Контрольная работа № 3 выполняется на III курсе. Для того чтобы правильно выполнить данную контрольную работу, необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса:
1. Видовременные формы глагола в активном и пассивном залогах.
2. Инфинитивные обороты Complex Object, Complex Subject.
3. Употребление конструкций used to, would rather do.
4. Судовая терминология.
Конструкция used to + Infinitive
Конструкция used to + Infinitive используется для того, чтобы передать прошлые привычки, состояния, или факты и что сейчас уже не происходит.
She used to read a lot when she was younger. | Она много читала, когда была моложе. |
В таких предложениях used to можно заменить на Past Simple.
When I was a child I used to believe (believed) in fairy-tales. | Когда я был ребенком, я верил в сказки. |
Если действие произошло в определенное время (это указано контекстом или понятно по смыслу), используется Past Simple. Употребление used to в таком случае будет неверным.
They walked to work yesterday | Они шли на работу пешком. |
I went waterskiing last weekend. | Я катался на водных лыжах в прошлые выходные. |
Утвердительная форма: I used to like coffee but I don’t like it now.
Отрицательная форма: I didn’t use to swim very well.
Конструкция would rather
He would rather + infinitive – Он предпочёл бы + инфинитив
I would rather (not) переводится «я бы предпочел (не)», «я, пожалуй, (не)».
После would rather употребляется инфинитив смыслового глагола без частицы to. Форма would употребляется во всех лицах и числах. В разговорной речи может использоваться сокращенная форма глагола. Например, He would rather watch TV. / He’d rather watch TV.
I would rather start my own business than work for somebody else. | Я бы предпочел начать свое собственное дело, чем работать на кого-то. |
We'd rather leave in the afternoon. | Нам лучше выехать после обеда. |
Would you rather watch a talk show or a movie? | Вы предпочитаете посмотреть ток-шоу или кино? |
I would rather see a movie than a talk show. | Я предпочитаю посмотреть кино, чем ток-шоу. |
Перфектный инфинитив употребляется, когда речь идет о прошлом.
I would rather have gone to Italy last winter. | Я лучше бы поехал в Италию прошлой зимой. |
Варианты заданий контрольной работы № 3
Вариант 1
I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:
1. The mess-room is __ the second deck.
a) over b) on c) to d) in
2. The tanker was __ good condition.
a) to b) by c) in d) for
3. ___ the fire extinguishers nearest your cabin?
a) To locate b) Have located c) Have you located d) The location has
4. What kind of assistance ___?
a) you do require b) do you require c) require d) you require
5. What signals are used in ___?
a) an emergency b) a speech c) a traveling d) a coming
6. ____ Everything is under control.
a) Not panic! b) Don’t panic! c) Do panic! d) Haven’t panic!
7. I am ready ___ your message.
a) to receive b) to correct c) to split d) to obtain
II. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные конструкции.
1. I know him to be a experience Master.
2. She believed him to have left for London.
3. He is said to repair the damaged equipment.
4. She was permitted to use their computer.
III. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление конструкций английского языка used to, would rather:
1. I would rather have coffee, please.
2. My wife would rather see a talk show than a movie.
3. When I was younger, I didn’t use to eat meat but now I eat a lot.
4. When I lived in the city, I often used to go to the theater.
5. They used to go to a very traditional school where they wore a uniform.
IV. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.
The capacity of a capacitor is measured in farads. A capacitor has a capacity of one farad when a charge of one coulomb increases the potential between its plates by one volt.
The capacity depends on four things: first, the higher the voltage used to charge the capacitor the more energy it will store; second, the larger the size of plates and the greater their number the more energy will be stored; third, the closer are the positive and negative plates the greater is the charge; fourth, some insulators store greater charge than others.
V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.
Marine Pollution Prevention
The pollution of the sea has reached a very dangerous level and presents a serious threat to sea life and to the whole mankind. Marine pollution has become a global problem. That’s why in 1973 the International Conference adopted the Convention for Preventing of Pollution at Sea by Oil. According to it ships should be equipped with technical facilities that prevent the possibility of discharging waters containing oil products into the sea. If the ship notices an oil slick the captain should immediately inform the authorities about it. The inspectors have to make up a violation report (акт нарушений).
In this case it is very important for the ship to prove that they haven’t discharged any oil products overboard. They must shoe that the bilge water passes through a separator, that it is registered in the Oil Record Book (журнал нефтяных операций). They must also prove that they have not violated the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of Sea by Oil.
On board every ship there must be a sewage treatment plant (установка для обработки сточных вод). It operates continuously during the ship’s stay in a port and in areas closed to discharge of sewage. The ship must be equipped with a system to comminute (измельчать) and disinfect the sewage. All the sewage is collected in the sewage tank. It is allowed to discharge overboard waters from sewage system at full speed when the ship is more than 300 miles off the coast.
The crewmen should also be informed of the Regulation according to which the disposal (выброс) of all kind of plastics into the sea is prohibited. Food wastes should be stored in a special receptacles (приемники) and in the port dry rubbish and garbage should be taken away by ash-boats.
Вариант 2
I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:
1. Take your emergency equipment with you according __ the muster list.
a) to b) with c) at d) among
2. Use light signals __ communications.
a) into b) from c) for d) to
3. ___ your position?
a) Could have b) Who could c)What is d) When are
4. ___ the VHF signal strong?
a) Are b) Is c) Does d) What
5. What part of your vessel is ___?
a) ahead b) leakage c) store d) aground
6. Some fires ___ because of the electrical faults.
a) occurs b) occur c) occurring d) does occur
7. What ___ is required?
a) damage b) arrangements c) assistance d) careful
II. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные конструкции.
1. The boss considers me to be a professional.
2. I’d like you to come with me.
3. We expected the delegation to arrive at 10 o’clock.
4. He is believed to be an honest person.
III. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление конструкций английского языка used to, would rather:
1. I used to eat a lot of chocolate but now I’m on a diet.
2. Paul used to work in London but now he works in Sheffield.
3. When I was younger, I didn’t use to eat cheese but now I eat a lot.
4. I’d rather go to the cinema tonight.
5. I would rather stay here.
IV. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.
Voltage Values
Voltages up to about 250 V are called low. The common electric lighting circuit operates either at about 127 or 200 V, and the voltage used on the main circuit of large houses is usually the same. One can get an electric shock, when one touches an uninsulated wire of such a circuit.
Voltages above 250 V are high voltages. They are used in industry. Medium-powered motors are usually operated at 380 V. Large motors are supplied by voltages of from about 500 up to 6,000 V.
V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.
In 1973 IMO adopted the InternationalConvention for the Preventionof Pollution from Ships, modified again in 1978. The actualregulations to prevent pollution byenvironment unfriendly substancesare given in “Annexes”. All theregulations are guided by the size ofthe ship. Bigger ships must meetmore stringent requirements.
Annex IV. This Annex regulates the Prevention of Pollution by Sewage, applicable to ships of over 200 GT. Discharge of sewage is prohibited, except when the ship has an approved treatment plant and navigates more than 4 miles from the nearest land, or, for untreated sewage, at a minimum of 12 miles from land. Ships navigating in special areas where the discharge of sewage is not allowed, are to be fitted with holding tanks for the retention of all sewage, its size depending on the ship's normal operating scheme, and there must be adequate connections for discharge into a reception facility. The content of the holding tank can be discharged overboard at least 12 miles from shore, and only at a moderate rate of speed of at least 4 knots. A special certificate is required with a validity of max. 5 years.
Annex V. This Annex regulates the Prevention of Pollution by Garbage. Garbagemeans all kinds of victuals, domesticand operational waste, includingfresh fish, liable to be disposed ofcontinuously or periodically, exceptsubstances defined under otherAnnexes.Disposal into the sea of plastics isalways prohibited. Food waste, paper, rags etc. at least 12 miles from shore. When the last is ground into small particles, max. 25 mm, 3 miles is sufficient. Garbage like carton, plastics, etc. can also be disposed of by burning in an incinerator. This is a simple stove, where the waste is put into the firespace, and where a simple gas oil burner ignites the waste, and if necessary keeps it burning. The ashes may be disposed of in the sea.
The Marpol regulations first started with minimizing oil pollution, and over the years grew more and more stringent with the aim to stop pollution completely.
Вариант 3
I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:
1. The First Aid equipment is __ the door.
a) to b) for c) from d) behind
2. Maintain radio contact ___ VHF channel 15.
a) on b) for c) from d) of
3. ___ did the accident happen?
a) That b) Which c) Who d) What time
4. ___ extra power available in emergency?
a) When b) Is there c) Could you d) Can
5. When was the last man-overboard ___?
a) drill b) vessel c) power d) leakage
6. ___ the alarms immediately!
a) Sounded b) Sound c) Sounds d) Sounding
7. I require __ pumps.
a) control b) vessel c) fire d) derrick
II. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные конструкции.
1. I don’t want him to be punished.
2. I saw you come in.
3. The ship is reported to arrive on time.
4. She is said to have been working at the University since 1995.
III. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление конструкций английского языка used to, would rather:
1. I would rather take a taxi.
2. You would rather complete your task early.
3. She used to play the piano but now she plays the guitar.
4. We used to go to the beach for our holidays when we were children.
5. He used to have a motorbike but now he drives a family car.
IV. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.
Metals Used as Conductors
The use of electricity depends upon a means of conducting it from its source to the point where it is to be used. Copper has been used as a conductor since the beginning of the industry and no proper substitute has been found. Only one metal, silver, is more efficient, but it has too high cost to be extensively used.
Aluminium, because of its lightness, is used in common practice for transmission lines where long spans are necessary. It has, compared to other metals, a conducting capacity of about 60 per cent of that of copper.
V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.
The International Maritime Organization
Within the United Nations, maritime affairs are taken care of by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The main objective, from the first conference in 1948 up to its entry into force in 1958, is improvement of safety at sea. Seafaring has always been one of the most dangerous occupations. Even today that is still true. Many countries had unilateral regulations on safety. As sea trade is of international nature, the rules and regulations had better to be set up internationally, instead of by individual countries, to make them better overall. To improve this subject, in 1948 the basis was laid for IMO.
Safety of ships and navigation was the first issue, but also from the beginning Marine Pollution, particularly from oil carried in tankers, was of great importance. The governing body is the Assembly, with Committees for the different objectives. Safety is dealt with by the MSC, the Marine Safety Committee. MEPC, the Marine Environment Protection Committee deals with pollution problems. The above has resulted in two major issues: SOLAS and MARPOL. The former deals with the Safety of Life at Sea, SOLAS, and the latter with Marine Pollution, MARPOL. Through the years many protocols and conventions have been adopted. After adoption, individual governments must ratify the protocols or conventions. Depending on the number of governments and the tonnage governed by them, a convention comes into force, after a certain time. Then its followed by the implementation, when the new regulation becomes law under the responsibility of the flagstate. This process sometimes takes years.
As mentioned above, the main Conventions are SOLAS and MARPOL. SOLAS goes back as far as 1914, but due to World War I never came into force. A number of safety conventions have been implemented since; the last one SOLAS 1974, with amendments, is now valid. MARPOL started only in 1954, dealing with oil pollution. Now MARPOL 73/78 with various amendments is valid. The above Conventions resulted in certificates which ships have to carry, after being surveyed to ensure that they meet the requirements.
Вариант 4
I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:
1. Put safety instructions __ the wall.
a) until b) in c) on d) with
2. Please repeat your position ___ identification.
a) under b) for c) on d) to
3. ___ safety equipment do you need to inspect?
a) When b) That c) Whom d) What
4. What ___?
a) mean the signal b) does the signal mean
c) the signal mean d) does mean the signal
5. What ___ are you carrying?
a) orders b) keel c) cargo d) drills
6. Ships ___ to our rescue.
a) comes b) are coming c) coming d) is coming
7. I will abandon vessel at 6 ___.
a) UTC b) VHF c) ETA d) ETD
II. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные конструкции.
1. She didn’t want him to be sent there.
2. The boatswain made the sailor paint the deck.
3. He is said to know everything about this matter.
4. They are supposed to be at sea now.
III. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление конструкций английского языка used to, would rather:
1. I’d rather talk about this later.
2. She would rather ski than snowboard.
3. I used to really enjoy his company but now I find him a bit boring.
4. When I lived in the city, I often used to go to the concert hall.
5. I’d rather drink orange juice.
IV. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.
Starting Resistors Types 50-51
The electrical block resistors are generally used in starting and regulating installations for motors of any type and power. Starting resistors have the capacity to support very high temperature variations, to which they are subjected due to their operating duty, without alteration.
Resistors consist of silicon sheet-steel or of special cast iron elements. Said elements are grouped in an assembly by means of steel rods interlocked by bolts in order to obtain rigid assemblies. These units are suitable for use in any type of machine and operate under high vibration conditions. For protection purposes, the resistor units are assembled in sheet-steel cases supplied with ventilation slits.
V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.
ISM-code (International Safety Management)
Most regulations in shipping concern technical aspects of the ship and the required training of the crew. The ISM-code is a list of regulations for the organisation of the ship, so basically it concerns the management-system.
The management-system comprises of: the organisation on board the ship, the organisation on shore, the organisation of the shipping company, the communication between shore and ship.
The importance of good management for safety in general is illustrated by the fact that 80% of all accidents in shipping are the result of human errors. The objectives of the ISM-code are:
- to satisfy all relevant national and international laws like SOLAS, MARPOL, ISM, Labour laws;
- creating a permanent awareness of safe behaviour by the personnel on board and ashore;
- ensuring a readiness to act effectively in emergencies;
- guaranteeing safety at sea;
- preventing accidents and damage to environment.
The ISM-code is a standard safety of consisting of 13 elements, each describing a business operation that is relevant to safety and environment. The elements can be considered as paragraphs of the ISM-code. They can deal with maintenance (planned maintenance) and office personnel and crew.
Every shipping company must possess a “Document of Compliance” or “DOC”. This document states that the shipping company is ready to exploit the ship in accordance with the demands of the ISM-code. One of the demands is that the shipping companies must develop, execute and maintain a safety management system (SMS). The SMC remains valid for a five year period. The SMS is inspected by means of audits which are usually performed annually.
Вариант 5
I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:
1. Smoking is coming ___ the engine room.
a) between b) on c) for d) from
2. Switch ___ the fire alarms.
a) at b) off c) from d) near
3. ____ fire extinguishers are in the galley?
a) How long b) How far c) How much d) How many
4. ___ your vessel come from?
a) How have b) When has c) Where has d) What have
5. You were with another ___ on your last contract, weren’t you?
a) arrival b) crew c) distress d) assistance
6. The fire broke out when we ____the generator.
a) start b) have started c) had starting d) started
7. For ___ I require all crew members to go to their assembly stations.
a) god’s sake b) safety reasons c) the first time d) good sailing
II. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на инфинитивные конструкции.
1. The ship is expected to arrive on time.
2. I saw you come in.
3. Sea conditions are expected to change.
4. He is said to have been working at this Shipping company since 2003.
III. Перепишите и переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на употребление конструкций английского языка used to, would rather:
1. I'd rather stay late than come in early tomorrow.
2. I'd rather solve the problem myself.
3. I would rather listen to my parents than get in trouble.
4. Nick used to play the flute but now he plays the guitar.
5. They used to go to the beach for their holidays when they were children.
IV. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.
Dynamo is a common device for converting mechanical energy into electric energy. This process depends on the fact that if an electrical conductor moves across a magnetic field, an electric current flows in the conductor.
Usually a dynamo includes an electromagnet, called the field magnet, between the poles of which a suitable conductor, usually in the form of a coil, called the armature, is rotated. The mechanical energy of the rotation, in the form of a current in the armature, is thus converted into electric energy.
V. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.
In 1973 IMO adopted the InternationalConvention for the Preventionof Pollution from Ships, modified again in 1978. The actualregulations to prevent pollution byenvironment unfriendly substancesare given in “Annexes”. All theregulations are guided by the size ofthe ship. Bigger ships must meetmore stringent requirements.
Annex I. This regulation is against pollution byoil. It concerns the oil generated bythe engine room for all ships, and for cargo residue of oil tankers. Engine rooms generate waste oils, mostly mixed with water. This mixture is collected in the engine room bilge wells, from where it is pumped to a bilge holding tank. When the ship is underway at sea, at least 50 miles from the nearest land, and not in a
restricted area, oily mixtures with an oil content of max 15 ppm are allowed to be pumped overboard. To fulfill this requirement, ships have to be provided with a bilge-water separator, combined with an oil content meter with a 15 ppm alarm.
When the oil content is found to be more than 15 ppm, the alarm sounds and the overboard valve is automatically closed. The dirty water is then pumped to the sludge tank.
Oil tankers have apart from the engine-room generated oils, another problem. When an oil cargo is discharged, there is always residue, and often the tanks must be cleaned to prepare them for a next cargo. Washing is done with rotating water jets in the tanks, generating an oily water mixture which is pumped to the so-called slop tank. There it settles into oil and water. The water can be pumped out, under control of the Oil Discharge Monitor which measures the oil content. Again max 15 ppm, underway, 50 miles from shore, not in restricted areas and not more than 30 litres of oil per nautical mile, and the oil pumped overboard maximized to 1/15000 part of the cargo (for new ships 1/30.000).
The Marpol regulations first started with minimizing oil pollution, and over the years grew more and more stringent with the aim to stop pollution completely.