1. judge | a. судебный процесс |
2. Crown court | b. судья |
3. trial | c. быть признанным виновным |
4. witness | d. Суд короны |
5. be found guilty | e. свидетель |
V. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в соответствующем времени и переведите предложения на русский язык.
1. After the Norman conquest in 1066, the King’s judges gradually … (to unite) the different local customs into a single body of general principles which they applied at the royal courts.
2. One of the problems which they … (to discuss) now concerns the arrest of the criminal.
3. The police … just … (to arrest) the hijackers.
4. A bill … (to become) a law in two weeks.
5. Newspapers often (to publish) information on economic crimes.
VI. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова или словосочетания в предложения.
1. When a criminal case is not … finally in a magistrates’ court, it goes for trial in a Crown court.
2. The most serious offences are dealt with by … from London.
3. In a Crown court the accused person is asked by … if he is guilty or not guilty.
4. Each witness may be … by the other side on the evidence which he has given.
5. The judge sums up the … for the benefit of the jury and instructs them on points of law involved.
I. Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
The main courts of civil jurisdiction in England and Wales are the county courts, which are the courts for the lesser cases, and the High Court, where more important cases are tried. Most appeals go to the Court of Appeal. If the appeal is refused there can be a final appeal to the House of Lords, but this rarely happens.
There are about 300 county courts in England and Wales. The jurisdiction of these courts covers actions founded upon contract and tort (injury, harmful act, for which a civil action can be brought), mortgage cases, and actions for the recovery of land. Other matters dealt with by the county courts include landlord and tenant and adoption cases.
The county court judge is a salaried barrister. He sits alone and decides cases without a jury. He takes no criminal cases, but hears a great variety of civil disputes, such as those arising out of hire-purchase agreements, or nuisances, or traffic accidents, and so on, if the claim does not exceed one hundred, or, if the defendant does not object, two hundred pounds.
The High Court of Justice is a small tribunal with no more than 75 judges. The Queen formally appoints the judges on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor, who makes the real selection. The High Court judges receive salaries and they must retire at the age of 75. The High Court of Justice has several Divisions: the Chancery Division, the Family Division and the Queen’s Bench Division. These divisions are independent of one another. The Chancery Division consists of the Lord Chancellor and ten judges, and deals with questions of company law, bankruptcy, the administration of the estates of people who have died and other similar matters. The Family Division which deals with divorce and questions arising out of wills has replaced the Probate, Divorce and Admiralty Division. The Queen’s Bench Division consists of the Lord Chief Justice and thirty-nine other judges, who are engaged in civil work in London, and the Central Criminal Court (the "Old Bailey”) also in London, and who tour the provincial crown courts. This division is concerned with the ordinary business of the Common Law, suits for damages.
The Court of Appeal is the intermediate appellate tribunal. For civil appeals, the court normally sits in panels of three Lord Justices, with the senior Lord Justice presiding.
The House of Lords is the highest court in England. For judicial purposes it is usually composed only of the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary. The Lord Chancellor is the highest judge in the kingdom.
II. Ответьтенавопросы.
1. What are the main courts of civil jurisdiction in England and Wales?
2. Is the county court judge a salaried barrister?
3. How many judges are there in The High Court of Justice?
4. Are the Divisions of the High Court of Justice independent of one another?
5. What is the "Old Bailey”?
III. Прочитайте следующие утверждения и решите, какие из них правильные, какие –нет.
1. There are about 200 county courts in England and Wales.
2. The county court judge sits alone and decides cases without a jury.
3. The High Court judges don’t receive salaries and they must retire at the age of 75.
4. The Chancery Division deals with questions of divorce.
5. The Court of Appeal is the intermediate appellate tribunal.