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Hari Priya Das Jai ho

Нравится · Ответить · 18 ноября 2016 г. в 18:36

Suchandra Dasi Info feel like I'm hanging on a thread. I'm scared I could die any moment. When I was in Navadvip the pandal fell on me and I thought I was going to die..... I wasn't so scared then.. I'm so offensive and Srila Gurudev is gone.... Now I feel fearful....

Нравится · Ответить · 18 ноября 2016 г. в 21:18

Krishna Rose That's so heart wrenchingly ernest... bless you for putting yourself out there like that, VERY few people have the guts to say they are afraid of death, I think it's a pride thing that we feel we have to tell others "oh I'm not scared of death", yet in truth, we all are..... it is the unknown, we have to leave behind all those we have loved, and known... it's not easy, but Gurudeva said it is a relief to die, to change out of these old heavy dirty bodies... and get something new and light.... so we must have faith... Gurudeva also told me that "I will be there when you die, no one else can help you". I hope this helps you some.... Gurudeva has promised this, he loved you so much Suchandra, he loved your entire family, took you all under his wing, into his pocket and into his heart..... we have nothing to fear... even if fear may be there :)

Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 19 ноября 2016 г. в 1:17

Suchandra Dasi but Srila Gurudev didn't say he will be with me when I die, he will be with you. I have made Gurudev upset. I have done wrong.

Нравится · Ответить · 19 ноября 2016 г. в 5:00

Krishna Rose Suchandra Dasi Gurudeva loves you, we ALL do wrong, we all make offenses and blow ourselves up, we are conditioned Jiva's, and Gurudeva knows this, he knew this when he accepted us and put us in his pocket.... being in his pocket comes with a price.... we are his forever, we ALWAYS under his protection, unless he tells you different! The things I am sharing, are for all, not only for me, Gurudev said this.

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 19 ноября 2016 г. в 5:01

Suchandra Dasi That sounds nice, but I am not sure about myself. I am not sure.....because I didn't hear from Gurudev, and I am suffering so much from my offenses.

Нравится · Ответить · 19 ноября 2016 г. в 5:09

Suchandra Dasi That I am full of material desires and have no taste for Nam is proof of my offenses.

Нравится · Ответить · 19 ноября 2016 г. в 5:12

Krishna Rose Suchandra Dasi You are humble is what you are. We are all full of material desires, we are in the material world, so it makes sense we are trying to get pleasure, just one drop of honey from anywhere / anyone, because we haven't yet planted one foot firmly in Vraj Dham. I have more taste for material pleasure than Hari Nam, this is a fact for most devotee's, it takes guts to be so honest. All we can do is try every day a little to advance, this is all that is required of us, to try, to make those small efforts... and if for now you can't, then so be it, at some point you will again pick it up with strength, we all will..... our weakness is temporary. Gurudeva said "with one glance I can remove all your material desires", he didn't give so much importance to our material desires as devotee's think, he cared only if we were TRYING every day to follow... even the smallest efforts matter. :)

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 19 ноября 2016 г. в 15:06


Krishna Rose

16 ноября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: It was 1996, Gurudeva had left Mathura for the first time, and come to the West. We were like a sweet close happy family, with Gurudeva at it's center. All were happy and inspired! Gurudeva told us "we are not of this place (earth), we have come like a refugee here for some days (life), we should realize this with eyes, that we cannot live in this world like refugee's, not more than 100 years, and in 100 years half of your life is spent sleeping, and those who don't control their senses will sleep more, 10 hours, 12 hours, so half our life is in sleeping, and 20 years or more on childhood, or learning something, becoming a Doctor, business man, engineer, earning money, and the age of 80 - 100 so old we cannot move without a stick, hair will dry, teeth will fall away, eyesight will go, hair is white, so that at that time you cannot do anything and then we will die. 50 years sleeping, 20 years childhood, 20 years old age, leaves 10 yrs of marriage, children and car, house, tv, sitting, cricket, football. So where is the time to serve God/Krishna? So from childhood we should try and serve. We would have a bonafide Guru to guide us, and take association of those who are more advanced. If you don't follow you cannot move an inch towards Bhakti (devotion to God), and if you don't move an inch in Bhakti, then your life is quite useless".



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Krishna Rose с Divakara Dasa и Cheitanya Chandra Dasa.

15 ноября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: On that first fateful historical tour out of India, in 1996, we visited so many places with Gurudeva. Gurudeva had his routines of songs, and plays that he liked to have sung before every class. One of his favorite plays, I will always remember. He had Lalit Mohan prabhu (Vincenzo Biancucci) play the leading role in a hilarious example of the distractions of family life. A Brahmin, would sit every day and study the scriptures with rapt attention, but have to break to cook, clean and wash his clothes etc. So he thought to himself, "I should get a wife, so she can cook and clean for me, and I will have more time to study the Bhagavad-Gita". So he found himself a simple girl to marry, and he studied while she cooked. Then one day, his wife came to him and asked "can we please get a cat, because it will kill the mice that I am seeing". So the husband gets a cat for the wife, so that the mice will go away. Then he sits down to study again. Then later the wife comes and says to him "we need a cow, so that we can feed milk to the cat", so the Brahmin acquires a cow. The wife is happy. But now she wants a baby. She then has a child, followed by others. Then they get a dog to protect their children, and their home, then they need a larger home for the growing family. And so the story goes on and on, and gradually the Brahmin has no time for study, his books are on the shelf collecting dust, and he is engaged in so many activities to pay the bills, and keep his family safe and well taken care of. Then in old age, he see's his book on the self, it is covered in dust, he picks it up, brushes off the enormous amount of dust on the top of the book and begins to weep "what have I done? I have spent my entire life in mundane activity, when all I wanted was more time to study!". At this Gurudeva would start chuckling, and then his whole body would laugh a hearty laugh and we would all laugh with him! It was utterly hilarious and such a truthful example of our situation. Now more than twenty years later, I remember this play, and I remember how Gurudeva would look at me, and laugh, and I think, he put this play on just for me! I live in a big house, my books are collecting dust, I have cats for protection of mice & snakes, dogs for protection (and love), goats, horses, a donkey, and we are trying to acquire a cow! We grow our own food in the garden, we have our own water, it is all too familiar to the story Gurudeva would enjoy so much!

Jaya Gurudeva!



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Anjali Dasi I saw the that play a few years after. It was hilarious indeed

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 15 ноября 2016 г. в 17:33

Gregory Macneir Peace is a skill... :)

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 15 ноября 2016 г. в 17:52

Haripriya Dasi Yes definitely a distraction. Since July a stray cat adopted us and she had kittens 2-1/2 weeks ago. She had 4. We didn't want any pets but as usual they come to us for some reason.

Не нравится · Ответить · 1 · 15 ноября 2016 г. в 20:33

Krishna Rose Ha ha that happened to us too! We had 1 cat, then 2 babies came to us who were abandoned walking on our road at night, we took them in to protect them overnight, and they stayed. One baby got pregnant only 3 months old and 4 kittens, my husband loves them all so much he can't let them go, so now we have 7 cats! Hilarious, for I'm highly allergic to cats! (of course they are all outdoors!)

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 15 ноября 2016 г. в 22:45

Haripriya Dasi It's hard because devotees have soft hearts and it us hard to turn a living entity away when they need shelter

Нравится · Ответить · 16 ноября 2016 г. в 0:13


Vincenzo Biancucci I LOVED doing those plays for him. SO much fun.

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 16 ноября 2016 г. в 6:48

Krishna Rose you were hilarious, and we all enjoyed laughing at you and with you! :)

Нравится · Ответить · 16 ноября 2016 г. в 15:46


Krishna Rose

11 ноября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: To counteract all the hate mail I have received today, for supporting Trump, I am choosing to post a sweet memory of being with my beloved Gurudeva. One day, Gurudeva was walking ahead of me a little, and he suddenly stopped and turned around and faced me, as I came close to him, he said to me "don't ever move to a cold place, you cannot survive in a cold place, it is easier in a hot place". I never knew why Gurudeva stopped and said these totally random things to me out the blue, but this one has kept us from moving to cold places (like Vermont, Boston, Massachusetts, Sweden, Scandinavia) so many places where we were thinking of moving to. We ended up living in Florida, which is HOT, so I think Gurudeva will be pleased LOL! I think Gurudeva could foresee the future, and the problems that we may one day face, if there is no heating, lighting, water etc. In 1996, Gurudeva was in England, and one sweet devotee came to Gurudeva asking him "should we move to Wales (the countryside), away from the city, to avoid a nuclear bomb?" Gurudeva replied smiling very sweetly "if you move a bomb will come there, you cannot escape the jaws of death if it is meant for you, just have faith and chant Hare Krishna, changing your body (dying) is like taking off old worn out clothes, do not worry so much for this".



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Krishna Rose

13 октября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: What does it mean to be a follower of Gurudev? It means to really follow him. To walk in his foot steps and follow behind him. "I have given you everything you need, go away and realize it". If our heart is like a pot, and Gurudev used this analogy often, then when we met with Gurudev he filled that pot with treasures, then when we are no longer in Gurudev's physical presence, our duty as disciples and children of Gurudev is to search "what has my Gurudev planted in my pot?" If at first, at time of chanting, we don't find any gem's in this pot, should we give up, and think "oh this chanting is so hard, I don't feel anything so I will give it up and seek out pleasure that is faster elsewhere"? - or should we patiently day by day reach inside and dive deep, and deeper until we find one jewel, then another and then very soon we will see that the pot was actually full of jewels all this while, but we could not see them, because the sincere effort was not there. If we have faith that Gurudev is real Guru, then we surely should trust that he has done this for us. He promised this to us. He told me "I have entered into your heart, and am painting upon the canvas of your heart a beautiful scene for Radha and Krishna to enter". So these treasures really are there in a real way, it is our consciousness that needs to touch these places deep inside at time of chanting. When we dedicate ourselves to chant, every day, without fail, like a committed lover daily giving attention to his/her beloved, or a person who daily checks emails and Facebook with dedication and enthusiasm... if we apply this same enthusiasm to chanting, daily, and do the practices Gurudev prescribed for us like an expert Doctor, then it is guaranteed that fruits will grow from the seeds Gurudev planted within that pot. But, without daily watering, seeds do not fructify. Our goal as disciples should be to daily water that garden without fail. For this is the success of our lives. This is what it means to follow Gurudev.



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Krishna Rose с Robin Wing и Binaya Krsna.

11 октября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: When Gurudev was leaving Maui, I went to see him, I was in a terrible state, I was 8 months pregnant with our first baby (Nayana Wing), and I knew my heart and soul (Gurudev) would be leaving Maui, and I never knew if I would see him again. I was very sad, my heart was breaking into a thousand pieces. He told me "When you pick your beads to chant, you should come by mind and sit before me, just as you are now. You should begin to chant slowly and together we will chant. I will chant, and you will chant, we will sit together and chant, and I will watch you chanting. This way your mind will not go everywhere", he said very sweetly, "and" he continued, "you can ask me any question at that time also and I will answer. You should know, that everyone may leave you, but not your Gurudev, your Gurudev will never leave you, never never never".

We could see that many times our relationship with Gurudev seemed blocked by some external experience, or person. But actually our relationship with Gurudev is eternal, here he has promised this, he told me "there are no restrictions to having this kind of relationship with me". In this way Gurudev pacified my heart by teaching me how to chant, and how to think of him at time of chanting.

This teaching is not specific to me alone. He gave this to all. He told us "if you don't share what you have learned with me, then you are miserly".

Every single soul who came and met Gurudev received the same seed of Bhakti in their hearts that I received, and these sweet memories and teachings I am sharing, are meant as nectar to rejuvenate our hearts, like a jump start, back into a deep Bhajan life.

Gurudev and the entire Parampara is always waiting for us, eagerly, every time we pick up our Japa, to help us. If we make no effort to reach out to them for their help, then we are miserly to our own selves. To love one's self is to give oneself the medicine we require to become satisfied, happy and fulfilled in life. We are so fortunate, more fortunate than most, to have met a Holy master like this..... but we are more fortunate if we are able to make attempts daily to follow his instruction to us, that main instruction being "to chant and be happy".



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Madalene Rhyand He has proven this so many times. He is still with us.

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 12 октября 2016 г. в 2:19

Jagatam Dasi Thanks, Krishna Rose, this is beautiful and very helpful.

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 12 октября 2016 г. в 11:04

Lynda McMullen- Boyce That was awesome! Thank you for sharing :o)

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 12 октября 2016 г. в 18:31


Krishna Rose

9 октября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: With Kartik about to begin, and devotee's all fortunate enough to go to the Holy Dham for this sacred month, I thought I would write something sweet about what it means to 'do' Parikrama (Holy Pilgrimage). For those of us left behind, we can also spend Kartik doing Parikrama, by heart and mind, we are not left behind, Gurudev said "wherever you are, be there, but by mind be in Vrindavan". Does Gurudev mean be in Bhauma-Vrindavan (like when we buy a ticket to India), that Vrindavan? Well for those of us that can't yet do Bhajan of Goloka-Vraj (spiritual world) we can remember past-time places we have been, or heard about, we can remember the Samadhi-Mandir's where great Saints and Sages have been buried for our benefit. Gurudev told us "you should think, they are like sleeping but their consciousness is really 100% here pervading this area" when we went to visit Samadhi's with him in Vrindavan. He explained to us that when we circumambulate places like Govardhan Hill, Radha Kund/Syam Kund, Radha Damodara Temple (which has so many sacred Samadhi's - grave sites), Seva Kunja etc, it is like a spider who is going around weaving a web to capture something relishable. So Gurudev explained, we should also be like a spider, spinning a web of attaching ourselves to these holy tirtha's (places) and divine personalities, who are eager to assist and help us on our path to perfection.

We can at time of chanting, either attach ourselves into mundane thoughts and activities, or we can focus the mind, utilize it's amazing power, to attach ourselves to the eternal. We should try to bind our consciousness to the things, people and places that can really benefit us spiritually. So by mind, this Kartik, we can spin our webs, around Govardhan Hill attaching ourselves to this holy place, also at Radha Kund, at Rupa Goswami's Samadhi, and Srila Prabhupada & our Gurudev's Samadhi's, to Seva Kunja, and other places that will eternal benefit our souls.

Everything Gurudev was teaching us that everything we do, should have some mood attached to it, it make it fruitful.



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Krishna Rose с Nayana Wing и Robin Wing.

7 октября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: I was unfortunate that after my time with Gurudev, I had to spend many years away from him unable to travel to see him at various places, only getting to see him when he came to visit us in Maui, Hawaii. We always remained in touch with letters back and forth during that time, and sometimes by phone. When Gurudev came to Maui in 1999, I was heavily pregnant with our daughter Nayana Wing, I was sure that I needed to find out how I could better stay inspired after he leaves. My relationship had become a relationship in separation. I wanted to still feel as close to him, as I did when he was physically present before me, even when I would go long periods of time without his sweet association. Gurudev explained to us "the devotee is like a child in it's mothers womb connected intimately to the Mother through the umbilical cord. All the nourishment that the child needs comes through that cord, and all the unwanted things (waste product) from the child come to the Mother through that cord, so the Mother can remove and nourish at the same time. Even though the child does not know this process is going on, the Mother is doing these things naturally". Then Gurudev told us that the beads we chant on, that were given to us at time of initiation, are like our umbilical cord connection to him. We receive all the nourishment we need from Gurudev at time of our chanting and following what he has told us do, and at the same time by being connected with Gurudev in this way he can remove all our unwanted anartha and sinful things. "You should know that your chanting is like this" he explained. "When you are chanting, you should know with full faith that you are connecting to your Gurudev, so deeply, you are in him, just as a child is inside the Mother, connecting through the umbilical cord, and he is nurturing and helping you. Have full faith on this~!" he told us.

I used to feel very sad that how would I ever become strong like he wanted from me, when daily I would choose maya over JAPA. He told me "don't be hopeless, if you are chanting you will be happy, have full faith in this process, don't be weak, become strong like me!"

This process of Bhakti and chanting is so beautiful! How Gurudev explained this amazing process is unfathomable to me. How his nurturing love and affection for us is taking place in our lives every time we reach out for our JAPA. We have a fresh opportunity every day of our lives to reach for him in this sweet way, and know that we are loved, protected, nurtured and purified by this sweet soul I know as my Gurudev, Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaj!

If we do not reach for him every day in our JAPA, then the next day we should try harder to do what he came to give us. It was this that he came to give us, this process by which we can attain the highest goal from this low place in our lives. To encourage us, to take the medicine that is beneficial for us eternally. When we are weak we allow maya to overtake our lives with 'busy-ness' and chit chatter. But again, we have another chance the next day to connect. Without this our lives will go on and no progress will be made. Gurudev ordered us "become like me". This is a direct instruction. We may think "how is this even possible? I cannot be like him, he is so advanced, he has reached the seemingly unattainable". But if it was unattainable he would not have given us this instruction. Therefore is a very real possibility for us to attain this goal and become like him. Gurudev chanted every day of his life, and so we should also make vow's to our own selves, that every day we will try to reach him, mixing our effort (Sadhan -chanting) with the goal (SADHYA) and our love (Bhakti)... to create a very palatable life for ourselves that is not wasted on fickle things. I pray we can all be like Gurudev. Because the world needs that much love right now.



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Jayanti Dasi I lost my japa mala that Gurudeva chanted on when I was in India. Chanting has never felt the same after that, I try but feel ultimately disconnected. Am I doomed? 😟

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 7 октября 2016 г. в 17:54


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Krishna Rose Please don't think like this Didi. You can take your JAPA to our Gurudev at the temple and lay them in his lap over night and collect the next day from him. The main umbilical cord is not the actual physical beads, but rather the umbilical cord is your effort to chant Harinam and do Bhajan every day. Nothing related to Bhakti is from the physical things of this world.

Не нравится · Ответить · 7 · 7 октября 2016 г. в 18:54 · Отредактирован

Jayanti Dasi Thank you, that sounds like a wonderful idea. I will do that.

Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 7 октября 2016 г. в 19:43

Madhav Ananda i lost over 5 that he chanted on!

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 7 октября 2016 г. в 20:00

Dayanidhi Das I didn't lose mine but I can't recognize them from the other 2 I have...;(i'm kinda clumsy. Statistically I am connected 1/3 of the time.

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 7 октября 2016 г. в 20:06 · Отредактирован


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