Методические указания к контрольной работе № 4

Контрольная работа № 4 выполняется на IV курсе. Для того чтобы правильно выполнить данную контрольную работу, необходимо повторить следующие темы дисциплины:

1. Видовременные формы глагола в активном и пассивном залогах.

2. Реферирование текста.

3. Терминология.


Варианты заданий контрольной работы № 4

Вариант 1

I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:

1. What can you say___ the incident?

a) under b) for c) into d) about

2. Yesterday the experts tested the ship ___ by MRP Tanker.

a) constructed b) constructing c) being constructed d) being constructing

3. ___ the Chief Engineer?

a) Who are b) What c) Where’s d) What are

4. ___ practice the fire drill yesterday?

a) Were you b) Did you c) Do they d) Have you

5. ___ you repair the damage?

a) Is b) Are c) Does d) Can

6. I ___ that way if I were you.

a) will not go b) wouldn’t go c) can’t go d) don’t go

7. ___the new crew members instructed on occupational safety?

a) Has b) Are c) Had d) Is


II. Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами и переведите текст:

To protect the eyes, goggles must 1____.

To protect the head, 2______.

To prevent electric shock, 3 _____.

To prevent burns to the hand, 4 _____.

a) rubber gloves must be worn; c) a helmet must be worn;

b) the power must be switched off; d) be worn

III. Какие реплики вы бы употребили, если бы вы были собеседником в диалоге:

А: What kind of ship do you work on?


A: What are her main dimensions?


A: When and where was she built?


A: What’s the number of your crew?


A: How long have you been working for this company?


IV. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.


Even though we now have ships of a kind unknown in earlier centuries, we are still very far from mastering the sea. The Greek sailor who was shipwrecked (терпеть кораблекрушение) on his way home from Troy and the sailor of tomorrow whose nuclear-powered cargo ship might be on fire both face the same dangers. They may die, and so they need to keep themselves covered and dry. Rescuers may never find them, and so they need to send signals.

The Greek sailor at the time of Trojan war had only a small chance of survival. The sailor of tomorrow has a greater chance, especially if the ship has one of the new rescue crafts on board.

One such lifeboat looks more like a flying saucer (тарелка) than a boat. Sailors on board a ship which is in trouble can get into the capsule, close the water-tight doors and operate the controls which drop the capsule automatically into the sea. Made of glass fibre (стекловолокно) the capsule will float on the sea and will not be dragged down by the sinking ship. It will protect the men inside from explosions, fire and extreme cold. It has a thirty-kilowatt diesel engine and so can carry survivors to the coast. To help rescue ship and aircraft to find it the upper part of the capsule is covered with a special orange paint which can be detected by radar. Each capsule is large enough for twenty-eight men.


V. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.

A.C. generators can be designed and built for much higher voltages than can d.c. generators, the voltage of the latter being limited by the problem of sparking at the commutator, a component which is absent in the a.c. generator. Then there is the most important factor that it is easy to transform a.c. power from one voltage to another by means of the transformer, an operation that is denied to the d.c. system.

The transformer also enables the voltage to be stepped down at the receiving end of the transmission line to values which can readily be used by the various consumers. If necessary, it can be converted to the d.c. form for actual use. There are certain processes for which d.c. is either essential or at any rate desirable but the utilization of electric power in the a.c. form is growing steadily.

Вариант 2

I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:

1. Check the containers ___ any damage.

a) between b) towards c) through d) for

2. ___ will the assistance arrive?

a) Who b) How much c) What d) When

3. I wondered if she ___ training at 10 next day.

a) would be b) will be c) have been d) is

4. ___ the local time?

a) How is b) Who is c) How many d) What is

5. ___ still on board?

a) Is there anyone b) Are there anyone c) Is there d) There is anyone

6. Only twelve people ___ in the lifeboat.

a) can fit b) is fitting c) fits d) can be fitting

7. ___ the red button if there is an emergency.

a) To press b) Press c) Pressing d) Presses


II. Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами и переведите текст:

Always wear 1 _________.

2 ________ under a suspended load.

Always wear gloves 3 _________.

4 _________ when operating a grinding wheel.

a) when operating a drilling machine.

b) Always protect your eyes

c) rubber gloves.

d) Never stand


III. Какие реплики вы бы употребили, если бы вы были собеседником в диалоге:

А: What is your job?


A: Have you worked on foreign flag vessels?


A: What types of ships did you work on?


A: What was your last vessel?


A: What cargo did your ship carry?


IV. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.

Transport Ships

As world trade has expanded, the volume of cargo carried by ships has also increased. At the same time, the transport industry has become more efficient. These developments have encouraged (способствовать) the construction of special-purpose ships.

Tankers, fruit ships, passenger liners and ships designed to carry refrigerated meat in bulk from Southern to Northern Hemisphere, are examples of such ships handling one kind of cargo, for one set of trade routes. Certain ships have been designed for specific duties, such as tugs, dredgers, cable-laying ships, ice-breakers, floating cranes, etc.

However, three new trends in specialized ship design have recently emerged. One is the cargo-carrier with cargo-handling equipment for special purposes or routes. An extreme example is the fishery factory ship; another is heavy-lift cargo ship, with derricks capable of loading or discharging single lifts up to 500 tons without requiring outside assistance.

The second trend is towards roll-on roll-off ships, in which bow and stern doors (ворота) and adjustable steel ramps permit vehicles to drive on and drive off again, requiring only minimum dock-side facilities.

The third trend is that of the container ship. The use of containers for cargoes encourages the design of ships specifically to carry containers. Container ships have a high service speed and rapid turn-round time.

Although specialized ships will doubtless increase in number in future, it seems unlikely that general cargo ships will be superseded (вытеснять).

V. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.

A direct current (D.C.) flows continuously through a conducting circuit in one direction only, although it may not be steady so far as magnitude is concerned. An alternating current (A.C.), on the other hand, continually reverses in direction, as its name implies. Starting from zero, it grows in one direction, reaches a maximum, dies down to zero again, after which it rises in the opposite direction, reaches a maximum, again dying down to zero. It is thus continually changing in magnitude as well as direction, and this continual change causes certain effects of far-reaching importance.


Вариант 3

I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:

1. Meet ___ the muster station..

a) after b) between c) on d) in

2. ___ fish or chicken?

a) Do want b) Do you want c) Want you d) You do want

3. ___ safety gear do you need?

a) What b) That c) Whom d) Who

4. ___ he visit that port last month?

a) has b) did c) would d) is

5. ___ what’s being said?

a) You understanding b) Understand you

c) Can you understand d) Understanding

6. Before departure all 0 non-seagoing visitors___ the vessel.

a) to leave b) leaves c) must left d) must leave

7. If there is a problem, ___ sure you inform the Captain.

a) made b) make c) making d) makes


II. Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами и переведите текст:

1____, clean it with a petrol-moistened cloth. If the terminals are dirty, clean them with 2 ___. If brushes are worn, 3 ____. If the grooves on the commutator is clogged, use a small file

4 _____ them.

a) If the commutator is dirty

b) to clean

c) replace them

d) a pin


III. Какие реплики вы бы употребили, если бы вы были собеседником в диалоге:

А: Where does your vessel usually operate?


A: Did you use English when you worked on board?


A: Where do you work on board?


A: Which lifesaving equipment must be on board of each vessel?


A: Where was your muster station?

IV. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.

Crew’s Duties

In order to carry its cargo from one port to another over great distances, a ship must operate continuously throughout the twenty-four hours, for many days in succession (подряд), and its crew must be organized accordingly. Two factors are involved: first, the division of the day and night into suitable periods of time, the second, the allocation of duties to each member of the crew.

Each officer has his special responsibilities. The Captain (Master) is in command of the ship and its cargo. It is his responsibility to ensure the safety navigation of the vessel, the lives and safety of all on board, the care and delivery of the cargo. Under him the crew members are divided into the deck, engine and catering departments, the Chief Mate, the Chief Engineer and Chief Steward respectively being in charge of these different types of work.

The Chief Mate allocates duties to the crew in the deck department, who on the one hand carry out routine activities such as rust-prevention and maintenance of cargo gear and life-saving appliances and on the other hand, watchkeeping activities such as manning the wheel (управление рулем).

Time on boardship is divided into four-hour periods called “watches”. The passage of time is marked by strokes on the ship’s bell. The call “one bell” is used when calling the next watch fifteen minutes before they are due to turn up.

V. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.

High voltages are desirable for the economic transmission of a given amount of electric power. Take, for example, the transmission of 1000 kW. If the transmission voltage is 100 volts the current must be 10,000 amperes, but if the transmission voltage is 10,000 volts the current is only 100 amperes. The cross-section of the cables transmitting the power is determined by the current to be carried, and so in the former case the cables would need to be very much larger than in the latter case. It is true that the high-voltage cable would need to have more insulation, but even so, it would be very much cheaper than the larger low-voltage cable. A high voltage is therefore essential for the economic transmission of electric power.

Вариант 4

I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:

1. The supervisor sat ___ the two engineers.

a) away b) between c) around d) from

2. The tanker entered the port after ___ for 48 hours.

a) to wait b) wait c) waited d) waiting

3. This problem ___ much lately.

a) have been discussed b) has been discussed c) discussed d) discuss

4. I ___ a report about this damage a few days ago.

a) make b) have made c) made d) will make

5. What precautions do they ___?

a) have advised b) advise c) advising d) to advise

6. Why ___ that cargo?

a) you check b) do you checking c) are you checking d) are you check

7. ___ on watch yesterday at 10.30?

a) What time was b) When was c) Where was d) Who was


II. Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами и переведите текст:

18 LED + 6 LED light can be operating about 25 ___1. When ___2 is being charged, the LED indicator will be on. Recharged every three months, if the light is not ___3 for a long time. Do not ___4 in the “On Position”.

a) used b) charge c) hours d) unit

III. Какие реплики вы бы употребили, если бы вы были собеседником в диалоге:

А: Do you know how to launch a lifeboat \ liferaft?


A: What clothes must an electrician have on board ship?


A: What is ISM code?


A: Which lifesaving equipment must be on board of each vessel?


A: Did you have any incidents at sea \ river?

IV. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.

Inshore and Middle-Water Fishing

The inshore fishermen operate close to shore. They work with net or lobster pot (омаровая ловушка), and at different points around the coasts. They are salmon fishermen, the crabbers and the lobster catchers.

A variety of vessels fish the near and middle-waters, from the small motor-powered coble (рыболовный бот) with a crew of three to the 130-foot trawler with the crew of twelve. Fishing through the night only a few miles from shore, the smaller boats return to catch the early market (доставить улов рано утром). The large crafts are usually away from port three or four days. Living conditions on the smaller craft are more cramped (стесненные) than on the deep-sea trawlers and there is little rest for the men once at sea, for they are fully occupied in preparing nets, fishing and stowing the catch.

Before the vessel has tied-up at the quay, two of the crew hurry ashore with a sample of the catch, this is carefully examined by the buyers in the large shed-like building which is the local fish market. Then the salesman opens the bidding (торговля). Some goes to the merchants for re-sale as fresh fish, some to the kipperer (коптильщик), canners and quick-freezers.

The unsold balance goes to the fish-meal factory where it is made into animal feeding stuff and its oil is used in the edible oil industry (производство пищевого жира).

V. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.

As soon as the electric energy is produced at the power-station, it is to be transmitted over wires to the substation and then to the consumer. However, the longer the wire, the greater is its resistance to current flow. On the other hand, the higher the offered resistance, the greater are the heating losses in electric wires. To decrease these undesirable losses we can reduce either the resistance or the current. It is easy for us to see how we can reduce resistance: it is necessary to make use of a better conducting material and as thick wires as possible. However, such wires require too much material and, hence, they will be too expensive. Can the current be reduced? Yes, it is quite possible to reduce the current in the transmission system by employing transformers. In effect, the waste of useful energy has been greatly decreased due to high-voltage lines.

Вариант 5

I. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения:

1. We will be in Pacific ocean ___ five days.

a) for b) until c) towards d) at

2. ____the helmsman understand English?

a) Are b) Do c) Does d) Is

3. ___ about the damage immediately.

a) Report b) Reporting c) Do report d) To report

4. ___ safety equipment do you need to inspect?

a) When b) that c) Whom d) What

5. The crew ___ the fire at the moment.

a) has fought b) is fighting c) fought d) fights

6. ___ your safety shoes.

a) To wear b) Wear c) Wearing d) Wore

7. ___ fire extinguishers are in the galley?

a) How long b) How far c) How many d) How much


II. Заполните пропуски в инструкции следующими фразами и переведите текст:

Check voltage at the __1 of stator winding. If one phase winding is open, __ 2 discontinuity. Mind __ 3 winding. It __ 4 be open as well.

a) eliminate b) stator c) terminals d) may


III. Какие реплики вы бы употребили, если бы вы были собеседником в диалоге:

А: What is SOLAS?


A: What types of ships do you know?


A: Which vessel would you like to work on?


A: Which lifesaving equipment must be on board of each vessel?


A: What clothes must an electrician have on board ship?


IV. Прочитайте текст, сделайте реферирование текста на английском языке в письменной форме (см. Приложение 6). Переведите письменно свой текст на русский язык.

Deep-Sea Fishing

More than half the total catch of white fish in Great Britain is caught by deep-sea trawlers operating from Hull and Grimsby.

Once fishing begins, every member of the crew is working most hours of the day and night. In the old days there was no limit to the number of hours worked, but now there is a regulation that a man must spend six hours below after an 18-hour spell (смена) on deck. It usually works out that of the 12 men handling the trawl and gutting the fish nine are working and three are sleeping.

The deep-sea fishermen experience many disadvantages (неудобства). They are away from home for three weeks at a time and usually put to sea again after 48 hours ashore, so that they cannot have much home life. Their conditions of work are difficult. Winter in the northern water is rigorous. The fishermen endure bitter cold and face danger from stormy seas and drifting ice flows. With numbed (окоченелыми) hands, they gut the icy fish upon the heeling (кренящаяся) deck. But this is their life. They go to bring the harvests (улов) of the Northern seas to help to feed their countrymen.

Deep-sea trawling has been called the toughest (труднейшая) job in the world and nobody who has studied the hardships (трудности) of the task will quarrel (спорить) with the description.

V. Запишите и письменно переведите текст.

There are various kinds of electric circuits such as: open circuits, closed circuits, series circuits, parallel circuits and short circuits. When electrical devices are connected so that the current flows from one device to another, they are said to be connected in series. Under such conditions the current flow is the same in all parts of the circuit, as there is only a single path along which it may flow. The parallel circuit provides two or more paths for the passage of current. The circuit is divided in such a way that part of the current flows through one path, and part through another. The lamps in your room and your house are generally connected in parallel. The short circuit is produced when the current is allowed to return to the source of supply without control and without doing the work that we want it to do. The short circuit often results from cable fault or wire fault. Under certain conditions, the short may cause fire because the current flows where it was not supposed to flow.





English Verb: Active Voice


Present We write letters every week. He writes letters every week. We don’t write letters every week. He doesn’t write letters every week. Do they write letters every week? Does he write letters every week? Мы пишем письма каждую неделю. Он пишет письма каждую неделю.
Past They wrote a letter yesterday. They didn’t write a letter yesterday. Did they write a letter yesterday? Они написали письмо вчера.
Future They will write a letter tomorrow. They will not write a letter tomorrow. Will they write a letter tomorrow? Они напишут письмо завтра.
Present He is writing a letter now. He isn’t writing a letter now. Is he writing a letter now? Он пишет письмо сейчас.
Past He was writing a letter from 5 till 6. He wasn’t writing a letter from 5 till 6. Was he writing a letter from 5 till 6? Он писал письмо с 5 до 6.
Future She will be writing a letter at this time tomorrow. She will not be writing a letter at this time tomorrow. Will she be writing a letter at this time tomorrow? Она будет писать письмо в это время завтра.
Present We have just written a letter. We haven’t written a letter yet. Have you written a letter? Мы только что написали письмо.
Past He had written the letter before you came. He hadn’t written the letter before you came. Had he written the letter before you came? Он написал письмо прежде, чем ты пришел.
Future He will have written a letter by 2 p.m. He won’t have written a letter by 2 p.m. Will he have written a letter by 2 p.m.?   Мы напишем письмо к 2 часам дня.



English Verb: Passive Voice


Present Letters are written every day. Letters are not written every day. Are the letters written every day? Письма пишут каждый день.
Past The letter was written yesterday. The letter was not written yesterday. Was the letter written yesterday? Письмо было написано вчера.
Future The letter will be written in 2 days. The letter won’t be written. Will the letter be written tomorrow? Письмо будет написано через 2 дня.
Present The letter is being written now. The letter is not being written now. Is the letter being written now? Письмо сейчас пишут.
Past The letter was being written. The letter was not being written. Was the letter being written? Письмо писали.
Present The letter has just been written. The letter has not been written. Has the letter been written? Письмо только что написали.
Past The letter had been written by 2 p.m. The letter had not been written by 2 p.m. Had the letter been written by 2 p.m? Письмо было написано к 2 часам.
Future The letter will have been written by next Sunday. The letter won’t have been written by next Sunday. Will the letter have been written by next Sunday? Письмо будет написано к следующему воскресенью.




Список неправильных глаголов


Infinitive (что делать?) Past Simple (что делал?) Past Participle Перевод
  be was, were been быть
  become became become становиться
  begin began begun начинать
  break broke broken ломать
  bring brought brought приносить
  buy bought bought покупать
  catch caught caught ловить
  choose chose chosen выбирать
  come came come приходить
  do did done делать
  draw drew drawn рисовать
  drink drank drunk пить
  drive drove driven везти, ехать
  eat ate eaten кушать
  feel felt felt чувствовать
  forget forgot forgotten забывать
  freeze froze frozen замерзать
  get got got получать
  give gave given давать
  go went gone идти, ехать
  have had had иметь
  hear heard heard слышать
  keep kept kept держать
  know knew known знать
  learn learnt, learned learnt, learned учиться
  leave left left уезжать
  make made made делать
  mean meant meant значить
  meet met met встречать
  pay paid paid платить
  put put put класть
  read [ri:d] read [red] read [red] читать
  say said said сказать
  see saw seen видеть
  sell sold sold продавать
  send sent sent посылать
  speak spoke spoken разговаривать
  spend spent spent тратить
  take took taken брать, взять
  tell told told рассказывать
  think thought thought думать
  write wrote written писать




Маркеры для определения времени английского глагола


Simple (V1)
  Маркеры Примеры
Present (обычность, периодичность действий) every day, sometimes, often, seldom, usually, always, twice a week We write letters every week. Do we write letters? He often writes letters. Does he write letters?
Past (произошло в прошлом и не связано с настоящим) yesterday, the day before yesterday, last month, a week ago, in 1980 They wrote a letter yesterday. They didn’t write a letter yesterday. Did they write a letter yesterday?
Future (обычные действия, которые произойдут в будущем) tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, in a week, next Sunday, in 2050 They will write a letter tomorrow. They will not write a letter tomorrow. Will they write a letter tomorrow?
Continuous (be + V- ing)
Present (действия происходят в момент речи говорящего) now, at this moment, at present I am writing a letter now. He is writing a letter now. Is he writing a letter now? They are writing a letter now.
Past (процесс или точное указание времени в прошлом) when, at 6 p.m. yesterday, from 5 till 6, the whole last Saturday, the whole week He was writing a letter from 5 till 6. He wasn’t writing a letter from 5 till 6. Was he writing a letter from 5 till 6? We were writing a letter when you came.
Future (процесс или точное указание времени в будущем) when, at 6 p.m. tomorrow, from 5 till 6 next Monday,, the whole next Saturday, the whole future week She will be writing a letter at this time tomorrow. She will not be writing a letter at this time tomorrow. Will she be writing a letter at this time tomorrow?
Perfect (have + V3)
Present (действие свершилось в прошлом, но результат важен в настоящем) just, already, ever, never, lately, yet, recently, today, this week, since We have just written a letter. We haven’t written a letter yet. He has never been to London.
Past(одно действие завершилось раньше другого действия в прошлом или к определенному времени в прошлом) before, when, after, by He had written the letter before you came.  
Future (действие завершится к определенному времени в прошлом) before, by He will have written a letter by 2 p.m. He won’t have written a letter by 2 p.m.  


Список вводных слов и выражений


although (though) – хотя however – однако
as a result – в результате in addition to – к тому же
as well as – также in general – вообще
at first – сначала in order to – для того, чтобы
besides – кроме того in comparison with – по сравнению с
as a rule – как правило in many respects – во многих отношениях
as for – что касается instead of – вместо (чего-либо)
according to – в соответствии, согласно it can mean – это может означать
as a matter of fact – фактически it is necessary – необходимо
despite – несмотря на moreover – более того
due to – благодаря, из-за nowadays – в наше время, сейчас
during – во время, в течение obviously – очевидно
firstly (secondly) – во-первых (во-вторых) on the one hand – с одной стороны
for example – например on the other hand – с другой стороны
for that purpose – для этой цели on the whole – в целом
for the sake of – ради, во имя recently – недавно
for this reason – по этой причине therefore – следовательно, поэтому
from time to time – время от времени thus – таким образом
furthermore – к тому же, более того unlikely – в отличии от
having considered – приняв во внимание while – в то время как; пока




Фразы для реферирования текста (статьи)


1. The title of the article is … Заголовок статьи …
2. The article is devoted to … Статья посвящена …
3. The article deals with … Статья рассматривает …
4. The main idea of the article is… Основная идея статьи …
5. The aim of the article is to inform the reader about... Цель статьи – сообщить читателю о …
6. The new method is discussed … Обсуждается новый метод …
7. Special attention is paid (given) to … Особое внимание уделяется …
8. The research includes (consists of) … Исследование включает (состоит из) …
9. The author gives a review of … Автор дает обзор …
10. The author writes that … Автор пишет, что …
11. The author underlines that … Автор подчеркивает, что …
12. The author stresses … Автор выделяет …
13. It is reported (known) that … Сообщается (известно), что …
14. It is expected that … Ожидается, что …
15. It should be mentioned … Следует упомянуть …
16. The text gives valuable information on… Текст дает ценную информацию о …
17. It draws our attention to… Это привлекает наше внимание к …
18. The article is of great interest to … Статья интересна … (указывается кому)
19.The author comes to the conclusion that Автор приходит к заключению, что …
20. In conclusion the author draws the attention of the reader to … В заключении автор привлекает внимание читателей к …




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