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There are no special mantras to obtain from any babaji. But for those devotees who have not actually taken shelter at the lotus feet of a bona fide spiritual master and who are not interested to practice the process of bhajan as it has been presented by Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, they must become bewildered and as a result of this they will look for a shortcut to attain the desired goal of bhava bhakti. Please do not be bewildered and help all by carefully studying my classes and Sri Prabanda Panchakam. I have said everything in this booklet. We have freely distributed thousands of copies in Vrndavan 3 years ago and there has not been any reply up to this day from anyone. Not even one babaji has dared to reply.

I am very pleased to hear that you all are preaching strongly against this misconception. Please convey my heartily blessings to all the devotees in Alachua, especially to my dear darling daughter Anuradha and her lovely children.

Your ever well-wisher,
Swami B.V. Narayan

Не нравится · Ответить · 7 · 2 октября 2016 г. в 21:16

Isa Dasa Srila Gurudeva's letter to His disciples in Alachua " they must become bewildered and as a result of this they will look for a shortcut to attain the desired goal of bhava bhakti."

Isa das
Darshan 2 Oct 9, 1992 SDG and Srila Narayan Maharaja on Ananta das babaji


Krishna Rose

1 октября 2016 г. ·

My Gurudev received over 500 handwritten letters from Srila Prabhupada over the life time of their friendship. I wonder if any one person can claim to have had such a close bond with Srila Prabhupada, as my Gurudev did.



Isa Das с Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyana Gosvāmī Mahārāja.

Krishna Rose Not one person from Srila Prabhupada's movement has put any name forward..... so from this I can conclude that our beloved Gurudev, was the closest person to Srila Prabhupada.... Gurudev met Srila Prabhupada in 1947! He lived with him, shared a room, served him, cooked with him, laughed and sang with him, cried with him, taught him how to wear Sannyasa cloth, wrapped his Danda the night before Prabhupada became Sannyasi. Gurudev was one of the Priests at Prabhupada's sannyasa..... they wrote back and forth so many hundreds of letters in their 30 years of friendship, and then finally Gurudev laid Prabhupada to rest in his Samadhi Mandir. No one else can claim to have had such a close-ness with Prabhupada! Not one person. So all these devotee's who make comments like "your Guru is in the enemy of Prabhupada" - I say this to you, and to your children who make these rude comments to me, and my daughters "when did you meet Prabhupada, how close were you to him"? They never even met him for one day! This is the answer. They have no leg to stand on. All they do is make offenses, and teach their children to make offenses. Very sad.

Нравится · Ответить · 5 · 4 октября 2016 г. в 17:18


Krishna Rose с Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja.

30 сентября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: When I first came to Gurudev, I had just left the music business behind. I was working as a personal assistant to many famous rock bands like, Aerosmith, Whitesnake, Robert Plant, Skid Row, Def Leppard, Fleetwood Mac, Meat Loaf, Whitney Houston, Stevie Nicks, Lenny Kravitz, HEART, Richard Marx, Bon Jovi, Ozzy Osbourne, Billy Idol, Kenny G, The Cult, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Dio, Kula Shaker, Pearl Jam, Slayer, Metallica, Cinderella, WASP, and lots more. It had been my entire life for over ten years to work with these bands traveling all over Europe with them, organizing every detail of their lives on the road, it was truly the 'golden ticket' job in many peoples eyes. We rode in limousines, private jets, had expense accounts, and memberships to all the elite / top nightclubs of Europe and London. My best friends were rock stars, and my London friends like David Lee, Sue Miller, Beatrice Nicholas, Michael Soussan, Daniel Galvin Jr., Hinano and others were enjoying the high life with me at every rock star event, dinner or clubbing out night. It was really fun for a while. After ten years of burning my candle at all ends, I was really burned out myself, I couldn't maintain a relationship, I was unhealthy, unsatisfied and ready for a change. It was so strange to suddenly give up a life that I had succeeded so well in, my friends and family were utterly disappointed and dismayed at my 'poor' choice at that time. However, it felt right to me to move on and make a life for myself that had more depth and meaning. I was awakening spiritually, and I wanted more than glitz, glamor, fame and money. I was offered jobs in America working with top Management companies, which I turned down, to pursue a life of committed spiritual change. When I met Gurudev and stayed in The Keshavaji Gaudiya Math Temple with him in Mathura, India, I had the worst kind of ear infection in both my ears. This came on after just about two weeks of staying there. I hate to admit details, but I will, for the story's sake. I had thick oozing green puss coming out of both my ears for three weeks. I was in pain, and my ears were so plugged up, I had to record every detail of Gurudev's pravachan and darshan with my little black box (recorder) just in case I missed anything. One day Gurudev asked me "how are you?" I told him, "Gurudev, I have a really painful ear infection, I can hardly hear anything at all". "Oh", he said, "I will arrange for you to see my Doctor". He arranged for someone to walk me to his local homeopathic doctor, where I was immediately taken ahead of the long line of patients and treated by him. Still the problem continued, it was not getting better. Gurudev asked me a few days later how I was again, and I said, "Gurudev I am very sick, I have green puss coming from my ears, the Doctor was kind, but his treatment has not helped". "Oh" he said, sweetly concerned, "I will arrange for you to go the local Hospital, take whatever treatment they suggest". Later that day, Gurudev arranged for one lady to take me to the local Mathura hospital, where they gave me antibiotics and slowly I started to feel better. Gurudev again checked in with me "how are you?" he asked. "I am better Gurudev, the Doctors there gave me antibiotics and said I had a high fever and infection". Gurudev leaned in towards me and said "I had to remove what went into your ears, what goes in, must come out" he chuckled. I didn't quite understand in that moment what he was referring to. It was a strange thing, but 50% of the time when I was around Gurudev I was nearly deaf with ear infections and neon green puss pouring out of my ears, this happened over and again over the years, every time I would see him. Still I did not really understand what he meant when he said what he said to me. Then when I was discussing it one day with my husband, he said to me "all that heavy metal and pop music (I wrote poop music by mistake LOL!) went in, and Gurudev had remove all that bad energy from your body, so that you could become purified and receive what he has come to give you". It made so much sense to me! One night, I had a dream, many years ago now, and I saw myself at a rock concert with my old friends, I was really there in my dream, and I was happy to see my friends, and famous friends. Then suddenly this green puss starting spilling out of my ears in the dream, and Gurudev appeared to me. "yes, this was impure sound vibration, and I am giving you pure sound vibration to help you".

Gurudev always knew exactly what it was that we needed, in order to advance, and like an expert physician he would give the medicine to all of us.

I am sitting here writing this story now, with two ears infected again from a flu I have been sick with this week, hence I had the memory of this story I am now sharing for your divine inspiration! Jaya Gurudev.

If you look closely at this photo of me with Gurudev, you will see I have cotton balls stuffed into my oozing ears! This was taken in 1996 in Los Angeles on his first American tour! :) Clean ears ki jai!

PS. For those feel I'm name dropping, I am sharing a piece of my life history, and how I came to Gurudev with my friends here on Facebook. I am explaining how music effects our consciousness. People think all this music is harmless, but actually it changes our consciousness, it does affect our energy, everything does, as we have seen with the water studies. Everything we eat, everything we hear, everything we watch affects us.



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Anjali Dasi Wow!! I had thought they were earrings. Lol
Good one

Нравится · Ответить · 5 · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 17:11

Krishna Rose funny!

Нравится · Ответить · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 17:13

Anjali Dasi What a life. My family were in rock and roll too. I guess my ears didn't get as dirty but my heart sure did

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 17:14

Nimai Nitai Das Interesting i came from very similar story in this life as a musician. Kirtan is definitely highest purifying power

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 19:10

Radha Raman Das Vanacari Ye hare krishna rose very intrestig pastime ye bv vana goswami maharaja was saying all these rock and pop stars take all of the fans karma as they are taking all that bogas worship because it is not directed to sri guru and sri radha and krishna so ye you are very fortunate to renounce that heavy association l hope you are feeling much better take some echinacea drops that will clear your flu up ok. Take care radhe radhe

Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 21:42

David Lee It was a great time in your life that you should be proud of and now you're in another chapter, there were so many good experiences, we had some fun back then XX

Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 21:43

Krishna Rose Thanks David, yes I feel so lucky to have had that time in my life, and so happy to now be where I am in this moment.... we grow up and don't get pleasure out of the same things we did when we were young and full of spunk LOL! But yes, we sure did have a great time when we were living that dream...... xxxx

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 22:29

Paramatma Das You gave up associating with Rock Stars to assiciating with a Super star in Goloka Vrindavan. Wise choice and the music we play is even Sweeter than Rock Music.

Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 1 октября 2016 г. в 15:19


Krishna Rose

29 сентября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: I had become good friends with Bhagavan, whilst living in Maui, and one year in Badger he arranged for Gurudev to meet a small group of ISKCON leaders, in Three Rivers, to see if they could resolve the issue of Gurudev having been 'banned' from their temples. After the meeting, Gurudev told us some of what had transpired in that meeting. This was also confirmed by Srimati Syamarani Didi (Jadurani) "What do I have to do, to be part of ISKCON?" Gurudev asked the small group of ISKCON GBC members. "You have to chant 16 rounds a day" they told him. "I have chanted 64 rounds a day for 50 years" he said, "is this acceptable?" Gurudev said sweetly. 'Yes okay, and you have to follow the four regulative principals, no meat eating, no sex outside of marriage, no intoxication and no gambling" they said. "I was born to a Vaisnava family, I never ate meat a day in my life, I never gambled, I never had intoxication of any kind, and I never had sex outside of marriage" Gurudev explained to them sweetly. "Anything else?" he asked. "You have to be initiated by a bonafide Guru" they said. "My Gurudev is Bhakti Prajnana Keshava Goswami Maharaja, he is the Sannyasa Guru of your Srila Prabhupada, so he is bonafide?" he asked them. What could they say? If they said no to Gurudev, then Prabhupada never really took Sannyasa, so they agreed "yes, he is a bonafide Guru". "Or should I become your disciple, and take any guru in iSKCON who may fall?" said Gurudev, "so what is the problem? ISKCON means International Society for Krishna Consciousness, this movement of Bhakti at it's head is Caitanya Mahaprabhu,, and we are all followers of Rupa Goswami, so we are all in one movement together. Do you believe that Rupa Goswami is in ISKCON?" he asked. They had to think for a while and could not reply LOL! "Because you preach things different to Srila Prabhupada, you cannot come to our temples" they said, grasping at straws. "Where have I spoken something against Prabhupada? Never!" he said boldly. "Swamiji (Prabhupada) is my Siksha Guru, we have been friends for 40 years, he wrote me over 500 handwritten letters, he was so near and dear to me, he is my siksha Guru, I have only come on his order, he ordered me, to help his disciples, so I am now coming to help. I have not come for anything else" Gurudev explained to them. Still it was not enough, they could not find a way to agree that Gurudev should be allowed to even enter an ISKCON temple, yet they could not find fault in his answers. It was heart breaking. What a disgrace. Gurudev later explained "they are trying to control the flow of Bhakti, but a branch cannot be independent of the tree".



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Krishna Rose Here is one thing Gurudev said on this matter, it is so perfect and so moving - true. The devotees in ISKCON think that they are the only one's who knew Prabhupada and follow him, but the truth is, Gurudev knew Prabhupada better than any of them, he lived with him, and spent months at a time living with him, discussing so many things, people forget this, or they don't know this! Here Gurudev explains: Srila Narayana Maharaja: But you should also know that I have been serving him since 1946, when there was no League of Devotees and no ISKCON. Your Prabhupada was a householder at that time, and he was one of the establishing members of the Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti. He was one of the founders, and I have served him and associated with him since that time. I have experience of more than 54 years service to him. Moreover, I know that he is still alive and I want to follow him as my guru. I see no difference between us. Our bodies are different and our pronunciation of words is different, but we are in the same disciplic line of philosophy and mood.
Also, I was the priest of his sannyasa ceremony in 1959. So I consider that I am also his disciple. The GBC leaders should not think that only they have served him. I think that I have served more than anyone, from the core of my heart. I have so much regard for him. If anyone says that only he has served, that is very painful for me to hear. They should realize these things.

Не нравится · Ответить · 18 · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 16:44

Krishna Rose Here is more: Srila Narayana Maharaja: I am ready to help. But we should honor each other and think that we are in the same family of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Whether someone is a kanistha-adhikari (a beginner in bhakti) or an uttama adhikari (a self-realized soul), we are all in the same family of Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
Sravasa dasa: If I could interject something? I don't think that Narayana Maharaja cannot come to the temple. He can come to the temple, but there are certain restrictions. There are certain restrictions the GBC have recommended for him coming to the temple; so I think we should focus more on that.
Srila Narayana Maharaja: Anyone else can go, without restrictions.
Sravas dasa: Yes.

Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 16:46

Suchandra Dasi 😱

Нравится · Ответить · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 3:58

Ramananda Das Thats a small part of a class i put on youtube (probably after the meeting). But there is an actual recording of the meeting somewhere...

Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 16:55 · Отредактирован

Ramananda Das could be this one



20000531 LA Bhakti Caru Hiridananda Bhagavan Dravida Meeting with Srila BV…


Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 16:54

Krishna Rose Yes this is the actual meeting, if you watch the entire film, you will see over and over again how they talk to Gurudev, it just breaks my heart, they are so offensive, and they think so much of themselves - there is so much ego in that room, and then our sweet Gurudev, oh what awful things he had to tolerate for us, in this world....

Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 1:24 · Отредактирован

Damodara Dasa I was encouraged to see the nature of the exchange - notwithstanding some of the lack of cultural refinement at times. It looked so promising. Was the agreement about a further meeting followed through. Either way, what then happened?

Нравится · Ответить · 7 октября 2016 г. в 9:48

Shyamarupa Dasa "a branch cannot be independent of the tree." True that, my sister. Srila Prabhupada wanted cooperation, knowing that strength comes in numbers. We are the same family, same sampradaya. Very sad and very disappointing. :-\

Нравится · Ответить · 5 · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 17:16

Krishna Rose What makes me sad, is that there is not one person in ISKCON who can claim to know Prabhupada, or be so close to Srila Prabhupada as our Gurudev was and is. I challenge anyone in iSKCON to put forward their name if there is such a person. If anyone can say they were closer to Prabhupada than my Gurudev I want to know that person. All I know is that my Gurudev served Prabhupada for so many years in India long before Prabhupada came to the West. Gurudev received 500 hand written letters from Prabhupada over the years he was in the West and Gurudev was in Mathura serving his own Gurudev. They were dearest of friends, and Gurudev spoke about Prabhupada so sweetly everywhere he went, and inspired all Prabhupada followers again to follow Bhakti, in a more deep way. I still cannot fathom the things I witnessed. I am devastated. I think it is long over due that ISKCON wrote a paper apologizing for their offenses to Gurudev, and to the followers of Gurudev. It is long over due. I hear children in the play grounds saying things like "Your Guru is the enemy of Prabhupada" - to my daughter who is a disciple of Gurudev. Also one young girl 12 years old said to my daughter "I wouldn't be seen dead even driving past your Guru's temple!" in a proud way. Is this really what our movement of love has come to? That we raise our children to speak like this about someone else's Guru? Already the children are aparadhi's. Just recently one girl said to my daughter "you Guru is not qualified to give initiation" - she is 12 yrs old! I had one girl who was teaching all the children in Alachua to play the harmonium, recently told me "I cannot teach your daughter harmonium because I want only to teach people who are serving Srila Prabhupada"! Can you imagine talking like this to a 12 year old child?! This lady came to our home, broke the front gate to our home, knocked down 2 posts on our farm fences when she left, after she saw I had a photo of Gurudev framed in our temple room. This happened just a few months ago, and this lady is a teacher at my daughters school! I felt so heartbroken that my 12 yr old daughter, who loves her Gurudev, is made to feel ashamed of her faith, by these people... who call themselves followers of Prabhupada - yet I want to know where Prabhupada said it would be okay for his disciples to make Vaisnava aparadha. It shows the shame of the parents, that these children are already having this aparadhi attitude at such a young spiritual life.

Не нравится · Ответить · 14 · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 19:17 · Отредактирован

Ishan Chaitanya that is just bloody awful. if i could apologize on behalf of iskcon, i would... but alas, that cannot work. there are beginners everywhere and these are some of the symptoms, apparently... truly pathetic but what can you do? we can grab onto externals like a drowning man to a straw and still we won't be saved from aparadha. for many, unfortunately, it will take many years, even lifetimes to overcome this. patience and tolerance and compassion are a priceless commodity. again, i'm really really sorry that you have to go through such things. and especially for the children being taught this way. heartbreaking.

Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 19:37

Dasaratha Suta It's really unbelievable that these things are still going on around here in Alachua, and especially turning children into venomous offenders! All these people chant multiple times a day, "samaveta bhakta vrnda ki jaya!" Then they say the translation, "all glories to the assembled devotees!" THREE TIMES!!!

Нравится · Ответить · 6 · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 2:08 · Отредактирован

Vrindavan Das Yes Mother You Are Right... Recently Same Situation Is Happened With Me, I Am The Diciple of HDG Kirtanananda Swami Srila Bhaktipada, Srila Prabhupada's First American Sanyasi Diciple, His Appearance Day was on 6th September And I Make A Nice Video of His Photos To Dedicate Him Lots of People Liked It But Couple of Devotees(I don't wants mention Thier names) are criticised Him Very Badly With Abusive Langauge, And they Said That They Diciple And Follower of Srila Prabhupada's, Neverthless We Just Follow Our Gurudev Instructions, Don't take Tensions From Them, Krishna Watching Everyone...

Нравится · Ответить · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 22:23

Bhadra Dasi Dasaratha Suta And they regularly chant 'Vanca-kalpa-taru-byasya... '

"I offer my pranam to ALL the Vaisnava devotees of the Lord"

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 22:36

Acyutananda Dasa This is very heartbreaking to hear about didi

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 22:44

Suchandra Dasi I'm shocked :'(

Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 0:51

Paramatma Das That is sad Krsna Vallabha. That is not what Prabhupada taught in the 70s as he taught us to love all Vaishnavas. There is a sweet mood here in New Braja and there is mutual respect here. but in other temples the parents should not train there families to create more aparadha in alachua and other Iskcon temples.

Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 30 сентября 2016 г. в 7:59 ·

Lenny Sislac @"What do I have to do, to be part of ISKCON?"

Practically exact same question is asked by all Prabhupada disciples who are not gurus. There are 77 ISKCON gurus, a few quite successful, majority still in the start-up phase. Unless you are a living legend visiting their temples causes kind of irritation. Gurus and their disciples also don't mix so much with other yatras at Mayapur festival. There is lots of language barrier and only at kirtan melas they seem to associate. So actually this example is quite good, airplanes once in the air have hardly any contact with one another... :-)

Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 29 сентября 2016 г. в 18:57


Krishna Rose

25 сентября 2016 г. ·

Gurudeva memories: This is such a sweet and amazing past-time of my Gurudev! In Badger one year, one very sweet disciple of Srila Prabhupada came to Gurudev with so much affection bringing with her the gift of some lovely cup cakes she prepared specially for Gurudev. She has been a follower of Gurudev since the early days, and had incredible faith and devotion. She brought to Gurudev the cup cakes as an offering, and Gurudev very sweetly said "oh, what is this?" "These are some cakes I made for you Gurudev" she replied. "Oh, I will have to hide them from Madhava Maharaja" he giggled (meaning that Gurudev's servant would not allow Gurudev to eat them, as they were filled with sugar and butter which were not considered good for his health). Madhava Maharaja sure enough came and took the cup cakes away from Gurudev's bed where he sat. Gurudev was chuckling, but this devotee was so sad.

Then later that same day, Gurudev called her to him and gave her the cupcakes back thanking her very sweetly. She went home and shared the cupcakes with her friends and family members, and when she went to take the cupcakes out of the holders, the tops just came off, and there inside she saw that Gurudev had eaten the insides of the cakes and put the tops back on so Madhava Maharaja would not notice. All became astonished and wild with happiness!

Only someone from the spiritual world would think of doing something so tricky, and so sweet. Gurudev didn't want to offend this sweet humble devotee, but he also didn't want to upset his hardworking and devoted servant Madhava Maharaja, so he satisfied them both with his lovely crooked sense of humor.


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