Krishna Rose
31 августа 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: Here is one very sweet past-time of Gurudeva in 1996 in England, on that first fateful tour. Srila Gurudeva wanted to go to the Bhaktivedanta Manor in Hertfordshire (ISKCON), to see where Srila Prabhupada has spent so much time. Srila Prabhupada instructed Gurudeva to "please help my disciples", on his death bed. Gurudeva had been a life long friend of Srila Prabhupada, and Gurudeva always said Srila Prabhupada was his Siksha Guru. So we organized a visit to the Bhaktivedanta Manor so that Gurudeva could "take the foot dust of Swamiji" (Srila Prabhupada). It was early morning, Guru puja time. We arrived, and were ushered into a little side room and asked to wait there. Gurudeva sat on a chair and a few of us sat around him on the floor. The door closed, and we waited, and waited and waited. Gurudeva was grave. After some time, we had not asked to come out of the room, so we tried opening the door, and we were locked in! A few of the men tried to open the door, but we could not get it open. After about 10 minutes, Gurudeva got up from his chair, and walked over to the locked door and opened it, and marched into the temple room with all of us following behind! The management were shocked that we came into the temple room and there was panic on their faces. Gurudeva was strong, and focused on the Murti of Srila Prabhupada, the management were literally shaking in their robes, their neophyte state so obvious next to the Acharya! After Guru-puja, we were shown upstairs to the rooms of Srila Prabhupada where he used to live and write. It is a lovely apartment dedicated to Prabhupada. Gurudeva entered into the rooms, and immediately remembered his relationship with Prabhupada, and began talking about experiences and memories he had of Prabhupada (which are so many!). After a little while Gurudeva asked for a chair, and was refused. They told him "you can sit on the floor, but the GBC has ordered not let you have a chair". Gurudeva was very grave and looked very sad. One of the Sannyasi's took off his flower garland and went to put the garland on Gurudeva, and Madhava Maharaja grabbed it from him and said "No!". It would be an offense for this devotee to take off his garland and garland Gurudeva with his prashad! We walked to the car quietly, Gurudeva got into his car, and started to drive towards the large cast iron gates which were open. Then suddenly Gurudeva's car stopped, and Gurudeva wound down his window and looked at me, calling our little group to him. I ran up to his car with a small group of us, and he said "just see, Radha and Krishna have personally come to lift my sadness" and there out of no where 2 large white swans flew onto Gurudeva's car bonnet and landed for a moment and then flew away! Gurudeva's window rolled up, and the car drove away, leaving me in floods of tears. I felt SO sad that Gurudeva was treated with such disrespect, here he is, so Senior and so sweet. Any street person with no qualification would be treated with so much respect coming to the temple for the first time, but here came Gurudeva, with his heart so full of love for their Srila Prabhupada, and they treated him like this. Radha and Krishna are so sweet and merciful! They knew Gurudeva was sad, and They personally came to cheer him! How beautiful!
Madhusmita Dasi Fantastic... thank you 😘I remember this day when Gurudeva came.... but I had no idea how it ended!
Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 31 августа 2016 г. в 15:01
Krishna Rose I know - it was so beautiful! Gurudeva was so amazing, as I'm writing and remembering these past-times I'm amazed at how many miracles happened around him!
Не нравится · Ответить · 7 · 31 августа 2016 г. в 15:02
Paramatma Das Beautiful story but sad as well. It upset me how Gurudeva was not treated well at the Los Angeles temple. Bhakti Vaibavi Puri Maharja also came to Los Angeles just days before 911 and the Los Angeles devotees did not treat him well either. He went to the twin towers a week before it came crashing down from planes etc. I hope the poor souls who died there got some Spiritual benefit from him.
Не нравится · Ответить · 6 · 31 августа 2016 г. в 18:18 · Отредактирован
Anuradha Dasi Hare Krsna prabhu, thanks for sharing:) why did Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja went to twin towers? Was there a program or just to visit?
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 31 августа 2016 г. в 17:33 · Отредактирован
Paramatma Das He was giving some blessing and chanting but he went up into the Twin Towers on September 3, 2001 and wanted to wanted to be admitted there without any cost since he was a Sannyasi but they would Not do that. He was let in anyway and he chanted in the twin towers a week before it came crashing down. He was visiting and having devotees chant there. Perhaps Krsna arranged that to give some Mercy to the souls who perished there.
Не нравится · Ответить · 7 · 1 сентября 2016 г. в 17:49 · Отредактирован
Lalita Sakhi Wow, amazing story!
Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 4 сентября 2016 г. в 4:12
Syama Priya Devi Dasi Wow I missed that. I do remember what a stir Gurudeva created when he showed up at LA temple later in 1996 unnounced. Tense atmosphere indeed. One time we were invited by the temple president in Hawaii. He was very humble. He guided us to Srila Prabhupada's room and and gave Gurudeva so much respect. Then later that year he was removed from his position as temple president.
Не нравится · Ответить · 5 · 4 сентября 2016 г. в 4:04
Krishna Rose Actually at the LA temple in 1996, you may remember, that the Temple President at that time, called the Police on Gurudeva - to have him removed from the temple. I will tell this story on another day.
Нравится · Ответить · 4 сентября 2016 г. в 15:52
Kasturi Manjari Dasi oooff
Нравится · Ответить · 4 сентября 2016 г. в 15:58
Vytautė Pupšytė I can't believe this is true... It breaks my heart 😢
Нравится · Ответить · 4 сентября 2016 г. в 18:35
Paramatma Das Prabhupada would not want his dear Friends like Narayana Maharaja treated so disrespectfully at the Manor and Los Angeles. The Manor was donated by George Harrison and don't think he would like Sadhus treated like that. I remember When Gurudeva came to Badger for the first time in 1996 and there was opposition to his coming. I had already met him in 1994 and I told devotees he is a Real Sadhu and we should hear from him. Mahabharata Prabhu also mentioned that we should render service to the Maharaja. But Gopal Vrindapal had the best argument for him coming. "He said he is only going to stay a few days and tell a few stories from Krsna book. "And when he leaves after a few days nothing will change and everything will be back to normal like it was after the weekend." Lol Nothing Changed except our Spiritual Consciousness by the Power of Sadhu Sanga!! He came and stole the hearts of many devotees and Badger became New Braja.
Нравится · Ответить · 7 · 4 сентября 2016 г. в 21:06 · Отредактирован
Krishna Rose I remember this past-time well Paramatma prabhu. There was some hostility, you could feel that the devotee's weren't sure about Gurudeva, they had heard this and that from ISKCON, and they were being careful. By the time we left Badger, Gurudeva had stolen everyone's hearts.
Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 4 сентября 2016 г. в 15:53 ·
Krishna Rose добавила 2 новых фото.
30 августа 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: A short one today as I'm sick in bed - I had been working on a painting of Rupa Goswami's samadhi for a few years, it is very detailed and has exact dimensions of the Samadhi. Once I was finished with the picture, I decided to make it look like the cottage of Rupa Manjari rather than the Samadhi Mandir, so I made the colors bright, with beautiful gem stones for a path leading up to it, with peacocks in the background, flowers everywhere, like a very pretty little Vrindavan cottage for our Rupa Manjari. A god sister suggested I show it to Gurudeva, I was shy to show him, because I'm not a great artist. Anyway I built up the courage to show him the painting. He stopped walking, held the picture, was very quiet for a while and then said "what is this?" I said Gurudeva this is Rupa Goswami's Samadhi at Radha Damodara Temple, but when I completed it I made it Rupa Manjari's cottage at Seva Kunja instead of Samadhi Mandir. He was quiet and grave for a while longer, really drinking in my moods in the picture that had taken me years to complete. Then he turned to me and said in a very sweet voice "yes, and I want to take you there so you can see it"! Gurudeva has all power, with one glance he can give us everything, he wants to give us this vision of Rupa Manjari and her sacred kunja, and show us so many ways to serve Srimati Radharani (Supreme Goddess). If we don't follow the instructions Gurudeva has given us, every day, making attempts, slowly but steadily, and with heart and intention, then how can these things manifest in our hearts? These mantra's he has given are so powerful, they can remove and uproot ALL dysfunctions, and unwanted behaviors, they can give us The Kingdom of God for which we have worked so hard for life time after life time to achieve. Taking so many bodies, going through hell to get a body, then to take birth, going through child hood and all it's trauma's and joys.... so many distractions, birth after birth... and here Gurudeva says to us "I want to take you there!". We are indeed so fortunate! But more fortunate is that disciple who very carefully chants Hari Nam daily remembering all these things.
After Gurudeva left this world, a new Gurudeva book was released to the press, it was a sweet little book, Utkalikā-vallarī – A Vine of Intense Longings - and there on the inside cover was a copy of my painting (see below)
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Myriam Mamata Mimouni Which little book is it, Krishna Rose? Get well soon! :-*
Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 31 августа 2016 г. в 7:35
Krishna Rose Utkalikā-vallarī – A Vine of Intense Longings
Нравится · Ответить · 31 августа 2016 г. в 14:15
Krishna Rose Just uploaded a photo of the painting above.
Нравится · Ответить · 31 августа 2016 г. в 14:19
Lalita Sakhi I have this book! This story has completely melted my heart! Thank you soooooo much for sharing! Keep the Nectar Droplets Streaming!
Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 31 августа 2016 г. в 16:26
Krishna Rose
29 августа 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: One time in Badger, Gurudeva had just arrived. I was feeling VERY excited to see Gurudeva, my heart was overwhelming me. Then Gurudeva arrived to hoards of devotee's all brimming with excitement, and he was ushered to his room. Then only certain devotee's were allowed into the very packed bedroom to welcome Gurudeva, Brajanath Das prabhu, closed the sliding door on the rest of us standing outside. So I was peering in through the door (which was a sliding glass door), so that I could get a glimpse of Gurudeva, and pay my obeisances to my Gurudeva. Brajanath seeing me looking in through the window closed the blinds on on me, and a torrent of tears ensued. I walked sadly into the temple room in the house where Gurudeva was staying, and I sat there and chanted my Mantra's feeling sad that I couldn't pay my obeisances to my Gurudeva. After Gayatri, I got up, and walked down the corridor to where Gurudeva's bedroom was, the door was closed, and no one was around. So I bowed down to the door, and gave my weeping heart there to my Guru. The door suddenly opened, and Gurudeva sat up on the edge his of bed, to see who was outside paying obeisance to him with tears. I looked up, he saw me, he smiled very sweetly at me, and the door closed again. No one came in, and no one came out! There is no one in this world who can block your Bhakti. No one can block you from your relationship with Gurudeva. Now that Gurudeva is no longer physically present here on earth, still no one can block your close-ness and sambadha with Gurudeva. That year in Badger Gurudeva was feeling very grave. I had a strong feeling that I would not see my Guru alive again in this life. It would turn out to be the last time many of us saw him before he left us. Gurudeva was grieving, he knew our hearts were about to break, he was already quite frail and ill, he told us "there is no greater purification than when the Guru leaves this world, and all are weeping. Those tears, and that separation mood, has so much power to purify even the hardest of hearts. You should know, I will be even more able to help you all when I am not here in this body, because there will be no restriction". When Gurudeva left this world, I heard from so many disciples, "I don't feel like he has left, he is so close to me!". I also felt this way. I remembered how grief stricken Gurudeva was at the thought of leaving us, all his darling daughters and sons. He told us in Mathura one year, that when Param Gurudeva left (Bhakti Prajnana Keshava Goswami) this world, that Gurudeva never recovered from the agony in his heart. I thought to myself then, that Gurudeva would perform some special magic for all of us, his darling daughters and sons, that we should not suffer as he did at the loss of his Guru. Gurudeva is SO present in all of our hearts, if we ask we will receive, if we knock he will open the door. Jaya Gurudeva!
Suchandra Dasi I read this out loud to my 2 kids. It was hard to read! 😱 😭
Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 29 августа 2016 г. в 23:40
Krishna Rose
27 августа 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: Tomorrow is Ekadasi so here is what Gurudeva told me about why we must follow Ekadasi strictly! "If you want to be beautiful on the inside and out, then you must follow ekadasi. The inside should be like the outside, with no duplicity, what is on the inside should be on the outside, and what is on the outside should be on the inside (BTW Jesus also said this exact message word for word!)". Then he said "Ekadasi happens twice a month, on the eleventh day of the waning moon, and eleventh day of the waxing moon. The moon comes close to the earth at this time and makes the waters swell in the ocean, but also inside of our, as we have water in our bodies. When we take grains on Ekadasi any disease in our bodies swell up in the grains with the water and increase. More people die on ekadasi than at any other time, this is a scientific fact!" he said. "My Guru Maharaja and I did an experiment in the local Mathura hospital to see if more people were dying on ekadasi than on other days, and it was by hundreds more. So grains must not be eaten. But why?" he said smiling sweetly. "Because Mother Earth (Bhumi) she needs to purge her body twice a month (like a period), of all the karma's and terrible things that are happening on earth, so she expunges them into grains on this day. So if you eat grains, it is like eating all the sins of man-kind, no different from eating meat". From this day on, I never broke an ekadasi. Gurudeva later explained that the karma for killing animals for the meat industry, goes into the grains on Ekadasi. So despite there being all sorts of spiritual benefits to following Ekadasi, it is also for our own health, our own beauty and our own purity (karmically) that we should follow. Once I understood why we follow Ekadasi, it became very easy to follow.
Anjali Dasi Thanks. Excellent. I've wondered what it means about the moon coming closer to earth and affecting the tides because there are another 3 days between Ekadasi and full moon. And on full moon tide is highest?
So why is it that we get sicker from the grains on Ekadasi? Why not full moon?
Then those other reasons are there about Earth purging the sins. I like that. Not sure I heard that part before either.
Awesome how Gurudeva and Param Gurudeva experimented with the hospital in Mathura!!!
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 27 августа 2016 г. в 16:38
Nimai Nitai Das All sins hide in grains in ekadasi day.
Actually ekadasi fast all yogis also understand and follow. For different reasons ofcourse.
Those who fast nirjala on every ekadasi will be always free from disease.
As any disease is result of sin. That is why it is described in Hari bhakti vilas that both guru and disciple should be healthy, and sinless.
Ekadasi vrata being Radharani, will relieve from all sins and material identification, bring from external to internal
Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 1 октября 2016 г. в 12:08 · Отредактирован
Krishna Rose
26 августа 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: When I was staying in Mathura, in Keshavji Gaudiya Math Temple with Gurudeva, there was one street sweeper, a dark skinned young Indian girl, maybe 14 years old, who would come every day and visit with me in my room. She was very poor and spoke no English, my Hindi was as bad as her English, but we managed to communicate with hand gestures, eye movements and of course lots of laughter and smiles. One day I took her by the hand and told her I was taking her upstairs to the Temple room to see the Deities and meet Gurudeva. She nodded at me, so I took her by her hand and together we walked side by side, like old friends up the stairs into the temple room. We stood in front of Radha and Krishna and oohed and aah'd at Their beauty, and then out of no where I could hear shouting coming our way. One Brahmachari came running up to us, and shaking his hands and me wailing "no no, she cannot be here, she is unclean!". The young girl hid behind me terrified. "What because she is a street girl? She is allowed to come to Temple as much as any other" I said loudly at him, shocked by his behavior. Then Gurudeva came out of his room hearing the commotion. He called us to him, so I took Lakshmi with me (that was her name), and the Brahmachari was speaking to Gurudeva in Hindi, no doubt saying how this poor girl should not be in the temple room because she is 'unclean'. She was a street sweeper, and toilet cleaner for the bathrooms outside the Temple on the street. Then Gurudeva talked sweetly to Lakshmi and took the girl and Madhava Maharaja into his room, there he sat sweetly talking with her for some time, and then came out beaming "no one can say she is unclean now, because I have initiated her, she is now my disciple!" I was SO happy! He told the girl to come and see him, and the Deities any time she likes. She was super shy, but super happy! You can imagine. Gurudeva was so merciful and magnanimous in his vision and mercy. He reminded me so much of Jesus, who always preached to the poor and fallen.
Krishna Rose
25 августа 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: This is a true story - Continuing on with the story of my cassette player (the black box as Gurudeva would call it). It was my last darshan before I was leaving Gurudeva in Mathura, to go to Kashmir to see my family. I was very sad, and worried about leaving him. I told him "Gurudeva what if I never see you again?" "Oh, you think I will die?" he said smiling sweetly. "I don't know Gurudeva, but I am scared to leave you". "Don't worry Beti" he said sweetly to me, "I have given you everything, now you can go away and realize what I have buried in your heart. Your heart is like a canvas, and I am sweeping it to make it clean and beautiful, and there I am painting a beautiful scene for Radha and Krishna to enter!". So beautiful! Now to continue with the story of the tape recorder - I had only one cassette left that I had not yet recorded darshan's on, and it was my favorite tape with the best ever techno music on it. I was restless all night before that last darshan, should I record over my favorite music, or not? I wanted to record Gurudeva, but I was so attached to this music.... it was a hard decision to make for me! LOL! So in the morning, I took my black box to Gurudeva and pressed play to record Gurudeva's darshan with me, over my favorite music, I was proud of myself for choosing this path, and not remaining attached to my music. We had a lovely darshan. Then when I got to Kashmir, I was going through all my cassettes and listening to my darshan's with Gurudeva. When I got to that final tape, I could hear Gurudeva speaking to me, but the techno music was behind him. HE WAS SPEAKING OVER THE TECHNO music!!!! I cried and wept and leapt for joy, wow! My Gurudeva is the master of all mystics! Such was his mercy to me. He gave me so much faith with these sweet past-times. I still have this tape, and I recently gave all my tapes to Isa Dasa here in Alachua, at his request, so that he could make them digital and available for all to hear! When he got to that tape he sent it back to me, not knowing what it was, thinking it was my weird music! Then I told him the story, and he was amazed, and he posted the tape. This is a true story. Gurudeva is amazing. When we have full faith in him, he makes miracles happen in our lives, this is a fact. Jaya Gurudeva! Krishna Janmasthami Ki Jaya!
Anjali Dasi Thank you. Did he call you beta or beti? 😊
I remember that feeling of having to record over something I wanted to keep and decide which was more important.
I sometimes do it with photos too. Delete a few unsaved ones to get something you don't want to miss
Jaya Srila Gurudeva!
Нравится · Ответить · 25 августа 2016 г. в 23:38
Krishna Rose He probably said Beti LOL!
Нравится · Ответить · 26 августа 2016 г. в 0:16
Jayadev Das where is it?
Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 26 августа 2016 г. в 16:27
Krishna Rose I believe they are available on website. Look under Krishna Vallabha darshans.
Нравится · Ответить · 26 августа 2016 г. в 16:32
Krishna Rose Or you can contact Isa Dasa and he can point you in the right direction.
Нравится · Ответить · 26 августа 2016 г. в 16:32
Krishna Rose
24 августа 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: It was fashionable in the early days living in Mathura, to have a handheld tape recorder (that black box as Gurudeva would call it) to record every darshan and conversation we had with Gurudeva, onto old fashioned cassette tapes. One morning, I went into Gurudeva's room to have darshan with him, and I sat in front of him, while he was speaking very sweetly with a few of us. He saw my black box recorder on his bed, and grabbed it "oh this is your black box?" he said with a big smile on his face, "yes Gurudeva, it is mine" I replied, "now it is mine, it was on my bed I found it here" he said, putting my black box recorder under his pillow. "You should record with your heart, not the black box" he said. That whole day I was in so much anxiety at not having my tape recorder, because I didn't want to miss anything he said to me, lest I forget anything. 24 hours went by and still no black box. Two mornings later I went to see Gurudeva for darshan, same time same place and he still didn't return the tape recorder to me. Now I was in really anxious! How would I record my last few darshans with him before leaving for Kashmir? The following morning, my black box was in his hand, and he handed it to me smiling very sweetly at me, "now you can record me again" he said full belly chuckling at me. I was so relieved. I thought I would never see it again! Needless to say I drank every word Gurudeva said to us, into my heart, like a thirsty dried up flower, but the black box was my protection 'just in case'. Now I"m so glad I did, because after having so much medication in hospital 4 years ago, my memory was lost, the tapes really helped me remember all these sweet memories and things Gurudeva said to me.
Lalita Sakhi Awwwww... He was teasing you in a very affectionate way!
Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 24 августа 2016 г. в 15:23
Krishna Rose Yes he was very tricky, funny and playful!
Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 24 августа 2016 г. в 17:48
Andrea Basedow This story reminds me of when I first met Gurudeva on the ferry boat going to Saltspring island BC, Canada.i was so excited to finally be in his presence,so when he gave his first class there,I had planted my seat right close to him front row
He noticed my glasses case which looked like wood and ask me what this was, I replied...its urs Gurudeva if u like it, it's to store eye glasses in.....handing it to him, he smiled and looked into my eyes....I was shaking and tears just started to roll down my heart rate balanced and I got both initiations in Salt spring, his first visit to Canada in 2000