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This should be the focus of our chanting - think of this scene which is wish fulfilling, and control the mind which wants to go here and there, like a monkey jumping from tree to tree in search of pleasure..... instead sit the mind in a gentle way in front of this scene of Vrindavan and our chintamani of Hare Krishna chanting (which is wish fulfilling) will become manifest.

Gurudeva gave me the same thing he gave you, I have had so many Gurudeva disciples cry about this subject that they came so late and didn't get so much association, also Prabhupada disciples are like this.

Fear not, Gurudeva gave everything to you in one glance. Like I gave the example of how Gurudeva said "I am the Captain of this ship, and I am taking all of you with me across the ocean of material existence, I am also taking them with me, even though they don't see me, I see them so I am taking them" when Gurudeva was in a boat with us, he could see people standing on the shore 1 mile away, and he was pointing to them, "even though they do not see me, I see them, so I am taking them with me".

Such is Gurudeva's unlimited vision and mercy! What to speak of disciples and followers of this path! We must have deep faith in Guru and Krishna, and dive deep into our chanting where all will be revealed.

Chanting is not dry, we must make a real effort to chant deeply with great attention and focus on the goal of life and not let the mind go wherever it wants, then chanting will reveal everything - Gurudeva said "I have given you everything, now go away and realize it".

If we follow carefully these things we will be so happy, and no one received anything more than anyone else, according to our daily efforts we will be accordingly realized.

It is not relevant to how much time we had with the Pure Vaisnava as an implication of how advanced someone is, for some one could be with Gurudeva all the time and be full of problems, or someone can come new and be so full of faith and strive with so much effort, it is up to us how far we take this. Gurudeva has given it all. The Kingdom is there within us. Now we have to go and realize what has been planted in our hearts. Hare Krishna! Jaya Gurudeva!



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Haripriya Dasi Well said.

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 13 сентября 2016 г. в 22:37

Haripriya Dasi My brother Bhakti Rasa only met Gurudeva once in Auckland NZ. At the time he had cancer. The darshan is in that wonderful book. Gurudeva told him not to fear death, death is nothing. More was said. After this meeting Bhakti wrote to Gurudeva a few times and Gurudeva replied to all. One letter my brother wrote he was fearing pain and the whole process. Gurudeva wrote and said, "give up everything and think of krsna pray to Krsna and Swamiji and I will be there. "
He was satisfied. A week before Bhakti left, he was quite distressed this particular day. We told him, look for Gurudeva, look for Prabhpada, they are there for you. A minute passed and he replied, yes I see them and became very calm.
There is more to this story but I will continue it when I am on the computer.

Нравится · Ответить · 9 · 13 сентября 2016 г. в 22:50

Krishna Rose wow what a lovely story!

Нравится · Ответить · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 0:30

Haripriya Dasi Here is the rest.

Нравится · Ответить · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 0:31

Haripriya Dasi A few months before he left, Bv Tridandi maharaja visited our sanga and Bhakti got on well with Maharaja. At this time Bhakti knew he couldn't get any help anywhere else after meeting Gurudeva, Bv Tridandi encouraged him to take Gopal mantra from Gurudeva through a skype call plus one other devotee took Harinama and she hadn't even met Gurudeva. Because of the condition Bhakti was in at this stage, it was hard for him to concentrate for too long if he got all the mantras in Diksa, so Gopal mantra was the best for him. he was so inspired and was taking things very seriously. He took to heart any instructions he recieved from Gurudeva. On the day he was leaving, he was in a semi unconscous state and was listening to Srila Prabhupada bhajans 24/7. He was like this for quite a few hours so not possible physically to speak. Just as he was about to leave, he opened his eyes and this deep Hare Krsna came out, this happened 5 or 6 times and then he left. It was amazing. It was obvious that Gurudeva and Srila Prabhupada were there assisting him. So this is an example of not having much association of Gurudeva. His instructions are so important. Bhakti Rasa had been a devotee since 1979-80. A lovely devotee and brother. I still miss him after 8 years. A very special time together.

Нравится · Ответить · 7 · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 0:46

Haripriya Dasi Devotees and family were also there quietly chanting as this is what he wanted.

Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 0:58

Krishna Rose A very auspicious passing - Gurudeva said death is like taking off old clothes and putting on new ones... nothing to it - we give too much importance to it, like it's the worst thing that could happen, but actually it is a relief for the soul to get out of the heavy body....

Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 1:44

Cintamanih Devi Dasi I could be one of the devotees who feel left out, a latecomer. I met Gurudeva in 2003 in Hilo and took harinam from him. I went to puri, Ratha Yatra, I went to Navadvip parikrama wit Gurudeva, but never Vraj mandala parikrama...did I miss out? I never got to spend intimate moments with him, there were always so many vying to be close to him, I felt so less qualified as a neophyte than the other senior disciples so i politely held my connection with Gurudeva any less because I did not get to have these earthly pasttimes with him? No!!! He comes to me in dreams when I really really need someone, he is there for me. In my diksa meditation, who is there, ready to grab my hand and enter the kunja joyously, bonded together in service....our connection with Gurudeva is beyond these earthly lives and daily happenings, we should not be thinking "I wish I had....with Gurudeva while he was here..." We should be actively engaged in joining him in service in our meditations. I knew the devotees that were close with him. das anudas anudas, correct? This was close enough for me to get it, its close enough for you as well, nothing i s missing, nothing has been held back, you have been gifted the supreme gift, the ultimate gesture of well-wishing, it is your kuleana, or response-ability, to make the most out of all he shared...

Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 0:51

Krishna Rose Lovely... well put!

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 1:42




Krishna Rose

14 сентября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: So the question arises for us all, as Gurudeva's disciples, how do we cross over practically from this world of sense enjoyment and material pleasures and sufferings, to the transcendental eternal realm of Goloka Vraj (Kingdom of God)? We are not fully able to enjoy this realm because of our spiritual consciousness and learning, and we are not able to enjoy that realm because we are not there yet. So how do make that leap?

As far as meditation goes, with closed eyes, while we chant, we may try to picture ourselves going to the Yamuna river, to meet with Gurudeva in his Sakhi-Manjari form, to collect water in golden pots and carry them on our heads to Srimati Radhika's chamber, to run a bath for Her. Why are we doing this seva? Because Srimati Radhika is in deep separation mood, Krishna has returned to his Palace, and She is now about to take bath. When we return with these pots on our heads and fill Her bath for Her, when She enters these waters, She again remembers Her meeting with Krishna the night before, at that place in the Yamuna River where we collected water from. There She had met with Krishna, and it has now become a reality for Her in her bathwater, and She is appeased, as all the the moods from Their Divine meeting, now becomes manifest in Her again.

This kind of chanting, and Bhajan doesn't exist in reality, it is our aspiration only, aspirational service performed with an aspirational consciousness body. For our Gurudeva this Seva is actual reality, but for us, it is for now, only our wish to be there. Hari-Nam is Chintamani, wish fulfilling, so when we chant, remembering something sweet like this, then Hari Nam can bless us, and Gurudeva can bless us with this aspiration becoming an actual reality for us.

When Gurudeva talks about these things, it is real for him. Gurudeva has planted the seed of that Eternal spiritual reality in our hearts, so that one day it will be real for us, and we will actually be there beside him performing these services. When Gurudeva is serving Srimati Radhika, in his own seva, as Guru-Sakhi, he has the power to include us in his reality, and then by his mercy, through our daily efforts and focused meditation like this, he will help us to gradually enter in.

If we don't focus on that reality (Goloka Vraj), it's very difficult for us to remove ourselves from this reality and try to enter the reality Gurudeva see's. How can we remove ourselves from this reality of our material lives, unless we focus on another reality while we chant and remember? Gurudeva taught us that we must focus, in a one pointed way, on that transcendental reality that we aspire to go to when we chant. Then by Guru's mercy, we can make efforts with our minds and hearts during time of Sadhan Bhajan to become part of that eternal reality, and we can gradually dislodge ourselves from this reality and really enter in.

This is why Gurudeva preached the way he did, and spoke so much Lila-Katha, describing the spiritual world to us so vividly, so that our sense of living there, becomes more of a reality for us. It becomes palpable for us with our consciousness. He wants us to use our minds in this way, to immerse ourselves in that reality when we chant. If we have difficulty doing this, we can think Gurudeva is right there wanting to help us at every moment, he is pulling us from this so-called reality to his eternal reality. We either focus our minds on these things at time of chanting, or we keep concentrating on our material desires of the body and mind.

Gurudeva said he is there with us, at time of chanting Hare Krishna, or our Diksha mantra's, this is real, he really is there for us, we just out to reach out for him, and he will take us by our hands and reveal these things, by our pure hearted daily efforts, thus he prepares us in a natural way for that reality.

Jaya Gurudeva!



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Lalita Sakhi OMGoddess! Yes Srila Gurudeva used to do this all the time! Thank you for sharing this... Spiritual life is all about tweaking our HariNama Bhajan until finally the mercy descends and we will achieve a real taste of that Nectar!

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 15:45

Jagatam Dasi This is beautiful, Krishna Rose. Thank you for posting.

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 16:38

Chaitanya Shakti Wow such amazing things here...I have read and heard of this but the way you described it is so enchanting, Didi. It makes me want to try harder to meditate on the spiritual reality as I chant. Thank you! Just what I needed today on Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur's day!

Last night I dreamt that Srila Gurudeva approached me, smiled very sweetly at me, and then slapped me vigorously across the face several times! So I am obviously a complete nonsense-head! Your nectarean Gurudeva memories help this nonsense person very much. Please keep sharing. I need this every day!

Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 16:39 · Отредактирован

Krishna Rose Hilarious dream! Gurudeva's slaps are utterly transcendental! He removes life times of sin with one slap! You are so lucky! I had a dream where Jesus slapped me, after he gave me the winning numbers for the Lottery LOL!

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 16:46

Lalita Sakhi Wow, I wish I had a dream like that!

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 14 сентября 2016 г. в 18:23

Tirtha Das Just keep calling. Gurudeva he will come in your dreams. (Harinama Cintamani) 😜

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 15 сентября 2016 г. в 1:13


Krishna Rose

12 сентября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories - In 2001, we were living in Maui, Hawaii. A great tragedy fell upon my family. It was something I cannot reveal, but it was utterly devastating. I had fallen into a deep dark well emotionally, one of the darkest in my life time. I thought we would never recover from the incidents of that night. I did not sleep all night, and I wept and wept and raged all day and night.

The next morning, the phone rang and Radha Vallabha (Robin Wing) came running into my bedroom “you’ll never guess who’s on the phone” he said to me “it’s Gurudeva!”

So I ran to the phone, and Gurudeva took me by surprise and said "what has happened, tell me all". I was weeping and weeping on the phone, and then I told him in a very choked voice. He already knew what had happened, not from any letter to him, but by heart, and this was why he suddenly called me.

"Beware of Mayavadi's", he told me, "don't ever live with people like this, you should be careful not to live with bad people who are no good. Now you know what a responsibility it is to have a family" he concluded. Again he told me "be careful of Mayavadi's, and don't live anywhere cold, because you cannot survive in cold weather". It was SO random that he was saying these things to me! It seemed like he was talking about my current situation, and also future situations I may find myself in. He was super concerned about us, and he spoke sweetly to me for a few minutes giving me advice. I was so happy to hear from him, in my darkest hour, and that he reached out to me like this, it was a miracle!

We ended up moving from Maui very soon after this phone call, to a yoga ashram run by my husbands ex-Guru, in Pennsylvania, he is a Mayavadi! How did Gurudeva know this would happen?

From that day on I knew that Gurudeva was always watching over us and knew every detail of our existence. There is nothing he doesn't see. We cannot hide from him. Even our darkest secrets are known to him.

He cares so much for each and every one of us, he was very concerned for us, and this was obvious to me in the way he sweetly reeled us in with affection and then slapped us with the hard truth.

This phone call came out of no where, he wasn't in Hawaii, I didn't call him, he couldn't have known about what had transpired the night before - but again, evidence came to me, to show me, that Gurudeva is inside our hearts watching every thing. Nothing escapes his Divine eyes. He is more there for us than any one person could ever be in our lives.



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Lalita Sakhi Simply amazing and mystical!

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 13 сентября 2016 г. в 3:22

Krishna Rose I know, I was so shocked, Gurudeva was SOOO personal!

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 13 сентября 2016 г. в 3:27

Lalita Sakhi I can't even imagine! I believe Srila Gurudeva did these wonderful pastimes with you and certain others just so we could hear these stories after his departure... Just so we could revive the memories of his prakat lilas, and learn lessons through hearing through someone else's experiences... How personal he was!!! And... Compassionate!

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 13 сентября 2016 г. в 6:41

Nirmala Iyengar It is very bad to criticise another"s faith and call them mayavadis. I wonder what they will call iskcon devotees. We are all under the influence of Maya and to term as bad is a very bad thing to do

Нравится · Ответить · 13 сентября 2016 г. в 9:13

Krishna Rose When he meant Mayavadi's, he was specifically talking about people who believe God has no form, that we are all God, not just people under the influence of Maya. Hearing kirtan, or hearing from the lips of mayavadi's can affect one's ability to advance in Bhakti, in fact it can destroy it, hence "be careful". Gurudeva was not a critical person, you can see that from the magnanimous past-times he exhibited. But we should be careful who we associate with, because their influence can affect us.

Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 13 сентября 2016 г. в 14:28

Nirmala Iyengar Sometimes we have to be strong in our beliefs and have firm footing least we are not affected.

Нравится · Ответить · 13 сентября 2016 г. в 16:34

Lalita Sakhi I don't see this as being critical... I see it as being constructive feedback on how to discriminate between reality and illusion. Guru and Sastra help us to discriminate between the two!

Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 13 сентября 2016 г. в 15:47

Krishna Rose Gurudeva was warning me personally, not to associate with Mayavadi's, because it uproots one's Bhakti progress to hear from them, and their philosophy. Gurudeva was very protective over us, his darling daughters, and he foresaw that I would be heavily exposed in the near future to Mayavadi association, and he warned me of this... he was right because within weeks I was living in a Mayavadi Yoga Ashram surrounded by misconceptions. I gave prasadam sweets and lead kirtans and spoke boldly about Gurudeva and Bhakti....

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 13 сентября 2016 г. в 19:16




Krishna Rose

10 сентября 2016 г. ·

Anyone can walk into an ISKCON temple from anywhere, no matter what their condition - but our Gurudeva - they call the police on them, they threaten him and us, they offer him the floor to sit on (rather than a chair), they lock in a room to avoid him going to a morning program.... so many things.... but look what he did for ISKCON, he saved their institution and fought for them in court and won!


Krishna Rose

9 сентября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: Gurudeva came to stay with us In Maui, Hawaii in May of the year 2000. Gurudeva arrived to a great throng of devotee's with fragrant flower garlands to offer him at the airport. We drove him back to the house where he would be staying. After he settled in, he called me to him. I went and sat with him, and he said some very sweet things:

"You are an eater of Mango's" he chuckled. (My previous name was Anita Mengi - he was making fun of me! :) Gurudeva had such a great sense of humor! He said to me "You are my Kashmiri Pandit! (my family is from Kashmir - he used to call me this as a pet name). You have Bhakti in your veins. Offer all your kirtan to Radha and Krishna" he said. "Offer your self, and all your activities to Radha and Krishna. Don't be the doer or you will have to take the karma. Any wealth your husband has, is coming from Krishna. You should take shelter of Krishna fully, and give up all dharma related to the subtle body, mind and material body". Then he told me "don't ever divorce your husband. He is so qualified. If you leave your husband a sin will come to you and you will have to suffer." This teaching of Gurudeva has been the solid glue that has kept my husband and I together despite the difficulties life has thrown our way.

Then Gurudeva's mood changed, and he said in a very sweet voice to me "The Gopi's what are they doing? They are sweeping, milking, cleaning their homes, swinging their children, always remember Krishna, mind and heart is somewhere else, and they are singing "Govinda Damodara-Madhaveti"" he sang, "you should also be like this, always serving Krishna, remembering Krishna, sweeping the temple. They are absorbed in their activities but they are also absorbed elsewhere. You should try to follow all these things. Only when you surrender completely, then Gurudeva can give you some service in Vraja. Try to be attached to Krishna, not to dog" he said. I guess he for-saw my future life surrounded by so many animals LOL!

These teachings are not only for me, just because he spoke them to me, they are for each and every one of us, as his disciples. Gurudeva told me "do not be shy, you should share everything I have given to all" - so today I am sharing these sweet memories, so that all can again become strong and inspired in their chanting and practices, for this loveliest of Holy Day's - the Birth Day celebration of our Sweet Divine Goddess Srimati Radhika! Jai Jai Sri Radhe! Jai Gurudeva!



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Indriya Daman Dominique Déhais Thanks for accepting me as a friend. I love your memories of Gurudeva

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 10 сентября 2016 г. в 10:49

Madan Mohan Fabulous!. Please make a book! Or at least an online archive where all these precious memories can be accessed in one place. :)

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 10 сентября 2016 г. в 12:52

Krishna Rose I am compiling all these stories, and will try and put a small book together to honor Gurudeva.

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 10 сентября 2016 г. в 15:11

Candrakanta Dasi im so happy to hear that youre compiling a book.

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 10 сентября 2016 г. в 20:52


Krishna Rose с Nayana Wing.

8 сентября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: One time, I wrote to Gurudeva, saying "Gurudeva will you please visit me in dreams". Then Gurudeva wrote a letter back to me, saying "yes I will visit you in your dreams". If you ask, you will receive, if you knock the door will open to you......



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Paramatma Das beautiful picture of you and Gurudeva and your daughter.

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 9 сентября 2016 г. в 6:26



Krishna Rose

11 сентября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories - Later on, in Los Angeles on that first tour in 1996, I fell very sick whilst staying at an Indian families home. We didn't know what was wrong with me, so a Doctor came to the house and diagnosed me with chicken pox (adult). They kindly paid for a room in a Motel in LA for me, and I was moved there. I was alone in that Motel room, delirious with very high fever, and no one to help me. I had no food, and only a little water which Choti Tunga Vidya brought me, and my only medicine was Goldenseal tincture and Echinacea which was kindly brought to me by Syamala didi.

There in this room, with very high fever, I crawled from my bed to the bathroom to take cold baths, to try and stay alive. I saw UFO's landing outside, coming and going, I was utterly delirious! Once every other day Toongi or Sridam Sakha would bring me prasadam. I was very ill, I don't know how I survived it by but Gurudeva's mercy.

I had this one picture which I had bought from Gurudeva's book table that Syamarani (Jadurani) had painted, it was a beautiful painting of a Manjari in Seva Kunja running to serve Srimati Radhika in the night time, with a tray of items for worship. She was wearing a blue dress, and had big beautiful eyes and a kind face. I did not know who this Manjari was, but there were four manjaris, I had each of these as small photographs in a book. But this particular one Manjari I held her so close, and prayed to her, and cried to her, and begged her for mercy. I thought she was Rupa Manjari, and I sang Sri Rupa Manjari Pada to her, which is one of my all time favorite songs. I was crying and crying, lying in my bed, holding this Manjari close to my heart, sleeping with her next to me all night long.

The LA programs were complete. My fever was gone, but I was covered with ugly sores all over my face and body still. My dear godbrothers and sisters came to collect me, to take us all to Badger. It would be Gurudeva's first time in Badger. I had not seen Gurudeva that entire week, and I was very eager to see him again, my heart was utterly in pieces..

When I first saw Gurudeva, he saw me and he had such a look of concern on his face. He called me to him and said "where have you been, I have been SOOO worried for you". "Thank you Gurudeva, I have been very sick" I replied, "oh" he said sweetly with a cheeky look on his face "you were not alone". "Yes Gurudeva I was alone" I replied. "No you were not alone, I was with you the entire time" he said with so much worry on his face.


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