27 марта в 23:08 ·
I will never forget how Karunamayi was the first to bring me news of Srila Gurudev when I was staying in Radhakund in 1993. She told me such sweet things about him I couldn't resist but to go and meet him. One of the things she told me was something Srila Gurudev had just said the day before, "When you are receiving the mercy of Guru and Krsna, your heart will always be blooming with joy like a lotus flower."
When I arrived at Keshavji Gaudiya Math one evening in October of 93, he was just giving class. I couldn't believe my ears and eyes, just sat in utter amazement. My Guru Maharaja had already left this world, and I thought, "Is he still here?" That same energy. Different, but the same divine love.
After the class, she brought me into his little room, and he spoke to me so lovingly. I really didn't want to leave, but had nothing with me for staying. Then she said, "You can buy a toothbrush downstairs, and we can scrounge some bedding for you." So I moved into the room with all the ladies upstairs, and stayed for six months straight. I did Kartik Parikrama with him, then Gaura Mandala Parikrama. I stayed until my visa expired, and when I returned to America, Srila Gurudev sent me letters. He took me into his family.
Karunamayi Didi is a special sister in this family of Mahaprabhu. I met her when I was 12 years old in the Seattle temple. She was a dedicated book distributor in Srila Prabhupad's ISKCON. Then in the late 80s, I brought her to Srila Sridhar Maharaja. She has great love and appreciation for the pure devotees and the holy name. She also has a heart for helping others. She could never walk by when someone was in need. Now she is suffering with broken ribs after being thrown by a cow where she was doing seva. I pray that in this time of peril, all the help she needs will come amply.
I sent money via paypal, though a very humble amount. If anyone would like to send her money thru paypal, message me for the address. Otherwise there is a gofundme page on my wall.
Krishna Rose
16 01 2018 ·
I cried every morning before the Murti of Srila Prabhupada at the Soho Street Temple in London, begging him "please don't cheat me, I want a Guru like you". Every day without fail I prayed to him for his divine help. After many years of hopefully meeting my Guru, each and every time I met a guru, I was so hopeful. Then in Vrindavan, India 1995, it was my last day in Vrindavan before I was due to leave. I was at Srila Prabhupada's Samadhi in Vrindavan crying "I am so alone in this world, and I've prayed for so long for the shelter of a Pure Guru, and now I am leaving Vrindavan, and still have no shelter - I am suffering and so fearful". I was sobbing. Then I heard the familiar voice of a friend from England "Anita - Gurudeva has just come to Mathura quick come now". I left the Samadhi and ran to the Rikshaw with great excitement. It was the last attempt to find my Guru. When we arrived at Keshavji Gaudiya Math in Mathura, as I crossed the threshold of the Temple, I felt a unique and fragrant sweet energy wash over me, in that moment I KNEW there was someone here that was very special - it was to be the biggest moment of my existence. As I walked up the staircase to the 1st floor I was so excited I wanted to run. When I arrived on the 1st Floor, there was Gurudeva standing in the center of the courtyard. He had a basket of flowers in his hand. He pointed at me and said in a very sweet voice "You, come here, who are you and where have you come from?". I told him "I am Anita from England, we have written letters to each other". Gurudeva smiled so sweetly and said "where have you been, I've been waiting for you for sooooooo long" and he raised his hand to me to bless me. I fell at his Lotus Feet and bowed and dropped my heart forever in one moment. I knew my life would never be the same. He was so kind to me. He gave me a room in his Temple downstairs, despite so many people being upset that a young single woman would be in the Ashram. He insisted I stay with him. My life would never be the same again. He performed so many sweet pastimes while I lived with him in his Temple. I cannot tell you, what kind of mercy sprinkled all over my heart, my head, my consciousness and ultimately my soul. Srila Prabhupada at the last moment had saved me from sure ruin by sending me someone who he himself had loved for so many years of close loving friendship. Gurudeva saved my life. I owe everything to him. He is the most beautiful and true treasure of a person I ever had the great joy to meet in this lifetime. I will never meet another like him. For this I weep on this day as I remember all these wonderful memories of living with Gurudeva and traveling with him on his first historical world tour in 1996. I am so fortunate. I have no words - for the affection he showed me - I cannot fathom how in this world, such a special personality as my Gurudeva came into my life and stole my heart forever. I am forever his, and he is and always will be my most beloved friend and well wisher. I miss him every minute of every day, and I yearn for the day when I will be reunited with him in the Eternal realms. So mote it be.
Anjali Dasi Thank you.
Feels beautiful to read.
Reminds me how my service in Iskcon was temple cleaning and how I would spend a long time at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada's murti in the temple cleaning the flowers away.
Then he sent me Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja who asked me to come to India.
Then he disappeared when I arrived.
Then I was sent to an Iskcon Guru wondering if he would be my Guru for a whole year but realized he wouldn't.
Then as I stood at the front of Srila Prabhupada's samadhi in Vrindavan in the last days of Kartik 97 I saw that Guru walk past.
My godsisters from Australia has been telling me to come meet Srila Gurudeva.
So I turned to Srila Prabhupada and said, "That's it. This Guru does not want me. Today I vow to give up on him. Today I'm going to meet Srila Narayana Maharaja!"
I had no money left after 2 years in India.
But within minutes of saying that to Srila Prabhupada a miracle occured.
A traveler asked me to take her to buy clothes in Lou Bazaar.
I didn't even have the 10 rupees for the rickshaw.
We got to Ganga Prasad shop in Loi Bazaar and my two godsisters from Australia were there.
I exclaimed immediately, "I want to meet your Gurudeva!" and they said, "Let's go" and we went to meet him in Rupa Sanatan Gaudiya Math.
All within an hour of saying that to Srila Prabhupada in samadhi.
Kilimbā Alvarez Touching, Didi.
💦.. I felt that like it was my own story. Then remembered it was. Also in Vraj Kartika ‘95 after quite a lot of
💦prayer while living in New Braj. WITH topmost Harinama & Diksa connections already, pointing to the need for continuing education/Siksa-Guru.
It’s the causeless mercy of Sri Krsna, Who appears in many forms to teach us (acarya mam vijaniyam..), akanda guru-tattva. If we didn’t have to pray for this connection we might not appreciate or recognize such grace when presented before us.
Al Adikavi Wolf I met him at Radha Kunda in 1993 right after I took initiation from Gour Govinda Maharaja. Then in New York at a Ratha Yatra in Washington Square Park. Then he came to High Springs by Alachua and I ran into him by chance. And finally I went to his temple in Vrndavan about ten years ago and saw him for the last time. All chance meetings except for the last one since he had invited me to go to his temple.