Времена группы Perfect употребляются для выражения законченного действия, совершившегося к определенному моменту в настоящем или предшествующего действию по отношению к какому-то моменту в прошлом или будущем.Perfect Tenses образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have (в соответствующем времени группы Indefinite) и причастия прошедшего времени (Participle II) смыслового глагола:
to have + Participle II (V3)
She has already left for Moscow. Она уже уехала в Москву. |
She had left for Moscow before Она уехала в Москву до того, |
I arrived. как я приехал. |
She will have left for Moscow Она уедет в Москву до того, как я before I arrive. приеду. |
Времена группы Perfect переводятся на русский язык соответственно настоящим, прошедшим и будущим временем глагола совершенного вида.
Present Perfect употребляется для описания событий, которые произошли в еще неистекший период времени, или который продолжался вплоть до настоящего времени, а также при наличии наречий неопределенного времени: today, this week / year / month, already, ever, never,yet (в отрицательных предложениях со значением еще и в общих вопросах со значением уже), just, for (a long time), for two hours, up to now, since.
Present Perfect в отличие от Past Indefinite (которое выражает действие, свершившееся в истекшем отрезке времени) выражает связь прошлого действия с настоящим благодаря наличию результата сейчас. Present Perfect никогда не употребляется в вопросах, начинающихся с вопросительного слова when.
Past Perfect представляет собой «предпрошедшее» время по отношению к другому моменту в прошлом, до которого закончилось действие; в то время как Future Perfect употребляется для выражения будущего действия, которое совершится к определенному моменту в будущем.
Этот момент в прошлом и будущем может быть выражен указаниями времени: by that time, by two o'clock, by Sunday, by the end ofthe year / month.
Present (настоящее) | Past (прошедшее) | Future (будущее) |
Утвердительные I (we, you, they) have done He (she, it) has done Отрицательные I (we, you, they) haven’t done He (she, it) hasn’t done Вопросительные Have I (we, you, they) done? Has he (she, it) done? | had done hadn’t done Had he (we, you, they) done? | will have done won’t have done Will I (we, you, they, he, she, it) have done? |
Модальные глаголы
В английском языке есть группа глаголов, которые выражают не действия, а только отношение к ним со стороны говорящего. Они называются модальными глаголами. С их помощью говорящий показывает, что он считает то или иное действие возможным или невозможным, обязательным или ненужным, вероятным или неправдоподобным и т. д.
Модальные глаголы имеют следующие особенности:
1) Они не имеют неличных форм (инфинитива, причастия, герундия) и не могут образовывать сложных временных форм.
2) Инфинитив смыслового глагола после модальных глаголов употребляется без частицы to (кроме глаголов to be to, to have to, to be able to).
3) Они не имеют окончания –s в 3 лице ед. числа в Present Simple.
4) Они образуют вопросительную и отрицательную форму без вспомогательных глаголов (кроме глагола to have to).
can – мочь, уметь. Обозначает физическую возможность или умение выполнить действие, выраженное инфинитивом стоящего за ним глагола. Имеет форму прошедшего времени could:
He can play the piano. | Он умеет играть на пианино. |
He could speak English when he was 6. | Он умел говорить по-английски, когда ему было 6 лет. |
may – разрешение, позволение, а также возможность совершения какого-либо действия. Глагол may имеет форму прошедшего времени might:
You may take my book. Ты можешь взять мою книгу. |
Hemay be at home. Он, может быть, дома. |
May I smoke here? Можно мне здесь покурить? |
You may not smoke here. Здесь нельзя курить. |
must – должен, обязан; запрет в отрицаниях. Имеет только одну форму, которая употребляется в настоящем времени.
You must warn him. | Ты должен предупредить его. |
Must they work together? | Должны ли они работать вместе? |
to be able to – мочь, быть в состоянии что-либо сделать (эквивалент модального глагола can).
They will not be able to accept the invitation. | Они не смогут принять приглашение. |
to have to – должен по необходимости. Является эквивалентом модального глагола must.
I work hard as I have tokeep my family. | Я много работаю, так как должен содержать свою семью. |
to be to – должен по договоренности, расписанию, распоряжению и т.д. Является эквивалентом модального глагола must.
We are to meet at 5. | Мы должны встретиться в 5. |
The chief says I am to be in charge of the programme. | Шеф говорит, что мне отвечать за программу. |
should – следует, должен. Имеет только одну форму, которая употребляется в контекстах настоящего и будущего времени в утвердительных, вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях.
You shouldn’t miss the opportunity. | Тебе не следует упускать эту возможность. |
Should I ask him about it? | Мне (следует) спросить его об этом? |
Страдательный залог
Значение действительного и страдательного залогов в английском языке совпадает со значением соответствующих залогов в русском языке. Глагол в действительном залоге (Active Voice) показывает, что действие совершает лицо или предмет, выраженный подлежащим:
Ann often asks questions. – Аня часто задает вопросы.
Глагол в страдательном залоге (Passive Voice) означает, что действие направлено на предмет или лицо, выраженное подлежащим:
Ann is often asked questions. – Ане часто задают вопросы.
Все формы страдательного залога образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующей форме и Participle II смыслового глагола: to be (am, is, are, was, were) + done. Количество видовременных форм в страдательном залоге меньше, чем в действительном. В страдательном залоге имеются только два времени группы Continuous: Present Continuous и Past Continuous. Форма FutureContinuous,а также все времена группы Perfect Continuousв страдательном залоге отсутствуют. Лицо, производящее действие, выраженное глаголом в страдательномзалоге, передается существительным в общем падеже или личным местоимением в объектном падеже с предлогом by (предложное дополнение):
The next morning I was awakened by the telephone. – На следующее утро меня разбудил телефон.
Страдательный залог употребляется в тех случаях, когда либо неизвестно, либо в данной ситуации не имеет значения, кто совершил действие, и поэтому чаще всего это лицо не упоминается. Например: St. Petersburg was founded in 1703. (Passive) – Санкт-Петербург был основанв 1703. Но если нужно обратить внимание на то, кем совершено действие, то либо употребляется действительный залог, либо вводится предложное дополнение с предлогом by: Peter I founded St. Petersburg in 1703. (Active) Петр I основалСанкт-Петербург.
Варианты заданий контрольной работы № 1
Вариант 1
I. Заполните пропуски и письменно переведите предложения:
1. What colour is the shirt? It is so far that I can’t see ____ colour.
a) it’s b) its c) it d) her
2. Martin was the ___ of the two brothers.
a) most talented b) more talented c) talenter d) talentest
3. My days are so busy that I have ___ time for reading.
a) few b) many c) little d) a few
4. What is the name of the sea ___ England and France?
a) among b) between c) of d) over
5. One man – two ___.
a) man b) men c) mans d) mens
6. There ___ over 2,700 languages in the world now.
a) were b) was c) are d) is
7. Nowadays ___ people in Russia celebrate St. Valentine’s Day.
a) some b) any c) no d) something
II. Перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в нужном времени. При определении времени обращайте внимание на маркеры (cм. Приложение 4) Запишите перевод предложения.
1. He just (to leave) the hall when a stranger (to enter).
2. Higher education in the US (to begin) in 1636 when the first colonists (to found) Harvard College.
3. Look! Somebody (to try) to open your car.
4. He already (to go) by the time I (to come) to the party.
5. Why you (to open) the window? It is very noisy in the street.
III. Перепишите предложения, поставив нужный модальный глагол или его эквивалент: can, must, to have to, to be to, should, to be able to. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. We … to go to the theatre tonight.
2. You … ring him up till seven.
3. I … to get up early on Mondays.
4. My wife … cook well.
5. Our train … to depart at midnight.
IV. Прочитайте предложения, запишите только те из них, которые употреблены в Passive Voice. Запишите перевод выбранных предложений.
1. She was allowed to go in for sports.
2. She wondered if they had already left.
3. Visitors are received every day.
4. We were told a lot of interesting news.
5. You should avoid the centre of the town during rush hours.
V. Ответьте письменно полным предложением на следующие вопросы:
1. What is the oldest part of London?
2. When does summer begin in Australia?
3. Which country presented the Statue of Liberty to the USA?
VI. Прочитайте ипереведите текст на русский язык. Передайте содержание текста по-английски письменно, выделив основную мысль каждого абзаца. Используйте вводные слова и выражения (см. Приложение 5). Запишите перевод своего пересказа. Задайте письменно 3 вопроса по содержанию текста.
Washington, D.C.
The United States is a federal union which is made up of fifty states and one independent district - the District of Columbia. The District of Columbia is the territory of the national capital of the USA, Washington, with its own laws and regulations. Washington, D.C. is situated on both banks of the Potomac River, between the two states, Maryland and Virginia.
This place was chosen by the first American President George Washington. The plot of land of a hundred square miles was bought from private owners by the state. In 1790 George Washington laid the corner-stone of the Capitol where the Congress sits. The place was called the District of Columbia in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of America. The capital got the name of Washington after the name of its founder. Washington has been the federal capital since 1800.
Washington is sometimes called the heart of America. It is the place where the federal government works and where each President of the United States lives. Washington is smaller in size than the largest cities of the USA, such as New York, Chicago, Detroit or Los Angeles. The population of Washington is about 11 million people. The buildings in Washington are not very tall because no building must be taller than the Capitol. But in political sense Washington is the center of the country and the most important city of the United States.
1. a plot of land – участок земли
2. to lay the corner-stone – заложить краеугольный камень
3. the Capitol – Капитолий
Вариант 2
I. Заполните пропуски и письменно переведите предложения:
1. They rarely drive to ____ office. They live near it.
a) their b) them c) theirs d) they
2. Of the three shirts I like the blue one ___.
a) best b) better c) most d) good
3. There aren’t ____ jobs for young people.
a) much b) little c) a few d) many
4. One shelf – two ___.
a) shelfs b) shelf c) shelfes d) shelves
5. The manager’s office is __ the second floor.
a) on b) between c) in d) at
6. There ___ no much oil in the tank two hours ago.
a) were b) are c) was d) is
7. You will have to buy ___ for dinner.
a) anything b) something c) nothing d) somebody
II. Перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в нужном времени. При определении времени обращайте внимание на маркеры (cм. Приложение 4) Запишите перевод предложения.
1. It was the poorest room I ever (to see).
2. When I came, he (to have) breakfast.
3. We can’t dance as my father (to work) in the study. He (to prepare) a report.
4. What this man (to do) here?
5. Look, the typist (to talk) all the time, she already (to miss) several words.
III. Перепишите предложения, поставив нужный модальный глагол или его эквивалент: can, must, to have to, to be to, should, to be able to. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. You … listen to the music but not very loudly.
2. I will … to speak Spanish in few months.
3. I … to stay at home this week.
4. You … take the medicine.
5. She … not do so much work about the house.
IV. Прочитайте предложения, запишите только те из них, которые употреблены в Passive Voice. Запишите перевод выбранных предложений.
1. The Spanish government offered Columbus three ships.
2. We request the passengers leaving for London to register.
3. The morning mail was looked through by the secretary.
4. The work had been finished by evening.
5. Has he been sent for?
V. Ответьте письменно полным предложением на следующие вопросы:
1. Which city was the first national capital of the USA?
2. What parts is Scotland divided into?
3. How many official languages are there in Canada? Name them.
VI. Прочитайте ипереведите текст на русский язык. Передайте содержание текста по-английски письменно, выделив основную мысль каждого абзаца. Используйте вводные слова и выражения (см. Приложение 5). Запишите перевод своего пересказа. Задайте письменно 3 вопроса по содержанию текста.
New York
New York is one of the largest cities in the world. It was founded three hundred years ago at the mouth1 of the Hudson River. The centre of New York is Manhattan Island. In 1626 it was bought from the Indians for a handful of trinkets2 that cost four dollars. Today Manhattan is the centre of business finance. Numerous skyscrapers house3 banks and offices American business. Broadway begins here, the Stock Exchange4 is located here, too. Very few people live in Manhattan, though majority work here. Numerous bridges link Manhattan with the opposite shores.
New York is inhabited by people of almost all nationalities and races. It is called "modern Babylon"5. At the turn of the twentieth century a lot of people came to the USA from different countries of the world. They entered the USA through New York, the Gateway of America.
New York is one of the leading manufacturing cities in the world. The most important industries are those producing paper products, vehicles, glass, chemicals, machinery. New York has a heavy traffic. The sea encircles many of the city areas and the ships go over or under New York traffic routes.
1. at the mouth of – в устье (реки)
2. for a handful of trinkets – за горсть безделушек
3. to house smth – размещать что- либо
4. The Stock Exchange – Фондовая биржа
5. "Modern Babylon" – современный Вавилон
Вариант 3
I. Заполните пропуски и письменно переведите предложения:
1. ___ knowledge of French is not much more superior to __.
a) they, our b) their, ours c) them, we d) those, theirs
2. This is the ___ difficult of four cases.
a) less b) least c) little d) a little
3. My___ is in the South now.
a) friend’s family’s c) friends’ family
b) friend’s family d) friend family’s
4. Glasgow is a large city ___ Scotland.
a) in b) near to c) by d) on
5. There __not much milk in his bottle.
a) is b) are c) have d) has
6. Nobody knew ___ about America before Columbus discovered it.
a) nothing b) anything c) something d) everything
7. Mag and her sister ___ live in Rome.
a) aren’t b) doesn’t c) don’t d) hadn’t
II. Перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в нужном времени. При определении времени обращайте внимание на маркеры (cм. Приложение 4) Запишите перевод предложения.
1. When I came back to my coffee, it (to be) cold.
2. The children (to play) while the mother (to put) the room in order.
3. They still (to discuss) the film?
4. He often (to change) his political views.
5. When he (to come) up to the square, he (to see) a lot of people: they (to sing, (to dance) and (to shout).
III. Перепишите предложения, поставив нужный модальный глагол или его эквивалент: can, must, to have to, to be to, should, to be able to. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. … I take your book?
2. Nobody answer the phone. They … be out.
3. I … speak French without mistakes.
4. She … to give up her job.
5. He … to arrive next morning.
IV. Прочитайте предложения, запишите только те из них, которые употреблены в Passive Voice. Запишите перевод выбранных предложений.
1. Do you know that you are being followed?
2. He was called and told to come at 8 o’clock.
3. The police was sent for.
4. They will promise you much, but don’t imagine they will give you everything.
5. His parents regularly sent him parcels with fruit from their garden.
V. Ответьте письменно полным предложением на следующие вопросы:
1. What is between Great Britain and Ireland?
2. What is the name of the wild dog in Australia?
3. How do the Americans call the document of the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
VI. Прочитайте ипереведите текст на русский язык. Передайте содержание текста по-английски письменно, выделив основную мысль каждого абзаца. Используйте вводные слова и выражения(см. Приложение 5). Запишите перевод своего пересказа. Задайте письменно 3 вопроса по содержанию текста.
The Commonwealth of Australia
The Commonwealth1 of Australia is a self-governing federal state. It has six states: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania and two internal territories. It is situated in the south-west part of the Pacific Ocean. Australia is the largest island in the world and it is the smallest continent. The Dutch were the first Europeans to visit Australia. In 1770 the English captain James Cook discovered the east coast of Australia. Nearly twenty million people live in Australia. The capital of the country is Canberra. The city became the capital in 1927. It is interesting to know that there are no industrial plants in Canberra. The population of Canberra is about 300,000 people. There are many things to see in the city. They are the building of the Australian Academy of Sciences, the Australian National University and others.
There are two big industrial cities in Australia: Sydney and Melbourne. Australia’s climate is dry and warm. Australia is situated in the southern hemisphere2 and that’s why they have their summer, when we have our winter. It is interesting to know that January is the hottest month in Australia.
Australia differs from other countries. The animals in Australia are very original and interesting. The dingo is one of Australia’s wild animals. It is reddish, brown or yellow. The dingo is a wild3 dog, which kills other animals at night, for example sheep. They can rill hens, chickens and small dogs. Kangaroos live there. The kangaroo has got a pouch4 in which she carries her babies. There are many birds in the country. You can see parrots and cockatoos. The emu is the most interesting bird in Australia. It is big and can't fly. Australia is an industrial country. It has coal, nickel, zinc and gold. There are several factories and plants in the country. Australia is one of the most important producers of metals. It exports wool products, meat, fruit and sugar.
1. Commonwealth – государство (Содружество государств)
2. hemisphere – полушарие
3. wild – дикий
4. pouch – сумка (у животных)
Вариант 4
I. Заполните пропуски и письменно переведите предложения:
1. Why are __ sitting here? It is not __ desk, it is __.
a) your, you, mine b) you, your, mine
c) yours, yours, my d) yours, you, me
2. New districts of Moscow are ___ than the old ones.
a) most beautiful b) more beautiful c) beautiful d) beautifuler
3. Are there ___ people at the cinema today?
a) little b) many c) a little d) much
4. There is ___ place like home.
a) no b) none c) nothing d) nobody
5. The motorbike is going ___ the tunnel.
a) by b) down c) onto d) through
6. Pat’s mother ___ teach students.
a) doesn’t b) haven’t c) don’t d) isn’t
7. My mother ___ a bad headache.
a) have got b) am c) has got d) is
II. Перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в нужном времени. При определении времени обращайте внимание на маркеры (cм. Приложение 4) Запишите перевод предложения.
1. Don’t come in. He (to take) an exam.
2. We (to walk) in silence when he suddenly (to ask) me to help him.
3. What sights you (to see) when you (to be) in Egypt?
4. He (to come) in, (to take) off his hat, (to move) a chair to the table and (to join) the conversation.
5. I (not, to meet) you for ages.
III. Перепишите предложения, поставив нужный модальный глагол или его эквивалент: can, must, to have to, to be to, should, to be able to. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. The train … to arrive at 7 o’clock.
2. You … ring him up till ten.
3. We … not … to come to see you yesterday.
4. I … work hard at my English.
5. …I go out?
IV. Прочитайте предложения, запишите только те из них, которые употреблены в Passive Voice. Запишите перевод выбранных предложений.
1. Betsy is not permitted to come here.
2. He was asked to speak up.
3. He asked me if my children were still skiing.
4. The book which was written last month is being discussed a lot.
5. He pointed out that I had forgotten to turned off the light.
V. Ответьте письменно полным предложением на следующие вопросы:
1. Who was the American state Virginia named after?
2. Who is the present Prime Minister of Great Britain?
3. How many territories are there in Australia?
VI. Прочитайте ипереведите текст на русский язык. Передайте содержание текста по-английски письменно, выделив основную мысль каждого абзаца. Используйте вводные слова и выражения (см. Приложение 5). Запишите перевод своего пересказа. Задайте письменно 3 вопроса по содержанию текста.
London is the capital of the United Kingdom, its economic, political and cultural centre. It is one of the world's most important ports and one of the largest cities in the world. London with its suburbs1 has a population of about 11 million people.
London has been a capital for nearly a thousand years. Many of its ancient buildings still stand. The most famous of them are the Tower of London, where the crown jewels2 are kept, Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral. Most visitors also want to see the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace (the Queen's home with its Changing of the Guards3) and many magnificent museums.
Different areas of London seem like different cities. The West End is a rich man's world of shops, offices and theatres. The City of London is the district where most offices and banks are concentrated; the Royal Exchange4 and the Bank of England are here, too. The East End is the district where mostly working people live. The old port area is now called "Docklands". There are now new office buildings in Docklands, and thousands of new flats and houses.
By the day the whole of London is busy. At night, offices are quiet and empty, but the West End stays alive, because this is where Londoners come to enjoy themselves. There are two opera houses here, several concert halls and many theatres, as well as cinemas. In Soho the pubs, restaurants and night clubs are busy half the night.
Like all big cities, London has concrete buildings, but it also has many big parks, full of trees, flowers and grass. In the middle of Hyde Park or Kensington Gardens you will think that you are in the country, miles away.
Many people live outside the centre of London in the suburbs, and they travel to work in shops and offices by train, bus or underground ("The Tube").
1. suburb – пригород
2. the crown jewels – королевские драгоценности
3. Changing of the Guards – смена караула
4. the Royal Exchange – Лондонская фондовая биржа
Вариант 5
I. Заполните пропуски и письменно переведите предложения:
1. He is a friend of ____.
a) our b) we c) ours d) I
2. He plays tennis ___ than she.
a) bad b) worse c) the worst d) badder
3. Selfish people think mainly of ___.
a) one another b) each other c) themselves d) others
4. He hasn’t got ___ money.
a) a few b) many c) few d) much
5. They became successful ___.
a) businessman b) businessmen c) businessmans d) businessman’s
6. There ___ a policeman at the door.
a) is b) are c) have d) has
7. They were ___ business in London.
a) with b) for c) on d) in
II. Перепишите предложения, поставив глагол в нужном времени. При определении времени обращайте внимание на маркеры (cм. Приложение 4) Запишите перевод предложения.
1. We (to have) a picnic yesterday, but the rain (to spoil) the pleasure.
2. You (to go) to the South when you (to be) a child?
3. She usually (to drink) tea in the morning but now she (to drink) coffee.
4. We never (to see) him. We don’t even know how he looks like.
5. It (to snow) the whole last week.
III. Перепишите предложения, поставив нужный модальный глагол или его эквивалент: can, must, to have to, to be to, should, to be able to. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. … I come in?
2. He … to play the piano when he was a child.
3. The furniture is really beautiful, but it … be very expensive.
4. She … to work hard at her English last year.
5. The train … to leave at midnight.
IV. Прочитайте предложения, запишите только те из них, которые употреблены в Passive Voice. Запишите перевод выбранных предложений.
1. The South Pole was discovered by Amundsen in 1912.
2. What new buildings have been built in your town since I was there?
3. He informed me about the meeting not so long ago.
4. I was told the officer to slow down.
5. The boss wants you to find Mr. Black.
V. Ответьте письменно полным предложением на следующие вопросы:
1. When does the Queen give a speech about the state of the British nation?
2. Who was the first to step on the surface of the Moon?
3. Which is the largest city in Canada?
VI. Прочитайте ипереведите текст на русский язык. Передайте содержание текста по-английски письменно, выделив основную мысль каждого абзаца. Используйте вводные слова и выражения (см. Приложение 5). Запишите перевод своего пересказа. Задайте письменно 3 вопроса по содержанию текста.
New Zealand
New Zealand is an independent state. It is situated to the south-east of Australia. Nearly 3.5 million people live in the country. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. It has been the capital since 1865. The official language is English. The climate of New Zealand is moist. New Zealand is rich in minerals. There are some important industries in the country, for example, the iron and steel industry. The country has gas and oil. There are many mountains in New Zealand. The highest is Mount Cook (12,349 feet).
There are many rivers and lakes in the country. The chief rivers are the Waikato and the Wairu. You have heard of the country's native animals. One of them is the kiwi. This interesting bird lives in the wet areas of the thick bush. In the day time the bird does not go out. It comes out only at night to find food. Kiwis cannot fly. Many years ago kiwis were hunted for food. Now the government does not permit the hunting of kiwis. The kiwi is now the symbol of the New Zealand people. Small children are often called kiwis.
New Zealand is a self-governing state. The Parliament consists of one House only, the House of Representatives. The Prime Minister is the head of the government. There are several political parties in New Zealand. They are: the Labour Party, the National Party, the Party of Socialist Unity and others.
New Zealand has heavy industry. There are many plants in the country. The paper and rubber industries are developed too. New Zealand exports apples and honey. New Zealand is a very interesting and beautiful country.
There are several big cities such as Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin and Nelson. Auckland, Dunedin and Wellington are the country's main ports.