письма (интервал шириной в одну строку между абзацами);
8. заключительная формула вежливости;
9. имя отправителя, должность отправителя;
10. указание на приложения (если имеется).
Заголовок письма содержит наименование и адрес организации или фирмы, отправляющей письмо, номера телефонов. Под названием организации часто указывается род ее деятельности. В заголовках писем английских акционерных компаний иногда проставляются фамилии директоров компании.
Ссылка содержит инициалы составителя письма (прописными буквами) и того, кто печатал письмо (прописными или строчными буквами). Могут быть включены ссылки на номер дела или сокращенное обозначение дела. Дата отправления письма обычно пишется в правом углу под заголовком. Дата обозначается одним из следующих способов:
1. 15 th September, 2006
2. 15 September, 2006
3. September 15 th, 2006
4. September 15, 2006
В Англии наиболее распространен первый способ обозначения даты (число, месяц). В США чаще всего применяется четвертый способ (месяц, число). Перед числительными, обозначающими год, обычно ставится запятая. Точка в конце даты не обязательна. Названия месяцев, кроме March, May, June, July часто сокращаются: January – Jan. September – Sept. February – Feb. October - Oct. April – Apr. November – Nov. August – Aug. December – Dec.
Внутренний адрес. Наименование и адрес организации или фамилия и адрес лица, которому направляется письмо, проставляется на левой стороне бланка письма у линии поля немного ниже строки с датой. Название организации или фамилия лица обычно пишутся на отдельной строке. При адресации писем какой-либо фирме или другой организации следует приводить название организации полностью в таком же виде, в каком оно дано в заголовках писем, исходящих от этой организации, не допуская каких-либо сокращений или изменений.
Когда письмо адресуется отдельному лицу – мужчине, то перед его фамилией ставится слово Mr., если женщине, - Mrs., если незамужней женщине – Miss. Mr. Harold Brown - господину Гарольду Брауну, Mr. A. White - господину А. Уайту, Mrs. D. Brown - госпоже Д. Браун, Miss Mary White - госпоже Мэри Уайт. После наименования организации или фамилии адресата на отдельной строке пишется номер дома и название улицы, затем на отдельной строке – название города. Номер дома всегда стоит перед названием улицы. Название города сопровождается обозначением почтового района. Графство (в Англии) или штат (в США) пишутся после названия города, затем название страны. Запятая ставится после названия организации, улицы, почтового района. Между номером дома и названием улицы запятая необязательна. Все строчки внутреннего адреса печатаются без отступов, т. е. начинаются с линии поля.
Mr. Smith,
25 Leadenhall Street,
The Modern Machine Tool Corporation,
300 Lincoln Place, London, E. C., Chicago, Illinois,
Приветствие. В письме используется персональное приветствие:
Dear Mr. Leigton,
Dear Douglas
Если Вы отправляете письмо на имя организации, следует использовать более формальный вариант приветствия:
Dear Sirs (Уважаемые господа)
Заглавие кратко отражает содержание письма. Оно обычно располагается через интервал после приветствия. Как правило, используются прописные буквы:
Dear Mr. Jackson
Заключительная формула вежливости. Заканчивать письмо принято с использованием заключительной формулы вежливости. Существуют следующие формулировки:
Yours faithfully (используется только с обращениями Dear Sir/Sirs/Sir or Madam).
Yours sincerely (Dear Mr. Leigton/Mrs. Jackson/John).
В США распространена также формула Yours truly. После вступительного обращения ставится запятая (в Англии) или двоеточие (в США), а после заключительной формулы – запятая.
Имя и должность отправителя. После заключительной формулы вежливости пропустите 4 или 5 строк, обозначая этим завершение текста письма. Затем можно указать имя отправителя. Должность отправителя указывается прямо под именем.
Приложения. В нижнем левом углу письма, пропустив одну строку после указания должности отправителя, напечатайте Enc.
Yours sincerely
Sheila Robinson (Mrs)
Marketing Manager
Варианты заданий контрольной работы № 2
Вариант 1
I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:
1. Television ____ great opportunities for education.
a) providing b) was provided c) provides d) has being provided
2. Scientific and technological ___ have changed life on our planet.
a) structures b) experiments c) resources d) developments
3. Radio telescope ___ with a control system.
a) is supplied b) supplied c) supplying d) has supplied
4. ___ they finished the translation?
a) did b) were c) have d) does
5. She ___ a doctor in two years.
a) become b) will become c) became d) becoming
6. He ___ tomorrow at 7 o’clock.
a) was slept b) slept c) will be sleeping d) sleeping
7. I’m afraid the manager not ___ yet.
a) have not come b) came c) has not come d) coming
8. If you ___ this article you would have got the necessary information.
a) had translated b) translated c) translate d) was translated
9. I shall tell him everything when he ___ up.
a) rings b) will ring c) rang d) ring
10. I get __ the bus every morning at the corner of 32nd Street and get __ at 27th Street.
a) on, off b) in, on c) off, on d) up, down
II. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия (Participle I и Participle II).
1. We visited a large plant producing new tractors for the country.
2. The answer received from the firm greatly surprised us.
3. Having been sent to the wrong address the letter didn’t reach him.
4. Having lived in Moscow for many years he knew the city very well.
5. All the questions discussed at the meeting have now been decided.
III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов с перфектным инфинитивом.
1.Jack shouldn't have laughed at John.
2. You needn't have done this. It was useless.
3. She must have forgotten to take her medicine.
4. The boy may have left his home earlier.
5. Can she have done it?
IV. Задайте письменно 4 типа вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный) к предложению. Переведите вопросы на русский язык.
Electricity flows through transmission lines to houses, industrial plants, etc.
V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.
Scientists Have Created Artificial Sheet
Scientists from the Massachusetts technological university have created the artificial sheet which develops the electric power under the influence of a sunlight. This discovering can play an important role in search of alternative energy sources as one such sheet can provide with an electricity a small apartment house. The artificial sheet is a source of the cheap electric power for household consumption in developing countries, actually, in each house there will be the mini power station.
The device is made of silicon, electronic components and catalysts of chemical reactions. If it is placed in five-liter capacity with water on the bright sunlight, the developed electric power will be sufficient to provide the small house. The producing of electricity occurs due to the water decomposition (oxygen and hydrogen).
All materials and components of the device are cheap. During the tests it working continuously within 45 hours without decreasing in producing of current. The most important thing is to work out the new inexpensive catalysts on the basis of nickel and cobalt which very effectively decompose water to oxygen and hydrogen.
It is not the first successful attempt in creating the device which simulates natural photosynthesis. Ten years ago the working prototype has been created by John Turner in National laboratory of renewed energy sources in Colorado. The device was effective enough, however, consisted of rare and expensive components, and also was very unstable and worked only about one day.
VI. Прочитайте рассказ. Передайте в письменной форме его содержание на английском языке, используя косвенную речь. Запишите перевод своего изложения. Используйте глаголы: to explain (объяснять), to suggest (предлагать), to remark (отмечать), to notice (заметить), it turned out (оказалось), to mention (упоминать).
Albert Einstein liked the films with Charlie Chaplin. Once he wrote a letter to Chaplin:
“Everybody in the world understands your film “Golden Fever.” You will became a great man by all means.”
Chaplin’s answer was:
“I like you even more. Nobody in the world understands your “Theory of Relativity” but you have already become a great man.”
VII. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык деловое письмо.
Ultrasonic Ltd.
Warwick House, Warwick St., London SW2 2JF
Telephone (081) 566 1 861 Fax (081) 566 1 385
11 May 2014
Ms. B. Kaassen
51 Bredgate
Dear Ms. B. Kaassen,
Thank you very much for your enquiry1 which we received today.
I am enclosing our catalogue and price-list for the equipment you said you were interested in. I would like to draw your attention to pages 31-35 in the catalogue where you will find full details2 of the Omega equipment.
We would welcome any further enquiries you have and look forward to hearing from you.
Your sincerely,
Kay Reynolds (Ms)
Sales Manager
1. enquiry – запрос
2. details – подробности
VIII. Напишите на английском языке письмо-заказ. Закажите 3 пары изоляционных перчаток, защитные очки (protective glasses), токоизмерительные клещи (insulating and clip-on instruments), 10 зажимов кабеля (cable slip). Запишите перевод письма.
Вариант 2
I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:
1. Scientists from the Massachusetts technological university have created the artificial sheet which develops the electric ___ under the influence of a sunlight.
a) circuit b) dynamo c) research d) power
2. This discovery can play an important role in search of alternative ___ sources as one such sheet can provide with an electricity a small apartment house.
a) influence b) energy c) work d) solar
3. Has he ___ the institute?
a) entered b) enter c) enters d) entering
4. Mike doesn’t ___ at this faculty.
a) studies b) study c) studied d) studying
5. He ___ a letter when I came in.
a) wrote b) writing c) was writing d) was written
6. I think she ___ this examination next year.
a) would pass b) will pass c) has passed d) is passing
7. If you ___ this method the results would be correct.
a) use b) used c) had used d) using
8. If you ___ this article you would have got the necessary information.
a) had translated b) translated c) translate d) was translated
9. What sights ___ when you were in Egypt?
a) are seen b) you did see c) did you see d) you saw
10. I’ll have to get ___ very early tomorrow.
a) on b) up c) from d) through
II. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия (Participle I и Participle II).
1. Having lost the key he could not enter the house.
2. That old man sitting at table is my grandfather.
3. The houses being built in this area are of new design.
4. While studying this book I found some interesting facts.
5. Having finished their meal they went for a walk.
III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов с перфектным инфинитивом.
1. He must have sold his new car.
2. He may have sold his new car.
3. He can’t have sold his new car.
4. He shouldn’t have sold his new car.
5. He needn’t have sold his new car.
IV. Задайте письменно 4 типа вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный) к предложению. Переведите вопросы на русский язык.
Only about 40 per cent of heat in the fuel is converted into electricity.
V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.
Non-Traditional Renewable Sources of Energy
It is known that much is being done in the world today for the development of non-traditional renewable sources of energy. Without them the Earth cannot support its present population of 5 billion people. Now we are using traditional power sources, that is, oil, natural gas, coal and water power with the consumption of more than 50 billion barrels per year. It is evident that these sources are not unlimited. That is why it is so important to use such renewable sources of energy as the sun, wind, geothermal energy and others.
One of the most promising research is the development of power stations with direct transmission of solar energy into electricity on the basis of photo effect. It was Russia that was the first in the world to develop and test a photoelectric battery of 32,000 volts and effective area of only 0.5 sq.m., which made it possible to concentrate solar radiation.
However, the efficiency of a solar power station is reduced because of the limited time of its work during the year. But it is possible to improve the efficiency of solar power stations by developing different combinations solar power stations with traditional ones – thermal, atomic and hydraulic. Today some engineers are working at the problem of developing electric power stations with the use of a thermal-chemical cycle.
It is important that the advances in developing new sources of energy help to solve energy problems and they do not have negative effects on the environment.
VI. Прочитайте рассказ. Передайте в письменной форме его содержание на английском языке, используя косвенную речь. Запишите перевод своего изложения. Используйте глаголы: to explain (объяснять), to suggest (предлагать), to remark (отмечать), to notice (заметить), it turned out (оказалось), to mention (упоминать).
The teacher was trying to explain the fundamentals of Science to her class:
“Sir Isaak Newton was sitting under a tree looking up into it when an apple fell on his head, and from that he could discover the law of gravity. Wasn’t that wonderful?”
“Yes, it certainly was,” the pupil said, “and if he had been at school at his books he wouldn’t have discovered anything.”
VII. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык деловое письмо.
B. Cottwold & Co. Ltd.
Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3 EL
Telephone: 021 236 6571 Fax: 021 236 8592
6 February 2014
Satex S.P.A.
Via di Pietra Papa
00146 Rome
Dear Sirs,
We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that were displayed on your stand at the “Menswear Exhibition” that was held in Hamburg last month.
We are a large chain of retailers1 and are looking for a manufacturer who could supply us with a wide range2 of sweaters for the teenage market. As we usually place very large orders3, we would expect a 10 % discount4.
If this condition interest you and you can meet orders of over 500 garments5 at one time, please send us your catalogue and price-list.
We hope to hear from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Chief Buyer
1. retailer – продавец в розницу
2. range – ассортимент
3. to place an order – разместить заказ
4.discount – скидка
5. garments – одежда, образцы одежды
VIII. Напишите на английском языке письмо-заказ. Закажите 2 противогаза, 10 ламп для освещения (electric light bulb), изоляционную ленту черного и синего цвета 3 штуки (insulating tape), вольтметр. Запишите перевод письма.
Вариант 3
I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:
1. The __ is made of silicon and electronic components.
a) papers b) device c) force d) regulations
2. It is known that much is being done in the world today for the ___ of non-traditional renewable sources of energy.
a) working b) decreasing c) development d) circulating
3. Tesla's patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current (AC) ___ power systems.
a) electric b) solar c) heating d) geothermal
4. ____ they finished the work?
a) do b) will c) have d) were
5. ____ you read books on your specialty?
a) do b) are c) does d) were
6. She ___ with him last week.
a) has spoken b) speaks c) spoke d) have spoken
7. He ____ to school six days a week.
a) go b) was going c) goes d) is going
8. If I stayed at home I ___ the book.
a) will read b) would read c) would have read d) had read
9. If he ___ here tomorrow I shall bring him a magazine.
a) comes b) come c) came d) is coming
10. I was about to step out in front of the oncoming truck when somebody yelled me to look ___.
a) out b) after c) for d) at
II. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия (Participle I и Participle II).
1. When unloading the ship we found a few broken cases.
2. The figures mentioned in his report were published in a scientific journal.
3. Having obtained the necessary results they stopped their experiments.
4. When reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful than before.
5. Packing our things quickly, we hurried to the station.
III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов с перфектным инфинитивом.
1. She may have already written the letter to her parents.
2. She must have already written the letter to her parents.
3. She can’t have already written the letter.
4. She should have already written the letter.
5. She needn’t have written the letter to him.
IV. Задайте письменно 4 типа вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный) к предложению. Переведите вопросы на русский язык.
The energy of the sun represents practically unlimited source.
V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.
Solar Light by Night
Most people living in towns consider it a usual thing that streets are lit at night. But street lights need a power supply (источник энергии) therefore distant areas with no source of electricity remain in darkness until the sun comes up again.
With new appliances now offered by several British firms, many distant places could be lit with solar-powered street lights. It may seem strange that the lamps can use the power of the sun which shines by day when the lamps are needed at night, but they work by using energy accumulated during the day from the solar panel. The solar panel produces electricity which charges a battery. When the sun goes down the battery power is used for lighting. Each lamp has its own panel so the system can be used for one individual light or a number of them.
In the South Arabia a motorway tunnel miles from any power supply is lit day and night by solar-powered devices. The solar panels provide power during the day and charge batteries which accumulate enough power to light the tunnel at night. The generation of electricity by batteries is still expensive but the advantage of sun-powered lamps is that they can bring light to areas distant from any other power supply.
There is one more advantage of solar power: not only it is unlimited, but also its use does not pollute the environment. That is why it is very important to develop devices which make it possible to transform solar power into mechanical or electrical forms of power.
VI. Прочитайте рассказ. Передайте в письменной форме его содержание на английском языке, используя косвенную речь. Запишите перевод своего изложения. Используйте глаголы: to explain (объяснять), to suggest (предлагать), to remark (отмечать), to notice (заметить), to order (приказывать), it turned out (оказалось), to mention (упоминать).
Einstein for a Day
Albert Einstein, one of the world’s brilliant and respected scientists, is best known for formulating the theory of relativity. But it is not widely known that he had a fine sense of humor.
There is an amusing story about Einstein’s visiting universities in a car driven by a chauffeur, giving lectures on relativity. One day the chauffeur said: “Mr. Einstein, I have heard you give this lecture about 30 times. I know it by heart, and I am sure I could give it myself.”
“Well I’ll give you a chance,” said Einstein. “They won’t recognize me at school. When we get there, I’ll put on your cap and you introduce yourself as me and give a lecture.”
The chauffeur gave Einstein’s lecture without making a single mistake. On finishing, he started to leave, but one of the professors stopped him to ask a difficult question. The chauffeur thought fast. “That problem is so trivial,” he said, “to show how simple it is, I am going to ask my chauffeur to come up here and answer your question.”
VII. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык деловое письмо.
Satex S.P.A.
Via di Pietra Papa, 001 Rome, Italy
Phone: 769910 Fax (06) 681 5473
21 February
Mr. L. Cranr, Chief Buyer
B.Cottwold & Co.Ltd.
34 Newell Street
Birmingham B3 3EL
United Kingdom
Dear Mr. Crane,
We are pleased to receive your enquiry1, and to hear that you liked our range2 of sweaters.
There would be no trouble3 in supplying you from our wide selection of garments4 which we make for all age groups. We can offer you a 5 % discount.
We sent you our summer catalogue and price-list quoting prices c.i.f.5 London. We are sure you will find a ready sale for our products6 in England as have other retailers7, and we hope we can reach an agreement on the prices.
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
1. enquiry – запрос
2. range – ассортимент
3. There would be no trouble – нам не составит труда
4. garments – одежда, образцы одежды
5. quoting prices c.i.f – цены по условиям c.i.f (cost, insurance, freight)
6. you will find a ready sale for our products – вы найдете покупателей нашей готовой продукции
7. retailer – продавец в розницу
VIII. Напишите на английском языке письмо-заказ. Закажите амперметр, резиновый изоляционный коврик (insulating rubber rug), катушки, 50 метров термоустойчивого водонепроницаемого кабеля (thermoplastic moisture-proof cable). Запишите перевод письма.
Вариант 4
I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:
1. With new ___ now offered by several British firms, many distant places could be lit with solar-powered street lights.
a) creatures b) sights c) appliances d) systems
2. The solar ___ produces electricity which charges a battery.
a) panel b) disk c) system d) pressure
3. Tesla was an important contributor to the birth of commercial ___.
a) project b) electricity c) industry d) light
4. They ___ their exams by the time you return.
a) will pass b) will have passed c) would pass d) will be passed
5. She ___ us in the morning yesterday.
a) has seen b) have seen c) sees d) saw
6. This problem ___ much in the press lately.
a) have been discussed b) has been discussed c) discussed d) discuss
7. After their arrival from the expedition, they ___ the results for several months.
a) will be studying b) will study c) study d) studying
8. If I have time, I ___ to a shop.
a) will go b) would go c) went d) gone
9. When they ___ enough money they will buy a new car.
a) have b) will have c) had d) has
10. We are looking ___ your visit.
a) at b) forward to c) after d) on
II. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия (Participle I и Participle II).
1. Waiting for him I looked through some magazines.
2. Having made a report he answered the questions asked.
3. Having introduced new methods we could achieve higher productivity.
4. They showed us a list of goods sold at the auction.
5. We all looked at the flying plane.
III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов с перфектным инфинитивом.
1. We should have done it long ago.
2. She was to have met me at the station.
3. He can’t have heard that news.
4. I may have lost your address.
5. The child must have gone to the friend.
IV. Задайте письменно 4 типа вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный) к предложению. Переведите вопросы на русский язык.
In dry cargo vessels the cargo space is divided into holds.
V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.
Sources of Power
The industrial progress of mankind is based on power: power for industrial plants, machines, heating and lighting systems, transport, communication. In fact, one can hardly find a sphere where power is not required.
At present most of the power required is obtained mainly from two sources. One is from the burning of fossil fuels, i. e. coal, natural gas and oil. The second way of producing electricity is by means of generators that get their power from steam or water turbines. Electricity so produced then flows through transmission lines to houses, industrial plants, enterprises, etc.
It should be noted, however, that the generation of electricity by these conventional processes is highly uneconomic. Actually, only about 40 per cent of heat in the fuel is converted into electricity. Besides, the world resources of fossil fuels are not ever-lasting. On the other hand, the power produced by hydroelectric plants, even if increased many times, will be able to provide for only a small fraction of the power required in the near future. Therefore much effort and thought is being given to other means of generating electricity.
One is the energy of hot water. Not long ago we began utilizing hot underground water for heating and hot water supply, and in some cases, for the generation of electricity.
Another promising field for the production of electric power is the use of ocean tides. Our engineers are engaged in designing tidal power stations of various capacities. The first station utilizing this principle began operating in Russia on the Barents Sea in 1968.
VI. Прочитайте рассказ. Передайте в письменной форме его содержание на английском языке, используя косвенную речь. Запишите перевод своего изложения. Используйте глаголы: to explain (объяснять), to suggest (предлагать), to remark (отмечать), to notice (заметить), to order (приказывать), it turned out (оказалось), to mention (упоминать).
For a long time Edison’s visitors wondered (удивлялись) why the gate (калитка) to his garden was so difficult to open. Once his friend said: “The gate to your garden is so heavy. I have to use all my strength to open it. I cannot understand this. You are such a brilliant man. You can invent something better.” “The gate seems to be all right”, Edison answered with a smile. “The fact is that it is a brilliant invention.” “You are laughing at me, sir!” “No, I am not. The gate is connected to a pump. Everybody who comes in pumps twenty liters of water out of the well (колодец).”
VII. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык деловое письмо.
B. Cottwold & Co. Ltd.
Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3 EL
Telephone: 021 236 6571 Fax: 021 236 8592
9 March 2014
Satex S.P.A.
Via di Pietra Papa
00146 Rome
Dear Mr. Causio,
We are sending our order No. 432 for men’s and boy’s sweaters in assorted1 sizes, colors and designs.
We have decided to accept the 5 % discount you offered and terms of payment2, but would like these terms reviewed3 next year. If you do not have any of the listed items in stock4, please do not send substitutes in their place.
We would appreciate5 delivery within the next six months, and look forward to your acknowledgment.
Yours sincerely,
L. Crane
Chief Buyer
1. assorted – указанных
2. terms of payment – условия платежа
3. to review – пересмотреть
4. If you do not have any of the listed items in stock – если у вас нет указанных в списке товаров
5. We would appreciate – будем признательны
VIII. Напишите на английском языке письмо-заказ. Закажите 50 метров двухжильного медного кабеля (two-core cable) сечением 2 мм, 5 двойных стенных розеток (double wall socket), колодку с зажимами (strip of connections), сумку для инструментов (tool case). Запишите перевод письма.
Вариант 5
I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:
1. Scientists are learning ___ earthquakes.
a) to change b) to make c) to predict d) to operate
2. It is very important to develop devices which make it possible ___ solar power into mechanical or electrical forms of power.
a) to connect b) to transform c) to create d) to obtain
3. Maxwell’s laboratory made Cambridge world-known in the __ of experimental physics.
a) focus b) system c) field d) area
4. My mother decided ___ to work in the Far East.
a) went b) had gone c) to go d) will go
5. The students ____ a lot of new English words recently.
a) have learnt b) were learnt c) had learnt d) are learnt
6. We ___ inform you.
a) are b) shall c) did d) have
7. You ____chess, aren’t you?
a) were playing b) will be playing c) are playing d) be playing
8. If the weather were fine, the ship ___.
a) gets under way b) will get under way
c) would get under way d) would have got under way
9. As soon he ___ we will get down to business.
a) will come b) comes c) come d) came
10. She sat at the window looking ___ a newspaper.
a) on b) forward c) through d) after
II. Перепишите предложения и переведите их на русский язык, обращая внимание на причастия (Participle I и Participle II).
1. Having collected all the material he was able to write a good report.
2. Having plenty of time we decided to walk to the station.
3. The man sitting at the window came from Moscow.
4. My sister, having lost the key, couldn’t enter the house.
5. The large building being built in this street is a new college.
III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов с перфектным инфинитивом.
1. They may have forgotten about our meeting.
2. They must have forgotten about our meeting.
3. They can’t have forgotten about our meeting.
4. They shouldn’t have forgotten about our meeting.
5. Can they have forgotten about our meeting?
IV. Задайте письменно 4 типа вопросов (общий, альтернативный, специальный, разделительный) к предложению. Переведите вопросы на русский язык.
Tanks are used for fresh water and water ballast.
V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.
Sources of Power
At present most of the power required is obtained mainly from two sources. One is from the burning of fossil fuels, i. e. coal, natural gas and oil. The second way of producing electricity is by means of generators that get their power from steam or water turbines. Electricity so produced then flows through transmission lines to houses, industrial plants, enterprises, etc.
One of the promising field for the production of electric power is the use of ocean tides. Our engineers are engaged in designing tidal power stations of various capacities. The first station utilizing this principle began operating in Russia on the Barents Sea in 1968.
The energy of the sun which is being used in various ways represents a practically unlimited source.
Using atomic fuel for the production of electricity is highly promising. It is a well-known fact, that one pound of uranium contains as much energy as three million pounds of coal, so cheap power can be provided wherever it is required. However, the efficiency reached in generating power from atomic fuel is not high, namely 40 per cent.
No wonder, therefore, that scientists all over the world are doing their best to find more efficient ways of generating electricity directly from the fuel. They already succeeded in developing some processes which are much more efficient, as high as 80 per cent, and in creating a number of devices capable of giving a higher efficiency. Scientists are hard at work trying to solve these and many other problems.
VI. Прочитайте рассказ. Передайте в письменной форме его содержание на английском языке, используя косвенную речь. Запишите перевод своего изложения. Используйте глаголы: to explain (объяснять), to suggest (предлагать), to remark (отмечать), to notice (заметить), to order (приказывать), it turned out (оказалось), to mention (упоминать).
An absent-minded (рассеянный) professor was once traveling by electric train, and when the conductor came the professor couldn’t find his ticket.
“It’s all right, sir,” said the conductor who knew the professor very well, “I’ll come at the next station.”
But at the next station there was the same difficulty, the professor couldn’t find his ticket anywhere.
“It’s all right, sir, it doesn’t matter, (не имеет значения)” said the conductor. “No, no I must find the ticket. I must know where I’m going to!”
VII. Перепишите и переведите на русский язык деловое письмо.
B. Cottwold & Co. Ltd.
Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3 EL
Telephone: 021 236 6571 Fax: 021 236 8592
15 August 2014
Satex S.P.A.
Via di Pietra Papa
00146 Rome
Dear Mr. Causio,
I am writing to you to complain1 about the shipment of sweaters we received yesterday. The boxes in which the sweaters were packed were damaged, and looked as if they had been broken open in transit.
As the sale was on c.i.f. basis2 and the forwarding company your agents3, we suggest you contact them with regard to compensation. You will find a list of the damaged articles4 attached, and the consignment will be put aside5 until we receive your instructions.
Yours sincerely,
L. Crane
Chief Buyer
1. to complain – высказывать претензию
2. As the sale was on c.i.f. basis – поскольку продажа товара проводилась на основе c.i.f.
3. the forwarding company your agents – в качестве экспедиторов выступали ваши агенты
4. articles – товары
5. the consignment will be put aside – партия товаров будет отложена
VIII. Напишите на английском языке письмо-заказ. Закажите 100 метров трехжильного кабеля (three-core cable), электропаяльник (electric soldering iron), пассатижи (combination pliers), токозащитный шлем (shock-resisting safety helmet). Запишите перевод письма.