Task 3. Translate these expressions into Russian.

Where is the nearest exchange office?

Where can I change foreign currency?

What are the operating hours of the bank (currency exchange office)?

Which window (counter) should I go to?

What is the rate of exchange for US dollars (pounds sterling)?

How much is the commission?

Where should I sign?

Please give me a receipt for the currency exchange.

Please note that I exchanged this amount of currency.

Task 4. Describe one of the hotels of your home town/city.

Task 5. Tell your own story (or a story you heard) about registration at a hotel and currency exchange.

Task 6. Read the notice in the hotel and retell it in Reported Speech.

The euro enters circulation today (01.01.02) in the European Union, with the exception of Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom. No need to worry excessively about prices, says Belgian National Bank.

Consumers should watch out for price rises as the euro comes in, but there is no real reason to be excessively worried that the introduction of the cash euro and euro-based pricing will be inflationary according to the Belgian National Bank (BNB).__






Formal Letter Of Invitation

Task 1. Read and translate the samples of formal and informal letters.

Mr and Mrs John Alan Scott

request the pleasure of

Mr Vladimir N. Dneprovsky’s

company at dinner on Wednesday,

December the sixth

at seven o’clock

1, Newton Street.


*R.S.V.P. (фр. Repondez, s’il vous plait) — Ответьте, пожалуйста.

Acceptance Refusal

Mr Vladimir N. Dneprovsky Mr Vladimir N. Dneprovsky

accepts with pleasure much regrets that a previous engagement

Mr and Mrs John Alan Scott’s prevents his accepting

kind invitation for dinner Mr and Mrs John Alan Scott’s

on Wednesday, December the sixth kind invitation for dinner

at seven o’clock. on Wednesday, December the sixth.


Informal Invitations for Dinners

Dear Mrs...

Will you and Mr... have dinner with us on Friday, the first of April, at eight o’clock?

It is a long time since we have had the pleasure of seeing you and we do hope that you will be able to come.

Sincerely yours



Mr... and I will be delighted to dine with you on Friday, the first of April, at eight o’clock. How very nice of you to invite us! We are both looking forward with great pleasure to seeing you and Mr... again.

Sincerely yours


Dear Mrs...

I cannot tell you how sorry I am that we cannot dine with you on Friday, the first of April. Unfortunately, my husband is on a business mission now, and he will be back only on Sunday, too late for your dinner party. That is why we are unable to accept your kind invitation. It was very kind of you to ask us; and I know Mr... will be as sorry as I am to miss an evening with you and Mr....

Sincerely yours


My dear N

I am so glad to find out that you really have got the rank of Principal and a new appointment. You thoroughly deserved to get both. I suppose that you will soon be leaving us. Well, you must come over here all the more frequently until you do go.

With hearty good wishes.

Yours very sincerely


Reply to the Letter

My dear К

It was most kind of you to write me such a cordial letter. Of course, I feel as pleased as I can at the result of the whole affair. I won’t be leaving England for another six weeks, so we’ll often meet again. I must thank you most deeply for the great encouragement you have given me. I don’t know what I should do without it.

Yours ever sincerely



Вы познакомились с оформлением адреса внутри письма. Теперь об адресе на конверте. Обратный адрес должен быть указан в левом верхнем углу или на клапане конверта. Имя адресата пишется немного ниже центра конверта. В правом верхнем углу приклеивается марка.

John A Scott STAMP

1, Newton Street

Town of Mount Royal

Quebec, Canada, НЗР 2T1

Vladimir N. Dneprovsky

765, Moskovskaya Street

248000 Kaluga


Task 2. Learn the expressions of certain traditional congratulations:

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and my very best wishes!

(The) Same to you!

May Day greetings to you!

Victory Day greetings to you!

Task 3. Here are congratulations on other occasions. Invent and describe a scene of congratulating, using some of these expressions.

Congratulations on your success/ on your good luck!

Congratulations on your lucky win!

Happy birthday! Many happy returns of the day!

I hear you’ve defended your thesis.

Congratulations! You’ve finished school.

Congratulations! You’re a student now.

Congratulations! I hear you’ve got your first pay wages.



Welcome home!

1 hear you’ve defended your graduation project/got your first degree. Congratulations!


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