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Bhakti Yoga Radha Kanti So funny! He did the same in Badger with the kids that did cup cakes for him.
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 26 сентября 2016 г. в 7:21 · Отредактирован
Prabodha Das Das I know about similar story of cup cakes too, but Gurudev take from the base of cake and do this in middle of one darsan.
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 26 сентября 2016 г. в 23:14
Krishna Rose
23 сентября 2016 г. ·
Memories of Gurudeva: It was 1996, Gurudeva was in England for the first time ever, it was a historical moment for England. I remember how Chitra Jones and Gopi, rented a beautiful house in Glastonbury, to host Gurudeva and all the devotee's for a week of festivities. It was Gurudeva's first time in England ever, and the excitement in Glastonbury was electric! There were literally hundreds, of people on the street in Glastonbury when Gurudeva arrived, everyone was dancing and singing, and the programs were amazing! Some devotee in another part of England decided to 'steal' Gurudeva away from us, and Chitra and Gopi had spent about $10,000 hiring this house for Gurudeva, it was so off the cuff that Gurudeva was taken like that, and then this devotee blocked all of us from seeing Gurudeva, and left us all driving around Bath for hours looking for some place to take prasadam. After two hours of uselessly chasing this dream, we decided to leave and go to Glastonbury, without our Gurudeva, and there we sat, waiting for Gurudeva to visit us. It was utterly devastating to us all. I felt so sad, as Chitra and Gopi had poured so much effort into those programs in Glastonbury. They did so much service to help make the devotee's comfortable, it was one of my favorite programs, minus the fact that Gurudeva didn't come to us for a few days.... But when Gurudeva did finally arrive, he was SOOO sweet with us saying "I missed you all so much, where were you all, I was looking for your faces every day, but no one came". Then he said "just because some devotee's seem so close to Gurudeva, do not assume they are so advanced, they need more purification than others that is why they are with Gurudeva". With this he appeased our aching hearts and made us all so happy again. The program in Glastonbury was ecstatic! There were SO many people there, the room where the program was held in Glastonbury High Street was PACKED, you couldn't get one more body into the room, and it was a LARGE hall. Very monumental historical moment for Glastonbury, and the lucky souls who met him there! Thank you Chitra, so much for all your service.... You always did so much for everyone! It didn't go unnoticed by many of us!
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Ramananda Das Thank u for sharing! I remember the long Kirtan before Gurudev finally came and it all exploded!
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 24 сентября 2016 г. в 0:57
Jaysree Dasi Madan Mohan thank you so much for sharing this footage, it's made me so happy, and tomorrow devotees with be gathering again in the assembly rooms after Rathayatra 💜
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 24 сентября 2016 г. в 15:04
Chitra Jones Thank you my sweetest soul sister, my heart is deeply touched by your acknowledgement, of what Gopi and I did, I really wanted Gurudev to come to the sacred Isle of Avalon, we showed Gurudev the Tor, as Goverdhan, the Chalice Well and White Spring as the Yamuna and the Ganga. Gurudev so appreciated being here in the Heartland. x
Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 25 сентября 2016 г. в 12:22
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Krishna Rose
21 сентября 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: Here is what Gurudev told me about Tilak. He said "tears mixed with dust become mud. When we put water in Gopi-Chandan (till), we should think, this is our tears, my tears, mixing with my hope and my pure aspiration". Syamarani that year also elaborated for me "the two lines are Radha and Krishna, with Tulsi connecting them at the top of our noses, the cleaning out of the center between the lines is our spiritual aspiration, our pure unadulterated expectation and hope. I never thought of Tilak the same way again. It is so good to know the moods behind the ritualistic things that we do. This is what Gurudev taught us. Why we do what we do, that we should know what is behind the ritual, the rule, the act. Then love can be included as the ingredient we need to perfect what we do.
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Vladislava Darakchieva Dear Krishna Rose, I decided to share with you the most beautiful explanation about the meaning of the Tilak. It was given by your God brother from Switzerland, Krishna-chandra prabhu, who is a disciple of your Gurudeva Narayan Maharaj. So it is very possible that he heard it from Narayan Maharaj. This is the description, which a devotee shared with me:
"Krishna-candra put my tilak on for my initiation, and explained to me what it means. The two lines are Radha and Krishna and the space between them is the separation. The tulasi leaf is at the level of the eyes, because we want to see them unite in Vrindavan."
Не нравится · Ответить · 8 · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 19:03
Sudevi Devi Dasi Love Krsna Chandra! He's the best!
Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 23 сентября 2016 г. в 1:10
Vladislava Darakchieva You said it!
Нравится · Ответить · 23 сентября 2016 г. в 1:13
Lalita Sakhi Completely ecstatic! I also heard Shyamarani didi say that Om Kesavaya Namah means I meditate on assisting Rupa Manjari who is assisting Krsna who is combing the long beautiful soft hair of Srimati Radhika!
Нравится · Ответить · 14 · 21 сентября 2016 г. в 15:56
Isha Thakurani I heard before then I meet Gurudev..one line is Krishna one is jiva...jive is connetd to Sri Krishna by to Tulsi devi.
I love the Gurudeva explanation
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 21 сентября 2016 г. в 16:19
Syama Priya Devi Dasi So rasika! I was told that too. Also, it is very important for ladies NOT to put the red bhindi between the two lines of tilak.
Нравится · Ответить · 5 · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 10:40
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Anjali Dasi Where do you put it?
Wow! Radha and Krishna playing football
Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 11:02
Syama Priya Devi Dasi We should not wear any bhindi, only sindur in the parting of our hair if we wish.
Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 11:16
Anjali Dasi Oh really? So many bindis I see. They are even recommend for brahmacarinis to pretend they are married. I never used them though, ever.
Nothing stops Indian men looking at Western women 😞
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 11:20 · Отредактирован
Syama Priya Devi Dasi Bhindi does not even mean that you are married. Indian girls wear them when they are not married. It is the red sindur, and the black and gold necklace (in some areas) and the red and white bangles (in other areas).
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 11:24
Isha Thakurani The last kartik when there was Srila Gurudev I was sitting in the temple with my husband listening the class and some bramachari touch my hands and the back..I was wearing bindi..sindur..my ring married, I was in the temple near my husband! I was so angry...I turn my head around and one indian sanniasy with some bramachari were sitting laughing... this is not so good!
Нравится · Ответить · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 11:52 · Отредактирован
Suchandra Dasi Men all over the world can be found in this way, not just Indian. I have heard such horror stories. There are good and bad people everywhere.
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 12:35
Lalita Sakhi Wjy no bhindi? Syama Priya Devi Dasi?
Нравится · Ответить · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 21:00 · Отредактирован
Vladislava Darakchieva Yes, really why no bindi?
Нравится · Ответить · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 18:57
Shyam Das Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura said we should not put anything in the clear space between the two tilak lines.
Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 21:37
Sudevi Devi Dasi Gurudeva told me I should always wear my wedding sringar, including bindis. They are mahaprasadam of Srimatiji and he said they are protection.
He said that even demigods wish to enjoy through our bodies and we become indebted to them, but for a woman to wear her married sringar tells them that they cannot. Hahaha cute huh?
Its a long story, but thats the point of it.
Нравится · Ответить · 6 · 23 сентября 2016 г. в 1:09
Anjali Dasi Sudevi Devi Dasi then how does an unmarried woman tell that to demigods???
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 23 сентября 2016 г. в 7:54
Sudevi Devi Dasi Haha, well I suppose he was making a point for married ladies.
Perhaps its also why we wear tilak not only on our heads, but over our bodies to show that we belong to Hari, Guru and Vaisnavas. Also kanti mala...
But its not wrong for married women to wear bindis if they are mahaprasadam from Srimatiji....that was the point.
Gurudeva actually said that I should always wear those signs. It has been good for preaching!
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 23 сентября 2016 г. в 19:03
Kanai Das At the time of carefully cleaning the space that seperats the two lines, one could say: "I long to be Radhas dasi that's my only aspiration."
Нравится · Ответить · 2 · 23 сентября 2016 г. в 8:37 · Отредактирован
Kishori Mohan I heard that when Srila Gurudeva would apply his tilak, he would chant the prayer of his heart... tavaivasmi tavaivasmi, na jivami.....
Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 23 сентября 2016 г. в 3:15
Krishna Rose
20 сентября 2016 г. ·
Gurudev memories: Gurudev spoke to us in so many ways that made the Kingdom of God (Vraj Dham) so accessible for us, we could touch it with our consciousness when sitting with him. In England in 1996, Gurudev said to a small group of us, something so beautiful and faith-full - "all the associates of Mahaprabhu have come to take us, they are so merciful. Rupa, Ragunnatha, their whole line has come to help you. So you should be strong, and know that surely you will have this thing (Bhakti - pure love for God). One thing is, you should never give up chanting Holy Name, so many problems and sufferings may come in your life, so many distractions, but you should have strong faith, and you should proceed, knowing that one day you will have pure love and affection for Krishna and Srimati Radhika (God and Goddess). Try to follow Upadesh-Amrita (Nectar of Instruction) of Rupa Goswami, you should have that book, also Manah-Siksha (Instructions to the Mind) of Das Goswami, and Sri Siksastakam of Mahaprabhu like a garland in your heart".
Gurudev here is directly telling us all, that the goal of life is available to us, it is not something unattainable. Some sisters and brothers say to me "in my next life", or "I am not qualified", or "I am weak".... yet here Gurudev is telling us boldly we can attain this, it is mercy in the form of faith. If we believe it is available, then it is accessible, if we don't believe we can attain this goal, then our faith is weak. If we believe and trust in the words of Gurudev, then what he has said here is real. He is not just speaking words, he giving us a very real opportunity.
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Prabodha Das Das Srila Gurudev said if we dedicate ourselves like Dhruva maharaja do it, in 6 months we can obtain it.
Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 20 сентября 2016 г. в 23:45
Krishna Rose Wow! 6 months... okay... maybe we should have a faith marathon for all Gurudev's disciples, and everyone can try and shoot hard for the goal... and see what the results are? LOL! Wouldn't it be amazing if we all did that together?!
Нравится · Ответить · 4 · 21 сентября 2016 г. в 2:08
Tirtha Das I'm in. Let's do it but 6months sound a bit too looooong... I'm thinking a two week marathon. 😜
😜 Lol
Нравится · Ответить · 21 сентября 2016 г. в 16:01
Krishna Rose
19 сентября 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: In 1996, Gurudev would leave Mathura, India for the first time and go on his first Western tour, the first of many amazing events to come. We had a little white van which Madan Mohan drove us all around England in, as we travelled everywhere with Gurudev that very special year. The programs were very small to begin with. I can remember when Gurudev first arrived, we were all staying at Sridam Sakha's flat in Radlett, near Watford. It was a 2 story apartment, downstairs all of us stayed, while Gurudev was upstairs. At Gurudev's first greeting upon arriving in England for the first time ever, Toongi Tungi offered Gurudev a foot bathing ceremony. It was a historical moment for us all! The mood was so sweet, a small family of devotee's, we were all friendly and affectionate towards one another, carrying on Gurudev's sweet mood to all of us. We were crowded in the little living room, watching Gurudev's feet be bathed, singing sweetly.
In the back of the room stood three people from the Bhaktivedanta Manor ISKCON Temple, they observed everything like spies, it was obvious they were not there to respect and give honor to Gurudeva, they were there as spies for the GBC, and they went on their way once the "greeting of Gurudeva" was over.
Within days Ravindra Svarup, who was head of the GBC for ISKCON at that time, had taken our simple offering to Gurudeva and turned it into an offensive wild fire gossip machine that spread throughout the devotee community across the world. It was a verbal ban for anyone from ISKCON to come to see Gurudev. I received hate mail from people telling me that my Guru was the enemy of Prabhupada, and all sorts of heinous offensive things. It hurt like hell to see my beloved Guru spoken about in this way. Meanwhile, Gurudev simple said "I do not take offense, they do not know what they do" - reminded me so much of Jesus being crucified "they do not know what they do"... he cried.
All over the internet were lies after lies in one long letter, that the Head of the GBC had put out all over the internet that Gurudeva had received “sensual massage from his gopis, while he enjoyed it”. When in truth, we had bathed Gurudeva with our tears. From that day on Gurudeva never allowed us ladies to bathe is feet. Things changed pretty fast. It was that letter than began the hail storm of offense that descended onto Gurudev's camp like a wild fire.
No apology letter ever came from the GBC, or that devotee who calls himself a guru yet made Vaisnava aparadha of the worst kind. It was heartbreaking for us all.
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Sacinandana Dasa No problem... I remember Srila Gurudeva saying when he came to Australia something to the effect of "Very good. This is free advertising, and their advertising will arouse curiosity." He said it is just like when Srila Rupa Goswami said "If you want to enjoy the material world at all, then don't go to see that dark Boy down by the Yamuna."
Нравится · Ответить · 6 · 20 сентября 2016 г. в 5:08 · Отредактирован
Bhakti Yoga Radha Kanti When he came to Costa Rica in 1999, after my father died, he said: "I want to go to your house", so I ran like crazy and prepared everything within three hours. I drove him to my house and I also bathed his lotus feet next to my dear son Giridhari das. I remember trying to 'scrub' his feet, lol, so long I took, that he gave me a little kick for me to stop! When we went with him to Idaho to Gaura Priyas didi´s house and Radhapriya Devi Dasi McNamara´s house, they also bathed his feet, if I am not wrong.
Не нравится · Ответить · 7 · 20 сентября 2016 г. в 15:56 · Отредактирован
Radhapriya Devi Dasi McNamara Yes my mother bathed his feet. I can't remember if I did, because I didn't know what to do, but I remember watching her.
Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 21 сентября 2016 г. в 2:19
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Bhakti Yoga Radha Kanti When he came to Costa Rica in 1999, after my father died, he said: "I want to go to your house", so I ran like crazy and prepared everything within three hours. I drove him to my house and I also bathed his lotus feet next to my dear son Giridhari das. I remember trying to 'scrub' his feet, lol, so long I took, that he gave me a little kick for me to stop! When we went with him to Idaho to Gaura Priyas didi´s house and Radhapriya Devi Dasi McNamara´s house, they also bathed his feet, if I am not wrong.
Не нравится · Ответить · 7 · 20 сентября 2016 г. в 15:56 · Отредактирован
Radhapriya Devi Dasi McNamara Yes my mother bathed his feet. I can't remember if I did, because I didn't know what to do, but I remember watching her.
Нравится · Ответить · 1 · 21 сентября 2016 г. в 2:19
Madan Mohan Stunning photo! Pure compassion. That one's going on my wall... "They are serving me more than my own disciples!" was Srila Gurudeva's response to the ultra-offensive letter sent to all devotees in Watford by HH Sivarama Swami, warning everyone that going to see Srila Narayan Maharaja would be "detrimental to their guru-bhakti." If he was their guru, then never a truer word was spoken. Once any sincere aspiring devotee met Srila Gurudeva, the pure devotee imbued with all 26 Vaishnava qualities, their faith in any lesser or pseudo gurus would surely diminish.
The actual effect of the letter was comprehensive free publicity throughout the Iskcon devotee community via a mailing list to which none of Srila Gurudeva's disciples had access. Everywhere Srila Gurudeva was opposed, his glories increased. "Wherever there are battles, there are also victories!" was the fearless war-cry of Lion Acharaya Srila Bhativedanta Narayan Goswami Maharaja, successor acharya of the pristine Gaudiya Vaishnava bhagavat-guru parampara, awarded the title "Yuga Acharya" by his disciples and followers in India in acknowledgement of a lifetime devoted to spreading the pure message of Sri Chaitanya's movement, and fully reviving a failing and shrinking Iskcon movement while many of it's so-called "leaders" snapped at his heels like a pack of dogs. "They are like babies vomiting on their mother. No harm." he would say, smiling, as he carried on completely unperturbed. Srila Gurudeva ki jaya!
Chitra Jones Yes lovely photo, I also remember how hard Gopivallabha worked to supply the van that Madan mohan drove the devotees around for weeks etc, the same devotees always get the credit while others always get ignored.
Нравится · Ответить · 22 сентября 2016 г. в 18:01
Krishna Rose I remember how Chitra Jones and Gopi, rented a beautiful house in Glastonbury, to host Gurudeva and all the devotee's for a week of festivities. It was Gurudeva's first time in England ever, and the excitement in Glastonbury was electric! There were literally hundreds, of people on the street in Glastonbury when Gurudeva arrived, everyone was dancing and singing, and the programs were amazing! Some devotee in another part of England decided to 'steal' Gurudeva away from us, and Chitra and Gopi had spent about $10,000 hiring this house for Gurudeva, it was so offensive to steal Gurudeva like that, and then this devotee blocked all of us from seeing Gurudeva, and left us all driving around Bath for hours looking for some place to take prasadam. After two hours of uselessly chasing this dream, we decided to leave and go to Glastonbury, without our Gurudeva, and there we sat, waiting for Gurudeva to visit us. It was utterly devastating to us all. I felt so sad, as Chitra and Gopi had poured so much effort into those programs in Glastonbury. They did so much service to help make the devotee's comfortable, it was one of my favorite programs, minus the fact that Gurudeva didn't come to us for a few days.... But when Gurudeva did finally arrive, he was SOOO sweet with us saying "I missed you all so much, where were you all, I was looking for your faces every day, but no one came". Then he said "just because some devotee's seem so close to Gurudeva, do not assume they are so advanced, they need more purification than others that is why they are with Gurudeva". With this he appeased our aching hearts and made us all so happy again. The program in Glastonbury was ecstatic! There were SO many people there, the room where the program was held in Glastonbury High Street, was PACKED, you couldn't get one more body into the room, and it was a LARGE hall. Very monumental historical moment for Glastonbury, and the lucky souls who met him there! Thank you Chitra, so much, for all your service.... You always did so much for everyone! It didn't go unnoticed by many of us!
Нравится · Ответить · 3 · 23 сентября 2016 г. в 15:13
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Krishna Rose
15 сентября 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: I feel so fortunate to have been part of the formative years of Gurudeva’s preaching programs in the West. Gurudeva gave us everything inside the core of our hearts, he planted so many treasures for us and it is now our duty to dive inside and search them out with “do or die” mentality “I will do it, or I will die!” This is Guru Nishta. If we do not do this, Gurudeva promised “I will follow you to hell life time after lifetime to bring you home”. Such is his love and compassion for us, it is more than I can imagine. Now in his physical absence we are left with a plethora of memories to ‘chew’ on when we chant and do bhajan. When I think of him, I feel no separation, he is right here with me. When I don’t think of him, I am in the material world floating from one maya to another, thinking my happiness is there. It is always Gurudeva who reminds me by hook or by crook, to come back, and to search for those treasures with strength. He would always say to me “become like me”, and I would say “but I can’t, I am so weak Gurudeva”. He would say “become strong!” This is his order to us all. Jaya Gurudeva!
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Krishna Rose
13 сентября 2016 г. ·
Gurudeva memories: I hear from so many of Gurudeva's disciples that they came later on in Gurudeva's earthly past-times, and they did not get so much personal interaction with Srila Gurudeva. People feel disheartened that they have missed something, or not been given so much, as some of us who had more time with Gurudeva.
To these devotees I want to say, please do not give up hope, one moment's association with a pure Vaisnava has so much power to change the course of our ship. In our life, if we can stay focused on our own internal daily state, taking time each day to cover our heads, sit quietly somewhere to meditate without any disturbances, alone, and chant for 2 hours a day until at least 16 rounds are done, remembering there is one Cintamanih tree (wish fulfilling) and underneath it, there is a golden throne made of the most exquisite gems. There upon this throne sits the cintamani (wish fulfilling vision) of our own Bhajan - Sri Sri Radha Krishna.